« THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYS3A. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1952 PAGE EIGHT News nom Big Bend Mi"'« lit it« l U k li Phune I'.' root« I-F tl Mr. and Mrs Joe Si ne of Ga - ton, Oregon, are visiting har b. -!'r. Kalph Stark and sister. Mr Harvey Hatch and families this week. They arrived Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith cele- brated their 26th wedding anniver.s- ary The.r children all came h' imo * surprise them, la-t Wednesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. T il Whitley, of Fvc - ett. Wash., viiited at the Elmer Prosser hime Wedne tlas ifii-rnooi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dicker u. E flfM OSECjOtt H f •• TRACKS brouqht it Mfl'A Keen» T a x e s Dow n VflTF x 3 330 fU I C X 1 9 . VES .N O To slop taxes that increase your living costs! Otl' ,NNIMWt>l(MNU LOCAL NEWS tna, called at *he John Thomp- :ne Monday morning. Charles Witty and Miss Be-- iianey started back to college iy morning. They are attend- li e : Idaho at Caldwell V.ii mi , of Boise, visited over . k-end at the Horace Chaney * * i van on. • : N> "a. j'.ned ,-V jP l i-.ith children and grandchil- r a Sunday dinner at the .nith home. , id Mrs. Bill Spears, of Cald- ned her parents, Mr. and Charles W1 ty. Sunday. Mrs. is teaching in high school at Mr. »pears is auenamg uie of Idaho. Mr., Spears will be .oered a> Carol Witty, Mr i:.d Mrs. Prank DeMark are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. m d Mrs. Henry Eden, Wini- Bdb Houtman. Jimmy and vent to Cambridge Sunday to ir daughter, Mrs. Roger Van ham, fr< m Worden, Wash., :ne for ther son, Danny, who .ting his grandparents. Mr . id Mr . Dyre Roberts, Wayne, ii, Karen and Dickie Ben- v *nt to the jalopy races in iiunday afternoon. T h A and B extension unit met i . lay afternoon at the home of Jr IVarl Stanton, their vice presi- ) select committee members coming year. Regular lessons irt the third Tuesday in Oc- I’he first lesson will be on j made toys. ! iml Mrs. Noel Tuppeny left I iy for Denver, Colo. They I died there to be with tneir u r, Mrs Verl Bean, wiio was i to the hospital for surgery. Mr ■ ad Mrs. Guy Strong, of Par- I i t i ¡il Mrs. Gertie Jones and Mary ! lit n t >k Janice Jones and Imo- Eden to Boise last Monday | vhin they entered nurses training, NO CHEESECAKE SHOT, this, but an actual cake of cheese it Si Alphonsus hospital. in the hands of Bob Thornton, representing the Chamber of Ii Bend P.T A. is sponsoring an vt in i of pictures and music at the I Commerce, of Tillamook, who is shown trading it to Elmer 5 Bend school house Thursday * Cruson, president, Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, for a sack •wiling. All parents are invited. of Nyssa’s onions. An interested witness to the inter-club ex Clio-.ter Stanton’s mother, Mrs. change is Betty Strickland, high school junior.— Photo by Yost. I,it i' Stanton, of Clarkston, Wash., md hi- sister, Mrs. flarry Marsh md hu band, of Los Gatos, Calif., Mr md Mrs. Pinky Tuerlson and § Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Brydalson, of Le viston, Idaho, spent the week-end with tlieir brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton of Tillamook job affects the people directly in Chester Stanton. Mr and Mrs. George Elfers and county. Democratic candidate for many particulars. on, George, were Sunday dinner attorney-general of Oregon in the i Speaking of the duty of the at ;ue i it the George Scheimer home fall election, was a visitor to Nyssa I torney-general to write the ballot Monday. The visit was part of an | in Newell Heights. titles on all measures submitted to Mr. and Mi s Babe Hamilton and 11-day swing through eastern Ore the voters at the election, Thornton Dmiiiy of Newell Heights visited at gon counties. said: the Dyre Roberts home Saturday The Oregon legislator was a guest “ Ballot titles must be written so night The occasion being Wayne's of the Lions club, and was intro 17tli birthday. as to be understandable by all voters, duced by Dick Yost. Mr and Mrs. George Elfers were not just the lawyers and judges. Thornton, who is Tillamook’s pres Many will recall how two years ago, in Bone Monday to see her doctor. She i lowly improving. ent representative In the legislature, on the two daylight saving measures, Wayne Roberts, Johnny Witty, told Lions club members that, while it was difficult to tell from reading and Dwain Baxter, attended an the office of attorney-general was F F.A. leadership meeting at Union, concerned primarily with advising the ballot titles the measure that provided for daylight time from the Ore ■ in, Monday. the governor and the many state measure that provided for standard Mi and Mrs. Miller Henderlider, of Nampa, visited their daughter, departments, the attorney-general's time.” Mrs Dyre Roberts and family Sun party at the home of Mrs. G len 1 day evening. Brown in Adrian Friday. Mr Herb Thomas and Mrs. Dyre Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone, of Gas Roberts attended a pinochle club ton, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. Helen and Phillip, were Sun day dinner guests at the Ralph Stark home. Thornton Candidate for Office Of Attorney-General, Visits Here Capehari and Radio Phonograph # WkÆ wSÊmÊÊÊ . SET L ìlM U D TIME O N L Y SSi . ■ •- \ i i , IIIK V ■ ¡R J e m Cane .