Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1952)
THE N Y SSA G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L. NYSSA. OREGON. TH U R SD A Y Miss H e l m Mr«. Jtkr Boris |T Horne beauty beguu with ... > Custom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 £ each Gem Produce Co. Corner 6th & G ood Phone 17 FREE Pre-Christmas SPECIAL ONE DOZEN PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS FREE W ith Each One D ozen Photographs Offer Good Until November 15 Only SCHOEN PORTRAITS 114 South 3rd St. xk B lock South o f the City Hall Nyssa, O regon P hone 227-J Let Our Experts Prepare Your Favorite Cuts For Your Freezer Locker-D eep Freezer % ’», >/2’. or half o f »/2’ » from our feed lot« l/ i * Mi- Frank Miller and Mr< Mary Nyssa called a- the B.ll Vande Wat Brumbach attended Book club at er lK >m e Sunday afternoon. the home of Mrs. Francis French, Mr and M: Paul Cartwright of where her mother, Mrs. Cítales Peck, Oouer d'Alene who has been visit formerly of Big Bend, entertained ing his brother. Ray. and family and doing some remodeling on their the club members. Mr and Mrs H J. Sloan of On home, are spending a few days with tario and Dr and Mrs. Schmidt of his two nephews, George and Ray Wei'er called at the Mary Brumbach mond, before returning to their home. home Sunday afternoon Mrs. Dyre Robert' and Mr and Miss Janice Jones and Muss Irno sm e Eden, came home Friday even Mrs. Delno Brock attended the ing to visit their parents, returning George Skelton funeral m Nampa Saturday evening to Boise where FTiday afteriusm Saturday Mr and Mrs John Ank they are in nurses training Re\ and Mrs William Murphy of er and Catherine. Mr. and Mrs Bill K ind Mi and Tacoma called at the home of Mr v snde Watei and Mrs. Chester Stanton last week Mrs. Boyce Vande Water took a Mi Murphy and Mrs. Stanton are trip to McCall goit.4 by the way of New Meadow and home through sisters-ln-law. Horseshoe Bend. M r' Walter Bishop returned to Those from the Bend attending her home Monday from the Holy the grade school P T A. Thursday Rosary hospital in Ontario, where night in Adrian were Mr and Mrs. she underwent surgery last Wednes John Thompson, Harvey Hatch and day. Helen, Chas. Witty and Joe Bruin- Visitor' at the Horace Chaney bach. Mrs. John Packwood, Mrs. home over the week-end were her Luther Hautman, Mr'. Elida Van mother, Mrs. A. Yergenson of Em de Water, Mi Dyre Roberts, Mrs mett and her brother Emmett G if M.arvey Bennett. Mr- Angie Chan ford and family, of Salt Lake. ey, Mrs. Helen Lowell, Mrs. Irma Ray Cartwright. Gene Seybold Hopkins and Miss Mary Weir. of Nyssa; Tony Ocamica and Joe Little Nickie Howes cut his hand King went up near Unity deer hunt- ¡ quite badly Saturday evening The ing Sunday morning. doctor used four stitches to close Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English and the wound. family were supper guests at the Little Gary Blades of Nampa spent home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the week-end at the home of his Earl Clary. Friday night. The occas aunt. Mrs. Goldie Roberts and fam ion was Elaine’s birthday. ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Samer and j Mrs. Dyre Roberts went to Nam Catherine took her two aunts to pa Tuesday morning to take her Boise to visit friends. They returned j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hen- home Sunday. derlider, and her aunt, Mrs. Pearl Miss Fern Price, Verna Price, Miss Stevens, o f Walnut Grove, Calif., Juanita Langlie, Marcy McKinley, to Pearl, Ida. This was the first and Miss Lorraine Vande Water ac time the two women had been to companied Mrs. Henry Moore to Pearl slnoe their mother died in Milton-Freewater as delegates to j Jan. 1901. Later they weirrt to Idaho the F. H A. They came home Sat City. Mrs. Stevens returned home urday night. Miss McKinley stayed with her niece. Mrs. Roberts, for a over night and Sunday with Lor few days’ visit raine. