THE N Y S S A GATE C I T Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1852 PAGE SIX Newell Heights News Mrv Jake llorcr Phonr «4 k K2 merman and daught“ rs were caller at the Timmerman rt sldence t help John celebra:e his birthday Mr. and Mrs. Irvin T o p liff in daughters were Sunday dinner gue ’ of Mrs. T o p l i f f ' paren' . Mr and Mrs Harry Warren, of Parma Th e M L Kui scene where plan were discus -d for the making of rugs for God Acre sale Wedne day af.erm Meeting with M: Kurt/ were Mr Mills, M r'. Alvin McGinn Mr I Knot. Mr Carl Hill, Mr Hannl: n and Mrs. Gay and Mr Crowding of Adrian. Mrs Klaas Laan was ho te b Modern Pioneer club on Tu. day III! I t M MI I M M 111 kl UJ I BtlUR IJ Ittn l i ft l l Thursday, Irvin T o p liff vi ited h; who is hospitalized in Boise l)r . (ila re F. (ionlev I father Mr Roy H pre-school study group, Thur day Optometrist night. Members presen were Mi Roger Norland. Mr Irv n Topliff, Mrs. Dick Kriegh, Mr G e rm Tim- EYES EXAM INED i merman, Mrs. Elvtn Worden, Mr ! Clarence Wadkin.s, Mrs. Klaas I.aa.i. j Mrs. Frank Pike, Mrs. Durlin Ham- (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 '■ mon Mrs. Gene Pratt and Mrs. O r­ ton Winn. 519 Cleveland, Caldwell. Ida. Mr and Mrs. A. M Hammon re- | celved word early Sunday morninz o f the death o f their nephew. Dm .<111111111111 I t 11111111111111111111111111 I I 111..' i Nielson, of Ogden. Niel.son, a vic tim Mrs. Roger Norland attended a bridal shower for Mi-ss Lee Hetrick at W ilder Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Irvin Topliff and daughters visited at the Leslie Top- liff home. Topliff returned home from the hospital Sunday Mrs. Best is staying in the Lee Saxton home while they are vaca­ tioning in Colorado Mrs. Durlin Hammon and Kay at­ tended a dance recital at Parma Fri­ day night. Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Timmerman and faro Mi and Mi < lei • it 1 La NOTICE TO VOTERS TO VOTE YOU M UST REGISTER! As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary or Special Elec­ tion unless he or she shall be registered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on election day. Registration books are now open and will be open un­ til the night of October 4, 1932. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1950, or have changed your residence or if you desire to change your political affiliation, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official registrars in the following precincts: PRECINCTS R E G IS T R A R S .... Mrs. M. D. Clough Applegate D. T. Holly Adrian & Big Bend .......... Mvrtle I. Rose Brogan G. B. McClure Harper and Bully H. C. Elms Ironside ... . ___ Anthony Coleman Jamieson Gabriel Elordi Jordan Valley and Juniper Geo. L. Baker Jones Malheur Mrs. Horten Worsham McDermitt Jessie Wilkinson Nyssa No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Arcadia and Owyhee Hilda L. Tenscn Ontario No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 Fair and Cairo F. C. McShane Owyhee Claude Skinner Ridgeview Pauline Eachus Riverside Mrs. Donald E. Libby Rockville Maude Greeley Rome Ellen Wiley C !< u ta Snake River Fannie Chandler Official Registrars have list of those who are N O W registered. ikrsra, leaves hi- wife and two .. children. Mr. and Mrs A M non, Mr and Mrs. Durlm Ham- Mrs. Marion Hammon and vill leave for Ogden Wednes- attend the funeral, M and Mrs Irvin T o p liff were in Par: ., to attend a dance in which two of Mrs. Top- : ieces appealed, and Mrs. Robert Overstreet n, i l B l e. pent Sunday with d Mr- M L. Judd. Mrs. Judd Mr and ■r aunt returned to Boise with Overstreets for a short visit. Lydia Worden returned from * M 11 i.i ugton Monday n.ght. lay evening, Dick Stam ar- home from Korea. .by girl was born to Mr. and Mr- .ionald Saxton on Sept. 29. A rou.) of high school girls ac- cam nled by Mr.s. Bern Butler went to ( .bin’s Hot Spr.ngs for a swim the ball game Friday after- M.. 'art-i Butler and Judy and R )• i Vanderpool went to Payette I.i-. with their grandmother. M: M. L. Kurtz's aunt from Par­ ma tiled at the Kurtz heme to ob- t . ¡¡runes and grapes Saturday. Gar ts at the M. L Judd home, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. John D i r and daughter of Caldwell. M: John Auker spent Thursday on her daughter, Mrs. R m .ili Saxton. Her grandson re- ■ ir;.