THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L. N YSSA. OREGON. TH U R SD A Y . OCTOBER 30. 1952 P A G E FOURTEEN furiai JVrtiititii'5 fohn Ol-.en Mr W arren Farmer von high and Mr F a m e * won sec- nd * —♦ • A m ity Club M eets Hartley. Mr- T m J ;n M. - II w- Mrs. Henry Z»bell wa hostess *o ard Ls.vejoy, Mr- Harry Anderson members o f the Junior Women's Amity club la-t Friday evening Mi gebritsen entertained at a dessert and Mr>. Yv alter M Part land Dean Fife gave a case hi tory of br.dge party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Phillip Woodard. Featured Mae Lueck. who is returning to her Entertain Brid t* Club ;>eaker of the evening was Mrs. home in Chicago thi' week-end a f­ Mr. a M Id Jesse Higney who led a discussion ter an extended visit at the home of tertained tile men. < t " f their Mr. and Mrs. Ingebritsen. bridge club at their li mr Thursday on the "Handicapped and Excep­ Pr.ze winners were Mrs Murl Lan­ evening. Our t playe: were Mr and tional Child." Mrs. Jule Geiger < f Odgen, Utah, was a guest Refresh- caster and Mrs. Carlo Buchner. Mr b r l Roll Mi 1 meuts were served to 20 w.-men. Other attending were Mrs. Henry Mi Lloyd v. Miss Lueck Honored Mel In- Baby S h o w er Held 47 Miss Dorothy Erwin and Miss Fumi Ka ahara were co-hostesses at I a b.. iy ihow er honoring Janalee and her mother. Mrs. M Wilson, at their home Tuesday evening. Stork-shap­ ed favers were used in the decora­ tion. Cum. lor S* hool Rru'£.n,Mt,un. Mrr Sarah H Knox, S.C., 1006 l l r o . i l » . ; bl-if . l’orlland. Halloween Masquerade DANCE 9 P. M. S A T U R D A Y , NOV. 1 At Eagles Hail N y ssa / c X Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Sanders, of N'yvsa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Slum ber P a rty H eld Miss Vela Dee Poulson was hostess Donald E. Bishop, son of Mr. and it a slumber party given at h er' Mrs. W. A. Bishop, of Nyssa. No home Friday evening after the wedding dale lias been set. Weiser-Nyssa game Oct. 24. Refresh- ■ nients, Including chili, were served I are visiting friend- and relatives in to guests. Janice Williams. Junej this area One of their visitations Peterson, Elsa Sanders, Darlene An- I was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ler on, Ronnie Mitchell and V ir­ Roy Barnes. ginia Tucker. ili;. . ne coming m after the dead­ line Several factors have to be r , p 'r e ad- vertiser is in La-t week, for instance, we accep.ed a lat# ad that cost the Journal 20 percent more than the revenue received because of its be­ ing late and cur inadequate equip- mq;it. The advertiser had a message to give the public, he did net know about certain arrangements until the la -.t minute and there was no other way to spread the word around the ommun.ty It is part of the duty of a newspaper to provide the service, if at all possible. This will be the last of the cam­ paign issue» for two more years, and we’re both glad and sorry. In p.-e of mud-slinging, injured feel­ ings and ruffled feathers all along the line, we thoroughly enjoy a poli­ tical free-for-all, and we’re selfish enough, yet we hope honest enough, to a d m it-w e like increased gross business whether the net shows up I any greater or not— that we won’t know for ancther two or three weeks. On the other hand, it will be Editor's Beat Father, Son Feted (Continued from Page 2) Dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curry was in time before election and some of the celebration of two birthdays, Mr. regular customers have been asked Curry's-, Oct. 25, and their son'.. to wait for their commercial print­ Gerald, Oct. 21. Helping to celebrate were the two ing. In some re-pects, news has been Mrs. Currys and Mr. and Mrs. Jack neglected, not intentionally to oc Sweaney and family of Caldwell. sure, but on a few occasions we have been given "tips" which have P ro gressive Card P a rty St. Paul's Episcopal guild held a been reported as news, but lacking progressive club party at the homes