PAGE FOURTEEN NYSSA THEATRE T» 1 I I'llONt ltf* SATURDAY, < )CT( )BER 28 "STRANGE WORLD" A trange tale of a lost city in a South American Jungle "WILD HORSE AMBUSH' with Ml< ll.\EL ( II \PI> KOV B A K C R O F T SUNDAY-M ONDAY OCTOBER 26-27 "WESTWARD THE WOMEN" with K O liK K T T A V L O R DENISE l ) A R ( U , HO I’ K EM ER SO N JO H N M cIN T IR E Two hundred women blazing the trail to a new frontier. The course westward of a caravan that would not be stopped. Matinee Sun I : JO. Atim. 3#r-9r TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 28-29 "ISLAND OF DESIRE" In Technicolor with I.INIIA DARN ELL I All H U N TE R DONALD O R A Y JOH N LAURIE A south .sea Shangri-La beyond your wildest dreams as danger and desire sweep across a tropic paradise. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1952 Toastmasters Club to Hold Two Public Forums to Discuss 19 Ballot Measures Toa ¿masters club forum group p oses. N y .v a T >.i .tin . lay. Nov j Speakers win oe EU nouitL-e. its fir pn »la n. r Cru m. Don Walker. Ou Lim- J i t l p m Sunday at t hi M Walter McPartland, Art Walz, i Church It* M [ for the same tune and plan >n Sun­ Jim Hartman, Henry Hartley and D. k Yost. day. Nov 2. Voter» are invited to attend these The forum* will be r nducted a a public service, and will take the forum discussions, which are in- form of brief discussions of the 18 tanded to give them a better under- measures and one road tax levy ap­ funding of the measures they will be died upon to vote on at the gen­ pearing on the Nov 4 bait i Emil Rtunz, Toasima ter> vice i . i. election Nov. 4 president and program chairman, will preside over the • oie I 1- lowmg the bri“.f pre.M-ntat. n of ea h measure, there will be a -h rt que - tion and answer period A resolution to be sent to Malheur Nine o f the ballot titles will be i uiny was passed Monday night presented and di cu ed in the fir • by the Adrian Farm Bureau asking forum session this Sunday. Fir t of thaf non-property owners be pro- the measures to be explained Is tin hio. '*d from voting on bond issues proposed amendment to the state in a district where tax money would constitution making the superin­ i.. dlected from property owners tendent of public instruction appoin­ in tiiat district. tive. The speaker will be Dwight M nday night’s meeting w.n the Wyckoff at which the newly elected Henry Hartley will offer explana­ tion o f the proposed amendment Pie dent, L L. Kxeager, presided. that would establish a new tax base Lynn Hurst reported on new syn­ The amendatory act title abject thetic products being introduced on amendment proposal will be present­ the market. Proposed measures to appear on ed by the Rev John Briehl iiu* election ballot Nov. 4 were re­ School District Act An attemiA will be made by Tom viewed and discussed. Mrs. Jake Jones to clear up the mot r carrier Borge was appointed to work with highway transportation tax referen­ i'fin organizations in the conimuni- dum, while the controver lal cho' l tj to plan ways in which to raise district reorganization act will be outlined by Walter McPartland A Too Late To Classify proposed constitutional amendment prohibiting lotteries, bookmakinc. FOR HAIJl — Registered Brittany para-mutuel betting on animal rac­ Spaniel pups, 3 months old Call ing will be presented by Clifford 41-Jt. Main One of the most highly controver­ sial of the ballot title the milk pro­ duction and marketing act bill, will be presented by Don Knit trom Ken Renstrom wdl explain the meaning of the proposed constitutional a- mendment that would authorize ale of alcoholic liquor by the individual drink It-Mill Road Levy The lone tax measure, proposed by order o f the county court of Mal­ heur county for the purfsi e of levy­ ing a 10-mill tax for maintenance of county roads during the fiscal years 1963-1964. 