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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1952)
<# THE NYSSA GATE C I T Y JOURNAL. N Y S S A . OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER !•. 1992 I o f Cald wel! vere Sunday visitors at Thompson is with the guided mi. sile :>e Jack W in home d.partment at the atomic plant in A i f o f ( t o sec W hite Sands. M w Shrrnun Wilson retary* o f the W B08 held a meeting Mrs L rin Lar.e and Eterett M ill Phone F in n » »|->H Monday afternoon at the home of er, o f Melba, visits# Monday after Mrs Jack Reed to make phuis for noon at the Sara Miller and Jack a study of Africa that they plan to Wilson homes. Those from Apple Valley attendi: _ Mr. and Mr- Dan Norland, of An undertake. Mrs El-le Robinson M:-s G er the wedding of Miss Hetrick and derson Ranch dam. were week-end Several from the community have trude Hicks were Sunday dinner Le-.ter Norland at thhe Baptist gu e't' at the Martha Norland home been trying their luck hunting deer gue>t# of Mi's Ona J h:i n in Par church in Wilder Friday evening and attended the wedding of his and elk. but so far few have been ma. brother. included Mr. and Mrs. Roy W ilk er- brought in Mr and Mrs. Chet Iiams Mr- O rovcr Findley and baby, son, Mr and Mrs. Ctoyd Sample, Just Neighbors meets Wednesday were hunting last week-end and the of M adra'. Ore., spent Friday night Pamela and Larry. Mrs. Woodrow afternoon, Oct. £1 at the home of Wilson Brother*. Thaniel Botner and at the home o f her mother. Mrs Wilson and Kay, and Mrs. Martha Mrs. Luella Brenneman. Duane Smith went a couple o f days Martha Norland and attended the Norland and Palmer. A fter a wed Jack Reed returned home Monday last week. George Bailey also tried wedding of her brother Lester. ding trip to California, Mr. and Mrs, evening from a business trip to his luck. Mr and Mrs. J. I Dillon and two Norland will be home on a farm Pocatello. A group of the Intermediate group children, o f Caldwell, visited sev near Wilder. Mr. anu Mrs. Dick Curtis and baby of the local Sunday school and their eral old friends in the valley Sun friends went on a roller skating day and were dinner guests at the party at the Ontario rink Friday Norland home. Other uig were i: ! Mr and! evening. Fourteen boys and girls at- Mr and Mrs. Lam I tended. They were accompanied by Mrs. Conley Wilson. Mr Dillon will their teacher. John Nickens, and by be remembered as Ivan Tener, who Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson. Mr and attended school here. Mrs. Wilson enjoyed dinner at the East Side cafe while they were there Mr. and Mrs. Hill were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Week-end guests at the home of Marvin Ruse in Caldwell this week. Sgt. and Mrs. Bud Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred E Williams were daughters, Darlene and Ilia, of Mr and Mrs. Francis Price and White Sands, New Mexico, were daughter. Lcis, and George Price, all Monday night and Tuesday guests of Altruas, Calif. Fredda Kratzberg. daughter of Mr. at the Gene Honey home. Sgt. Apple Valley Activities Hear What the Candidates Have to Say at the P O L IT IC A L R A L L Y LOCAL NEWS OCTOBER 27 PEAS 1 I will re- FACE EL2 VEN Mr -h a n d M r s Torn f Mr- M C' Se jell. • f New Acre Sunday. Friday evenir?. Mr a> Mrs E M SeueU, and family. of Big Bend, were enter:ained by r Huffs at a dinner. Mrs. M