Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1952)
THE N YSS\ GATE CITY JOURNAL. Thirteen V. S. Senators have he come presidents. BEFORE YOUR CAR OoesiheaU is the time to PRESSURE: PORGf- Y'e clean the Radiator and Water Jackets of the Block in leis than thirty minutes. • SAVES CAS • SAVES MOTOR WEAR Towne Garage Nyssa, Oregon 218 Main St. Phone 48 NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1952 PAGE EtVE LOCAL NEWS Ernest and I yd Fry The tliree . men are br r> of Mr. Fry. They 31r and M r s 1 i n I Mr left on Thu; •day to return to their a »me -, n I, Okla. t| Mr. and M Sunday for a picnic. Cecil Evans and son. Farmerettes Club Roy. left We inesday for a trip tinto Mrs. Vrvs ( astir spent Sunday The Idaho public utilities com still rising Electric rate-, which to- 1 Washington. with her daughter, Mrs Clifford Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and mission today issued an order au day have maintained their index Wolfe. Mr. and Mr> Ernest Seuell and Lois Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and M i- Lloyd Seuell went to thorizing an increase in electric levels of 10 to 20 >ear* ago, must Mr. and Mrs. \\ O. Petersen and Seuell were dinner guests at the M Caldwell on business Thursday a f rates by the Idaho Power company, eventually and inevitably reflect this Mr. and Mrs. Henry 2 >oell -pent the, except in the Salmon district where trend. C. Seuell home Friday. In the after- ternoon. week-end in Logan ana Salt Lake n ■ a Mr and Mrs Woodrow Seuvll Hoy and Fra: Barney and thahr present rates are on substantially "W ith re ;»o : • > appl nit’s ope -i .d daughters and Mrs. Bert Mon father, David Barney, moved to their the same level as the new rate-- for rating expenses, the commission; City. Utah. They attended the lee Follies of 1953 while they were m tague annd daughter called at the home m Ke v Plymouth, Tuesday of the system. Street lighting and irri- deems the item of tax» vorthy of this »jvtek. Seuell home. I gation pumping services were not in special note For the year ended Salt Lake City and they reported ft Mrs. John Procter and Merlyn cluded in the rate adju tment, al May 31, 1952, applicant's taxes Mary Jo Jcnltins left September 15 to attend Eastern Washington Muton visited .it the A. P. Chesney though the latter is subject to fur chargeable to opera! >n $>.502,100 College of Education at Cheney, home Wednesday evening. ther review. —exceeded by almost a half million Wash. She returned recently from The regular meeting o f the Farm The commission directed the com Detroit, where she has been helping erettes club for September was caU- pany to eliminate its "dem and' dollars the aggregate of all Its other operating expenses combined. Ope ,o care for Mr. Fry, who has been ed o ff last week because so many of charge for space heating service, and rating taxes exceeded applicant’s ill there. He was able to return with the members were working In the in lieu thereof to file appropriate total operating payroll by $3.037.890 her. canner,es and fruit harvest. adjustments in its "energy" charges Federal taxes amounted to more Mr. and Mrs. George Smit had Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry and three Sunday dinner at the home o f Mr. small children drove to New Plym - covering the use of electricity for than half of the company's total house heating. tax bill, which the consumer must and Mrs. Garret Stam. of Nyssa. mth Sunday afternoon where they Changes in electric rates become ultimately pay. Mr. and Mrs. A P. Chesney have - visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. effective as soon a.-» tariffs are filed received word from their son, Pfc. I Richard Jenkins. “ O f the estimated $1.910,414 in Donald Chesney that he had left i Mrs. Roy H off and children visited with the commission. crease in applicant's rate- for ser K irea to return to the U. S. via Ja Saturday night and Sunday at the Findings of the commission show vice, the comp m y will retain only ; pan, and should be home in the near home of her parents. Mr. and Mr$. ed that since 1940 wage increases to : it ire. He h u been with the 40th i M. C. Seuell. while Mr. H off was meet increased living costs to em approximately $383,700 The balance , Division in Korea and Japan fo: gone on a camping trip w ith his ployes o f the power company have will be required for additional taxes I in the estimated sum of $1,026.714. about 18 months. scout troop. amounted to 119 per cent for jour Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended a quilt Mrs. Donna Daudt and daughter, neyman linemen and personnel en of which approximately $957,000 will ing party Wednesday at the home Linda, o f Payette, and Mrs. Dean gaged in equivalent employment. go to the federal governn nt These of Mrs. Kenneth Baker, o f Weiser. Hagler and children, of Apple V al Transportation costs per mile have are expenses which, altht igh they vitally affect the customer o f regu- i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton and ley spent Thursday at the home of, Merlyn, have moved into