THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1952 PAGE EIGHT we k in heu of I' juoo ba.l bridge P u.A*v wi»en pioneer both iva.'. a prehnunary hearmg in of the state and of Washington and Ny a ju tic« court on an a-eault Adanu Counties gathered for a pic .•large and a third man is free on nic lunch and dedication of a monu ■ j . Payette on the same charge ment to John Ouddy and his pioneer They are Oordon Maxwell, 17. mill. Tlve city curfew law will be put in chopping hay. A he ivy j.u k on fork The affair, beginning with the f. r'v Monday night, Ontario P l.^e of hay fell on top of Schock knocking f; m Id ah o , Phil Atkinson, 31. of Chief Walter 8 Walker, said today h.m into the feeder pit He got out of V. th md Wendell Hlslop. M of Pay picnic at the fair grounds, and fol lowed by a two hour dedicatory ser All youth 17 years old and under the feeder by himself with only a ette. must be off the streets by 10 p m., bruised nb and a ore arm to show Charges were brought against the vice at the site of the marker, drew unless accomiwnied by their parents, for the accident. The machine was tn. la-t week by W L Garrison of over 300 residents from points be he said. running at the time and the acci Ny a *i»o told police that they had tween Boise and New Meadows — The bell of the Church of the dent could have been erious except indiK i iiun to go with them to look Weiser American. Nazarene will ring at the curie*' • for Schock'-, presence of mind in over a farm and then had struck hour he said.—Argas-Ob-»erver working his way out of the feeder him over the head and robbed him Shelter and suitable custody is pit.—Independent Enterprise. They were arrested in Nampa but sought for the two old tage coach Kerry Schock. escaped serious in Hi i p refused to waive extradition. es which are used each year to Two men are in the county Jail jury last Saturday afternoon while ; carry pioneers In the rodeo parade. Malheur Enterprise These valuable relics, owned by attraction for the 40 or more the whole community, have been spectators watching from the old deteriorating in the open for year-,. bndg<- Wednesday was the work of The subject of their preservation the boom operators—who Lifted the came up the other day in discussion 15'a t n girder-, as gently as a Jewel i of plans to create a community mu er handling the balance wheel of a seum in the old Harper House, now cate timepiece The hoist opera in the car# of the Outlook club — tor never watched the girders them Weiser Signel. selves, all his lever operations com- Excitement filled the air Wednes uig n hand signals from a worker ationed in the best vantage spot day night when George Sullins of to direct the movement of the gird Fruitland won the 1952 Btudetoaker er through the air, over the water ! at the drawing sponsored by the and into place. j Pay-Ont Drive-in and a group of Most spectacular show In the I about 30 merchants from the sur- Snake River valley these Indian l rundings towns. Sullins had been without a car for .uminer days is all for free--at the .te < f the new bridge which is rap- the past five years, and his la-t car W H I L E W O R K IS S L A C K ally taking form at the western j was a '33 Chevrolet coupe He re*- | mained calm during the excitement edge of five city. I ou can save time and mon During the past few days spec and reported that he felt fine. He tators have far outnumbered the and his wife had turned in around ey by applying Simplot It K D 25-man crew under the direction of 100 tickets for the car Payette Val I) I A M () N D Superphosphate Wayne Lynn. The crew, using the ley Sentinel. now instead of waiting until 110-foot boom, is engaged in swing Spring. Full development of the Snake ing the great steel girders into place Qualified authorities claim i which will serve as- the basic sup river, a major campaign issue in that Fall application is as good port of the finished structure.