< i home with her for an over­ night visit. O .rlo visitors, Mr and Mrs. L. J Kenny, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Judd. Mr Wesley Piercy and Mrs. M L Kurtz attended the Missionary executive meeting at the home of Mr K. I. Peterson Friday after­ noon. IV I I KY REQ U IRES T l l l t f l STITC H ES Clarence Reed while driving a tract r injured his ear Saturday, re­ quirin'-: three stitches. The farm mis­ hap i urred as Heed helped Chap­ in with their ensilage. Mr and Mrs Dale Binghman and sons and. Mr and Mrs. Oitbert Holmes and daughter enjoyed a wel- ner roast Thursday evening at the Holmes home. Mr and Mrs. .Robert Adams and Janyce were visitors Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Od- ems, of Welser. Mr and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and family made a business trip to Nam­ pa Saturday. Mrs John Ritter, and Tummy and Kemneth, and Mrs. Klinger, of Boise. AM 3 c K eith Rookstool and AM 3 c Ray DikShane, o f the Mountain Home air base, and M r and Mrs. Orover Cocgxr, of Sunset Valley, were callers at the Freeman R ook ­ stool home Sunday. Daniel Zamora visited at the F. G. Holmes home Friday after­ noon. B O Y SCO UTS OF M A LH E U R county are busy putting up register and vote signs urging registration during the week that remains. From left to right are, Explorer Scouts Bob Bones and Jim Boston; Boy Scouts David Ripley, David Stroup and Floyd Parrott, and Cub Scout Chuck Goodman. Beck Nam ed to Head Local Fund Drive for B o y Scouts Next Month HARTFORD w HARTFORD INSURANCE HAtTIOftD l i l i INlURANvl COMPINT MAI1I0ID A< CIDI NT Md INDEMNITE (MATAN! from your tractor investment every’ year. The secret is F L O A T A T IO N . . . anil that's just what Bombardier tracks pro­ vide. Keep you on top when the going is slick and treacherous . . . when other equipment lnigs down. These steel-dented tracks increase bearing surface to 40" by 17’ on each rear wheel. They are easy to put on and easy to remove without special tools or equipment. Come in today and get the full details. Nyssa, Oregon AN D FERGUSO N S V S IE M IM P L E M E N T S ___. 3 ___ - ; LO C A L NEW S Mrs. \. F. Mladenich, of Seattle. | Wash., arrived at the home o f Mr. and Mr^ C. R. Kessler. A dinner was held Sunday in her honor with 28 guests present. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goodfellow, of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunn, and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Petterson. Mrs. Mladenich is the sister o f Mes- dames c. R. and V. L. Kessler, and Gerald Goodfellow. House guests from Wednesday until Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W ilton Jackson were Mrs Jackson’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mis. John Love, of Oroville, Calif., and her cousin, Mrs. Don Waeker. of San Francisco. Guests of Mrs. Nora I.. Jackson from Monday until Wednesday were her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr: A. P. Breshear. Mr. Bre- sear is retired manager of the Am er­ ican Desk Manufacturing Co. of Temple. Texas, and with Mrs. Bre­ shear, is on a month’s vacation trip to Portland and down the coast to California. Della Wilson spent from Priday until Tuesday with her grandpar­ ents. M r and Mrs. T. E. Oiddings, of Payette, while her folks were mov­ ing. T. K. Gidding*, of Payette, was a Wednesday dinner guest in the home of Mr and Mrs. N. L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Kugliatti were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs John Edwards. R e­ cent arrivals from Colville, Wash., the Edwards will make their home here Mrs. Edwards is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fugliattl. Mrs. t rank Coley spent Monday in Boise visiting her daughter, Mis. Elvin Shaw what it had to spend for the coming paigns operating a dozen times a year in the various towns, the exe­ cutives have spent a large portion of their time raising funds. This has reduced their effectiveness as lead­ ers o f scouting activities. The council decided early last spring to make one council-wide drive for the whole year, and has made no local drives since then. It has been operating on special grants from a limited number of individuals. The October drive is planned to raise sufficient funds to carry scout­ ing through the balance o f this year and through all o f 1953. A Stanley Byers. M r and Mr- Glen Holmes, Jr., and Mi and Mr.s. Frank Byers. Betty and Stanley, had a weiner roast at the Byers home Sunday evening. Caroll Reece spent the week-end with her cousin Sandra Holmes. Mr and Mrs. Holland Holmes en­ tertained at dinner Sunday evening honoring the birthday o f their son, Larry. Guests were Mr and Mrs. F. G Holmes, Mivs Della Shuster^o/ Ontario, and Bob Holmes. UJ€ GIV€ 32963 Nellie Arb.uast vs Clyde Arbagast. Sept. 17 Divorce. Fletcher Oil Co. vs Idaho Concrete Pipe Co Sept 17. Recovery on ac­ count $6 736 04. Pauline Hart vs Oeorgle W. Hart, Jr Sept 18 Divorce. United Credit Men's Assn vs Rena Kerch ft al Sept 19 Recovery on account $860 1 » r«te H n r. te $ »42 sa m 0 «if