Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1952)
T H E N Y S S A C A T E C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A , OBEGON THUT13DAY OCTOBER !8 . IS S I Hunter*« Choice Deer Season Announced for This Week-End à* journal SPORTS CORNER ™ Nyssa hunters who have not used their deer tags will have the oppor tunity of using them this week-end. 1 with the opening of a hunter’s j choice season Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Thw seaeon, according t» the Ore gon Game Commission, is aimed at cropping deer from agricultural Edited be DICK YOST _________ — * ~ — ■ » - — ~ — — "Big One" Lost By Bulldogs To Powerful Vale Vikings Migratory W aterfowl Regulations Given Oregon waterfowl hunters will en And the big one got away! 40 which set up their next touch- joy a 70-day straight season this Ny^sa high schools Bulldogs learn- down. This came following two run- ed Friday night the full meaning of ning plays and two passes. A third year, beginning at noon October 24 th_t remark when they were drubbed pass was caught by Conway standing I and runnmg through January 1. rhis is an extension of 10 days over j by the powerful Vale Vikings by 0 over the goal line! li-S score on their own field. The final score came on a pass I last year. Fired up to win. both teams dis- from Fulwyler to Smith, who had I All Paciliv Flyway states chose played brutal force in the early returned to the game in the last i the straight season in preference to stages c f the game, resulting in the half, who caught it on the 20 and the split season. California and Ari- the same opening date as loss of each team of key players, scaropered all the way to pay d irt.! Oregon, while Idaho’s season open-1 Final score, Vale 19—Nyssa 6. First to leave was Gene Smith, Vale, ed October 11, Washington and Ne who suffered a wrenched back on vada open this Friday. a shoulder thrust by Dan Lovejoy To the general bag and posses- j while being tackled by the Viking. sion limit of six ducks, hunters will : Only a few plays later, Dick Gus- p . . . j tj r* be allowed to add two widgeons or ' tavson was lost to the Bulldogs for L J© i 1 1 1 6 0 D y U O I T l. the balance of the game when he Friday," October 24 to Thursday, two pintails, or one of each, making emerged from a dog pile with a j January 1. 1953, inclusive, is the! a total of eight birds. twiste'd knee. Smith returned to the open hunting season on migratory The bag limit for geese remains at game during the second half. ; waterfowl, as announced by the Ore- ! six a day or in possession, tout not The Vikings chose the second and son game commission. including in such limit more than EXHAUSTED FROM SNAGGING and holding greased fourth quarters for their three- [ Fowl on which an open hunting two birds of the dark species, such porkers, several members of Team No. 1 who participated in touchdown scoring spree. The Bull- season has been declared includes as the common Canada goose and the pig scramble during the half time period at last week’s the whitefronted goose. The regula dogs’ lone tally came in the third ducks, gee*e, brant and coot. Ross’s goose, swans, jacksnipes and Wil tions have been changed, however, football game are shown above. This team caught five of the quarter. to provide a separate limit of three eight pigs.—Photo by Dick Yost. Despite the score, the game was son’s snipes cannot be hunted. Rules on bag limit allow for six brant. Formerly, this species was in * * * played pretty much on an even basis as long as the game was played on ducks daily or in possession (in- | eluded in the goose limit. Another revision in this year’s the ground. All of Vale's scores were eluding in such limit one wood duck made either as result of passing or only) and in addition two widge regulations permits the shooting o f ons or two pintails or one o f each; migratory gume birds from a boat or costly fumbles by the Bulldogs. six geese (except Ross’s goose) daily! other craft having a motor attached The first quarter ended on the Bulldogs’ ”5 vard strios On the °r in P°ssession but including in if "such crait is fastened within or When 22 high school boys take af charging porkers were Garth ALsen, . / ara Sl*.lpS . . . tlle such limit not more than two birds ued immediately alongside of any ter eight greased pigs, it stands to Leslie Hiatt, Ronnie Cooper, Eugene first play in the second canto, Nyssa of the dark