THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1952 PRE-SEASON RECAPPED TIRE SALE STARTING SEPTEMBER 18 TH (V N A T I O N A L G U A R A N T E E IN W R IT IN G O.K. RUBBER WELDERS 14 South 6th Phone 5-M MOVI MUCH M utdav Brirtgr club had Its fir t m eetup alter the 'um«n*r mouth« at i f * home o f Mr> Ted Morgan. Gue-ts were Mr* Ward Wieurke and Mrs. Warren Farmer Frizes were won by Don ftrll of Farms, and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. — :• Amity dub held its regular meet­ ing Friday night at the Don Moss home After a short business session, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis was honered and a lovely gift was presented to the new Lewis baby. Next meeting will be Oct. 3 at the Carl Burningham home, with Mrs. Walker Lowe in charge of the pro­ gram. ♦ — :• Mr. and Mrs. Club Meets Mrs. Ted Morgan entertained the Mr. and Mrs. club last Wednesday in which A. C. Sallee was the guest. Prizes were won by Mr. Sallee and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. LEG IO N A U X IL IA R Y MEETS American Legion aux.liary of Post 79 held its first meeting last Thurs- day since the summer recess. Mrs. Clifford Mink, president, and Mrs. K K. Lienkaemper reported the sale of 43 flags to Nyssa merchants. De­ livery Is expected to be made in the near future. AH members are asked to attend the meetings held on the first and third Thursdays, at 8 p. m., in the Veterans hall on Second street. EXPERIENCED All Other Sizes and Treads Priced in Proportion Apple Valley Aclivilies M f ' Gherman Wilson Plume Parma 21-MI Mondav Club Meets Amity Club Meets Snowcaps and T raction Treads W v w ~ s / facial Elites MECHANIC WANTED Top Wages Paid N Y S S A IM PLEM ENT COM PANY ww you tjot 9 „ s a u b * or iron* /bn** Sn***#6 Mrs. Boyd Swanson, i f Payette. with Mr. and Mr R< ,er Norland MR ' ' and family. Palmer and L -ter Nor­ Mrs. Naomi Price, of N .mpa, were land and Miss Lee Hetrick, of W 1- among those attending the funeral der, present. services for Grandma Hicks Satur­ day afternoon. Mr- Price visited in the Hick.' home Saturday evening. Mrs Irvin Hetrick and Muss Lee Hetrick, of Wilder, were Thursday dinner guests m the Martha Norland home. New Honey Several of the WSOS ladies at- 15c a lb. tended the district meeting in Nyssa Tuesday. The next regular meeting For 10 lbs. or more will be Wednesday, ix 1 at me Offer Good for Sept. Only home of Mrs. Irene Henahaw. A Christmas box for Mis.' Celia Cowan, in Africa, will be packed, and bazaar aprons are to be turned in. Corner 9th and Brower Sunday dinner guest' m the J. N. Leigh home included Mr and Mrs. Lawson. Mrs. Hansen and John N el­ son. all of Boise, and Mrs. Bertha Eyes Examined Morris, o f Parma. There will be a Cub Scout pack Glasses Fitted meetuig in Parma Thur-day even­ ing, Oct. 2. All cubs and their par­ Adjusted and ents. or any boy. and hts parents, who wants to be a cub, are urged to Repaired attend. i Mr. and Mrs. A. O Schultz re­ i turned Monday from a vacation trip to California. Mr. Schultz says he Tuesday, October 28 hasn't had enough yet, so he is go­ PA R M A HOTEL ing deer hunting, too. PARM A, IDAHO Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner are re­ ceiving letters from Dick, in Japan, Boise Office: Kooni 252 where he is stationed with the navy. Sonna Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Curtis and Entrance to Sonna Bldg, baby, of Caldwell, visited in the Jack between Penny's and Wilson home Sunday. Newberry’s Stores Cecil Leigh is cutting corn this week on the Merle Jenkins farm Phone Dial 3-7011 near Roswell. A birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Roger Norland was given Friday evening by Mrs. Martha Norland, BRING YOUR CONTAINER Insurance Saved This Investment Honey Foster A sound insurance policy is an inval- able bastion in the defense of our sav­ ings. Properly plan­ ned insurance pro­ tects us against un­ avoidable loss. Call us today for com­ plete plans on pro­ Dr. A. T. Bradbury LOCAL NEW S Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bleaknian, daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz, have moved to Eugene, where Mr. Bleaknian will complete his senior year at the U ni­ versity of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. George X. Bear spent the week-end with friends near Sheaville. Ore. Mrs. C. J. I.esberg anil daughter. Viva Mary Jensen, of Meaohum, arc 1 visiting friends in Nyssa for a few days. Mrs. Angie Cook has sold her pro­ perty in Nyssa and will go to Payette to live w ith her son. Jimmy. Mrs. Pearl Frank, of Payette, has been visiting the past 10 days with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Loe. | | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stewart, of Ontario, were Sunday guests at the Tom Loe home. Visiting at the Don M. Graham j home last week was Bill Ourenstrom,1 director al veterans affairs for the state of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tyner, of Lawndale, Calif., arrived Monday at the home of Mrs. Faie Duifin. Mrs, Tyner is the sister o f Mrs. Duffln. Their mother, Mrs. Alice W. Haws, of Salt Lake City, is also visiting the Duffin home. Before returning to California, the Tyners will accom­ pany Mrs. Haws to Salt Lake City Thursday. tecting your invest­ ment. Bob Thompson Agency Phone 97 PARMA SEED CO. Alfalfa and Clover Seed Buyers C A L L NYSSA 088-J1 TO H AVE BUYER SAMPLE AND BID Y O U R SEED -¡WANTED:- | YOUR DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep. Hogs Cash for live horses and cows FREE PROMPT REMOVAL Phone us collect Nyssa 102-W Payette 670 If no answer call Nampa 6-4604 D A Y OR NIGHT IDAHO ANIMAL PRODUCTS Nampa, Idaho Power Steering now available on Super at well as Road master. Optional at extra cost. 4 4 is something everyone talks about—and Buick ow n ers take pride in telling us that they’re doing O k on M il e s p e r g a l l o n ” this score. But the kind of miles is important too. The real pay-oil you get when you own a Buick is in what happens while you're turning gas into power. E v e r y drop of gas sets off a tiny tornado of compacted energy in B u ic k ’s F ir e b a ll 8 Engine. You swoop from a standing start to any speed the law or good sense permits with effortless smoothness, thanks to Dynaflow D rive.* poise — case your grip on the steering wheel and feel the car seek a straight course again like a compass points to the pole. "S& H " Green Stamps Given On All Purchases NIG H T-TIM E W EAR I his is travel as you’ve always hoped to find it—relaxed, carefree, luxurious, happy—while you leave the miles behind. SLEEPERS Gowns & Pajam as Yes indeed — life’s different in a Buick. H o w different you should find out firsthand. Sizes 0 to 14 I lo w about letting us give you a sample —any day you say? Equipment, accessories, trim and models are subject to change u about notice. *Standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. S(/A£ /£ r*(/£ fO * S2 — Values to $3.98 $ | .7 5 to $ 2 - 4 9 LAD IES' First Quality NYLON HOSE MEN'S Dark Seam KNIT T-SHIRTS 2 Pair for Reg- Various Colors and Patterns $ | .4 9 Rubber Sole ROBERTS-N YSSA, Inc. * IT'S 'BLACK M A G IC 8" WORK SHOE With acid resisting horsehide upper by "W O LV E R IN E ” S I . 25 89c FACTO RY WORKERS! MEN'S The car holds direction like an airliner on the beam. You snug into turns with sure-footed Second St. and Good Ave. Girls. Misses, Ladies Sizes—3-6x 7-14 34-40 Flannel Values to $2.98 You soar over the road with magnificent level­ ness—buoyed by big soft coil springs on every w h e e l—coddled by a dozen other features which make up Buick’s million dollar ride. SWEATERS For Cool Time# While They Last! There are still a few Boys’ Shirts in Rayon, Flannel or Broadcloth for $1.00 Plant Food Leaf Lustre Plant Mix 29c 35c 39c Make Your Indoor Garden Growl W e Give " S i H " Open 'Til Green Stamps 9 p. m. Saturdays NYSSA, OREGON •*> __________-