the n yssa g ate P a g e fo u r burial Activities G arden Club Entertains cmr jo u r n a l , n y ssa . Handy Hints -3 * Tuesday Club Meets O r e g o n . T h u r s d a y . O c t o b e r Ingebritsens Entertain Mr. and Mr». Mel Ingebritsen en tertained at a pinochle party Satur day night at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rittif of Ontario. Mr and Mrs Harry An derson, and Mr. and Mrs Murl Lan caster. is . im * - ... — Hendricks of Nyssa and Mrs Van of Lois Wilson where they spent the Mamie Baker won h « Haueter of Vale who served one evening playing games. Other hos- Games were P“ > • chlJd wlnnln_ year each; Mrs Dolkort Hooper t e a t i were Margaret Bates and ternoon *--h * n z f winners were Jfyssa, who served on the board two Betty Lou Smith. head prt«- N £ by Mrs. Parley years; Mrs. l* ra n Sin«. Omano. *_* a m Hammon. who Mrved three year* and Mr. H o n o r e d On B irthday ! ^ L e n t s were served. Mrs. John S e\e«e, Nyeaa, 4 years , MlSs Gloria Ann oonyer. daugh - 1 *and M‘r. Swenson were prem A gift of appreciation wa* given ier of Mr and Mrs. Leo 0< nyer was gifts. to each. R*frest*»*r.L were served Ignored on her 12th birthday at a o* mrtikaert of the preeiaeirw dinaier given after school Monday] HnnnrpH bv her parents. The 12 guests play- A. G. Sutleff H o n o r e d ♦ —♦ •d games during the early evening Mrs A G . Sutleff ** of h . r Surprise P arty Given Gloria Ann received many lovely a birthday dinner in h For K e ith a Strasbaugh husband Sunday evening of last Keitha Strasbaugh wa* honored at gifts week. Guests Included Mr and Mrs. a surprise birthday party grvan Sat Barney Wilson, Mr and Mrs Dwight urday evening Twenty of her friends B irthday Club Wyckoff. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Wil helped her celebrate her lith birth son and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Honors Members day. The group started from the Mrs. Leo Child and Mrs. A. C. I Richey. home of Mary Ann Alford. There The home of Mrs Maurice J. Judd Mrs. C. A Mally entertained her was the scene of a luncheon set for Tuesday Bridge club at her home. 40 Tuesday afternoon, when the Guests In attendance were Mr- Ken- Nyssa A. N. K Garden club enter- neth Cottle. Mrs. Glra Billinjs; Mr M. Moncur Honored tamed the Ontario Oarden club. Henry H anley and Mrs Frank Mor Mark Moncur was honored on hie Mrs Max Dunaway, of Boston. Mass . gan Prises were won by Mrs Hart birthday Thursday evening at his was also a guest at the meeting Af ley. first, and Mrs Morgan second. home. Ouest* invited to help cele •>— ter the luncheon, the group viewed brate the event were Mr. and Mrs. the many chrysanthemums in Mrs. j N orland-H etrick Nuptials Having trouble with hens roosting Glenn Shark, of Parma, Mr and Gladioli in hues of orchid and yel Judd's garden. ■ water'fountains, or self feeders? Mrs. Bob Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Discussion of plans being set for low decked the arch and candelab- Then try this Handy Hint: Suspend a bolt— (a heavy nut, hoop, or piece Delbert Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. the Malheur district meeting to be low decked the arch and Ted Dick, of Apple Valley Mrs Mon held at the Moore hotel Oct 24 was rum of the Golden Gate Baptist of metal will d o )— from the ceiling led by Mrs Bud Wilson. The coming church of Wilder Thursday, Oct 9 a: until it hangs like a plumb bob di cur served refreshments to the well- they had refreshments and Miss werf 1 1 0 r d e'it^ a “ The u 6 Naval Academy was rectly over the fountain. wishers and the evening was spent Strasbaugh opened her gifts. The b irtM e y party given Friday after- , event is scheduled to convene at 10 ding nuptials of Miss Lee Hetrick, When a hen tries to fly up on top in playing bingo. founded in 1845. a. m. for a work shop Featured daughter of Mr and Mrs Irvin Het of the fountain, she bumps into the group went from there to the home noon at the home of Mrs. Child. Mr.«. rick of Wilder, and Lester Norland, speaker will be Mrs. L W Franks, ht— and aha’a promptly dis of Redmond, state president of fed son of Mrs. Martha Norland or Par couraged. She won’t hold her perch Prim ary Stake Board ma. Rev John Siemers offlcated at lor even if she gets a foothold, b»* erated Garden clubs of Oregon. Members Honored cause of the swinging weight. On the program of the afternoon. the ceremony. The Nyssa stake primary board Given In marriage by her father, Earn, of Whiter, wore a gown of entertained in honor of five of their Mrs. Frank Morgan told the group of the gardens and other beauty the bride was attired in a gown of blue satin with white net overskirt, i out-going members at a party Mon spots of England, Scotland and var- white satin trimmed in imported They all carried nosegays of yellow day evening in the L. D. S. stake io u s countries on the continent she 1 Chantilly lace. Her finger-tip length and white carnations. house. Honored were Mrs. Alma had seen on her trip