species, as follows: the 1 type of stationary hunting blind.” reason that there can be no more Maw and Larry Holmes of team No. fumbled a bad pass from center common Canada subspecies a n d , ------ ! than eight winners. And that is what 1, and Don Savage, Duane Smith Vale recovering. On the Viking’s ; w w ^Tr'ont"^ 'T e e s e r 7 h 7 e V * W n u happened during the half-time per- and Gary Jensen, of team No. 2. rst play Quarterback Fulwyler daily or in possession: 25 American \ iod at the Nyssa-Vale game last Fri Team "coaches” were Monty Fras ippe a ong pass to Conway, who and red breasted mergansers, singly d a y -e ig h t pigs were caught by as er, No. 1, and Ray Linville. No. 2. had sneaked uncovered into th e, or ln the aggregate, daily; 15 coot many boys, who themselves were "officials" were Hugh Tobler and corner of the end zone. An over-the- dail or in possession. and 25 sora j well "larded” by then. center plunge failed to produce the > daily or in p a s s i o n , Dwight Wyckoff. Those able to hold onto the wildly extra point. Public grounds include Although the pig scramble was By DICK YOST Nyssa took command in the third ! Warner Valley, Summer Lake, Mal- planned for entertainment for fo o t quarter, putting together a string of I ( ...... heur and Sauvies Island, ball fans, it was held primarily as ...... .........o Hunters may be interested to know three frist downs, with Lovejoy and a kickoff for a contest sponsored by (A may compiled by the Oregon ; wdat, their efforts accomplished dur- j . . „ Tanner packing the ball to advance Game commission outlining the : infi the elk season Reports are not | B r i e f V l S i t H e r e Tobler’s Feed and Fuel company as 50 yards to Vale’s 30. From here areas open for hunting may be found available for all areas, but a samp- a project to be carried on through Sgt. George Iseri, former Nyssa Bumgarner on an end-around the I on page 14) ling from the Enterprise region will high school athlete who has been the F.F.A. program at the high three-yard line before he was down- I __________________ school, under direction of Dwight j give some idea. serving in the U. S. army during the Wyckoff. ed. On the same kind of play Love- | According to game Agent Ted past four years, was a brief visitor Joy made the Bulldogs’ only touch- The 11-nu n team Idea will be | Laughlin, of Enterprise. 54 elk were here last week. down. A line buck by Savage failed ! * * z a k -R ja carried throug-out the contest, j bagged in the Troy special elk hunt, Iseri was recently discharged from rules’ of which require that boys for the extra point. 'T* J ’C f 1 held Aug. 23 through 28. the service at San Francisco follow unsuccessful in catching a pig ln Fumbles were again costly to the 1 1 6 0 X OT 1 lT S l Game agents checked 183 hunters ing a period of duty in Korea as an Bulldogs in the final quarter. On When the last pin toppled in the the scramle provide their own. into the area, for which 200 per infantryman. He visited briefly last the first play Nyssa fumbled but re- Men’s Commercial league play last Winners of the contest will be mits had been issued. Successful Friday at the homes of Howard covered. Three plays later another Thursday, it left two teams tied for decided on a point basis for a team hunters in this hunt will not be al Lovejoy. high school coach, and fumble was recovered by Vale on the firSst spot. award and an “outstanding player” Mark Hartley, a former teammate lowed to participate in the general Toblers Feed and Fuel, which had on the local high school team prior award for the boy doing the best a make-up game to roll in addition elk season. job. to graduation ln 1947. to its regular game, pulled up even j Awards will be made on the basis Iserl’s brother, Dick, also serving with the Ace Pastime after sweat- ( When John G. Jones, Democratic ing through a six-game evening, candidate for congress from the sec- as an infantryman !n Korea, is due of feeding program, sanitation, ad herence (to rules, record keeping and They stand at seven points won to ond district, was a recent visitor In for a discharge soon and is expected business management. one lost each. Nyssa and vicinity, he did more than to visit here. The family home is in Los An In the six-team league the Aces shake hands and talk over problems geles. I posted high team series score of ot thf people he met here. 2222 points. High team single gamp Wheroever