their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. increased 131 per cent, and replace lated public utilities, are beyond the ment ebst for vehicles have increased the Hoy Barney home which they Chesney. control either of the applicant or o f 1 r purchased. They formerly The Black Canyon W ater Users 223 pier cent. Cost o f materials and this commission." lived at Cottage Grove, Wash. met at the hall Thursday evening. supplies used in daily operations has The commission said the determ i Coasts at the F. C. Frv home, The speaker for the meeting rwasi increased from 3 to 297 per cent. "Since the end of World War II, nation of an official rate base, either Wednesday evening and Thursday' Harold liver, of the Carnation Milk on the basis o f original cost, fair were Mr. and Mrs. George Fry and company, who spoke on the problems Idaho Power has been engaged in a of the dairyman. major construction program, and value of property, or preproduction The Do-More 4-II club held their over the past six years has invested cost less depreciation, was not neces regular meeting at the hall oat-uraay ! approximately $38.000,000 in new fa sary in this case. Neither did the Nyssa, Oregon evening. cilities," the commission's findings commission make a finding o f the Mrs. M. C. Seuell spent Tuesday j stated. "S ix new piower plants have | company’s entitlement to any spe .afternoon at the home o f her daugh- i cific return on investment. ter. Mrs. Roy Hoff, in Nyssa, to help been completed, iwith a correspond “ The commission find-, however, ing expansion o f transmission, dis her as her baby was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neilson.of Wells, tribution and other service facilities. that the rate schedules in applicant's Nev., and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Neilson, The cost o f providing a return on proposed tariffs . . . will not provide of Boise, called at the Ed Meroney applicant's investment in facilities, applicant with a rate of return of home Sunday. as well as the costs of operating and 6 per cent on its investment in ope maintaining its property, both old rating facilities, even when such in Mrs. Rebecca Felton of Georgia and new, can only bt> obtained vestment is based upon original cost was the first woman to serve as through the rates which applicant less the amount o f applicant’s pro U. S. Senator. perty retirement reserve," the fin d collects for its service. "Due to the deterioration in pur ings stated. “On this premise the 'in: i t i i n l i n i : i in i M ill in 11 i;i i i uiiiti iiu«iiiiiiw*r chasing piower of the dollar, more commission deems it unnecessary to dollars must be spent to provide the make a finding and specific deter service for which a given item of mination of rate base, or as the rate Optometrist cost is required. Th e evidence shows of return which applicant could pro that the cast o f living index, based perly be allowed, as we deem a rate on publications o f the U. S. Depart of return of 5 68 per cent, with evi EYES EXAM INED ment o f Labor, has risen from 100 in dence to indicate that the trend is 1940 to 191.1 in June, 1952, and Is downward still, not to be excessive.” Idaho Power Gets Rale Increase O.K. From Idaho P.U. Commission Nu Acres News ATTENTION jva> "better than ever." Guests of ...r. and Mrs. Leonard A Plull.;i> were Mr and Mrs. Fash- agorton. of Siebert, Colo. A dinner was given in their honor Thursday evening which also included Mr and Mrs. Ward Lundy and Carol, and Mr. and Mr- Runcorn and family. Games were plrved after the d.nner. Ihttle Vi U, - ! win Hamilton Is staying with her :: mdparent.s, M r and Mr-. Hud a n Robb while her parents. Mr. and Mr Bill Hamilton are on their trip to the coast. Seed Growers We Are Equipped io Process Your Alfalfa and Clover Seed. If You Plan to Place Your Seed Under Government Support Let Us Clean It For You. Dessert Seed Co. We Will Gladly Do Your Custom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 0 each Gem Produce Co. JALOPY (Opp. Sears) Dial 9-3371 519 Cleveland, Caldwell. Ida. , n n i i 11 i i i i i n t i i n i i n 1111111111 n i rn i'i i i The barrel that can’t be emptied M any a man can remember reading by kero sene lamp. For however fast time speeds by, it hasn’t been very long since lamps played an important part in lighting the homes of the West and Standard was a small company proud of its ability to get from 5 to 10 gallons of its prin cipal product, “coal oil,” from a barrel of petroleum. Count a few of the hundreds of products made from oil today! <J Almost every item in this picture, for example, comes directly or indirectly from oil: (1) the enamel on stove, refrigerator and cabinets, (2) the dryer in the wall paint, (3) the plastic in the clock cover, curtains, apron, (4) the linoleum, (5) the drainboard covering at the «ink, (6) the detergents used in washing— (7) the finish on the car and (8 the synthetic rublter of its tires. ^ Add tothraeaaphaJtfor pavuig anil reading, insecticides. RACES Dr. Clare F. Conley Phone 17 Corner 6th & Good Phone 132 cosmetics, dry cleaning solvents . . . snd, of course, steadily improving gasolines and motor oils . . . and you begin to sei? how important oil has become. More than 1100 products are now being made from petroleum by S tan dard O il C o m p a n y of California, and others are on the way. We have spent $35,000,000 in research and technical service in the last 5 years alone.. . to make a barrel of oil truly “a barrel that can’t !