Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1952)
T THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y T O U K N A L . W Y S S A , OREGOM Kingman Kolony Konlacls M rv Claude Day Fhone td'i lt ; Mr and Mr« John Thiel received word from their son. Francis who 1 m Korea savin« he is in the United Nations C m l Assistance cooperation at Puson. He likes his work very much He drives a wrecker. Mr« Ellen Spark.« and Mrs M il dred Oridley, of Boise, were visitors Wednesday at the Art Sparks home Mr and Mrs Elmer Dutton, of Kenewtck. Wash., visited Sunday evening at the Dale Ashcraft home. Pollyanna club was postponed last Thursday until Oct. 2. It will be held with Mrs. Erma Sparks. Oscar Schafer took some cattle to Ontario for Clarence Cassel Tues day. We Will Gladly Do Your Custom Dressing of Poultry at 3 0 # each Gem Produce Co. Corner 6fh & Good Phon« 17 Mr and Mr-. Don Smith, o f A l hambra. Calif., visited last week with Mr and Mr« Oscar Schafer and Freddie, enroute to Nez Perce, Ida. to visit Mrs Smith's parents. Mrs. Smith is a niece of Mr Scha fer. Mr and Mrs- Claude Day and family entertained the following at a watermelon feed in honor of Ron alds birthday, Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. H L . Day. Mr and M rs. Howard Day and Sandra. Mrs. Jam«.« Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Silas H o ff man. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glenda, Mrs. James Ritchie and Robert and Ross Mills. Birthday cake was also served. Mr. and Mrs Harold Marcum brought their infant daughter home from the Boise hospital Friday. She is gaining now Mrs. Dick Stockhom and Beverly visited at the Art Sparks home while Dick Stockhom and Guy Sparks went hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton, of Kenewick. Wash., were week-end guests at the W. E Piercy home. Mr and Mrs. Kern Thurman and fam ily of Buhl were also week-end guests at the Piercy home. Mrs. Arlene Sparks is staying with ¡MNMMMMfc ! MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS Estimates G ladly Given HEATING Phone 134L2 GEORGE J. KINZER Parma, Idaho 'msammmm THURSDAY T V S '" +. S E V Y T f S E P T E M B E R 1!. 1952 — F A R E W E LL 1 •ARTY HELD Mrs .Alice Nelson for a couple of FOR L T BAE lit weeks. y Th e W olfe amily aeld a farewell Mr and Mrs Prank Payne, of From the Jograal Files potluck dlxuu >r and party at the Garfield. Utah, have purchased the home of air anei Mrs Cl.fiord Wolfe Banta place and Mr and Mrs Ban- 5 Years Ago Sept. 11. IM I Dewey Ray and St a: . Mr and Sunday for L: and .\ Chu tBaijt) ta have bought a place in Apple Sugar beet harvest will be started Mrs. C W Rebelger .i ; 1: ,i Mrs and three daijghters from Georgia. Valley. here next week with the acreage the J. C. Smith and Mrs. Zena i Ram- Lt. Bo ob leav es We:Ir.e day. sailing U . f r Ger- Mr and Mrs Payne have been greatest and the campaign the long band.----- Llovd Marshall ha.« been from New V r.{, S?t m.tnv. Mr-. B bb, Ta f rmerly D r- visiting at the Walter Lon* home est in the history of thi> district.— i 219 high school students registered named principal of Kingman Kol- othy W elle, da lighter of Mr and Mrs. Other visitors at the Long home last week with prospects that the ony school.---- Chas. E Parad; s has O :to W olfe, c! N .imp t a .1 siner of were Mr an'' Mrs Bill Smith, of i total enrollment will reach 270 ---- accepted the position as bookk eeper Clifford, o f Stîn^et V Miss Eva B ivd . 1 re- The 33 pre ?nt Ter ' :.i.v and Mrs. Ontario, and Mr and Mrs Cleo Malheur county 4-H girls who placed at Eders p Will Otto W olfe, * Y r n d Mr-'. Albert Payne, of Nyssa. again engage in teaching — Her- Watson, and girl*. f Kuna. Ida.; Mr and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and fair are Betty Newbill. Arlene Piercy David went sage hen hunting up by- and Mary Lou Jensen of Kingm an man Towne is adding a large b vse- Mr. and Mr Carl M ..'cl. and fam- Kolony and Darlene Smith and Bo ment .furnace and extensive addi- ily. of Ontar. >; Mr and Mrs. Irvin Harper last week. nita Langley, Owyhee — Mr and tion to his residence. Wolfe, and fa:nily, of Meridian; Mr. Mrs Clarence Cassel has returned and Mr« Bin H : :k and family, Mrs. Alva Goodell left for North 30 Years Ago Sept. 8, 1922 to her work at the hos-pital in Nyssa Platte. Nebr , where Mr Goodell will Farmers of Nyssa area are circu of Wilder, and Mr. and Mr Ralph after being detained at home by a attend a reunion of Co B 366th in lating petitions to have the board Willey o f Payette. sore foot after stepping on a nail. fantry, a World I unit and then will of equalization lower the a c e Th e Hindenberg di a-' er occurred Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleaver are visit in Colorado and Kansas. ments of their farm lands. ----- A in 1937. visiting a couple of days at Salem. 