r ^ p - THE NYSSA. GATE. C IT Y JOURNAL. KYS8A. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER li. 1952 NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS Earw igs on Increase In Canyon County Earing-, are on the increase. The m sec» pens of Imhsonne hao- its have invaded nearly all sections of Idaho and are becoming one >f the most troublesome visitors m gar­ dens and homes. C. D. Bechtold. Canyon county ag­ ricultural agent, said this week that D D T is the best medicine to di^>- OR. G.W. GRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Bnd-ie should complete (heir part of F :e:nan Bill Acker aid oue of G r G t fi the.r next job.- would be erection v irage them It is doing an effec- on the bridge He would not esti­ t.ve j,»b where it is applied at the mate when that particular job could r ght >trer.gth and in the right way be started Weiser Signal. The increase in earwigs developed be au^e winter conditions were fav- "rabl for survival and berau^ con­ trol haj pot been carried out in enough places A concerted attack Brothers Allen and Joe Barry, of by neighborhoods and communities Dayville, won first and fourth re­ is recommended -Parma Review. spectively, in a grass, weed and tree identification contest held among more than 40 4-H club members from throughout the stale attending the recent five-day grass school at Frazer camp near Lehman Springs. The brothers, sons of Oeorge Pinal link in the string of steel from the Idaho to the Oregon banks Barry, o f Dayville, who was 1952 of the Snake river was laid early state and county grassman-of-the- this week and another phase in the year. were found to have high points construction of the interstate bridge after the 4-H members went into the field, obtained as many grass, was completed. The last of the heavy girders fo r­ tree and weed samples as they could ming the framework for the new find, returned to camp, completed brid e went into place and the heavy identification and spelled the names placing crane was moved back to correctly. They learned identification of the river's center to pull out the sheet p.le coffer dam at pier three. I grasses, weeds and trees, how ranges IU v *, ier- went to work as the crane should be managed, toured grass moved o ff the span and within ten nurseries, skid-row seed plantings days the crew of the American and viewed two movies about reseed­ ing ranges and the balance of na­ ture in animals and plants.—Blue Mountain Eagle. Grass Contest Won By Barry Brothers Snake Spanned By New Bridge New Depot Agent W A R D ’S Riverside T L nc-rrl o c a l fLein L*em f l l n u H o Walley Smith arrived at his new post in Homedale August 25. He was depot agent in McCall for two years before being transferred to Home- dale, replacing Gordon Spiers and family who went to Oakley. A rriv­ ing with Mr. Smith was his wife and daughter, Vicki Lynn. 4 —Owyhee Chronicle. Use Journal Classified Ads. Tires - Batteries WANTED Hay Baling W ire Tie Mitchell Bros. OWYHEE GARAGE ' 1iewell Heights News P lQ < 3 \ 1 6 made up of members from M.ilheur, Payette and Washington counties, received a plaque for having the best club display at the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical societies convention at Caldwell last week The local club exhibited 14 cases of gems, minerals, Indian artifaes and polished specimens and took nine blue ribbons with their entries. Individual winners were Frank Zimmerman, John Glass, Mr and Mrs. Maurice Corey. Clyde Currin, Mr and Mrs L L Perrigo. Payette Valley Sentinel. Expediting Steel For Local Bridge The American Bride company plant at Oary, Ind , is actually set­ ting aside other work to expedite completion of steel for the Weiser Snake River bridge, according to a letter received this week in Weiser from Henry H. Fowler, administra­ tor of the National Production au­ thority, a branch of the department o f commerce. The letter was forwarded to the Weiser Chamber of Commerce by Congressman John T. Wood, who is now home for the summer at Coeur d'Alene.