he went he left a little went to Nyssa Lumber, with 766 packet of grass seed in an orange points. G. Sadamori bowled the high folder bearing this ’inscription individual series, with a 622, and “ Scatter this grass seed in the forest One-way—Plus Tax B & E Cafe remained in the lead | also the high single with 233 points, when you ge hunting to help reseed OMAHA $27.30 In at least one Nyssa family, in the Women’s Commercial Bowl Hugh Tobler and M. Fraley tied for the range." SALT LAKK 8.30 the woman maintains that expert ing league following last week’s play second high by bowling a 211 game. | * . • CHICAGO ........... _ 34.30 marksmanship is necessary to come with 17 wins and three losses, al Team standings are as follows: ; a group in Portland, known as the It'» ch e ap er by fa r home with big game, while the hus though Brownie’s cafe made a one- Team Won Lost Multnomah Anglers and Hunters than d rivin g your c a r l point gain to remain a closer sec Ace Pastime 7 club is doing much the same thing, band attributes a successful deer ond, with 13 wins and seven losses. Tobler’s Feed _______7 it comes to our attention. This o r hunting trip to little more than Maxine Brown was the big gun Team No. 1 4 ganization has left on the counters luok. again, toppling the pins for a 162- Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa Lumber 3 j A M A W ot of sporting goods stores small yellow point high single game and a 431- Sami Phillips, who each shot a deer, Waggoners 2 220 Main St. Phone 217 packets o f bitterbrush seed to be Ralph Lawrence came back empty- point game series. Her team posted Bowling Center 1 scattered by hunters and fishermen. 1588 points to get high team series These two efforts are most com handed while his wife brought in honors. the third deer. Lawrence was re mendable and all sportsmen should Team standings are as follows: luctant to discuss details of the bend an effort to cooperate in the Lost Team Won hunting expedition that took the reseeding plans. 3 17 B & E Cafe two families to the Ironside section 7 13 Brownie’s Cafe for a week. Something new in the form ef 0 Owyhee Beauty .11 half-time entertainment was sprung 0 11 Stunz Lumber The National Guard was organized on the estimated 2,500 fans who wit in 1903. 10 10 Ho.pital nessed last week's football tussle be 12 8 Bowling Center tween Nyssa’s Bulldogs and Vale’s 13 7 Berrett’s Service The Marine Corps is the oldest Vikings. 15 7 Farmerettes branch of U. S. military service. This was a pig scramble between ----------------------- . ; two "elevens” formed within the ranks of the F. F. A. organization. The fast-aetion scramble was more than Just entertainment, however, as it actually was the kick-off affair for a project sponsored by Tobler’s Feed and Fuel company that will mean much to the 22 high school hoys participating. • • • Waterfowl LaWS J Pig Scramble Featured At Game Half-Time; Kickoff For Contest S port Q coop O G eorge Iseri Makes SHORT ROUTE t* Ut NORTHWEST W ife Proves Better Marksman In Family PAGE THREE B & E Keeps Lead In Ladies' League T R A IL W A Y S Hunters Undaunted By Tough Breaks When Ed Lao n Child and El wood Flinders went deer hunting last week-end they got only tough breaks instead of the intended deer. On their first day out. Child fell on loose gravel and broke his hand. Shortly afterwards, Flinders, in un tieing one of their horses, received an unexpected "kick" A doctor's examination and x-rays showed three broken ribs and a bruised lung Despite the bad luck, their spirits weren’t entirely broken. They still plan to go deer hunting again this week-end. Don Sugai Killed In Car Accident Friends of Don Sugai Ontario ath lete, were shocked to learn of his tragic death at 6.20 a. m. Tuesday when his car plunged off the high way seven miles west of Boise. The 39-year-old wrestler was re turning to his home at Ontario, ac cording to investigating sheriff's o f ficers, following a wrestling match in Boise Monday night. According to reports. Sugars car went out of control a mile west of the Seven-Mile inn and overturned ln a farm field. Sugai w h s thrown from the overturning vehlele, a fen der of the car oomtng to rest on his head crushing it. Mr. Sugai was born Sept. 6 1913, ln Portland, and had been an On tario resident for the past nine years Survivors are his wife, Polly L.. a daughter, Nola Jean; one son, Rich ard Lee, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klu