T ■ PAGE TEN N Y SSA r \ T E CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. IM I P J B L IC FORUM Kewcll Heights News Mrs. Jake Horte Dione 018-IC* The Ny .» (i Ny- i. On Dear Sir: I have lived in < t tie.s that have had papers. I consider tlu that you have made ■ a U The N • »Oat one of the be t pap that I have had the read. Very sine Henry E. Adr.in tr.i le .chool P.T.A Mr and Mrs. Dudley KurW spent .n Ontai l< at the home of in Th u-day right. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mo »reader. •i .d .1: Derral Smith and Mr. and Mrs Charlie West return- n, . Caldwell, vi-itcd Mr. ed from Longview Friday I. Pt ■ Timmerman Friday Mr. and Mrs. Sanley Hill. Mr. and Mi Hu it Ora ind Mi tad Ve . i Of tley and Linda Mrs. Dick Kriegh went to a dance I inner ue-ts of Mr. and Mrs. at Parma Saturday night. W : !i n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Toplvff went H 'mi' n m d another pupil to Boise several times to visit Irvin’s lai ling cla s father. Leslie TopUff, at the hot» oalkt ar.d comedy tap routine pital. fail ta him h v at Nyssa Mr. and Mrs Pete Timmerman • la • Wedne-day. and Mr. and Mr John Timmerman i Hi.. Kay. Dale and Ma- visited Mrs. John Timmerman, Jr.. 1 ; Di.nal Sr tt; Karen Dei- at the Caldwell hospital Sunday i Bru x- and Tami Winn will night. nt in a ; jj dance revue at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling. Vale. visited Friday afternoon at the John .. I Mr A. M. Hammon re- Timmerman home. m i trip to Utah Mr. and Mr.- Merit Kurtz and y night. children left Saturday for their Lydia Worden 1 -pending a home in Portland vith Mr. and Mr . Ray Leedy, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz were ngton. Sunday night supper guests of Mr. Dale CHcn held a special an^ ^ rs- Daie Olen ! of A K II Extension unit Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Irvin , nn T . i ir ilr. Members at- ToplifI and daughter.- went to On- I: m tl i. r immunity were tario and visited at the Ethel Good- inley Hill Mi . Dudley Kurtz, ell home. Sunday, the Topliffs at- . )ick K iie. h and Mrs. Elvin tended a family reunion at the in. Refreshments cf pie and Goodell home, were lived. [ Mrs. George Hirai and Mrs. Roy ll'in '1' pliff and daughters Hirai attended the young Matrons’ P h o n “ 132 ed a shower for Mrs. J . It. club at Ontario Tue clay evening. Parma. Monday afternoon. Friday Pinochle club met for lun cheon with Mrs Glen Brown. Mem bers and guests attending from this H tt m ■ r community were Mrs. Carl Hill, Mrs. ■ ■ ■ B il R m m * m j i w n !.v u «» % K in ■ m m m m * m c *■ r « Lint Stam. Mrs. Hugh Glen, Mrs. i l i l l h U U d ' . a r a d Rivbe Orahatn, M r s . Wesley Piercy, Mrs. Stanley Hill and Mrs. Dale Glen. Roy Hirai flew to Pocatello Satur day to attend a meeting of the Ida ho and Eastern Oregon Potato com mittee. He is a representative for five counties in Ea tern Oregon. ATTENTION SEED GROWERS METHODIST COMMUNITY Midweek prayer meetu.g Wednes ST PALT. S EPISCOPAL ( HI R t H THE CHCRCH Re«. C. T. ( rcaahaw, R«« ter day. • p. m H. G. Mil allaster. Minister Evenuig service, 7 30 p. tn 9 45 a m . church school. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1 1 s m . morning worship. Cider H askell D ane, P aster 7 p m.. Youth Fellowship. CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m Park Avenue and Third Strut Morning worship, 11 a m. Rev. Remhert Ahles. O. P. M Young peoples services, 7 p m Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a m Evening worship, I p. m Wednesday evening prayer service and dally at 8 a m. 8 o'clock. Catechism classes at 9 o'clock The Rev Father Membert Ahles We Invite everyone to these old every Sunday morning, will conduct a series of inquiry _______ time landmark Baptist services. classes scheduled to start next Mon day at 8 p. m. at St. Hubert’s Catho L. D. 8. 2nd WARD L. D. S. 1st WARD lic church. D. Hubert Christensen. Bishop Gordon Ray, Bishop The hour long classes will be held Sunday—Priesthood meeting. 9 15 Primary Wednesday 10 a m. a m. Sunday school 10:30 a m from 8 o'clock until 9 each Monday Sacrament Sunday 8 p. m. Sacrament meeting. 8 p. m. and Thursday. All interested per Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p. m sons are welcome to attend the lec FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesday—Primary, 4 p. m , M tures, it was announced. Fifth Street Jk Park Avenue I. A . 8 p. m. Rev. John L. Brie hi. Pastor Mr. ami Mrs. Evan 1 ohler com Sunday church school. 10 a. m. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH pleted their six-day trip to Yellow Divine worship service, 11 a. at. Adrian, Oregon You are cordially invited to wor stone park and Spokane, Wash, by Church school, 10 a. m. ship with us. returning Monday. Morning worship. II a. m. Lecture Series To Start Next Monday Get Your Clover and Alfalfa Seed Now—We Have a Good Supply of Nov/ and Used Seamless Bags at Roascnab’c Prices. !f Xf&Zg- Wtä I Dessert Seed Nyssa. Oregon ■ ■ ■_ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■_ dß i w A w tZAUW’ CHURCH NOTES a k sem u » i n t god Frank C. Coley, Pastor South 2nd and Reece Ave. Sunday school. 10 a m. Childrens service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 8 o’clock. Yeung people's service, 8 p. m. < 1I!1R( II OF t i if : BRETHREN Christian Center Mission East 2nd and Elirgoud Sunday .school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, ll a. m. & I M •? ssfM i T i» .. .- I S !2 f >l p i a li f Mm m I . ADRIAN COMMUNITY CIII'RCH Henry K. Moore. Pastor Bible school, 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m.. Sacra ment of the Ixird's Supper. Junior church at the parsonage, 11 a. m. Club meetings for the groups be ginning with the First grade through the >ve:ith grade each Monday af ter school at tlie ohurch. 3 For the Thrifty Buyer Our Policy of Thrifty Operation Always Enables You to Purchase High-Grade Furniture at the Lowest Possible Prices! Terms — Free Delivery JUST IN 4 0 HARDWOOD CHAIRS & ROCKERS Direct From Eastern Factory In C ar lo Here Prices from $ 1 2 . 9 5 Included Ara Cover* In Tapestry. Valour, F rie re and B o lla F le x STRAIGHT ROCKERS — P L A T F O R M R O C K E R S — and the Fam ous "K EN M AR" CONTOUR C L U B C H A IR . Al*o juat arrived are several Daveno and Davenport Sets, covered in the New Candalon and Nylon Covers. Tough, hard-wearing, w ashable and moih- free fabrics. These new c o v e n are the sensation of the field of Covers. FIR ST ( IICRt li OF CHRIST (Christian) \ustin .1. Hollingsworth. Minister 10 a. in., church school. Elvin Ballou, Superintendent. 7 |> in Christian Youth Fellow- hip Lyle Wilson, president. 8 p, in., chapel period. 11 a. m , morning worship, minister in charge. T ill; ( lll'K t II OF THE NA/.AKENE Robert Jackson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. NY. P S. and Junior meetings, 7 p. in. Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. m m in ■ mesa mm Armstrong and Sloane Linoleum Several Patterns At Drop Prices. "Rah for Ike! Rah-Rah-Rah! We Want Ike! 9 0 £ Per Linear Foot (1 Vt Sq. yd.) tt V *y;-: Yes; they're cheering for Ike, the Republican choice for President Kitchen Healers New — Slightly Damaged BUT- It will take a lot of cheering for "Ike" to beat Mike" in the Pork Bowl Contest, even though he lias a 12-lb. ad vantage over Mike" on the first weigh-in ("Mike" weighs 70 lbs. and "Ike" 58 lbs. —I'LL T A K E 'IK E " Be sure to watch this "Pigskin Classic." "M ike" will be fed Purina Sow & Pig Chow and mixed grain. "Ike" will be eating mixed grain only. TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL. INC. Phone 26 YOU* iron WI TH I NI CMfCRI8IOA*0 S I GN Nyssa Knife, Fork Club Speaker Oct. 13 Compares Empires Pax Americana will be the title of Capt. Michael Fielding’s remarks at the next meeting of the Knife and Fork club Oct. 13 at the Eastside cafe in Ontario. The subject is based on tihe fact that for hundreds of years the Ro man Empire kept peace in the world through its dominance which was called the Pax Romana.” Then in the last century the British Empire did Uve une through the ‘TVx Bnt a idea ’ Now the United States can do hk. wise and prevent World War III with a ’Pax Americana." is the theory to be ext rolled by the speaker. Fielding was born of Irlsh-English parents and at an early age became an officer in the Brttlsh-Indian army in 1915 One of the highlights of his career was a secret mission which he undertook a few years ago to the Black Spider gang which, in those da>-. operated unmolested along the Burma-Thailand border . Since becoming a citizen of the United S : . \ a few years ago. Field ing ha- been engaged as a commen tator ior radio stations, as a writer 1 a u puifora» .«peaker $ 4 4 .9 5 (You must have copy of this ad to get this price). Rox Spring and Mattress Special 15 Sets Only BOX SPRIN G $39.50 M A TTRESS $39.50 Value ... $79.00 Both For Only $ 4 9 .5 0 There Is A Reason Why We Sell for Less W e Own Our Stock, Building, Equipment. We buy direct from manufacturer* and we haul much of our goods. No one can offer so much for so little. You CANNOT pay too much here— We W on’tLet You ED CASE FURNITURE U. S. 20 North of “Y ”, N rn a ® a 9 © <*>