iti some details that more time for f the various members with 32 research would have brought about. tables in play Tuesday evening. W ith a very red face, we admit that Couples returned to the church for i two news stories were omitted for j up other reason than that the copy refreshments. Bridge winners were Dr. J. W was covered up 111 the jumble of Olsen first, Mrs K ay Brindle second, j papers on the editor’s desk. One wvs j used, with no dire consequences the 1 nd l^ard Wieneke low. Canasta winner were Mrs. Tom following week, and the other forced Church firs-t, Lyle Miner second, and 1 tihe Civic club to make changes In plans for their cemetery naming Artie Robertson low. Pinochle winners were Mrs. W alter project. Mrs. H. R. Sherwood's Fox first, Mrs. Elmer Cruson second, j graciousnes.s following -our explana- I tion is sincerely appreciated. Other and Ward Tyler low. i items have been "crowded out" just at press time, and while efforts are Church D inner Held i made to leave out only items usable The Riev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson the following week, they are im­ entertained 28 guests for dinner portant to someone who has been Sunday. Those attending were char­ disappointed. ter members and their families of Again, it must be considered that Church o f the Nazarene. Out-of- town guests from Nampa were Mr. not always i- advertising space sold and Mrs. Roy Olmstead and Mrs just for revenue. We have had sev­ eral instances in which circum- Ray Shoemaker. 1 stances- meant more cost to us than the total revenue from an ad, especi- pleasant to return to pubh.-hmg 1 newspaper primarily for Uie pe pie of the Nyssa community, to give more attention to the lu lie new.-, items that are the backbone o f a weekly paper and to the local ad­ vertisers and printing customers. One advantage o f the weekly press is that after two weeks at the most, the 1262 election will be a thing o f tlie p . wuile tiie daily c. lmiir.- l-t will be spending the next four years defining the why and where­ fores of the voting -trength here and there and what might have been done for this or that candidate 'o have won. KNIFE • SHARPENING W h ile Y ou W a it “ H a v e T h e K een est E dge In T o w n ” HARTMAN'S 2 Mi. E. A t L o ck er A v e . See Us For Y our Coal Furnace and Cleaning Oil and Furnaces Repairing • - Coleman Dust Floor Stop Furnacea Filters ffllißlSß RE I*. ROBERT V. THORNTON of Tillamook — candidate for State Attorney General. Thorn­ ton stands for scrupulous law enforcement, for a by-partisian state crime commission; simple ballot titles in plain English that tell y ir voter what he is voting for. A L L K IN D S SHEET M ET A L W O R K H E A T I N G NEED S EDERS HARDWARE Pd Adv. Tillamook for Thornton Nonpartisan Comm . C H Berg­ strom, Mrs. Earl Sweet, Chmn. Phone 46 Here's SEWING MACHINES • • LOCAL NEWS First Hand Knowledge of European Problems A n a director of nine Displaced Persons Camps with CNItRA in Europe, John (1. Jones worked with many nationalities and understands their problems and attitudes. Today, as never before, wisdom and sound judgment is needed in Congress. Tire times demand a representative who understands the perplexing problems of world leader­ ship. As your representative his experience should serve well the nation’s needs In Congress John wilt represent Al.l. the people. Jones for Congress Club LuOrandc, Oregon James Woodell, Treas. Paid Political Aiiv. Let Our Experts Prepare Your ON MEATS Favorite Cuts llouseguests at the M. I.. Judd home Thursday through Sunday was P. Allen, of Redmond. Mrs. I,ee l):til has heen ill during the earlier part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elkins returned recently after spending a week in Portland at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Elkins. V isiting Mrs. Kulon Jorgenson, of Fruitland, were Mrs. W A. Bybee and her daughter, Mrs. Jarvis Mitchchell, Thursday afternoon. Mrs Mitchell and M is Bybee spent Saturday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Don Honey, of Boise, were Friday overnight guests at the home of Rev and Mrs. Frank Coley. Sunday afternoon dinner guests at the Coleys were Mrs. Gene Honey, of Parma, and Mr. and Mrs. George G riffin and family, of Parma. