THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1952 PAGE 9 n ' News From Big Rend Miss Helen Hatch Phone Parma 1-F21 Miss Agna.s Hautniun wa take:, to the Nyssa Memorial hospital Sun­ day, She was operated on for appen­ dicitis Sunday morning Joe Brumback and Mr. and Mrs. Vick Morgan, attended the Tom Lowe funeral Sunday afternoon at the Owyhee school house in Owyhee Mr and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mary- Home beauty begun with. . . ann and Victor were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mr- Homer Diderickson in Sunset VaHey. All members and patrons of the Adrian grade school P T.A. are in­ vited to their first meeting and t achers reception, held at the grade school Sept. 18. Mrs. Boyce Vande Water, is enter­ taining her sister, Mrs. Ben Poweil, ot Lebanon, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright, ■pent Sunday evening visiting at the home of their son. Aithur and fam­ ily in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Saunder, of Richmond, Calif., visited the past week with her brother, Leo Kellar and family. Mrs. Herb Thomas and Mrs. Ed Hunt, of Kingston, Ida., spent Mon­ day afternoon visiting in Payette. Bill Geyer, of Caldwell, is spending a few days visiting in the Horace Chaney home. Mr. and M rs Herb Thomas and PEACHES Now Ready For Canning Binng Your Containers M. i ii ltieudcd the fair aud K'tit-' v Cambridge one day last week. David Chaney and Lyle Cleverly • judging team from Salem Friday. Henry Reu­ ter an iii'.,)aiiied the team. They re- turned Sunday. .Mi and Mrs. Bill Vande Water and Kt .. M and Mrs Boyce Van­ de W i i. and family were Sunday dinner - ic ' at the Carl Fugleman me N.unpa. Mr .Mar) Thompson and Mrs. attended the p . t . a . on given at Vale la -1 P.T-A officers. Mr and Mr-. Bruce Thomas, of Bak r . p nt the week-end over La- u r Day \. at the Herb Thomas home. Mr H rb Thomas, attended the :.ib Friday afternoon at the ii ni of Mrs. Earl Worden in Newell Heights. Mr. md Mr-. Joe King, Mr. and M: Ray Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Elm r : Tolley of Nyssa and Mr. and Mi Walter Stradley and fam- M f birthday dinner with Mr Krone Stradley Sunday. .v.r and Mrs. Harvey Hatch an­ il ann e the birth of a great grand- m, whose mother Is Mrs. Joyce .\1 ;. Davis of Ridgeview, Ore. He a a born Saturday morning at the Cal I V' 11 Memorial hospital. Mr FI m ice Richardson, of Par­ ma .-pi.: Friday evening and over- ni. ht at the Harvey Hatch home. Mr. Mary Thompson and Mrs. Myrle 1 mpeny are picking prunes for Vann : Hopkins this week. Mi Helen Hatch and Phillip at­ tended a farewell party for the Prank Huett family Saturday even­ ing at the Prank Johnson home in Nu Acres. Mr G. Sutton and her mother, Mi Emma Andrews, of Caldwell, and her dau liter, Mrs. Kit Doller and two ons from Florida visited FOR YOUR PLUMBING ELBERTAS IMPROVED HALES NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call W. J. Browne 1« mi. So. Nyssa J. C . Id Years In Nyssa Phone 060-J2 P h o n e 7 8 -J * B&M Equipment Thursday Evening Bridge c ’.ub B 1 R I I I D A I Roger Maulding celebrated his met last Thur-day at the Eddie P w- ell fuime with Mrs Tom Jones re­ eighth birthday aai .relay There ceiving high. M: Earl Alexander were eight gue t and they attended Mrs. Kenneth McDonald -econd end Mrs Aden Wilson travel­ the show in the afternoon, after Phone 0% U ing. Guesu for the evening were which they had refreshments served Mrs Murl Lancaster, Mr- Tom by Mrs L. A Maulding Jones and Mrs Earl Alexander. Re- I before returning to her home in O K K club will meet Thursday, PAST PRESIDENTS PARLEY freshments were served. afternoon, Sept 18, at Owyhee dam B i t Mr- Jone- had been to *po- The Past Presidents Parley of the with Mrs. Bob Morfitt Mrs Oscar kane to see her son, Robert Jones. American Legion Auxiliary met at SCOUTS HAVE FIELD DAY Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar and HouatOO will be a 1st The Girl Scouts o f Mrs Grant the home of Eddie Powell. They are and roll call will be a pot holder daughters came from the ranch near Rinehart's group held a field day working on afgans for the Portland Rome Monday afternoon to take exchange. Saturday with an early morning hospital. There were seven members Funeral services were held Sunday the.r daughter. Judy to a doctor to breakfast at the big syphon. After present, and lunch was served by have her checked after she had been afternoon for a pioneer of this area, their breakfast the girls hiked. Mrs. th hostess. 