1954-1965 1955-196«, 195«- 1957 and 1957-1958. will be disco >ed by Clifford Mink Tire remaining nine ballot titles will be presented and discussed by In fu lfi. Farm Bureau Asks Bond Vote Change In Warner Color with RANDOLPH SCOTT LUCILLE NORMAN RAYMOND MASSEY RICH UU> WEBB The iprawling, brawling gateway to gold the end of tlw line for the doomed and the daring, last outpost of the lawless. Ml Notice ol Error K City where they were attending to business matter-. Mr anrl Airs. T an ( handler Irft for Portland Thursday for more treatments on hi- eye. Dennis Ma- son spent *‘veral days with the Chandlers before their drvartuie and LaV'.nna •pent i week at the g »pears in the advert;-e- ment of Lynn Josephson Produce company on page nine. The address hotild re d S 5fh S: Ny-.-a. Ore , ar.d not Payette. Ida., as was un­ intentionally left on the copy of the advertiser. UJ€ QIVÍ 4 ^ .: GK€€ïL5TftmP5 / On Ail HEATING FUEL Homecoming Day For Nazareno Church Purchased In Any Quantity ^ ASSOCIATED LOCAL NEWS Stove and Furnace Oil Delivered to your tank — When ordered or on a regular route basis. We Never Leave You Without Heat THOMPSON GIL CO. NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL Phone 11 Nyssa FLOUR SIFTER ALUMINUM SKILLETS Reg. 45c Valorem 34c 6-in. 8-in. 10-in. 2Cc 25c 35c Large Size ALUMINUM DIPPERS PENCIL TABLETS Reg. 5c 2 for 5c With Handles Reg. 25c CLOSE OUT OF CHILDREN’S LADIES' EAR RINGS SHOES Full Fashioned Designed by “CORO” Boys and Girls NYLONS * Saddles * Oxfords * Sandals * H i-T op s Pierced, Clip and Screw Styles Reg. $1.00 5 0 * Pair Plus Tax COTTON w ards Odd Lots HALF PRICE By Mallory SHIRTS * All Styles * All Colors $ 1.0 0 Regular 85c SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF NEW TWIRL-TWIST RUGS! 59C Pair "HERE COME The MARINES" CLEARANCE W indow Curtains With The ROWERY ROYS Also Several Styles UNION "GOBS AND GALS" 77C All Sizes Limit 4 Pair 96c Full Size CHENILLE WEDNESDAY-THURS NOVEMBER 5-6 BED SPREADS "SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE" Regular $5.95 .8 8 PLAIN 79£ Yard Limit 5 Yards to Customer Candies Favors Masks Party Games - Toys S14.95 Use Our Lav-Awav Plan SWEATERS Reg. $4.93 and S5.45 BOYS' MEN S Select A Matching ’ W oolot the We.t * 100”. WOOL BLANKET Long Sleeve Slipover HALF-PRICE EVERYBODY SAVES AT s4 .97 Your Headquarters For Halloween MEN'S * Bright Colors * Dark Colors * Diamond Plaids Assorted Colors DON'T FORGET! Pair All Wool Less Than Co»t! Set Regular 39c and 49c 1 9 C No Limit! PLAID * Plains * Plaids Short or long sleeve S J * Fall Colors $ 2 * 8 8 Bright Colors Reg. $2.95 «nd 52.15 * Plaids $6.95 Choose From Reg 98c Loafers Hi-Heels COTTON JERSEY SUITS * Plains Casuals Oxfords Values and Colors to Regular $4.93 MEN’S WINTER WEIGHT CORDUROY Cottage Sets S g .9 9 , GLOVES of TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4 S 2 -V 7 BOYS’ and GIRLS' LADIES' SHOE Regular $10.00 $ 4 -9 9 SPECIAL PURCHASE PLASTIC Pearl Snaps All Sizes Regular S7.50 COTTON HOSE 79Ç $1.00 Western Style BLUE DENIM MERCERIZED All Colors Reg. FELT DRESS FATS Regular $1.15 Pair For 24-in. bv 44-in "SKIRTS AHOY" MEN’S All Sizes Broken Sizes Special 19c MEN’S WINTER SHADES Slightly Irregulars RAG RUGS SUNDAY-MONDAY