Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1952)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A , O R E G O N TH URSDAY O C T O B E R 23, 1952 family lef m h he rest of their p '»'--.or. by ir Mr and M-- purchtM* the On . g rar and are living .Mrs. K«-niu-lti Mrl>««ialtl there now larm rrrttrs Mub Phone 0S6-KJ Mr and Mr- Don Franklin and sons of Boise were guests at the The Farmerettes club met at the ing with friends in Payette. O K K met Wednesday afternoon while ui the process of moving to Lynn Kygar home Saturday. hall Wednesday aiternoon with a Circle 4 of the Fruitland Metho it the home of Mrs Roland Maw small group present. Hostesses were dist church met at the home of Mrs. with Mr- Gerald Slippy assisting. their new place in Quincy. Friday- morning Mr Or : left with a truck Mr- J T. Martin and Mrs. Merle LOCAL Cecil Evans la.'t Tut -day evening Mrs. Chet Mills conducted the busi Thompson. ness meeting in the absence of the load of furniture and flew- back ( M Pounds returned home K r i- Pfc. Donald Chesney, who has with Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mr>. president. Mrs. Bob Morfitt Door Sunday. On Monday morning the day fi ni the hospital where he was been with the army in Korea arrived Merle Thompson as assistant hos prize.-, were won by Mrs Byrd Walt home last Thursday and since re tesses. At the close of the business ers- and Mrs. Harlan Ki>ger Several ceiving his discharge he is enjoying meeting, Joe Schmid, who has re game' were played with prizes going being at the home oi his parents. cently returned from serving with to Mr- Charley Culbertson. Mrs. the army in the Phihppuie Islands, Fred Olmstead and Mrs Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chesney. VOTE 3 2 0 X YES The Do-More 4-H club members showed interesting slides of scenes McDonald Refreshments of sand for school district reorganization were tiie guests of the Sunny Side which he had taken while there. wiches, jello desert and cake were 4-H club last Tuesday night at a The lady faculty members and the served to 17 members and two guests, & M ake good sthooling av a ila b le to eve ry child roller b a tin g party in Ontario. Lat w.ves of the Fruitland school faculty Mrs. Calvin Martin and Mrs. A C. er in the evening they enjoyed a were specially invited guests. At Patterson, who is here from Utah M ake your school tox d o llar go further chili supper in the basement of the l the close of the evening refresh- visiting in the home of her son, 1 Grant Patterson. Pruitland Methodist church. There . ments were served to about 40. ^ Strengthen local control of schools The Do-More 4-H club held its Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz ar was a good turn out and the Do P U » ( s ...„ „ u t t e r for S c h o o l P istrw t H r..r, More members thank their hosts for October meeting at the hall Satur rived Sunday evening from McCall »..* Mr« Su.h If. k &, \, lOOti Hr .¡».Iwas Huil.iint!, I’ lidi..I, O day evening. The girls who had where they spent the summer at a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs Art Hann have gone ( made the trip to Portland on the ! their place there. Mrs. Gertrude Jackson returned on a hunting trip and Janice is stay- judging team last week gave a re- j port on their trip. | to her home in Caldwell Monday Deanna Evans had the misfortune after visiting here for a week with I to severely injure her wrist last Mr and Mrs Lee Strickland and Tuesday but was able to continue Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder. her school work Wednesday. Mr- George Schweizer was hostess ■ Mr and Mrs. George Smit return Thursday afternoon to members o f . ed last Friday from a three weeks’ the Worth While club A covered trip by car, which took them to dish luncheon was enjoyed, after ^ It won’t be long now .. Utah, California, Oregon, Nevada which a business meeting was held so b r i n g in y o u r and Washington. They went via Mrs. Claude Wilson presided in the c a r fo r c o m p le te Twin Falls to Salt Lake City, where absence of Mrs. Frank Perko, presi winter service- they heard the Mormon tabernacle dent of the club. The ladies voted choir, on to San Francisco by way to donate $25 to the polio fund. • C h o n g * o il of Reno, Nev. In San Francisco they | Mr. and Mrs Jack Marshall of • Lu b ricato c h a i i i f enjoyed attending two operas by the i Ontario called at the Lee House- j • C h o ck b atte ry San Francisco Opera company, in holder and Lee Strickland homes • In s p e ct c o o iin g system one of which Lily Pons was the star. Monday. • in s ta ll " P r e s t o n * " e n ti-fro e s* P er Hundred In Fortune, Calif, they visited with Miss Virginia Cook spent the j friends, Mr. and Mrs. Chris- van Zelf, week-end with her parents. Mr. and and then drove on to Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Bill Cook Virginia is attending Bring Your where they visited for a week with college at LaGrande. friends before they returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strickland and They rejxjrted it a very enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite went to Own Sacks trip. Baker over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Houston, Mrs. per gallon Rose Kirtley and Mr. and Mrs E. L Sumpter attended a funeral in Pay- ! ette for a former neighbor, Mrs. Grace. End of S tr e e t So 5th St. YOU’RE S E T ... Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and Mrs. Maxie Hull expected her pro N ext to R ailroad P ay ette, Ida. verbial seven years of bad luck to children spent a few days at the YOU’RE S A F E ... start immediately Monday when she Kenneth McDonald home last week YOU'RE SURE! broke a large bedroom mirror, but | while picking up the thousands of 3na Shot Lasts All Winter? pieces of glass, a 48-year-old news paper suitable for a collector’s item was discovered. The mirror’s frame had been rein forced with boards over the back and between 'he board and glass was a March 4, 1904 edition of the Port- , Nyssa, Oregon land Evening Telegram, now sus 218 Main St. pended. Among the important news items of the day was an account of | Phone 48 the lightweight world’s champion- j ship fight in Portland between Jim my Britt and Young Corbett, broth er of the famous Jim Corbett. Owyhee Occurrences The Week's Nu Acres News P A G E N IN E confined due to injur e» .rumrred well th ■ C >f I ih ’-T^-wi from a fall at the igar factory and Clark I tball game with Mr Mr and Mrs I > s » r r l and win. of Twin Fall- were week end guests Mr and Mrs Kenneth Pond were of Mr and Mrs J B Quigley. They deer hunting near Bridgeport from attended homecoming activities as Friday to Monday NEWS 2-way TUMBLIBUG PLOW The Preferred Plow for Turning All Furrow» O n e Way! FOR SALE— /¿ W I N T E R ! 1Ì& . Eating Potatoes $ 1.50 Here » ihe 2-way, roll-over tractor plow that is made for modern terracing, (or use in irrigating fields, on hillsides and whereser it is necessary 10 turn all your (urrows one way. The TK, or Tumhtebug, does a good, uniform /ob of plowing. Dead furrows are eliminated, and follow-up operations are made easier Bottoms are arranged so furrows are turned to the right with one gang When the other gjng is tripped and turns into position the furrows are turned to the left. The lumhlehug is no wider than an ordinary two-gang tractor plow Levers adjust the plowing depth and bot toms are always raised to the same height. A spring release safety hitch protects the plow if it strikes an obstruction HANDLES EASILY. . . TURNS ON A DIM E! \X hen the plow is raised, the wheels pivot to an almost square turn. Turning is as easy as if the plow were tractor mounted. It can be easily backed any distance. At the ends of the furrow the plow and tractor sw ing to one side, hack up, and swing into the furrow again. Turning is accomplished on an absolute minimum of unplowed land. 1 hese are but a few of the reasons why the Tumble- bug is today’s fastest selling 2-way tractor plow. K M EJEHlH Lynn Josephson Produce Old Paper Is Found When Mirror Breaks ^ 3 WHEAT HOGS CORN WHRT 612 Arcadia Phone 444 PH ILCO fk frigerä for HAWeSTSAU Maturing d a ir y #•«•••• tei bar E«< V ..V . K t* p .r & Never door°BnZenient ÏÜL f i t t e r ir . . $2.56 1948 . . $26.60 1948 . . $2.75 Down 23 % 1948 . . $1680 1952 . . $1.68 1952 . . $17.04 1952 . . $2.19 From 1948 1952 . . $2000 **■ VOTE CLEAN UP THE MESS IN WASHINGTON! RESTORE INTEGRITY TO GOVERNMENT! STABILIZE OUR NATIONAL ECONOMY! STOP CREEPING SOCIALISM! and PUT AN END TO WARS WE DO NOT INTEND TO WIN! The Republican Party of Malheur County Urges Your Support of Its Ticket At the General " Election November 4. TERMS SAM COON For Representative 1st St. and EARL T. NEWBRY in Congress For Secretary of State L. E. HAMMACK JOHN C. ELFERING For County Commissioner For Sheriff GEORGE CARLSON For County Assessor P*#<1 V i;ticil .Advertisement, 9 For State Treasurer For State Representative For State Senator A\e SIG UNANDER CARROLL LOCEY ELMO SMITH NYSSA FURNITURE CO. (Across From Reclamation Office) For Vice President of the United States For President of the United States IW Philco Refrigerator« EASY RICHARD M. NIXON DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER K ^'p eV IlCO 1123 C om e early for your free gift. Look over the m any extra value offer« on philco Dairy B a r and 2- Door Re frigerators. Terrific bargain«. Choice of sizes from 7 cu. ft. up. Special offers for limited time only— while •ale u on. D o n ’t mine thi« event. » '< £ % - COSTS FARM INCOME 1948 PHILCO D airy Bar R e frig e ra to r \r B & M Equipment Co. TIME FOR A CHANGE Towne Garage rc w COM« IN AND Sil US FOR COMPIIT! FACTS ON THC MM TUM«ll»UO PlOW AND OTHIR MM MOOIRN MACHINIS, VISION«INiO TRACTORS AND POWtR UNITS. HARRY SACKETT For County Clerk GEORGE H VAN HORN For County T reasurer CkiurAf Jlf^ublh an C^Ttutiittee Hubert D F-frtle. Vel*. Chairman. Alice Sham teufh, Secretar y