— Independent-Enter­ prise. Phone Office To O ^en Here The opening of an office in Vale [ to handle business and service calls for the Malheur Home Telephone company was announced this week by C. M. Robertson, manager of the company. Robertson said that the office here would open September 15 and will be under the supervision of Thayer Williams, Vale manager, and will be staffed by Mrs. C. W. Crittenden of Vale. The number of the office will be 2213, and Robertson urged that pa­ trons on the Vale exchange dial that number for all information, service and business calls. The office will be located in the Lytle building at 149 Court street, and payment of bills Is to be made there.—Enterprise, Adrian News At Owyhee Junction Phone «4* Mr and M: - H old I f S l d children, of Boi.^r * .r e gu*st> of the Rube Graham- the Leboi Day week-end They returned h >ine Tuesday morning Mr and Mr- Kern Thurman and three children from Filer. Ida spent the Labor Day week-end with the Rube Oraham- They had dinner with the Wesley Piercys Monday and returned home that afternoon. Mr and Mrs Elmer Dutlose. » f Kenniwick, called on old friends over the Labor Da> week-end. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Glen and Billy visited at Madras and with Mrs. Glen's sister. Ssther Cotengim at De Lake over Labor Day. Friday Pinochle club met with Mrs. Lydia Worden Friday. Minnie Stam won high. Mildred Graham low Florence Dierking pinochle and Mable Piercy the prize for nines. The club meets at Mable Browns the 19th for a one o'clock luncheon. Mr and Mrs. Pete Timmerman are parents of a 5 pound 9 ounce girl, born Sept 2 at Caldwell The baby has been named Debra Jeanine. Mrs. Roy Hirai, Mrs Durhn Ham- man and Mrs. Elvin Worden attend­ ed the county P. T. A. workshop at Vale Saturday Mrs. Lydia Worden and Mr. and Mrs Elvin Worden and children spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Verna Costley and helped Donald Costley celebrate his 11th birthday. Mrs. Delbert Owens and three children, of Clearfield, Utah, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. H&mmon and her brothers, Marion Hammon and Durlin Ham- mon and families. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Hammon will take Mrs. Owens home next week. Reva Jo Rathbun and Bob H al­ verson. of Coldwell, visited at the Elvin Worden home Saturday. Glen Fehman, of Sunset Valley, was an overnight guest of Pete Ham ­ mon last week. Mrs. M. L. Judd's aunt, Mrs. R ---------- •—- you’ll do well with the The Adrian Community church held its annual dinner for the Ad­ rian grade and high school teachers and their families after the morn­ ing worship service on Sunday. Dur­ ing the dinner hour. Messrs Harold Newman and Atholy Sayre intro­ duced the teachers and their fam i­ lies to the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Miller, of Yakima, Wash., were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. H E. Moore on W ed­ nesday evening. Little Patsy Norris returned home Monday from a Nampa hospital, where she has been for several days suffering from a kidney infection. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen, Em­ mett, were callers Monday afternoon at the A. C. Henderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Aller and son, Parma, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis, Ridge- view, are the parents of a son born Sept. 5 at a Caldwell hospital. He has been named Steven James, and is the Jim McGinnis' first grand­ child. Th e new Free Methodist minister, the Rev. Tony Cassartlia. and family, of St. John, Wash., arrived Monday to take over his duty as pastor of the Adrian church. Mrs. Zola Coon, Notus, spent Mon­ day visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Marfan and family and Mrs. O. J. English, Nam­ pa, spent Sunday at Cove visiting relatives. Adrian grade school teachers re­ ception will be held in the school Thursday, Sept. 18, at 8 p. m. All parents and friends are urged to attend and meet the new teachers. PEACHES PEARS Syme LIVESTOCK SALE Located Vi mile south and 1* 2 miles east of Adrian. Oregon: or 2 miles south and 6 miles wost of Parma, Idaho; or 1 m il« south and 4 miles west of Roswell, Idaho, known as the Tate place in the Big Bend District. Monday, Sepl. 15, 1952 24 - HEAD CATTLE - 24 Sale Starts 1 o'clock HARTFORD 1 HARTFORD IN S U R A N C E a ct B E RN A RD EASTMAN Real Estate Insurance Phone 84 MOetMT mA TERMS—CASH 5—Guernsey heifers, coming 2 yrs. old, bred. 1—Holstein heifer,, calf 2 weeks old by side. 1—Black W hitface heifer, 1 yr. old. All Bangs tested. 