PAGE FIFTEEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. I f Y I I A OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER !«. 1991 BEST BUYS Classified Advertising R A T I: T wo cents per word for each Issue. advance, is 30c For S ale MmUnum. cash in Lost FOR SALE—Li toes, choice day lilies —A 6-months old German aito perenniate. Phoae 094-J2. short, hair pointer with Springfield, 39-2t. Mo. license. If found, call Dr Kerby 161 40-lt. FOR SALE—Used furniture—2 beds, kitchen cupboard. 2 chests of draw­ Found ers, 2 tables, 6 chairs, coal heating stove. Inquire 122 E. 1st or Collins Trailer Court. 40-ltp. FOUND—A female blond cocker spaniel. Write Gate City Journal, FOR SALE—Heavy springer milk Box Q. 40-ltp. cows and other cattle. Phone 24. 40-lt. | Farm P roduce FARMS DRY LAND WHEAT 960 acre dry farm all ready for profitable farming. 150 acres sum­ mer fallow wheat seeding, 20 acres of Intermediate wheat for seed. 150 acres alfalfa. 40 acres of open land, all fenced. Electricity, fair house and buildings. Should gross $20.000 per average year. $40.000. 4 down. 60 ACRES PAID— Ideal location, deep rich soil. Some row crop land. Modern dairy barn, good soft-water well, small home. I Own this for $18.000, 4 down. I 29-r DOWN ; Located 1 mile o ff oil highway, Lovely home, and good set of farm buildings. About half suitable to row crop farming. Balance good rolling farm land. $37,000, 29% down, balance $2,000 pier year, plus 5% interest. IDEAL POTATO LAND 181 acres. 2 homes. Been In hay for To fiuy O r Sell S ee M el FARMS 90 acres good row crop and stock set up, located on the highway, 2 bedroom modern home, $26.500. $15.- 000 down. 80 acres stock and row crop ranch, $17,000, $6,500 down. 40 acres, 30 r.cres lays perfect, no home. $5.000, easy terms Build your­ self a home over looking the majes­ tic Snake river. 80 acres good row crop and stock ranch, close to highway, good 2 bed- room modern home. $31 500, $15,000 down. 80 acres good stock deal. 15 cow dairy barn, good 2 bedroom modern home, furnace. $26.000, $15.000 down. 160 acres. 140 acres irrigated and lays perfect, good deep soil, small j home, some out building-. $40,000. $20.000 down 80 acre ranch. 40 acres in hay and pasture for years, part of it plowed now. ready for row cropping, 3 bed- room modern home, furnace, hard- wood floors, basement. $30.600, $11,- 000 down. 160 acres under Old Owyhee pro- )ect ood row crop ¡and 2 sets acres, paid up water right, 6 room modern home, several out buildings, $9.000. $i,500 down, $600 per year 200 acres, 110 acres irrigated, cheap water, 2 bedroom home, full base- ment, $21.000, $11,000 down. HOMES New 2 bedroom modern home. King Avenue. $8.500. terms. 2 bedroom modern home $4.200. $500 down. $40 per month, 4% ln- terest. Attractive, practically new 2 bed- room modern home. 4 acres, $7.350. $t 000 down. $50 per month Large modern home in Nyssa, Ore., will trade for a small modern home in Caldwell. Nampa, or Boise. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Your opportunity to buy a bust ***** building in Ny-ssa, netting 10'r Snlal1 &r°c*ry *“ >*•*• well located, good business, $5.000 down, 2-bedroom basement home, corner location: 200-ft. street frontage by ^ Shingle roof. Also large 1- room home. Price $1500, $500 down $25 mo., or will take $1000 cash. 2 bedroom modern home; furnace, full basement. Will consider trading for property in Ontario. Price $11,000, $500 down. FOR RENT — 1-bedroom modern house. One 2-bedroom modern apt. I ^ r c S c ° £ ™ n- ¡buildings, terms ’ FOR SALE—Two large oil heaters, i l k c Htx. K-o h e r e go acres, new 2 bedroom modern kitchen cabinet, Westinghouse elec­ f o r SALE—Jonathan apples. 4 This 40 has a good 5 room home, | home, 40 acres irrigated. $9,500, tric roaster. Dennis Tootnbs, Rt. 1, mile west and 4 miles north of the good dairy barn, and Is In a good $4.500 down, $900 per year, worth Apple Valley school. Charles Burris. Nyssa, Phone 061-R3. 40-2tp community. Not a big deal, but a the money. 39-3tp. good one $12.600. some terms. 