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Dorman of Geriie Jones visited her mother at the Caldwell Memorial hospital Sat Hill, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Mont urday. where .she underwent surgery. gomery, Mary Lee McFarland and Mrs. Strong is slowly improving. Gary Blanch were deer hunting last Mr. and Mrs Noel Tuppeny left week; one deer was bagged. Saturday afternoon for Pendleton Bob Kurtz drove to Portland and .«pent the week-end with his sister, where they stayed all night with friends, returning home Sunday Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fox spent Sat evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Raney of urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh. Huntington visited Sunday and over Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin were night with his sister, Mrs. Herb dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thomas, who went with them to Hill on Thursday. Boise Monday to consult a doctor. Doris Haney was an overnight Mr Raney will enter the hospital guest of Karla Kriegh Tuesday. Wednesday morning for surgery for Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff and a back injury. daughters were dinner guests of Mrs. Elwood Carlyle and two Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff Sunday. The occa-sion marked birthdays of children and her mother, Mrs. Paul John Murphy, Mrs. L. Topliff and Raney, of Cambridge, Ida., visited Wanda Topliff. On Sunday, Oct. 12, John Rouse I and niece, Kate Galligan, from Un FOR YOUR PLU M BIN G ity. Ore., called at the Lou PrattI I home. NEEDS Mrs. Dale Glen, Mrs. Hugh Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Williams of 1 Bath Sets, W ater Heaters Nyssa were In Boise Tuesday. Mrs. Howard Connaughy visited j and Pressure System s her daughter, Mrs. Virgil Olp and family at John Day over the week Call end. Mr. and Mrs W. E. Piercy enter J. C . S M I T H tained Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson j for Sunday dinner. 13 Years In Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam had as | Phone 78-J | their guests for Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, Herka Stam «a and Klass Stam. Mr. and Mrs. W E. Piercy spent Saturday in Caldwell and had dinner Symptoms of Distress Arising from with Mrs. Mae Herriman. .Thurman Piercy brought home his deer from Drucey Sunday. Several from this community j d u e t o hunted at Sheaville last week with QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST no luck In the party were Lou and Gene Pratt, Roy and Paul Hiral, | A sk About 15-Day Trial Offer! Hollo Finn, K McKinley and son, | O ver fou r m illion b ottles o f the W ii . lakd James. T keatm knt have been sold fo r re lie f o f Larry and Diane Byard of Boise sym ptom s o f distress arising from S to m a c h are staying at the R. Graham home and D u o d e n a l lllc s r s d u e to E ic c a « A c id — Poor D lg c a tlo n , S o u r or U p s e t S to m a c h , while their parents are moving. G a n l n e i t . H e a r t b u r n , Sleoplossnoss, e tc ., Friday afternoon card club met due to E ic e « « A c id . Ask fo r “ W illa r d 's M essage“ which fu lly explain« till* rem ark with Sue Ashcraft. Mr and Mrs. Irvin Topliff visited able hom e treatm ent fro# —at Harry Warrens Monday. Irvin and Mr. Warren attended the sale in Nyssa R exall Pharm acy Emmett. Teresa Topliff helped Gary Cleav er celebrate his birthday Sunday at Owyhae D rug Co. the Alva Goodell home. They are former residents of New ell Heights, Mrs. Farnsworth is the the former Irene Firestone Mrs. Dudley Kurtz returned Wed nesday from the Nyssa hospital. Callers to see her and the new oaby were Betty Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff, Mrs. Kenneth Price, Mrs. Stanley Hill and Nancy. Mrs Hudson Robb. Mrs. Bill Hamilton. Mrs. K I Peterson and Donna and Mr and Mrs. Oahley and Mrs. I C Durnil from Parma. Mr. and Mrs Fermln Zubizareta and two daughters of B oi'e spent Tuesday afternoon with the M L Kurtzs. A N K extension club met at the home of Mrs. Dick Kriegh Thursday Mrs. Defier assisted Mrs Edna Wimsapp, extension leader from Ontario, gave the lesson on "Easier Ironing.” Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Ira Price entertained for a few minutes with several new ideas on gift wrapping. C. B Hill, Stanley and Carl Lee We Will Gladly Do Your ON MEATS and wholes of Pork ELK and BIRD HUNTERS Bring Your Game To Us For Processing Custom Butchering and Curing STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE “ Your Headquarter« for Variety M eat«” m ile w eston Alberta A v e Phone M l R. locke r plant Phone 381- W. «laughterhou*e and cutting room V who are her ttieir brother Vis. A m e ric a s No. 1 H o m e Freezer < \ K I) O K I II I N K S at the home ■: Mr and Mrs Herb Thomas Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raney, of Caldwell, called on his aunt and uncle. Mr and Mr' Herb Thomas, Sunday evening Raymond and Sheila Cartwright returned Sunday evening from Mc- I thank the doctors, friends, and all persons for their help and up lifting sympathy at the tune of my accident. Special thanks to the nurses and 1 nurses aides who waited on me while I lay so helpless In the hospital May the Lord guide you in your kind and tender care of the helpless. Clarence Pounds. DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup BETTER Fast Service CONSTRUCTION Phone 98 Parma Nyssa EXTRA Phone 100-R FEATURES Id a h o Oregon Rendering Co. Nyssa, O iegon MORE ECONO M Y C. E. Leseberg AT N O Has A Lale Model D-8 Cai and 17-yd Scraper Available Now For EXTRA COST The fastest selling home freezer in Idaho, In Utah, In America! Land Leveling-Sub-soiling CONTACT GLENN HOFFMAN Phone 067-R1 International Truck« make even the toughest farm hauling job s look simple. T h ey stand up better, longer under nigged road and load conditions. T hey take it easy on everyday operating ex penses, cost less to keep in con d ition . T h e reason’s easy to understand. T h e y ’re built for the job , specialized for the haul. , nly Into, .lotlonal* rtb ln e a ll th asa a d v a n t a g e s : • A ll truck engines— built in the world i la rg .it oc clusivo truck ongino plant. • Tho "roomioit. most comfortable cab on the road” — fh# Comfo Vision Cob. • Super steering system — more positive easier handling. 37° turning angle. control, • The same traditional truck roughness that her kept International first In heavy-duty truck sales 20 straight years. Want to cut your hauling costs? See us fo r a c o m p le t e d e m o n s tr a tio n on your farm this week. e The truck engineered for your job . . . 115 basic models, from Vzton pickups to 90,000 lbs. G V W ratings. « Largest esclusive truck service organization. RE-ELECT John Koopman Malheur County Assessor • 6 years experience in this office >3 Burns visited over the week-end with her I'tcr, Mr Sheila Cart wright and family Mr- Mary Brur.bach and Mr- Mildred Bishop, attended a Royal Neighbor lodge meeting at the home of Mr and Mr,' Leslie Zurviier in Roswell Wednesday night M r' Mary Brumbach. entertained the two Weir sisters, Miss Alice and H atch I ' h o n e P a r m a 1-F J1 Filone 048 R; PAG E FIVE Deimitt where they *v:e deer hunt M l»' Ma: írcm rae i ing. but had no luek R be. W i M i ft| R k News From Big Bend Newell Heights News Mr.'. Jessie Phipp> from Everett, Wash, spent two days last week with Mr and Mrs. C B Hill Mr Phipps was a former neighbor In Colorado and was on her way to Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth of Roseburg are parents of a daughter. She has been named Debra Jean O C TO B FR 23, 1952 • Equal assessment of equal property • Life-long resident Malheur county International 1-160 offers G V W ratings from 14,000 to 16,500 lbs., a variety of specialised bodies for every farm hauling job. Before you buy any truck, let us give you a list o f men in this area who have re cently bought new Inter nationals like the one you're interested in. Check with any or all of them. Find out how Internationals cut haul ing costs on jobs like yours. f t r c o m p le te I n f o r m a t i o n about any Intornatlanmi Truth, toa — OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 245 401 Main ''t I WILL STAND ON MY RECORD Paid political Adv. by John Koopman, Vale O r fu ii <r • IN TE R N A TIO N A L T\7f TRUCKS S ta n d a rd o f tho W q h m o *