C. Seueil spent the week-end at the Hoff resi dence while her husband went deer hunting. following a bone operation, i il.ra i le calle > lt d \\ e,liH-nlav at the h me . f Mr and Mrs Paul d ICi ind Mrs H. E. Ha:.ay Oue . * during the latter part f the week wert Mr Mr* Floyd Lord' and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Neal llotm es and f.imil\. of b a v Ruttering of Ne v Plymouth. Mr and ette. spent Sunday with his parents, Mr- Donald Tennant, of California, Mr and Mrs Hugo Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy llo ff «e r e din arrived Thur ..ay at the Penrod home to spend their 10-d.iv vacation.; ner guests at the home of Mr and Us# Journal C1.» ed Ads. Sunday dinner g u e't' at the home of Mr and Mrs Tom C. Johnson were Mr and Mr- Pat Sweany, of REVIVAL Caldwell. Mrs. J. Atke'on. ol l*, spent the week-end at the home o f her parents. Mr. and Mr- Grant Jones, while her husband i ' away on a hunting trip. Guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Felton Duncan over the week-end were Mr and M r' Chet Tul-ipher. of Rich land. Wash . who visited other rela tives and friends in this area. A r riving Saturday at the Duncan home were Mr and Mr-. Fred Mull, of Oakndge, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. R eub en llaroklsen spent several d^y - of l.i-t week with their son. Wayne, in Baker and visit ed with M r an l Mrs Gilbert G ra f in Walla. Walla. Come and hear God’s message for today. Inspirational music and singing at every service. Beginning O c t o b e r 19th With Evangelist and Mrs. George W. Geesev, Phonix, Ariz. Services every night, 8 P. M., except Saturday. Everyone Is Invited ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH So. 2nd & Reece Ave. Frank C. Coley, Pastor 6 for 7 9 c $3.15 Case Argo, No. 303 can. TOMATOES 4 cans 6 9 * $4.13 Case Tastewell 6 for 6 5 * BEANS $2.59 Case Double Luck Being served all day Saturday 6 for 8 3 * CORN 4 cans 8 3 * TUNA 3 for 3 5 * SOUP 3 lbs. 8 1 * SHORTENING GROUND BEEF Lb. 5 3 * Fresh Ground Tender Juicy Beef Clearwater $3.29 Case Ear Fresh Campbell’s Tomato % 2 lbs. 9 5 * WEINERS Lb. 6 5 * CHEDDER CHEESE Mild or Nippy Shurfine RIB BOIL FUDGE GET CLAPP'S STRAINED YOUR Free Recipe FOR NEW 10-Minute Wonder Fudge BABY FOOD 6 cans 5 3 * FLOUR M «k « H CrMfliy, Smo#tk, O.I k io u * *«•> DURKffS MARGARINE 35¿ 10 Lbs. 97c 25 Lbs. S2.09 Sperry's Pancake 4 Lbs. 55c 10 Lbs. S1.25 YAMS 2 lbs, 25^; Mealy—Flatforful KERSHtY S . - DAINTIES 2 3 c DURKEE S COCONUT 23c Sample this rweipe «11 day Sat. Be aure io try aome. FREE CABBAGE lb. 5 * nw Firm Solid Heads S‘SX°Y FREE POTATO CHIPS 2 25c Pkgs 45* Drifted Snow or Gold Medal ORANGES lb. 1 O c D f V E l O H D IN T N I D U R K E E A N O H E R S H E t KITCHENS TA YLO R ’S HI CORANGE 93* 46 oz cans POTTED MEAT 6 Cans .. 3 9 * FOOD MARKET COFFEE and HOT CAKES Served from 10 a. m. 'til noon. COFFEE. CAKE and ICE CREAM from noon 'til 6 p. m. 2 lbs. 5 9 * Lean— Meaty THRIFTY PACK Juicy—Nutritious 1. J o h n s o n le f t Thursday to visit Mr and Mr Ray mond F Graham, of Quincy Mrs Minnie Leuck accompanied them on this trip and she will visit at the home of her son. Mr and Mrs. Nor- vilk* Leuck Later she will j ur:.ey * ■ Moth They all plan to be gone about two weeks 425 Arcadia Blvd. Phone 222 FREE! FREE! Radio ($27.50 value) and other prizes to be given to Lucky Persons Drawing at 8 p.m. Saturday. BE SURE TO REGISTER