Jiro, all of Ontario; five brothers, George K., Payette; Ar tur, Ontario: Henry, Los Angeles, and Tom and Frank, both of On tario and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Wa- tanaibe, San Diego, Cal., and Mis6 Mlchi Sugai, Ontario. Funeral services have been set for 2 p m. Monday at the United Pres byterian church. Ontario. There will be evening services at 8 o'clock Sunday t Beechler Memorial chapel. HEAR YE! areas and problem deer ranges. Only hunter’s choice season change made by the game commis sion was the closure of the mule deer game refuge located west of Lakeview in the Fremont national forest. With the exception of Hood River valley and White river valley (Wasco county», the hunter’s choice area in eastern Oregon lies east of The Dalles-California highway and the Jefferson. Wasoo and Gilliam coun ty lines. The greater part of central and southeastern Oregon are included In the elther-sex area. But Malheur county south of highway 20, all of Umatilla national forest, portions of all eastern Oregon national for ests Including the Canyon Creek archery area near Burns and the mule deer game refuge near Lake- view, and the high desert between Milllcan and Wagontire mountain are excluded from the hunter’s choice season. Members of the Grant County Livestockmen’s association will ope rate an information booth In John Day during the three-day season to guide hunters onto open deer hunt ing areas. Landowners In many areas, who have not had deer dam age problem», have posted their lands and hunters are reminded to get permission to hunt whether the lands are posted or not. ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE? Responsible . . . for accidents for which you may be at fault? Responsible . . . for the secur ity of your home, family, busi ness, and your future? Responsible . . . to protect yourself with adequate insur ance? RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY Strong Capital Stork Protection HEAR YE! Everybody Invited To The Big P O L IT IC A L R A L L Y 27 OCTOBER 27 Welch for Details Next Week v v .s v w .v .v .v .v .v . W IN T E R IZ E Your Cooling System NOW -AND SAVE- WANTED Your Deer Hides This week the Gate City Journal j received an anonymous letter tak ing issue with a story published last week announcing the winner of a hunter's contest sponsored by Fisch- | er’s Lockers. Just to keep the record straight, the Journal had no part In forming the contest nor in selecting the win ner—it merely published the adver tisement and the news released by the sponsor. • • * Every fall we're "stampeded" by folks who want their cars winter-serviced as soon as the first cold day comes. Why not bring your car in NOW, before cold weather strikes . get complete service without delay . . . be all set for trouble-free winter drivingl Prestone, 6 qts------------ $5.62 Flush radiator--------------- 1.75 Inspect and tighten clamps—labor ....... 1.00 Total From NOW until Oct. 20 we will flush radiator and inspect and tighten hose clamps FREE Your Cost ft $8.37 2.75 S5.62 THOMPSON OIL CO. Phone 11 0 • ' •• 1* N ysaa MIKE'S RECORD w*»t Point i* Ute oMes4 U I, n o ta r y i*-«* fern* <a sevv 9. Gained 22 Lbs. ln 14 days on 42 Lba. of Grain and 22 Lbs. of Sow & Pig Chow. Bring your deer hides to us— we will sell them Cost Per Lb. of Gain 14.7 Conts for you and give all the IKE'S RECORD proceeds to the polio Members of the Bulldog football squad need not hang their heads in shame for losing to the Vale Vik ings last week. Statistics show they | played the best game in most de partments. The defeat can Justly be charged to trying too hard to overcome a psychological Jinks, and to the In escapable fact that the Vikings had a decided edge on weight and ex- I perience. When the Vikings trotted j onto teh field, they looked more like a college than a high school team. Heads up, fellows, you’re playing I a good brand o f football—and. j what's more important, a clean | brand. Congres* est&Múhed the war de partment 0*1 Aug. T, 11® MIKE'S G A IN IS CHEAPER Gained 10 Lbs. ln 14 days on 54 Lba. of Grain. ward of Malheur Mem Cost Per Lb. ot Gain 20.3 Cents orial Hospital. THERE IS A NICE PROFIT FEEDING MIKE For your convenience, you m ay TOBLER S FEED AND FUEL Inc. leave hides at Eder's, Wilson's Super Market or Taylor's Phone 26 Hopkins Wholesale Meat Myna Nyssa, Oregon C M f C X f R B O A B D Phone M5-W * SION