4 acres, highway location, 2 bed­ FOR SALE—Used Hot point electric CROPS INCLUDED room modern home, $7,500. range—like new. Only $135—terms. 160 acres, old water Tight, food For Rent Ideal Gas & Appliance. 38-tf crops and tractor equipment goes. MEL BECK REAL ESTATE $60.000, 4 down. FOR SALE—Bendix ironer, almost FOR RENT — Furnished basement L istin gs w an ted on stock and row cro p ranches. 38-tf. 83 ACRE STOCK FARM new. Phone 032-R4. 39-2t. Apt. Stunz duplex. Good place to run beef or dairy LOANS 1NSI RANCE cattle, paid-up water right for 80 FOR SALE—Large used oil furnace FOR RENT — Two-bedroom house. NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 20® acres. You can’t beat this for will heat the whole house $50. Used Corner 7th and Emison, $25 mo. L. E. 40-lt. $13,500. Easy terms. washing machine at $10. ABC or Newgen, Phone 240-R. thereof has been served on the ap- Universal. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store. FOR RENT—3-room house. Inquire j 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME For S a le or Trade piicant, within 30 days from date of 39-at. at Miner’s Barber shop or call 154-M. 71 acres of good farm land here. first publication. Frances A Patton, Good home and buildings. Yours 39-tf. FOR SALE—Fuller parnxs and wall for $14,000. f.4000 down. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Prefer Va’.e Manager. paper, complete selection. Firestone FOR RENT—Furnished apartment First publication Sept. 25, 1952. property, 107 Enls Ave. one six-room. store. 21Ftfc. with bath, light and heat furnished. 60 IN BLACK CANYON Last publication Oct. 16, 1952. Phone 63-J. 32-tf. ! 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft j three-room house, 2 two-room HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT well water. Priced below appraisal cablns cenar, price all *vooo. Terms. NOTICE OF FINAL «'OUNT For your own protection, buy FOR RENT—Modern 3 room furn­ at $7500. $3500 down Mrs. Date Pamprlen Vale. Oregon. _ _ . _ . , ... .___ , state-inspected meat. Buy a quart­ ished apartment. Close In. Call WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM 23.fcf I " the t ounty Court of the State of er half or whole beef, pork or mut­ 127-W. O regon for the County of M alheur 26 good acres, 6-room m odern! 32-tf. ton.. See us at plant. 1 mile north In the Matter of the Estate of Ira home, good set of outbuildings. on highway, then 1/4 mile west on FOR RENT—1-bedroom house, fur­ Buildings alone are almost worth F>C*R BALE OR TRADE 1941 Chev. Scott, deceased. T 4 truck 3-speed heavy duty, Columbia avenue. Nyssa, Oregon, nace heat, nice garage. V. V. Grider. the total price of $12,500. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brownlite transmission, in good con­ phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc 513 N. 0th. 39-2tp. ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE dition throughout. Will trade for 4 the undersigned. B B Llenkaenvper, Outdoor living, garden, chickens, or 3/4 T pick-up of equal value. administrator of the estate of Ira FOR SALE—Oil rings for oil heater; APARTMENT—For rent, heat and cow, pony for the kids— all this Keith Tallman, 6 miles south of Ad- Scott, deceased, has filed his Final stove grates and walls for coal heat­ Water furnished. $37.50. Phone 112 can be yours on one of our acre­ rain or» the Homedale highway. Account as said administrator in ers and ranges. Quick service. Nyssa or 392-J. 18-tf. ages. Grocery bills go way down, Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 37-tf. 39-3t the County Court of Malheur Coun­ FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Fire­ too! Here are a few of our many ty, Oregon, and that said Court has FOR SALE—1 gas range, like new, stone store. 21F^.fc. listings: appointed Wednesday. November 12, A u tom ob iles For S ale 1952, at 10:00 o ’clock in the forenoon price $100. Phone 043-J2. 39-2t. FOR RENT—Large 3 bedroom, part­ New modern home, 1 acre $12,600. of said day for the hearing of ob­ FOR SALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff ly furnished apartment. 