to Europe last veil was also of imported French Performing the duties of the best- | Chantilly lace. She carried a bou summer. man was Daniel Norland and acting quet of white carnations encircling as ushers were Arthur Norland. Pal red rose buds. Rebekahs To Have mer and Roger Norland, all brothers Matron of honor was Mrs. Jack of the groom. Sale Oct. 24-25 The Kebekan lodge will have a Coles, cousin of the bride, wearing Rmgbearers were Christy Karn rummage sale to be held at the front a gown of burgundy satin brocade part of the new Ben Franklin store and carrying a bouquet of variagated arid Rocky Ware, both aged three. Why wait for the big white formal with on Main Street Friday and Satur- carnations with long satin stream -1 c a . . . . k | rush when cold net overskirt, caught up with pink 1 day, Oct. 24-25. It Is to start at 10 ers. Bridesmaids, Miss Jai Hall, of weather comes? Let rose buds. Rocky was attired in a a. m. on both days. Boise, wore a gown of burgundy us winter-service blue dress suit with white satin Anyone wishing to donate to the satin brocade; Miss Dorothy Bridge- your car today . . . 0 sale Is asked to contact Mrs. O. dale, o f Caldwell, wore a gown of shirt. * and avoid delay! Soloist was the bride's sister, Mrs. Gann, chairman of the event. yellow satin brocade; and Mrs. Glen Delbert Ware, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Joyce Karn. Oil change For her daughter’s wedding. Mrs. Hetrick chose a gown of navy blue Lubrication nylon and wore a corsage of talis • man rosebuds. The bridegrooms Cooling mother wore a corsage of talisman system check rosebuds on a gown of teal blue. • Assisting at the reception were "Prestone” Mr- Joe Stephen and Mrs. O. M. anti-freeze Lea veil, pouring; and Mrs. Eugene Stephen, cutting the cake. Five aunts of the bride, Mrs. James Karn, Mrs. Charles Karn, Mrs. W. E. Mills, Mrs. John Batt and Mrs. J. Otis Vance, assisted at the gift table and in the No "b o il away” kitchen along with Mrs. Albert Ap worries— even dur plegate, Mrs. Andy Brewer, Mrs. ing warm spells. Clarance Carlson and Mrs. Ray Pedan. There were 150 present of which One Shot Lasts All Winter! the out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens, Sr.. Nys sa; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Walker, Nyssa, and Mrs. Grover Findley, of Mad ras, Ore., sister of the groom. Phone 76 The bride graduated from Wilder high school, where she was a mem ber of the band, yell leader and par ticipated in -chool plays. The groom What do you mean — the oil industry has developed graduated from Parma high school, where he was captain of the foot something besides grease to keep a car quiet?" ball team. He was in the U. S. army • until Aug. 20. Everything from adhesive on tape to the fibers of your After their wedding trip to Cali finest stockings now conies from petroleum. Standard fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Norland w.ll make their home northwest of Wil alone makes more than 1100 petroleum products der, where he is engaged in farm from the same kinds of crude that used to produce ing. only a dozen or so. That's progress! _.j. the I rush l BEAT Seed Growers We are eligible to clean and store alfalfa and red clover seed for the government Let us help you through the red tape and get your money as soon as possible. Get it now! Powell Service Dessert Seed Co. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 132 For Mr. and Mrs. Club Meets Your P ro g re ss a n d O il P rogress G o H and in H a n d O il P r o g re ss W e e k -O c t. 12 to 18 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis enter tained the Mr and Mrs. Club av their home last Wednesday night. Prizes were won by Warren Fanner and Mrs. Ward Wieneke. Mrs. Stan Newman was their only guest. STANDARD O IL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plana ahead to serve you better KEEP TAXES DOWN! KEEP COSTS O F IIV IH 6 DOWN! Vote 319 x NO O N TMI MOTOR CARRIER HIGHW AY TRANSPORTATION ACT this is > MEASURE to INCREASE TAXES! • E verything you buy is handled by trucks at some time, and increased truck taxes will increase your daily costs of living! JOB PRINTING It's The Gate City Journal where your printed matter is given special attention — where you are able to see just what your special forms will look like — where efficiency and promptness take pre cedence over profits. New Equipment being installed gives your local printing firm a better opportunity to quote reasonable prices on anything that's printed. W e Are Here To Serve You • Increases apply to all m otor vehicles of all sizes! • Taxes on large common carriers, large private carriers and large logging trucks are increased approxim ately 35!t on mileage. A n d ... Taxes on logging and dump trucks classified on flat fee option would be increased 50%! KNOW THE TRUTH! VOTE 319 X NO! C h w , MJk tt; ( Just Phone 19 Nyssa Gate City Journal Printing, Publishing a G r a n d . P o rtla n d . O r a ? « * • % ®