10 Years Ago Sept. 10. 1942 number of residences in the south Mr Lovelace returned home F ri The Nyssa chapter of the F.F.A. part of town were wired, during the day evening from LaGrande. where have established a salvage depot for past week for electric l.ght Dw.ght fi « m he had visited his son. Kent, who the national scrap iron drive I t ’s Smith is moving this week into the is in the hospital. Kent was in an located in the Sessler Wrecking Fenn residence on North Fir t St accident last Sunday morning and Yard.-----The First Church of Christ. Herbert Phillip« and Helen Hoxie ik T vc*' is suffering leg injuries. They ope Christian church, will hold dedicfi- i entered business college at Boi t1 rated on him and he is doing fine, tion services Sept. 13 at its new loca Prune picking started at the IUanh.i but will have to be there for some tion.-----Henry Hartley was named orchard this week. Price 1« expected ? ■ * coordinator of the Nyssa civilian de to range from $30 to $10 per ton tiime yet. Mr. and Mrs. Herschal Thompson fense organization at a meeting in Robt. Elliott sold his hay crop were business callers at John Day Vale.----- Houston Wilson returned to 400 tons at $10 per ton Corvallis, where he is attending Ore 35 Years Ago Sept. 14, 1917 Wednesday. rea furo f.’ i ? gon State college.-----Joe Robertson Mr and Mrs. Chuck Gilbert and The crime of arson was repeated is training as a naval aviation cadet family have moved into the house Saturday night at the Hunt and at St. Mary's college. formerly occupied by the Bob Haney j Lackey homes one and one-haif 15 Y'ears Ago Sept. 9, 1937 family, who have mover near Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Brown pur miles west of Nyssa when someone Mr. and Mrs. John Farenhrook chased the Gate City Journal and attempted to burn the two resi- annd son, Allan, oi Montana, have Berwyn Burke, former editor, lett denses.-----High school enrollment moved into the Jim Lane house. J for Jerome to edit the Northside has reached 35 with a total school Mrs F. D Hall Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks made a ! News.-----Bernard Frost was appoin- enrollment of 167 Special BJcinkef i ted city councilman to replace and Mrs. C. C Hunt motored M Vale trip to Buhl Saturday. Tuesday in Mrs. Hall's Buick "6" on | Burke.-----Western Electric Co. of Liab ility Poücy Denver is Installing a new type Red Cross work.-----Mrs. J. J. Sar.i- A captive balloon is one which Is switch board for the Malheur Home zin returned from Boise Tuesday moored to the ground. Ronilrom Telephone Co . known as a number , and brought her three-week-old twelve board, to accommodate more daughter so "Doc'' will have to take Insurance Agency lines.-----Mrs. Sid Burbidge was elec j lessons in real baby tending — Nyssa, Oregon 1 Holly Bros, are putting up a store In ted president of the Legion auxiliary and Mrs. Victoria Schweizer, vice | Adrian and soon the town can boast president.-----Machinery to be used of Its first business.-----George Ward S t r o n g C a p ita l in the I O. N. road construction has mashed a finger in the cogs while | cranking a gasoline engine. Mrs ! S t o c k P ro te c tio n been arriving in Jordan Valley. C. I. Cheeley is teacher in charge of 1 20 Y'ears Ago Sept. 8, 1932 Supt. Leo Hollenberg reports near Arcadia schools. ly every available seat filled or spoken for in the local school house with an enrollment of 140 in high school and 226 in the grades. Three school buses bring the rural chil dren.----- Rev. Floyd White of New Meadows has been transferred to the Methodist Community church pas torate at Nyssa to succeed Rev. Josie J. Bach.-----Th e annual flower show of the Nyssa Civic club is be ing held today at the Eagles hall.