89-year-old Tom Lowe. Services were ill with tonsilitis a few weeks ago. Mclntire, who is Mrs. Rinehart's as­ at the Owyhee Community church sistant accompanied the girls and SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS with interment in Owyhee ceme­ Mrs. Roy Barnes and boys were Mrs. Vaughn Stringer helped with tery Mrs. Marion Quackanbu.-h came Sunday dinner guests at the Harold the transportation. from Spokane to make arrangements Robbins home. After dinner Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole­ Robbins and Mrs. Roy Barnes and and was tne only daughter of the Mrs. George Moeler man. deceased. Mr. and Mrs John Wall boys attended the jalopy races at Mr and Mrs Archie McLaughlin the rodeo grounds. and sons, Kingman and James, of Phone 052-R2 Boise, attended the funeral Services and family and his father, Lucien were conducted by Rev. McCallaster McLaughlin, all of Redmond, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smit, of Chi­ spent the week-end here with John of the Methodist church in Nyssa. f’***tfl Eyes Examined Funeral services were held Thurs­ cago, left last Saturday for their and Grandma Seburn and Goldie day at the Ovyhee Community home after a two weeks' visit here Roper and Lois McLaughlin. Glasses Fitted church for James Connaughy, 16- with hi - father, Nick Smit and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Smit, of Ar­ year-oki son of Mr. and Mr- How- Smit and other relatives. He also cadia, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smit. Adjusted and trd C . 1 .1 ighy o f Mi: hi 11 Butte. vi-ited his brother Aeerie Smit and of Chicago, attended the 25th wed­ The Rev. Moore of Adrian conducted Mrs. Smit, of Halfway, Ore., and at­ ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Repaired the services and interment vas in tended the Baker county fair while Marinus Smit, near Cairo, August 30 there. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and boys, Owyhee cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Van Dyken, of Nyssa, visited Sunday at the Otis Mr. and Mrs. Emmet' Smith, of of Port Orchard. Wash., visited at Bullard home. Walla Walla, Wa ii. m 1 ek-end Mrs. Cecil Houston and children guests in the Kenneth McDonald the Otis Bullard home Saturday. Tuesday, September 23 home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ They were on their way home from returned Sunday from a three weeks’ PARMA HOTEL visit in South Dakota and Fayett- ald DeBoard and granddaughter, a trip to California. Mrs. Glen Peterson, of Nyssa ville, Ark. She accompanied her PARMA, IDAHO Karen and Mrs. Jay Duncan and Mary, all of Payette and Mr and Heights, called on Mrs. Ernest brother, Eldon Struvy of Bremerton. Boise Office: Room 252 Wash., and her sister, Mrs. Jack Mrs. George Gregg and- children Stephensen Monday afternoon. Sonna Bldg. Mbs Clarabel Wright, of San Jose. Taylor, of Milton-Freewater, Ore. came to the McDonald home to see CJalif., visited Wednesday and Thurs­ They left Tuesday for their home. the Washington visitors. Entrance to Sonna Bldg, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith re­ day at the George Moeller and Otis between Penny’s and turned Thursday evening from a Bullard homes. Miss Wright was baby, of Nyssa, left Sept. 1 for a Newberry’s Stores Child Evangelism director of Idaho month’s visit in 'Berryville, Ark. They trip to Kansas City where they visit­ 'd their daughter. The Smiths took and lived in Boise for several years. were accompnied by Sam McKinney Phono Dial 3-7011 Oti- Bullard threashed clover seed who had been visiting here the past ihe noithern route on the way and for Pete Tensen this week. month. returned the southern «route. Fred and Sara Kita, who are em­ Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz came down from McCall to spend a fe.v ployed on the Ira Ure farms moved to the house vacated by Mr. and days here. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mrs. Cecil Boekweg last week. Mrs. Nick Smith visited over La­ Chadwell and Mrs. Nellie Chadiwell, of Emmett, were guests in the Omar bor Day with her son, Robert Shane and wife at High Valley ranger sta­ Hite home. Mr. and Mrs. Nig Larson, of Em­ tion in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley and mett. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward and Mrs. Earl Saari, of Adrian, were af­ Annettee attended a family picnic ternoon callers in the Kenneth Mc­ last Sunday at the home of Mrs. William Stradley in the Big Bend Donald home Thursday. Mrs. Charles Bowers left Friday district. Mr. and Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. for Wichita Falls, Texas to be with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Chapin Fifer, of Ontario, visited Mr. and and new baby, Cynthia Lou, who Mrs. Charles Bullard Sunday after­ was born Sept. 2 and weighed 9 noon. pounds 1 ounce. ivir. anu .vli.s. John Zittercob spent Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson are Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Theo parents of a daughter born Sunday Matherly on the Oregon Slope. evening in Ontario. She has been Kenneth Wilson, who attended named Kathleen and Joins a family school last year at Hollydaysburg, of five brothers. She weighed 7 Penn., is visiting his grandparents, pounds. Mr. andn Mrs. Nick Smit and will Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wistos of Al- attend school in Emmett this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephensen, turas, Calif., spent several days here Trial Runs Begin At 2 P. M. last week, when they arrived to at­ of Arcadia, Mr. and Mrs. Ule Alsup tend the funeral o f their nephew, and Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves, of Jimmy Connaughy. Mrs. Wistos is Nyssa, went to Idaho City Sunday on a picnic. a sister of Mrs. Connaughy. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters spent Miss Corabelle Coleman, of Boise, the week-end fishing near Unity on -pent the week-end here with her the Burnt river. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris and fam­ ily have moved to Nyssa from the Bybee place where they have lived for several years. ATHVT Ci 1 Children Under 12 FREE Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Forsman and children of Ontario came to get Mrs. When Accompanied by a Parent Rosa Kirtley and take her to O wy­ hee dam Sunday on a sight seeing trip. Mrs. Kirtley has not been feel­ ing too well and confined to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Barrett and Sponsored By daughter, Mrs. Beasley and children of Sunset, Utah arrived at the home of the Barretts son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pat­ terson and family Monday. Mr. Bar­ rett and Mrs. Beasley and children left Tuesday for their homes, but r_. eye. Mrs. Barrett will remain with her daughter and children for a while. Mrs. Ralph Jones spent two nights with her daughter, Mrs. Byrd Walter Owyhee Occurrences Around Arcadia Dr. A. T. Bradbury JALOPY and SMITH • " ■ ' i < F.I.I M A T E S F IG IIT H BRIDGE p a r t y h e l d ._ _ SUNDAY, SEPT. 21 Co. Inc. NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS Proudly Presents: The Only Successful, Tried and Proven 3 Row Lifter Loader . . . . This is the machine that enabled D. H. Christensen, of Nyssa, to harvest 260 tons of beets in 8 hours, using 3 trucks. Ho says that they could have used the 4th truck, as 3 could not keep up with the loader. 20 Cars Entered Thrills - Spills ! OW YHEE RIDING CLUB % Lynn Chaney, celebrated her sixth birthday Sunday with a birthday party given by her mother, Mrs. Angie Chaney. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of Nu Acres, called at the Case Munt- Jewerff home Sunday, her nephew, Phil Clucas and fam­ ily Sunday. RUSH Uow um Know! Listings For Our The answer to cvpryday insurance problems* New Directory By RALPH LAWRENCE Hubert is very enthusiastic about the Gem co. He Don't Miss I t ! m cited its adaptability to extreme variations in row width, stating that they lifted the following row widths with a slight adjustment of the inner lifter shoes', 20 and P «® * !? 22 inch, 18 and 20 inch, and 18 and 22 inch. QUESTION: My sister-in-law had a lot of valuable antique sil­ ver stored in her basement. When •.he decided to give it a good pol­ ishing a few days ago. she found t gone. She lamented the fact hey had no burglary insurance out I questioned whether they would have been paid when they there was no evidence of burglary. Can you tell me? He likes the simplicity of design and its rugged frame, for large acreages, or for the custom operator. Its capacity makes it the machine to buy. IN S W M ' v Disappearance clause in most theft policies the loss would have been paid. There would bo no trier explanation than theft to recount for the lost silver. Como In And See The New 3-Row GEMCO *Tf you'll addre your o * n In- s'irar w quest;, n to this w 11 tiy to give you the correct an wen and there will to •• charte «e «bUg.vüea af .my Eia* B & M Equipment Co. 612 Arcadia Fhone 4 4 4 Nytta Nyssa Tnsuravc* A q « a c f 105 El .if it Iti. • © Thune M « O ® ft) WILL BE CLOSED SOON If you want any changes made in your listing Please call the business office in Nyssa Extension phones are now available. Make application to the business office. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. i m