Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1». USI PAGE TWO THE GATE CITY JOURNAL OVAN» A IT **# - - - - I. Art, r t end G m - - - B 4 ibir u n i It Seems To Me CHURCH NOTES B Y DICK YO ST Publisher L WbMti.a, Owners ; human nature to break a rule once in a while, whether that rule . ed >i i n f i l l i ! upon us by other- iftern m i. I broke one of those self-impo ed rule-, that of S U M C E rP T IO N RATFrt rt...,- up ,i hitch-hiker. But I have a failing : >r red hair and 1 ye» r $ (' > NIW OAM t k . ibeing a they have been so closely attached to me all my life», • Months #1 75 » I p ked up a young fellow and r u i u t H d t 1 year outside Malheur Co. and h. r bag at the Parma-Nyssa area- de-troyed nothing but a bar Parma, Ida, rural route , $:i >•> ren strip remains. a s s o c ia t io n l junction. Single Copies .07 Ea-t Germans, n ■ ng what is go And I'm glad I did, for, on our lOtrlctly in Advance» ing on, are moving by droves into briid ride to Fayette together. I had the We.-t German -ector, Weekes re not only a delightful, but a most ported. Many of the e told him that Published every Thursday at Nysaa, Malheur County, Oregon. r,-; aiing conversation. That is, he tliey were fearful of their de-tiny did the revealing to me— and in a warn, and if, tilt- R . .an- succeeded Entered at the postolfice at Nysaa. Oregon fur transmission way that has set me to thinking. in establishing a permanent forti through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under j hn Weekes was Ihe name of my fied line, such as was set up between companion for the 25 minute ride, Prance and Germany before World the act of March 3, 187» and hi- lvome is in Spokane- a home W ar I I he has not seen since last June Probably the most significant Hi 1 11 owing Ins graduation from thing to come out of Weekes’ sum Wa .hington State college last spring mer sojourn was his fraternizing W, t-Kc et forth on an odyssey that, with peaple o f is own age. In all his Nyssa area residents are probably wondering about UK's that, has carried him associations, he claims there is a all the hullaballoo over Boise way where winter sports through all but three European na strong feeling for world fellowship. fans and resort operators are complaining because they tion- This, he said, was the reali- It is not my Intention to offer can’t get Idaho’s highway department to keep the Bogus zau n of a dream conceived while he preachments on how to make this a va erving in the army at Asiatic better world to live in. but It SEEMS Basin road open for this winter’s skiing. post- His stretch in the service fol- T O ME one long step in that direc A few months ago. the Nyssa Boat club, along with lowfil completion of high school at tion woud be accomplished of young dozens of other motor boat enthusiasts and fishermen, Uu o i of 17. from 1948 to 1948. people of the world had more voice were turned down when they attempted to get county, 1 : ulentally, he nas been in 42 of in international affairs. Impossible, you say? Then you are state or federal funds to build a new road to Owyhee , LsU l * ! tins country and numbered in the camp of the pro- reservoir. A spokesman for the Boat club actually ex j Alaska. There is nothing so remarkable, of fess tonal p >iu.<nan who put- par« pressed approval of the refusal by indicating “ too much } course, in all this- -others have long sonal or party political machina money is being asked from tax funds for everything.” -tnce covered as much, or more, tions above national and interna In contrast with the promoters in Boise who think they gi md in their global trottings. Nor tional well-being. wa 1 trying to pull a Richard Hall- can’t get to Bogus without help from their state, those burton stunt. wanting a road into Owyhee lake took the bull by the But, o I T SEEMS TO ME, there horns, Hexed their muscles and raised private funds in are t veral elements o f the unusual, addition to doing some of their own manual labor to build or at least o f significance in the A caravan of Democratic. Republi light of international relationships, the road. can and independent supporters of in hi discoveries while in some of It might be suggested that when the Owyhee road is John G. Jones, Democratic candi the countries of Europe. completed, any left-over funds be used for crying towels Weekes deliberately chose the date for Oregon’s second congres for the deprived skiers who apparently are the kind that hitch-li king method of transporta sional district congressman, is sched tion because he wanted to get close uled to be In Nyssa at 9 a. m. Fri leave a third track in the snow down the slalom course. to the grass roots, as It were. And grades the Individual on the basis that is Just what he was able to do, day, Sept 26, according to an an nouncement from LaGrande. of his wealth or ancestry. he aid. Although Europe is full of Jones, a former LaGrande radio I youth hostels, he and his companion It Is possible that national and In never tayed at one, preferring to executive, is opposed by Sam Coon ternational difficulties make people eek lodging in private homes so of Baker. Republican candidate, for more sullen and cause them to with they could get closer to the thinking the congressional seat vacated by Lowell Stockman. draw from others. Over a period of of the middle classes. time, we finally realize that every And this