— Idaho, will be discussed by U. S or better than Spring for many Sen Warren G. Magnuson of Wash Weiser Signal. crops, particularly alfalfa, clo ington at a public meeting in Nam ver, mountain and meadow hay, Rem ina scene es were rife at Cam- pa's Central auditorium at 8 p. m. grasses, pasture, Fall seeding» Saturday, Oct. 25, the Idaho-Ore- Sup gon Hell’s Canyon association an and cover crops. nounced. Get your Red Diamond MEULLER Sen. Magnuson, one of the spon NOW at — sors of a senate bill for authoriza FURNACES— tion of Hell's Canyon dam, will speak at a meeting sponsored by the LINK BELT Idaho-Oregon Hell's Canyxm associ STOKERS ation, Oct. 25 and 26. E stim a te # Gladly Given Magnuson is one of a group of CALDWELL BOISE Northwest congressional represen HEATING tatives who have endorsed the plan Rhone 9-8452 Phone 2-1541 of army engineers and the bureau Phone 134L2 SIMPLOT WESTERN IDAHO reclamation for comprehensive PRODUCE CO. GEORGE J. KINZERp of development of the Snake river and and other Simplot dealers Parma, Idaho the Columbia river. He will discuss Hi# .... the major role which Hell's Canyon dam plays in full use of Snake river waters.—Owyhee Chronicle. ., re t! Vx it mg at the F G Holmes home, Holmes and family. Mi and Mrs. th« veterans hosp.tal. Mr and Mr Wilson Winter and left for their home Friday morning Roy Holmes. Mr and Mrs. Glen Several dinners were given in their Holmes, J r . and Mr. and Mrs- Gil Dick spent Thursday In Caldwell Among those who hunted deer honor while they were here Last bert Holme- and fam.lj over the week-end were Mr and Thursday evening Mr and Mrs. evening Mr and Mr< Rolland Mrs Lester Cleaver. Mr and Mrs Briggs and Mr and Mrs. F G Holmes entertained at dimi«. ° Lloyd Cleaver. Wayne Adams, Thur Holmes were dinner guests at the the Colorado visitors and Mr. ami man Hill. Delbert Cleaver. Silas Frank Byers home Friday evening Mrs. F G Holmes and Bob and Hoffman, Eugene Cleaver, Ouy and Mr and Mrs. Glen Holmes. Jr., en Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs. Roy Holmes were hosts at dinner for t Roscoe Tanner, and Howard Day tertained the visitors and Mr and Mr and Mrs Alfred Scott of Boi-e Mrs F O Holmes and Bob Last same group Mrs Glenn Brown and infant visited Saturday evening at the Sunday a picnic was held at the Howard Day home Mrs. Scott is a Gilbert Holme-, home. Besides Mr. daughter came home from the Mal .sister of Mr Day. and Mrs. F G. Holmes and their heur Memorial hospital last wee«. Mr and Mrs F O Holmes and Mrs. Silas Hoffman and Mrs house guests, those present were James Ritchie spent Thursday in Mr and Mrs. Goodson and family of I their house guests. Mr and Mrs. Parma; Miss Della Shuster of On- Charles Briggs of Platteville, Oolo. Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Sanders, 1 tano; Mr and Mrs. Frank Byers j «pent Thursday at the A M Oood- Mr- John McAllister and Mancil and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland son home near Parma. Bi-hop went hunting this week-end and returned with four deer. [P h o s p h a t e SIMPLOT SO I L B U I L D E R S Ç] COLOR FILM PROCESSING Along The Now is the time to look up those favorite color slides or black and white negatives and have them made into Christmas cards. Oregon Trail Mrs. Frank Byerx Phone 076-R1 The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Gladys Byers last Wed nesday afternoon. Fourteen mem bers and one guest, Mrs. Charles Briggs, of Platteville, Colo., were present. Pamplets explaining the chest x-ray program were distribu ted and each one urged to have her chest x-rayed when the unit Is at Nyssa. Games were played with prizes being won by Cora Rook.stool and Betty Bowen. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Alberta Bowen and Betty Bowen. A grab bag provided an added attraction for the meeting. The next club meet ing will be held Oct. 29 at the home of Alberta Bowen near Vale. Every one to meet at Bonnie Holmes by 12:30. Each one to bring something for a potlucle luncheon. Roll call, favorite song. Mrs. W. P Hendricks went to Twin Falls, Ida. Saturday to attend the funeral of her nephew, Ben Lane, who was killed in a traffic accident last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, of Platteville. Colo., who have been DANCE We are Authorized Ansco and Kodak Color finishers offering the finest and fastest service in the area. SCHOEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. V 2 Block South of the City Hall Nyssa, Oregon Phone 227-J Cleaners and Processors of Clover, Alfalfa and Grass Seed. We are an approved w arehouse and cleaning plant for seed to be put under the governm ent loan and support prices. At Beal Seed Company THE BARN Every Saturday Night Phone 564 ONTARIO, OREGON Parma, Ida. Seed Growers We are eligible lo clean and store alfalfa and red clover seed ior the government Dessert Seed Co. Buyers and Processors of Field Seeds Nyssa. Oregon Phone 132 Buena Vista Mrx. Alva Goodell Phone 069-K1 Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, of j Nyssa; Mr and Mrs. Irvin Topliff ' and daughters of Adrian and Mr. ; and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were Sun day dinner guests at the Edward j Topliff home. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver entertained I Sunday afternoon in honor of Gary's fifth birthday anniversary. Thirty- j one guests were present. The after- | noon was spent playing games. Ice cream, cake and punch were served. | Gary received many nice gifts. Junius Tanner returned home j I Sunday from Kansas City, Mo., J where he spent the past we- . at tending the Western F. F. A con vention. Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Lucille went to Nampa Sunday to i visit Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jamison. Mrs. Guy Tanner entertained [ \ Monday evening for her daughter, Audrey’s eighth birthday annivers ary. Nine gir's were present. Fruit salad, cake and punch were served, j Mrs Howard Day was taken to the | hospital in Nyssa Thursday and was kept there until Saturday under ob- 1 servation. She is home now and feeling some better but Is confined to her bed most of the time. Mrs M J Tanner left this week for her home in Portland after I spending most of the summer with | her son. Guy Tanner and family. Miss Garnet Ritchie spent the i week-end at th# Lester Cleave r home caring for th# children w hile:■ their parents' were hunting. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and i Mrs. Thurman Hill and daughters 't returned home Tuesday from Port land where they had visited for j about a week. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Adams went ; to Unity Wednesday to attend the funeral of a cousin. Alvin Busby. Mr and Mrs Howard Fingers re turned home this week after spend ing a few days visiting in Couer d’Alene Mr and Mrs Lloyd Adams. Mrs. Caroline Gardner and Mr. and Mrs.! Thurman Hill and children visited in Boise Sunday with S. F. Hill at 1'he out o f state grocery chain, throu h the Affiliated Milk C ommittee, promises "rich milk at lower price's I he ! At I is that the milk they sell to uncontrolled markets is gcneralh neither richer nor cheaper than ours! 1 hey tay it hut they don ’t do i t ! 2 YOU WAITED TILL FALL No w o rrie s with hotel o nd re s o rt r e s e rv a t io n * in th e T o ll1 R e la x as yow rid e o ver a u tu m n b r ig h t h ig h w a y » , fra o d rivin g h a ia r d » ond p a c k in g p ro b om« Gooi w ith O r « # * " A ” Mllfe « « * « , | O r « # — «*»••• (• * « U M #»« « I f f t a f a n i ¿far Pratt Po d Adv. by I ho s PlOOuCCt* C vh » ‘»•(j ♦ 2 ,« I dj Pw, ..J « \,f I . Y o a r D o lla r Nobody Can Deny This: lit I Ml t* Rmp « far MN 3DAHO W A SH IN GTO N CA LIFO RN IA BRITISH COLUM BIA ALL HAVE LIQUOR BY THE GLASS! OREGON- LEVS The only state on the Pacific Slope which req u ires bottle s a le l GETtH STEP! Moderation is m easured in ounces . . . n ot in bottles. VOTE 328>YES A Vote FOR the Sale of Liquor by the G la ss Pd Adv. Bvty Less Than The Bottle Committee, Inc., C. W . Jones, Chairm an, 409 S. W . 11th Ave , Portland, Oregon BEAT OLD MAN WINTER TO THE PUNCH PROTECT YOUR CAR - TRUCK - TRACTOR WITH SKYW AY ETHYLENE GLYCOL S S $ 2.85 a GALLON THAT'S RIGHTI ONLY S2.85 A GALLON You Save Nearly $1.00 A Gallon or Nearly $6.00 a Case LET’S GET 2 FACTS STRAIGHT 1 1 hey also infer thJt O regon’s dairy farmers want the so-called ‘ protection o t their trickv price control initialise I III 1 At 1 IS over 80* ir of Oregon a grade "A” dairy farmers ars lighting to keep our present l-AIR law ami protect yom steady supply of sanitary milk Va mi. Ea. on Highway 20 farther TR A I (.WAYS # Sold On Unconditional Money Back Guarantee) • Th# On#-Shot. No Ru«t, No Corrosion, High-Boiling, • Non-Evaporating. Pur# Glycol Permanent Anti-Freex# • Protect# Your Car As Low As 85 Degrees Below Zero • Mix## With All Brands Ethylene Glycol Anti-Freexel 0 Test With Ethylan# Glycol Tester! • SKYWAY $2.85 A GALLON! A Good Buy is Skyway! Buy Now & Save! At Berrett’s Service H i g h w a y 20 N o . TXr 7 irf<e«r/# tM 3C*iu St. S K Y W A Y ?b#«e Ut of T * Phon# 117