Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER II. 1952 Along The A b o u t P eo p le Y ou K now Mr « a d M r» W a va r W h it* of J or dan Valley are making their home m Nyaea Mr White is employed at the -sugar factory Mr and Mr» Ra> Hoff and family were Saturday guests a: M r' H o ffs parents home. Mr and Mr- M C. Seuell at Nu Acres Mr and Mrs. Quentin D < larltaon and family arrived last week from Corvallis for a short visit at the flume of her parents. Mr and Mis J I. Grady. The Clarksons will re turn this weekend to Corvallis where Mr Clarkson will resume work in the graduate school at the Oregon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and boys were Sunday guests at the Otis Bull ard home. Lt. and Mrs. Hob Khine, (.ail and Knox o f Ft. Worth, Texas were W ed nesday and Thursday guests at the Wilton Jackson home. Mr. and Mrs. Kkiyd N'ewgen of Healdtoerg were guests at his broth ers Mr and Mrs L. E Newgen home Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Iloltan moved to Richland, Wash, where he is stationed with the army. Airman 3rd Class Dorothy Settles of the Air Force ts visiting at the Frank Rambaud home. She is on her way to New York where she :s stationed. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keitenbaufth spent the last week-end at Walla Walla. Wash. Visiting at the C. A. Reece home the first part of the week were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lon; of Su therland. Oregon were guests over the Labor Day week-end at the Clyde Long home. Guests at the Richard Mason j home last Thursday and Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Deverick and Myr- ' na of Calif. Mrs. Lee Deverick is Richard Mason's sister. Mrs. Klneva (anfield of Pocatello, aunt of Mrs. Joseph Maughan, is visiting at the Joseph Maughn home. Miss Abbie McGinley of Odell, Neb. was a Thursday evening guest at the home o f her brother. Harry j McGinely Miss MoGinely will teach school in the New Plymouth school system. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mitchell were In Rupert over the Labor Day week- Mary Lynn llepner and friend of Victorville were Sunday afternoon guests at the LaMonte Fife home. They were both friends of Don Fife when he was stationed there. Visiting at the M. L. Judd home is Mrs. R. O. Applegate o f Santa Barbara, an aunt of Mrs. Judd. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Christensen were visiting here parents. Mr and Mrs. Jed Lewis over the weekend. They left Sunday for Utah Where will both attend B.Y.U. this fall. Mrs. Tom Skinner of Jordan Val ley was a weekend guest at the Clyde Long home While she was hre she was attending the teachers meeting. Visiting at the Jed Lewis home is Mrs Leora Worley o f San Fran cisco. She is a sister of Mr. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barker, The Only P R O V E N BEET H A R V E S T E R In The Field Under All Soil Conditions Now Available on John Deere, Oliver, Minneapolis-Moline Tractors, As Well As Farmall H and M Models. For Further Information See OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 245 401 Main Street B R A C K E N ’S PAGE THREE Oregon Trail t i e Owyhee dam L>h.:ig and pic nicking. Mr. and Mr-. Robert Adams and Donna and Mr and M ; Johnson, of We. -r. v: ted Sunday at the Robert Adam- home Rollan l 11 In. . r- nted Mc Lean Curran > farm : i the coming year. Lynn Snodgrass is digging a new irrigation ditch for F G Holmes. Laurene. JoAime and Elaine were visitors Sunday night at the S P. Mrs. Krank Byers Bybee home. They were on their Phone 076-Kl way to the coast !r :n Ogden Mr. and Mrs R ( Itickenlunper Merry Matrons club met at the of Ogden were gue-ts at the S. P. Bybee home for three days last home of Betty Bowen Wednesday afternoon Following the business week Mr and Mrs K it Itvbee. Mr. i'u l session a pmk and blue shower was Mrs Sherman B\ b e and Gary went given for two members, Peggy Brown i fishing at Willow Creek neur An- and Bothilu Carl-on Lunch wa ser- ! Nyssa i* department made 60 derM>n Dam last Friday and re ved to 10 members and one guest, arrests during August, it was re turned Sunday. Fishing was reported Mae Bretz. by the h istess assisted vealed Tuesday In Chief of Police bv Viola Adams The next meeting Orville Maze's ni -nthlv report to the very good. Phil Kastman. Hcru.ird