method really paid off. one Is In the same boat with per Wct’ke has, according to what little The Oregon Council o f Churches sonal difficulties, high taxes, short he told me, come back with a store has formed a Citizens Against Gam Th at lower Snake river valley resi ages and the dangers of another all- house full o f information that would dents retain the old fashioned wes- out war and possible atom bomb at make startling reading if published bling state-wide organization to head the campaign to outlaw com tren hospitality emphasized in his tacks. in book form. mercialized gambling in Oregon. tory books, has been brought into All in all, he said, the Europeans It's only a theory, but wc believe Paul N. Poling, o f Salem, will act as focus by two Culifornians—one a na that all of us arc drawn closer to are friendly to the United States. chairman, announced Ernest J. Ja- tive son o f that state and the other gether as we more fully realize the They are keenly interested in our an emigrant several years ago— who terrific problems that must be sol national elections, and are follow- qua, president of the O.C. of C. were recent visitors here. The campaign is to obtain a favor | ing the campaigns closely. ved. Accustomed to the hurly-burly of One thing he said has, I T SEEMS able vote on the Nov. 4 ballot against During the past three years there the big cities In the sunshine state, TO ME, implications of develop gambling. The Citizens Against one of the visitors was somewhat Is a noticeable change in the attitude ment that might have a bearing on Gambling is being sponsored by the "overwhelmed" when he had occas of one group toward another. For in imminent international relation Oregon Council of Churches, as was ion to request the services of some stance. you no longer hear small ships. the measure up for vote, but Jaqua county officials. In addition to com town business men complain that This is the project now being un plying with the request, the officials "the farmer is making all the dertaken by the Russians of clear stated that every individual and went even farther and gave help money," and by the same token you ing a strip three miles In width the group interested in any manner Is that was not asked tor to save the never hear a farmer cite the "fa n length of the Iron Curtain. Every cordially invited to join.—Argus- visitor many hours delay In arriving tastic Incomes” of the small town thing is going, Weeks said—farms Observer. business man. at his destination. ire being vacated and all buildin ■ Both groups know that after taxes burned to the ground and wooded Still unbelieving, the Californian U-e the Journal Classified Ads. “ Just knew” that the officials would and high wages which are high for expect a large sum of "side money," those who must pay them and low but he was finally convinced that he for the worker who must pay for was being befriended by true wester high priced goods in addition to ners with no thought other than to taxes—anyone Is entitled to what help their fellow men when they re ever he Is fortunate enough to have left at the end of the year. fused even a personal tip. The second Californian was Just It could be that more human un merely "am azed" at Malheur coun derstanding will play an Important ty, its progress and modern facilities part In solving so many o f the pres and the friendliness o f the people. ent day problems. He had seldom been outside a large California city and confessed that ( H A IT I P K K I O I ) SKI his conception of eastern Oregon KOK C I I K I S T I A N ( l l U K U I I went no farther than sagebrush, tar Evening services of the Church of paper sharks and uncouth cowboys Christ will be in the form of a chapel who would shoot a stranger for two- period for the teaching of two re bits. ligious subjects. Church history will be taught by Phone 372 Almost all ol us on occasion be the pastor, the Rev. A J Hollings come somewhat cynical and pine for worth. and the other, "Child Guid the good old days when people had ance," will be taught by Mrs. Jesse more time to be neighborly. We Rigney for benefit of young mothers. The chapel hour is at 8 p. m. Th e sometimes forget that we ourselves fall to tuke the time to allow others P.M.C.Y. fellowship meets at 7 5 mi. S.W. of Fruitland on Highway 95 to be friendly and to perform those o’clock, acts of kindness that make living ixlolkp. more pleasant. It's interesting to experiment with human nature by attempting to see how many people will respond to "good morning" or Just "hello." Two will get you one that you can bat 1000. with a smile thrown in as a bonus. Nyssa and the surrounding com munities are no doubt a living exam ple of the old fashioned friendliness that has been handed down from early day settlers and Is highly con tagious In a locality like this, no one gives a second thought to a person's garb, whether Its levls or a fancy suit for there Is no social scale that A Lesson From the Boat Club Jones Campaign Caravan To Visit Along The EDITOR'S BEET We Sliil Have Peaches. . . H A L E S -E L B E R T A S Fruit you like at prices you like BRING CONTAINERS Kenneth Syme Orchards Fraternal Order of Eagles Z O N E M E E T IN G Use Journal Classified Ads. Eagles Hall—Bower and Second SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 - 2 P. M. STREET PARADE: Commences at 12 Noon, from Post Office — LADIES' DRILL TEAMS Brother Jack Henry, of Klamath Falls, Junior Past State President, will be main speaker. Other prominent Eagle Leaders will bring real messages, and instructions. ( u u * a o r i n f M rn m u N Christian Center H lvmb East 2nd add Ebrgaad Sunday school, 10 a. m. Moriung worship, 11 a m. ALIBI AN C O M M U N I T Y Wednesday Primary « P who wish to go meet at tne church I. A . # P ni _______ before 3 o'clock. E'.enw.g evangelistic service # pm THE FREE MF f U o n i W C U l B< It Tuesday evening prayer and prai.