1— Red W hiteface heifer, coming 2 yrs. old. 2— Guernsey steers, coming 2 yrs. old. 1— Holstein steer, coming 2 yrs. old 2— W hiteface steers. 3— Red steers. 1—Red W hiteface heifer. 1— Black W hiteface heifer. 4— Holstein Calves. 2— Good vealer calves. 70—Hens. 100—Bales of straw, bailed with wire. MRS. ALMETA KINNEY, Owner •wee» mi iNiviANU cmmnt M d. plan to go on to Seatile -oon. Mrs. Antonio Martinez gave a party at her home Friday evening. The n I Ml Fern Hatch, Adrian. Gue-t were Jake B ige and M Dick Kriegh Applegate. Santa Barbar i C i'..* ar­ Refreshments of pie coffee and cocoa rived for a visit Saturday A dinner were served Carl Lee Hill returned to St. Vin­ for ten was given in her * nnor Sun- cent hospital for a routine check­ .l.i y up H.s mother, Mrs. Stanley Hill, ts m Mrs. G and daughters were dinner guests staying in Portland to be with him Teresa Topliff, daughter of Mr. at the Frank Miller h< me Sunday. Irvin Toplifi and Dudley Kurtz and Mrs. Irvin T pliff, received went to Boise Monday night to see third prize in the kiddies’ picture contest at H lly Theatre, Adrian the Matthew.s-Lowry fight Mr and Mrs. Da k Kriegh and j children visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim FORM ER RESIDENT DIES Stephens in Caldwell Sunday. ■Walter Swetland, former resident Dr and Mrs H N Mlora, Otta­ of Sunset Valley, pa- ed away at his wa. K a n . arrived at the home of home in Seattle Sept. 8 When he her parents. Mr. and Mi Carl Hill, resided here he was owner of the Saturday evening. The Floras have farm that Gabreil Astoreca owns at been on a trip through Texas. Ne- ; the present. vada, Mexico, Arizona. California He is survived by his wife. Myrtie; and by boat from Seattle up to Vic­ one daughter, and four grand chil­ toria. B C They will leave for home dren. The funeral services are pend­ Tuesday evening. ing at this time. Thursday, Mrs. Wayne Warren and Mrs. Harry Warren, Parma, spent the day canning peaches at F R ID A Y DINNER G l'E STS Mr. and Mrs Leslie Stoker, of the Irvm T opliff home Judy Barry, daughter of Mr. and Boise, were dinner guests Friday at Mrs. Hardy f ine, Glenns Ferry, has Mrs. Stoker's sister, Mrs. W. A. By­ been released from the polio ward bee. at St. Alphonsus hospital, Boise. Judy is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill. Mrs. Vern Butler and children, Mr and Mrs. Earl Saari and daugh­ ters, Mr. and Mrs Jake Borge and family attended the dinner at the Adrian church honoring the teach­ BRING CONTAINERS ers Sunday. 5 Mi. So. Fruitland Dick Kriegh accompanied Mr. and on U. S .95 Mrs Jake Borge to the county meet­ ing of the Farm Bureau board Tues­ day evening. K e n n e th Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Westerman from southern Texas, are staying at O rch a rd s the Stanley H ill home during Mrs. Hills absence. Mr. Westerman is Year in and year out M n . Pauline McGinnla I M U M I tr • C m Auct.: Col. B«rt Anderson. Joe Church Clerk: L. H. Frittz Only one out of three suicide at­ tempts is successful. The elevator is the safest form of transportation. WE WANT YOUR CAR before it is TOO LATE Your Cooling System is as vital to the operation of your ear aa the Brakes or Motor. Pressure • Purging ie the When a light bulb bums newest approved method of out, Isn’t it logical to have a new one handy to replace it? You bet it is. cleansing the Radiator That's why most people buy bulb« Water Jackets of the Block. by the carton— to keep some spares on hand. Take a few minutes now and cheek empty sockets. Then add some extra bulbs in a variety of sizes. you have it— light bulbs on your shopping list. Get a supply today! There PRESSURE PURGE you ESTABLISH bank credit you EARN 1 * % on S A V I N G S and 2 • 9 FT v r o '•!/<' O N CERT I FI CAT ES OF DE POS I T WRI TTEN TO MATURE IN 3 Y EAR S