-i— '' & »¡«3 ! tP ifÿ j 32-piece set of LI3BEY Sa iedge Crystal GLASSWARE ^ * 1 4 ° ° with purchase of è AUTOMATIC re mi COLEMAN 0 !I “r v i e o Il r ' HEATER A . . \ ¡B« gl»' ■ I.S . ■à a V ^TS t e r m o u N T A IN ' ftp 'll! im* r e n y u o y azu m z á z j 19 No. Second St. Nyssa, Oregon Iti ( I IM S IR M Y DISCHARGE \Y ird was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris that their son. Cpl Victor W. Morris, has ar rived at Ft Lowis, Wash, from Ger many. Cpl Morris has been in the army for teh past two years and was di .-ha:'led Wednesday. Radio Phonograph-Console Sold During W A R ] D’S (That's $42.50 Worth of Records) Riverside T iv a # I ii c S R x D a i nenes Mitchell Bros. "YOUR DEPENDABLE FURNITURE STORE” 11 Green Stamps NYSSA — ONTARIO — VALE - PAYETTE * • Mr. and Mrs. Dale Huffs, of Og den, Utah, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitaker Wed nesday. Mrs. Phiffs is the former Vera Rands and a graduate of Nyssa high school in the class of 1945. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Self. NOTICE TO VOTERS TO VOTE YOU MUST REGISTER! As provided by Chapter 201, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary or Special Elec tion unless he or she shall be registered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on election day. Registration books are now open and will be open un til the night of October 4, 1952. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1950, or have changed your residence or if you desire to change your political affiliation, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official registrars in the following precincts: r EGISTRARS PRECINCTS Applegate Mrs. M. D. Clough Adrian & Big Bend D. T. Holly M yrtle I. Rose Brogan G. B. McClure Harper and Bully Ironside H. C. Elms Jamieson Anthony Coleman Gabriel Elordi Jordan Valley and Juniper Geo. L. Baker Jones Mrs. Horten Worsham Malheur Jessie Wilkinson McDermitt Nyssa No. 1, No. 2, No. J, Arcadia and Owyhee ... Hilda L. Tenscn Ontario No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 Fair and Cairo F. C. McShane Owyhee Claude Skinner Ridgeview Pauline Eachus Riverside Mrs. Donald E. Libby R o c k v ille __ Maude Greeley Rome • Ellen Wiley Corta Snake River Fannie Chandler Official Registrars have list of those who are NOW registered. H. S. SACKETT, County Clerk The Only P R O V E N BEET H A R V E S T E R In The Field Under All Soil Conditions N o w A vailable on John Deere, Oliver, Minneapolis-Moline Tractors, As Well A s Farmall H and M Models. For Further Information See PETERSON FURNITURE CO. W e G ive S A Monday morning and was taken to the local hospital. His condition is still critical. Joretta Moeller spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Goekweg, of Apple Valley. The American Union Sunday school youth fellowship rally was held Wednesday evening at the Ar- cadia school house. Jim Sigler went to Council, Ida., Sunday to take his mother, Mrs. Ben Hou-ton, to visit for a few days. Mrs. Otis Bullard entered the Nys- ■sa hospital last week where she un derwent surgery. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lucero were their two daughters, and families, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ramirez, of Nampa, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gall- egas, of Adrian. Betty and Wilma Bullard, of Boise, •-pent (lie week-end here and visited their mother, who is in the Nyssa hospital. Mrs Cecil Boekweg, of Apple Val ley. visited Sara Kita Saturday a f ternoon. - | 50 Records Given with Every Capohart This Sale. Home beauty b*0Íasf w ith . . . Mrs. George Moeler Phone 052-R2 V A 11:1 S C V Jaek.*in last Mr and H n. Frank Ikrht- and Mr. a i M and Mi weck-ei. i and Mrs. K Kodama with their families Journeyed n> Shn-Jione arid M*g.c la m over the ya : a era-end They returned home Sunday evening with fair luck on their fishing. Jim Raymond auffrred a itmke Àround Arcadia e p 1 W Boating and f'Sl.ing at I'n itr were enj >yed by M ami t K til* n OWYHEE GARAGE , At Owyhee Junction OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. 401 Main Street Phone 245