-e Adrian, (h r**** • p Ol Church school. 10 a. n# Friday evening Christ Aruba.- sa- M> g » : - ip. I t A. *t- 4or 8 p en. young pe<*>le service 8 p m Evvryont welcome Co all service- Mcrge Announced By 1st National O l 'I C l Henry E. Maor*. l u M r ■ t . r a n • b f is c o f a l c h u r c h Bible school at 10:00 a. m. Erv. C. T. Cr«Bak* w, I n t e r Morning worship, 11 a b Sermon Evening service. 7:30 p. m. ubject, "Th e Meaning of the Laird'» Supper.” F A I T H L U T H E R A N C H I RCH Rally day at the church. Fifth Street J> Fark Aveng* FIRST ( HI I I H OF ( 'HEIST (Christian) .Austin J. Hullinfswurth. Miniate» 10 a. m , church school. Elvtn Ballou, superintendent. “ What Doest Thou Here?” 7 p. m. Christian Youth Fellow ship. Lyle Wilson, president. 8 p. m., chapel period. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZ.ARENE Robert Jackson, l’ a»tor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. N.Y.P.S. and Junior meetings, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service. 7:45 p. m. Midweek prayer meeting Wednes day, 8 p. m. M ISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Elder Haskell Dane, Paster Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young peoples service«, 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer service 8 o ’clock. We invite everyone to these old time landmark Baptist services. Two new branches have been add ed to the First National Bank o f Portland to be known as the Gold Beach branch and the Port Orford Rev. John L. Briehl. f i r t o e branch, it was announced today by Sunday church school. 10 a. m. Divine worship service, 11 a. a. F. N Belgrano, Jr., president. As a part of the transaction in You are cordially invited to wor volved in the establishment of these ship with us. branches, the first National bank, C ATHOLIC CHI RCH with the approval of both the super intendent of banks o f Oregon Park Avenue and Third Street and the comptroller of the currency, Rev. Rembert Ahlev O. F. M. i Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. assumed the deposit liabilities of the Curry County bank and its Port and daily at 8 a. m. Orford branch Sept. 5. According to recent figures, deposits are ap L. D. S. 2nd WARD proximately $3.524.000 and loans $1,- D. Hubert Christensen. Bishop | Sunday—Priesthood meeting, 9:15 300.000 Buildings and equipment in a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m both cities were acquired and the branches will be housed in the same Sacrament meeting. 8 p. m. Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p. m locations as the former institutions. ATTENTION We Are Remodeling Our Seed Cleaning Facilities For Your Convenience L. D. S. 1st WARD Gordon Kay, Bishop Primary Wednesday 10 a. m. B a cn m in t Sunday 8 p. m. Let Us Process Your Clover and Alfalfa Seed Crop Before Marketing THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH II. G. MoCallastrr, Minister 9:45 a. m , church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Frank C. Coley, Pastor South 2nd and Reece Ave. Sunday school 10 a. m. Childrens service in basement au ditorium at 11 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. 2 p.m . Sunday Watre Baptism. All Seed Growers Dessert Seed Co. Phone 132 Nyssa, Oregon 1 9 4 9 CADILLAC 4 Door 61 Custom Seat Cover#— Really Nice 1 9 5 0 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 Door Overhauled, Clean As A Pin 1 9 4 9 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 Door Radio, Heater, Overhauled 1 9 5 0 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Radio, Heater, Nice 1 9 4 9 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR Radio, Heater, Overdrive— New Paint Job 1 9 4 9 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR Heater and Overdrive 1 9 4 8 DODGE CUSTOM 4 Door Radio, Heater, New Seat Covers $2595 $1995 $1645 $1545 $1420 $1250 $1145 1 9 4 8 AUSTIN 4 Door $685 TRUCKS 1 9 4 5 CHEVROLET 'k TON PICKUP This Unit Ha# A Factory Approved Re-Built M o to r................................................ $545 Hall will br open from 10 a. m. for visiting Eagles and wives. Before trouble strike# SEE US! Don’t wait for a fire, an accident or lawsuit. Protect Refreshments and Entertainment: Bowling - Horshoe Pitching "Let's Have Fun" COME AND MEET YOUR BROTHER EAGLES FROM ALL OVER THE STATE All Eagles W elcom e, Including Out-of-state Eagles What You Have Now! Buy In A Two To Three Ton Truck 1 9 4 7 FEDERAL New 8:25x20 10 Ply Tire# and New Tube#, New Paint, New Motor, 5 Speed Tran*, 2-Speed Axle. A REAL BU Y AT $1200 F. 0 . E. Ws Stand Between You We Use the Standard 50-50 Warrantee (Finest On Earth) and Loaal Joe Bellon Bob Thompson Agency F km» r For Beet Farmers We Have An Exceptional Claude Willson General Chairman Program Chairman Don M. Graham Publicity Chairman Waggoner Motor Co. Good Avenue Ny##a, Ore. Phone 180