NOVEMBER 2-3 In Technicolor with VIRGINIA MAYO RONALD REAGAN GENE NELSON DON DrEORE It'? Hip Hips, Hooray for the qu- en f the midway. she be- ime • the i am pus cutie ui a new comedy smash hi c FOP. THE KITCHEN Light weight 111 X ALLEN With < ATIIY DOWNS RO M R I HUTTON ItIRVARD BROTHERS Ba f >n ■ • Rtcli.i: d Mu THREE CUP All Metal "OLD OKLAHOMA PLAINS" III Technicolor with I STIIEK WILLIAMS IO \ N IVANS VIVIAN HI.AINE BARRY SI El,IVAN Batten down the hat dies and on- I'hm a weigh, mates. Hear the year' gayest, brightest musical treat. Change of management and a n v name for the Schmidt Paint and Glass store wa- am ur.cetl Friday by Joe Schmidt who -tarted tlie business here six weeks a^ >■ The store is nc v known as the Superior Paint and Glu and i- AMK.tK \\ LEGION AUXILIARY under the management of T. E I XPKI 'I S ITS APPRECIATION Sparks. Sparks stated that the s: ire’ In a statement of appreciation, the will continue with the .une brand American Legion auxiliary, through paints in varieties of colors as has it publicity chairwoman, Mrs. Don been handled in the past Plate and M Graham, thii week commended automobile glas and heir in talla- city employes, members of the city ■meil and merchants for their co- tjon w.11 continue to be an imp - .............di playing (he Amcri- tant port of the bu-inc . Sparks said. O 13. and 1. r cooperation in mak- Schmidt announced that he will :n.;, the auxiliary’s flag sale a suc- continue to mak hi home here, but Will devote his full time to painting > S. ( L ASSES ROLLER SKATE contract work. The Sunday .school classes ol Mr*. M mty Fraser and Mrs. Dorothy B.'oocy held a roller skating party at Ontario Saturday evening. There re 12 children in attendence Fur­ Homecoming will be observed Sun­ nishing transportation for the party day at the Church of the Nu/arene, were Mr- J.m Savage, Mr. and Mr- with the first pa •;■ f the church, Ha ¡•••Id S: son, Mrs. Roy Barn« and tlie Rev. Vern Martin, a the gue.-.t Mr. and Mrs. Monty Fraser. pulpit speaker. Many forn er member and friends of the churc'v have indicated they Sunday dinner guests at the An­ will be on ha..a P take part in the festivities. Charter members of the drew McGinnis home were Mr. and church will be dinner guests of the j Mr Walter Pinkston. pastor, the Rev. Robert Jack on. ar.d V \V. Sewright, Sr., of Neah Bav, hi.-> family. Wash., spent the week-end at the The church wa organized July 1, me of Mr. and Mrs Roy Sewright. 11, 1937, with the Rev Martin serv­ • Irs. Hugh Tobler and her father, ing as its pas'tor until Dec. 5. 1943. H i Holmes, returned home Mon- 8 P. M. MONDAY OSSIE and E d ini a I’aul Flannery and RR hard Wils* n POLITICAL RALLY With nine An indefinite postponement of the p l.t . cal public rally originally set a Thur Jay by Robert Lytle, Vale, cinut ■man of the Republican central e cornu rally. Rea :i for the postponement a given by Lytle was the seriousness of the i> L i tpidemic in the Vale area AT THE OPEN PUBLIC "HERE COME THE NELSONS" II v and Tw.n Fali- Chairman, House Agricultural Committee SATURDAY. NOV. 1 IIAKKIKT NELSON Also Paint, Glass Store Has New Owner *eve il n me ; Mr di Mr L v e e' Republican Rally At Vale Is Postponed Hear. . . U. S. REP. COOLEY THURSDAY-FRIDAY OCTOBER 30-31 "CARSON CITY' e fund> for p illo noi"i at the Mallieur Menu al h" p k . i SPORT SOX Large-^Vhite Bright Colors HANDKERCHIEFS Long Im-tin; Sizes 7 to 10’ a W e Give "S & H" Green Stamps Open 'Til 9 P M. Every Saturday NYSSA OREGON Reg. 49c 35c Pair Hemmed 7c Limit 10 to Customer