305 Good Modern 2-bedroom home, FOR SALE— 1951 Pontiac Chieftain jections to said Final Account and 31-tf. ana Universal, new and used. Fire­ Ave, or phone 22-W. 10 acres _____________ $11,500 sedan. Contact Gem Produce, 8 a.m. the settlement thereof. stone store. 21F*tfc. 3 rooms, 3.2 acres _______ $1500 to 5 p.m.____________________ 40-3tp. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons F O R R E N T — 2-room furnished 5 rooms, modern, 2 a c r e s __$7000 interested in the estate of Ira Scott, 30ntfc FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed cabin. Chadwick camp. 6 rooms, modern, 13 acres, $12,000. deceased, are notified and required M iscellan eou s waterproof paint, Creto waterproof to appear at the «bounty Court Ftoom concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas­ FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-lnch LISTINGS WANTED in the Court House at Vale, Malheur We have lots of prospetes for good ter, motar and terrazzo. Water­ floor sanders and 6-inch edger. County. Oregon, at said time, to 16-tf. farms and homes. List yours witn proofs by application and perman­ Stunz Lumber Co. then and there show cause, if any us and prepare to move. ently waterproofs walls and floors, FOR RENT—Two furnished apart­ there be, why satd Account should inside or outside, wet or dry, new or ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3mtfc HOMES New—BETTER T H A N E V E R not be settled, allowed and approved old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE— Policy covers CANCER, as well as and said estate distributed and said Lumber Company. 20stfc Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 many other dread diseases. Costs administrator discharged. W a n ted acre $6,000 only $12 per year for whole family. Dated and first published October FOR SALB—Box wood $8 per truck ENJOY THIS HOME! 9, 1952. load delivered promptly. Phone WANTED—Baby sitting day time in ; Near school and store, quiet street KEN POND Date of last publication, Novem­ 1042-W Ontario. Will Fleming 711 my home, call 260-J. Ivalee Over- I with little traffic, wall-to-wall jg North 3rd. Phone 218 ber 6, 1952. N. W. 3rd St. 36-5tp. stake. 40-2t. ' carpet, shiny hardwood floors, 2 B. B. Lienkaemper bedrooms with closets, large liv­ HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT FOR SALE—2 houses, both or one, WANTED—Pasture for 40 head cat­ Administrator of the estate of Ira State Inspected. One mile north, ing room and kitchen, utility room with 5 lots. One new 2-bedroom; tle. H. H. Williams, Rt. 2. Nyssa. with laundry tnays, all plastered 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia Scott, deceased. 40-2t. Harold Henigson, Attorney for Ad­ chicken house, shed, fruit trees, walls, awnings, Venetian blinds, oil ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, grapes. Real buy for someone. Some furnace, many other desirable wrapping, curing and rendering ministrator. W ANTED-Late ensilage cutting. L. terms. See this before buying. Also | features. Lawns front and back, Hogs, cattle, sheep received any 39-2t. second hand doors, windows and ‘ E. Robbins. Phone 018-J5. good garage. $9250, F. H. A. terms day. Also we consign hogs, cattle NOTICE TO CREDITORS glass, all sizes. John C Krul, 915 N. WANTED—Highest prices paid for ROOM A-PLENTY— and sheep for farmers to Portland In the County Corn i of the State of Idaho St., phone 372-M, Nyssa. 4 room house with four more market. Free cooling and free de­ Oregon for the County of Malheur slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, 40-2tp-tf. phone 306, Ontario. Across from rooms in basement. Modern ten­ livery within five miles of plant. In the Matter of the Estate of ant house, always rented. Extra lot Phone 395-W; If no answer. 31-M. William Van Eerden, deceased. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc 3mtfc with this. $7250. Farm s For Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, WANTED—Some farm land, crop MOVING TO CALDWELL? That the undersigned, Bertram B. MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need 2 bedroom home on Hlllcrest Lienkaemper, has been appointed FOR SALE—80 acres land, 3 4 miles land preferred. Cash or share rent. 40-3tp. drive $7,150, $1,800 down, $42 per money to remodel your home or to administrator of the estate of Will­ S.W. of Nyssa. Gerrit Stam. 3W-2tp. i M. A. Rataezyk, Rt. 2. build outbuildings or garage? We month. can arrange a loan for you and give iam Van Eerden, deceased, by the FOR SALE—Stock ranch. 320 acres. H elp W a n ted A BRAND NEW DREAM HOME you up to three years to pay it. County Court of Malheur County, 84 acre water right, 20 head Taylor On beautiful acreage, close in, 23atfc Oregon, and has qualified as su«h. Grazing A right, fenced. 10 miles Man wanted to service 800 family long time financing. Tptal price, Nyssa Lumber Co. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons west of Vale. 4-room home and other route with nationally advertised only $12,600. Now is the time to gravel your lanes, having claims against the estate of out buildings. Lots of pasture. Price Watkins Products. Better than aver­ feed yards and road ways. Phone William Van Eerden, deceased, are PICTURE OF THE YEAR $26.000. $7000 down, balance 8 equal age earnings. If you have car and 37-tf. hereby notified and required to pre­ Your wife and children In their 136-W. payments. Plus Interest. Owner, can devote 40 hours weekly, write J. own yard. This Is a lovely two- MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks sent the same, with proper vouch­ Frank Turner. Rt. 1, Box 103, Vale R. Watkins Co.. 137 Dexter Ave., ers, duly verified, within six (6) bedroom home with automatic and cesspools cleared Phone Ray­ Ore. 37-4tp. Seattle 9, Washington. 39-6t. heating $7350, very easy terms. mond Hild, 164-W4, Parma, or 24. months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned, Bertram B. Lien­ FOR SALE—One acre, 3 4 miles out. WANTED—Lubrication man for per- A HOME FOR $1500 Parma Hardware. 17-tf. kaemper, at the law office of Har­ Comfortable 2 room home. Beats 5-room brick house, outbuildings, ! manent Job. w ^ MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin Experience necessary. paying rent. Easy terms, or will Here comes color. A washable, rub­ old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash \ .ftvZaTYnc 39-It. which place the undersigned selects discount for cash. price $4000 Nyssa Insurance Agency.' Roberts Nyssa’ berized finish for Interior walls and as his place of business In all mat­ VETERANS SPECIAL ters connected with said estate. 2-bedroom modern home, nearly weod trim. Orégon.^ Lawrence- a*ent* Nyssa,| Livestock For Sale •covers most surfaces In one uni­ Bertram B. Lienkaemper new. $6300, $1800 down, easy form coat. Administrator o f the Estate of FOR SALE—Registered Duroc and | monthly payments. •dries to a satin sheen in less than HOMES FOR SALE William Van Eerden, deceased Hampshire swine. Aged sows, boars. 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME one hour. Mr. Working-man, here Is a spaci­ Dated and first published October FOR SALE—Nearly new 2 bedroom Open gilts, spring boars. Weaner •twelve hansome colors all ready ous, comfortable home for your 9. 1952 house; full basement, garage, nice pigs. Unrelated males, females. Spec­ to use. family, nearly new and well lo­ Last publication November 6, 1952. yard, paved street. Close in, $11,500, ial price to 4-H and FTA boys. 200 Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. cated. $8300, easy terms. head to choose. Michael F. O’Leary, teams. NOTICE OF SEASONAL b u s in e s s o p p o r t u n i t i e s 38-tf. 3 rooms, full basement, pressure 2 miles south Fruitland. BILL LANE DETERMINATIONS AN INCOME FOR LIFE water system. Three 50x138 ft. lots. AUCTIONEER Notice Is hereby given that each of FOR SAIJG—Milk cows, Guernseys, Apartment houses provide sure I { Only $2500. $500 down, $25 per mo. the employers listed below has been Holstelns and Jerseys, milkers and and steady incomes for thousands Farm and Livestock Sales 4 rooms and bath, part basement. springers. C. Clyde 8mlth, phone of owners. We have several good Phone 169 Nyssa, Ore. determined to be a seasonal employ­ Nice big yard, plenty of shades for er, within the meaning of Section ones. ____ 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from Farm Sale Dates only $5500. Terms to fit your pocket. 