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bingham were Mr and Mrs Pete Shaw, of Hermis- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, of Nebraska, are guests of Mr and Mrs Glenn Adams until Friday after arriving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. ( ’. W. Walker, of Coos Bay; Mr and Mrs. Roger Walker, of Junction City; and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Florea. of Sumner, 4M ER I JU S T 'Ll P O L IC Y • FOR YOUR HOME • YOUR CAR / WONDER HOW YOU D DkESS M E TODAY?- ' SAYS PfUSC/LLA O F 'PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE- YOU D O N T HAVE TO KNOW A THING ABOLÎT SEWING OR DESIGN . .. and a FREE GIFT for everyone who enters! 0 0 Two weeks any place in the U. S. or in H aw aii! Deluxe trans­ portation, finest hotels and meals, entertainment, all ex pensee paid! A new wardrobe, created just for you from exclusive COHAMA Fabrics. Including a gorgeous Ranch Mink Stole! Lovely harmonizing Costume Jewelry. An Elgin Wristwatch. A Polaroid Camera, Samsonite Luggage. Even a registered nurse to care for the children while you’re away! Two glamorous, unforgettable weeks you never dreamed you could have! Or, if you prefer, you may have the equivalent of all thus in ca.shl R E N ST R O M IN S U R A N C E AGENCY S trong Capital Stock Protection 1907 O T H iR BIO P R I Z E S ! in the role of PrUcilla in the brilliant MGM American Epic "PLYMOUTH AOVfNTURf" dawn AooAM t ENTER CONTEST THIS EASY WAY -T O D A Y ! For Your Freezer Locker-Deep Freezer Simply drop in today—get your FR EE GIFT o f a big 60-page full-color book "Home Sew ing is Easy", and your Official Entry Blank to enter for an American - Made Fashion Aw ard! It Is easy-an d fun! All you do is say h..w you’d dress Priscilla today .. . »elect a pattern such as Advance. Simplicity or clip "tie from vour favorite magaxine-and write 25 wonts about your choice! You do not have to sew, make or buy anything! This contest celebrates our »2 years In busi­ ness Just by coming in you’ll learn facta about American-made versus foreign-made machines you have a right to know. Remem- ber there is no obligation to buy. Corns in and enter the American-Made Fashion Award' You can be the big winner! 1 4 », V V « or Half of '2 » from our feed lot» V l* » n d Yvholc» of Pork ELK and BIRD HUNTERS LUXURY DREAM TRIP FOR TWO! 2 Weeks Anyplace in U.S. or Hawaii, All Expenses Paidl EVEN CHILD CARE WHILE YOU'RE AWAY I • YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS Re-Elect 5000000 2ND PRIZI-8 Ranch Mink Stoles 3RD « i l l 8 N a ­ tional Sterling Place Settings fo r 8 4TH PRIZI-16 Sewing Machines 5TH PRIZI -5 prizes o f Indian Head Cotton Fabrics including draperies, slip covers and curtains for your entire home! Plu s- 187 National Silverplate 53-Piece Services... 187 Nasco Ambassa­ dor 53-Piece Dinnerware Services ... 187 National Silverplate 4-Piece Tea Services... 187 Elgin-Am eri- ean Pearl Necklace and Earring Sets... 187 Elgin- American Com pacts...374 Personna Carving Sets... And 561 pairs of famous Acme Pinking Shears! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bring Your G am e To Us For Processing JO H N C. E L F E R I N G Custom Butchering an d C uring you jg ;# SHERIFF FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE “ Y o u r H e a d q u a rte r» for V a rie ty M eat#” '.a mile west on Alberta Ave Phone 381-R, lin ker plant Phone 381-W. slaughterhouse and cutting ri*om .of Malheur County ' * * * * * SPECIAL VALUE DURINO CONTISI ONLY $139.50 Peterson Furniture Co “ YO UR D E P E N D A B L E FURNIT URE STORE” W * G iv* 5 & H Green. Slsmpi 12 Y ears L a w Enforcement Experience N Y S S A — O N T A R IO — V A L E — PA Y E T T E M V «