Kastman's will lx* Sept. 17. with Viola Adams city council. O f the 60 arrests, 36 brother, of Los Angeles, is spending as hostess. were on drunk charges, 11 for dis the week with his brother. John Bowen, and Billy, of Vale. I orderly conduct. Nine traffic viola Mr. arul Mrs. Kred Guthrie left visited at the Frank Byers home tions, two for drinking in public, one last week-end for a month's vaca Sunday evening. assault and one disturbing the peace. tion to the east. Mr and Mrs. Walter Benson and Hilda Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cannon, of Modesta, Calif., CARD OK TH A N K S Ralph Hamblin, of Utah. Grant visited last week at the Alfred Adams We wish to express our apprecia Jones' sister, surprised the Grant home. tion to our friends for the flowers Jones family Sunday when they George Adams left Friday for and to Rev Briehl for his comforting visited them. They remained the Portland to visit h,s daughter, Mrs. words at the death of our mother. night and left Monday morning for George Bacalas. Mrs Ray Dike a trip along the ooa Mr and Mrs. F G. Holmes, Mr. Mrs Bill Schoen Mr. and Mrs. tim er Dutton, of and Mrs Glen Holmes. Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gerdes Kennewick, were Sunday evening Mrs Frank Byers, Stanley Byers and Cecil Shane guests at the D V. Ashcraft home Larry Holmes spent Sunday near Mrs Ruby Shane Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Stephens. Mc Call, were Friday and Saturday guests at the C. A Wernick home. Mr. and Mrs. I It- Msup. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephensen and M r and Mrs. John Reeves were sight-seeing Sunday in Idaho City. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Daily. Idaho Falls, and Hugh Gains, Marsing, were visitors at the Leland Ricks home this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis liiggs were in Payette Saturday visiting friemds. Dr. I.. A. Maulding, Grant Rine hart and Dick Tensen left Saturday for Lake Pond d'Orielle on a fishing I trip. Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Rleaknian spent last Wednesday night with | Mrs. Bleakman's parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Emil Stunz. The Bleakmans j were on their way to Montana to , visit Mr. Bleakman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear visited Sunday at the Bert Adams j home near Homedale. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kenstrom spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. j John Peterson near Nampa. City Police Arrest 60 During August ATTENTION Seed Growers We Are Remodeling Our Seed Cleaning Facilities For Your Convenience Let Us Process Your Clover and Alfalfa Seed Crop Before Marketing Brazil is 3,275,510 square miles in ' area. The song, ‘The Last Rose o f Sum- j | mer," is from the opera “ Martha.” Henry I I set up the first Jury system, in the 12th century. Dessert Seed Co. Phone 132 Nyssa, Oregon ELVER NIELSON Says Route 1, Ontario m FALL SPECIALS Your Quality Store ADD THESE FALL NECESSITIES TO YO U R WARDROBE! Y O U C A N D O BETTER AT Extra Heavy BRACKEN'S SO CUDDLY! M A N Y PATTERN S A W ONDERFUL BUY! Choice oi Colors Women's Men's "Feeding Purina Puts SWEAT SHIRTS Boys' WHITE RED Sizes 36-46 FLAN N EL Boys' SHIRTS $ 1.98 $ 1.29 Extra Cash In M y Pockets' FLANNEL GOWNS PAJAMAS S I.49 S1.69 Pictured above is Elver Nielsen with "Goldie," his 7-year-old Jersey who produced 512 pounds of butterfat during her last lactation period. A ll colors 1.98 to 2.98 Sanforized Shrunk Elver says: "I've alw ays made money from my dairy herd feeding straight grain, but since I've been on the Purina Program my herd production has increased— and also my profits." È Sizes 34-40 and 42-48 Sizes, Age 2-18 Elver Feeds Calf Startena, D & F and Protena G irls’ Sweaters Priced from Slip-ons - Cardigans Warm Creations in 100% Nylons and Wools Sizes 7-14 2.69 to 2.98 BRACKEN’S Dry Goods Shoes X-Ray Shoo Fitting i MR. DAIRYMAN- HELP KEEP COWS IN PRODUC TION—Feed Purina Cow Chow Sup plement with your grain. Built to main tain body condition as well as top milk production. CONDITION YOUR D RY COW — Feed Purina D & F Chow to put your cows in shape for easy calving and heavy milk production. £ TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL, INC. Clothing Phone 26 YOUR S T ORE WI T H THE CHECKERBOARD SI GN Nyssa