2mtfc OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED 37-tf. 126-707 O.C.L.A. Any Interested We have several good pieces of Ontario sale yard party may request a hearing before Country g e n e r a l merchandise property for Investments. Both busi­ store, nets $40 per day, building, COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready ^** Commission within ten days af­ FOR SALE ness and residential. All paying good stock, equipment all goes for to build your driveway, parking area, ter the date of last publication of Two-bedroom modern home, ex­ returns. $22,500, 4 down. Also will Include cellent condition, perfect heating , school yard, feed lot, lounging ot this'notice. The "off-season” of each BERNARD EASTMAN good location. modern two-bedroom home for implement shed Only pugmlll as- seasonal employer Is as stated be­ Insurance Real Estate system, Two bedrooms new, completely only $4000 more. | p ^ ^ ic concrete mix in this area. low: Phone 61 Amalgamated Sugar Co., 3-1-53 modern, good location, $8000, FH.A. terms. KEN POND mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 2S0A through 9-5-53. IN S U R A N C E ^ or phone a*, Ontario. Oregon Unemployment Compen­ Three acres, excellent land, on 13-tf. Farm M achinery 16 North 3rd. sation Commission. highway, new business building. Dated and first published this 9th Motel with market, very good loca­ DUPLICATE car and cylinder lock FOR SALE; One 36-B John Deere tion. FUR SALK day of October, 1952. keys made. Henneman’s 25otfc sidehill combine, brand new. 164- NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Date of last publication 23rd day About 2 acres, fair house, barn, Foot cut. To sell at sacrifice. Write o f October, 1952 Ralph G_ Lawrence, Agent chicken house, pasture. 4 4 miles Legal Advertising H. W. H., c /o The McCammon News, 105 Main St. Phone 53 from Nyssa $3650 McCammon, Idaho. 39-2t. 80 acre stock farm, 53 irrigated, NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE CARD OF THANKS For sale "as is” by sealed bid, FOR SALE We take this means to thank you good modern home. $18,000. Will take U. S DEPARTMENT OF THE IN­ 1— 1947 Kiest 2-row Lifter Loader for in the beautiful flowers and the home In Nyssa as part payment. TERIOR, Bureau of Land Manage- eighty acres with forty-three acres very good condition $750. 2 bed room, modern, 2 lots, trees ment, Land Office, Swan Island of water right in the Owyhee Irri­ many kind expressions of sympathy gation District. Buildings consist of: 2— 1947 or 1948 Kiest 2-row Lifter extended during our bereavement at and lawn. $3,700, $1,000 down, $35 Portland 18, Oregon. September 9, 20 ft. x 27 ft. dwelling, 8 ft x 10 ft. per month. 1952. Notice Is hereby given thet on Loaders $650 the toss of our father and grand­ 1—,John Deere beet loader $175. 2 bedroom, modern, near city perk, August 27, 1951. Martin Joyce, Jun- milk house and shed. There Is e well, father. 1—Used Olson beater $375. $4,600. terms. 1 tura. Oregon, filed application Ore- pump, and stock pond. Road direc­ Mr and Mrs. Ray Simpson and 1 _ 2 . row Parma lifter windrower in Oood basement house on 50x150 gon 02136 under section 8 of the tions; Prom North city limit* of family good condition $450 ft lot East side location. $1,500 Taylor Orazing Act as amended, to Nyssa go north 3 7 miles to Imperial Mr and Mrs. W. B Simpson and 1—Horn draulic manure loader $250 $500 down, east side, nice fenced select the E 4 sec. 14. all sec. 13. and Avenue, thence west 1.3 miles. Bids will be opened In office of 1—Parma 2-row beater for Ford or family the N 4 sec 24, T 20 8.. R. 40 E„ yard and trees. $1000 Ferguson tractor, In good shape, Mrs. Ida Mae Wear. W. M . Oregon. 