«■ emptied” in terms at the good thin, i it contributi s lo y imi # daily Livi I STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA ,1am cheat ta tana ,a a better —---------- , were Sunday luncheon guests at the Ward Lundy, Jr., home 1 Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, Mrs. Ray Griffiths, Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mrs. Claude Day were In Boise Monday. Mrs. Alva Goodell Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill and Phone 069-RI daughters were in Boise Sunday to visit S. F. Hill, who is in the hos Leslie Topliff, twho underwent sur pital there. Mrs. Harry Gnrdner and Robert gery in Boise last Wednesday, is get R effett left for Washington Monday. ting along satisfactory. Mrs. Gardner is looking for a home, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were In Enterprise Saturday where Mr. Ooo- as the family is moving there soon. Mr. R effett will take care o f his dell attended a meeting o f the assco- place, which he Is starting to work. ates of county courts. SUNDAY, SEPT. 28 Trial Runs Begin At 2 P. M. Buena Vista Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mrs. John Bowen were in Weiser Thursday. Delbert and Ben Cleaver were In Washigton the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff, Reta Mae and Wanda; Mrs. Delbert Clea ver, Gary, Brian and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Alva, Jr., attended a family picnic at the Ethel Goodell home near Vale. The picnic was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ercil Goodell who are visiting here from Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen. Jr., and family spent last week visiting different points of interest in O re gon. They took Roger Stephen to George Fox school at Newburg, where he will enroll as a freshman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duggar, of Marikato, Kan., visited several days at the Wilson Winter home. They were enroute to Canada. Mrs. George Cleaver entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. La- Vern Cleaver as co-hostess. Fifteen ladies attended. Mrs. Dunlap, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Jack Dunn be came new members of the club. It was decided to give a Christmas box to a needy family A g ift was also purchased for Mrs. Wallace Gregg a member who moved away. R e freshments of coffee, cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver were Sunday dinner guests at the Eugene Cleaver home. Mrs. Lester Cleaver entertained 10 little girls on her daughter Fran ces’ eighth birthday Friday evening. Refreshments of punch, cake and ice cream were served. A surprise birthday party was g iv en for Mrs. Jim Ritchie Saturday evening at the Lloyd Cleaver home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr and Mrs Ray Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. Mr and Mrs LaVern Cleaver and | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen attended the Jalopy races at Meridian Satur day evening. The Bowens were over night guests at the Cleaver home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie spent Sunday afternoon at the Douglas Bateman home. Mrs S B Hoffman, Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mrs Golden Levitt were in Ontario Thursday. Mrs. John Bumgarner visited at I the Tanner home Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner visited at the Gerald Horn home in Apple Valley Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen H offm an and Olenda were in Ontario Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F A. Oorton, of S ie bert, Colo., visited last weak at the Ward Lundy, Sr , home. Mrs. Jaimes O. Stephen left for California Thursday evening after spending the pa >t several weeks with relatives here SGe will join har 1 mm - bend. who U In the air corps. Ms l U Mire IN ’ m Lundy mm I TO A S TM A S TE R S MEET Art Walz, o f Parma, has been named as toastmaster for next Fri day morning’s weekly meeting of the Nyssa Toastmasters club Hi vill in troduce Emil Stunz as topiemaster. Five nute speakers will be Walter McPartland, K en Renstrom and Mark Purcell. Dwight W yckoff was named general critic and Henry Hartley grammarian. >Si V" ! 'f' .... . . NYSSA RODEO PARK 20 Cars Entered ADM L. Children Under 12 FR EE A When Accompanied by a Parent Thrills - Spills ! Don't Miss I t 1 Sponsored By O W Y H E E RIDING CLUB .... RUSH Listings For Our New Directory k mm WILL BE CLOSED SOON MSteam .,. I WmBBBBKEEBBHmBBm ■ . - If you want any changes made in your listing Please call the business oifice in Nyssa Extension phones are now available. M ake application to the business office. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. L — .......«