----- Hilton Clark, son of Co. Commis sioner Ora Clark, has had a large rattlesnake for a pet lor two months. -----More than 30 boys have ans wered Coach Jim Young’s call for J football candidates. Wo FARtëEfl» and RANCHERS C. E. Leseberg Has A Late Model D-8 Cal and 17-yd Scraper Available Now For 25 Years Ago Sept. 9, 1927 Frank Morgan and fam ily have moved to Nyssa from their Kingman Kolony farm and are occupying the Albert Hinch residence. Nyssaites who went to Boise Sunday to M « Lindberg and attend a reception for him are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Swan, J. P. Dunway family, Mr. and Mrs. Land Leveling-Sub-soiling j I I I Buena Vista CONTACT G LE N N H O F F M A N Phone 067-R1 Mrs. Alva Goodell Phone 069-R1 THIS AREA YOU CAN BUILD THIS HOME ON YOUR OWN LOT FOR AS LITTLE AS $ 60.15 PER MONTH 963.16 DOWN PAYMENT $ FINANCING EASY No. 4 in a series of "Homes by Bole# Payette" H, [ERE is a compact home which offers the living conveniences and features of many homes with a larger area and one which, consequently, can be built on a modest budget. It is just one of several homes designed especially for this area by Boise Payette which CAN be built and financed under today’s conditions. Detailed plans, including cost breakdowns of the various phases of construction, for the “Frontier” and the, other Homes by Boise Payette are available at the yard nearest you. TH E “F R O N T IE R ” H O M E F E A T U R E S • Weathersti ipped Windows • Balsam Wool Insulation • Hardwood Floors — and other quality • Thick Butt Shingles • I)evoe Quality Faints • Olympic Pre-Dipt Shakes materials throughout! Start Your Building Plans with a Visit to— This plan and the others in this series meet all FIIA re quirements. * In most com m unities satis fa c to ry financing can be quickly arranged on the above lerms. C. F. M IN K . Mgr. Ify o Phone 15 Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McGee, of Burns, visited friends in this com munity Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Herrman spent Sunday afternoon visiting Les lie Topliff, who is still unable to work full time. Mr and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin, Don na Jean and Phyllis were Tuesday evening dinner guests at the Alva Goodell home. Donna Jean left for Salem this week to attend school. W. W. Deffenbaugh and Gilbert Deffenbaugh were Sunday dinner guests at the Edward T o p liff home. Mrs Harry Gardner and Mrs. Perle Lundy attended a banquet at the Honstead in Nampa Saturday evening, given for the employees of the House of Sutart. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Top liff and Edward T o p liff were in Boise W ed nesday. Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Abla and family of Nyssa were dinner guests Friday evening at the Edward Top liff home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hursey and children o f Ontario spent Sunday i evening at the W illis Bertram home. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill have named their daughter, Darleen M a rie. She was born Sept. 4 at the Nys sa hospital. Mrs. Jim Ritchie entertained a group of women Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr. spent Sunday evening at the Arthur Norland home. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams visited Friday afternoon with S. F Hill who is in the veterans hospital in Boise. Qolden Levitt o f Hermiston is staying at the S. B. Hoffman home while Mrs. «Levitt is recuperating from surgery at the Holy Rosary hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie were Saturday evening guests at the Howard Day home. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Orr of Her miston and Mr. and Mrs. Fred M it chell were Saturday visitors at the Lester Cleaver home. Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were Sunday dinner guests at the Elmer Scott home in Payette. Lester Cleaver and Jim Ritchie were transacting business in Nam pa Friday. Mr and Mrs. W alter Bensen and Orville Carmon o f Modesto, Calif, were overnight guests at the Eugene Cleaver home one day this week. Mr. Bensen Is Mrs. Cleaver's father. Orville Carmon is on leave from the Navy They were enroute to Burns where they will visit Mr and Mrs Charley Oavis. Mr and Mrs Howard Day and family, Mr and Mrs. Olenn Hoffman and Olenda, Mr. and Mrs. S. B Hoffm an and Mrs. J i m H.tchie and Robert were dinner guests at the Claude Day home T h e, dinner was An feunor o f Ronnie Day's birthday G IG A N TIC Coleman automate Gil heater with 3 extras Make* and moves heat through 3 to 4 rooms. Depenclal)!» heating perform ance with Low D ra ft B u r n e r - B ig Heat E x c h a n g e r- Directionaire Blower — other Cole man features. m '/ A m price Your golden oppor tunity to buy the (? fam ou s Colem an «J> heat-making, fuel- aaving features r.t fa r less than you'd ever expect. AS LOW AS INCLUDIMI} TANK fisj'/m OPERATING COST with fuel-sir control Automatic 1 It adjusts draft to high, low. or medium lire, preventing fuel waste. Saves up to 2b% in fuel LOW DOWN ¿ PAYMENT b TERMS AS LOW AS _ w ____ L A WEEK COME I N - B U Y N O W - S A W \ Comfort co,», »Q ht,l. with heater, while offer lasts' ™ ' Americo'« feeder in home heating " » «• — T rw r» IÑ T E R fS O U N ^ à io - u m i i u j 'c F Wt Y * I R \ M 0 1 W ,. Phone 176-W 'A