11280 acres, In ex­ undersigned on November 7, 1952, change for the 6 4 see. 36, T. 22 8., at 3:00 p m. FARM LOANS $175 For further Information contact, 1— 1944 Oliver 80 tractor with motor ! CARD OF THANKS R 37 E , tots 3 and 4, E 4 S W 4 , S E 4 , BOB THOMPSON AGENCY I wish to thank all friends for Department of Veterans’ Affairs S 4 N E 4 , 8 E 4 N W 4 sec. 19. W 4 - rebuilt 1350. Phone 97 303 State Library Building Beaters and parts for Kiest-flails their kindness during the illness and SW 1, sec 20. lets 1. 2 and 3, E 4 W 4 , j passing om my wonderful father. Salem, Oregon W 4 N E V NE .N E 4 , N W 4 S E 4 see bearings, V belts. Wilbur McOinnto First publication Oct. 16. 1952 HANSEN’ S SHOP 30. T 20 S , R 39 E., W M . Oregon, 40-ltp. Last publication Oct 30. 1952 Vale. Oregon 1.281 25 acres This notice is for the Phone 2273 Boaosty and efficiency In your purpose of allowing all persons hav- 39-31 C ounlv Government in exchange for lng bona fide objections to the pro­ Journal C lassified ve«*- vo*o Nov. 4th. Mary L. Thomas, posed exchange an opportunity to JOHN DEERE 2-row, flatbed pota­ Dei* ( andtdata for County Trees- file their objections In this office to- A ds P ays to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontsfto ^ 1 gather with evidence that a copy POLIO NYSSAN ELEC TED TO COLLEGE CLASS POST Lurello Bargain of Ny&sa was elec­ ted vice president of the sophomore class at th« College of Idaho in an election held last week. President of the class is Kraig Schlottman of Fruitland. PRESTONE anti - freeze s3.75 DR. G.W. CRAVES p a r G allon Optometrist SH ELL P r o d u c ts and S ervice Eye* Examined Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. BLUNCK Caldwell, Idaho SHELL SERVICE B US TRAIIWAYS DEPARTURES From N yssa EASTBOU N D %9:15 A.M. 12:10 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 4:15 A.M. W ESTBOU ND 1:50 P.M. «6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 5:50 A.M. % Loral to Boise— Dally except Sundays and National Holidays •Loeal to Welaer—Dally exerpt Sundays and National Holidays M rs. M arie T hom as, A g e n t 230 Main St. Phone 217 “Now don’t give me that ’out of gas’ line I f know , two gallons go at far as three used tol” Neck and neck in the race for progress, auto makers and the oil industry have developed improvements that make 2 gallons of gusoline today do the work that took 3 back in 1925. You get the benefits. Your Progress and Oil P rogress G o Hand in Hand OU Progress Week — Oct. 12 to IS STANDARD OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA plant ahead to serve you better PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. Kerby L od ges GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night. 8:30 South First Street Physiciens end Burgeons Dentists L. A . MAULDING. M. D. DR. C. M. TYLER Physician end Surgeon WILSON BUILDING Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 end 2 to $ Dally Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL DentUt Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic C. J. KOPP. M. D. Physician end Burgeon FRY BUILDING Office Hours 10 to 13; end 3 to 9 Dally Except Saturday end Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 ORBOON NYSSA DR. JOHN W . OLSEN D ental C lin ic 7th and Bower Phone 393-W C hiropractor Jewelry Stores PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONI ARIO ORBOON Optometrists DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy _________Nyssa, Oregon V eterinarians DR. B. E ROSS Veterinarian 1 Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animals Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. Dr. Marvin M. Prnniice Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small Animals 216 W. Park Ph. 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho DR. VERNON W ARD ” Veterinarian FOR SALE WANTED Use Journal Classified Ads. Largo or Small Animals Phone 21, OnUrlo, Oregon Box 765 sen o