Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1952)
THF NYSSA GATECTTY JOURNAL. PAGE TEW INVSSA THEATRE TELEPHON'»: 1M SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 "UNDER NEVADA SKIES" with KOY ROGERS— DALE EVANS Also "KANSAS TERRITORY" With HILL ELLIOTT PEGGY STEWART SEPTEMBER 14-15 SUNDAY-M ONDAY "TEXAS CARNIVAL" in Technicolor with ESTHER WILLIAMS RED SKELTON HOWARD KEEL ANN MILLER A gorgeously funny mixup with Esther as queen of the midway and Skelton as a one man comedy riot. Mai. Sun. 1:30; Aiim. 30c-#C TUESDAY, SEPT. 1« "THE SELLOUT" with WALTER PIOOEON JOHN HODIAK A newspaper blasts the lid off corruption and bribery. M e t h o d ;- : o f 0 ( 1 Id a h o a n d A new episcopal leader Bi !:< ;> A H - ! mond Orant. at a series of meeting during the next few week The new spiritual head ol thi 133.000 Methodists in the I*> r’.lard I area took up bis residence In Pi rt- , land la-t am * H work o f the denomination's 560 I churches in the three-state regain and Alaska, succeeding Bi hop (Jer ald Kein.' . ! ferred to Los Angele Among the first engagement- .if B ish op < i at welcome service- in Rupert. Ida ! on Sept. 11 and at LaOrande. Sept 12 Bishop Grunt wa eli ted to the I episcopacy at the We-tern Juri - ' dictional conference and wa con secrated mi J u l . 13 ! bar». 0*111 He wa i minister the FortUu i irea I quadrennium, 1963-'50 Bishop Grant wa-m in: ter of F t Methodist church. Sacrament c , Calif., for 15 years prior t i hi elcc- ! tlon to the episcopacy He : crvcd earlier pastorate- at Na hua and Vinton, la . and in Duluth and Min neapolis. Minn. Three Nyssa Youths Placed On Probation 1. in party's cau e . O-car B Bratton, , 1 N’> - a. turned his musical talents ■ ii id the com pi-ing of a national campaign song. "Join With Ike” was the result, win, h was submitted to the county Republican club but not in time to be msldered fur the Eisenhower poht: al rally at Boise. Tne piano accompaniment was a : .’.ten by another Nyssa man, Evan U T .bier. I A a s Bratton'- sister. Mrs. Hugh who brought hi- composition 1 1 the attention of party big-wigs, pie of the song have been sent W lu r Williams, chairman, Citi- / . r Ei-enhower-Nixon club. New York and to Robert Humphreys, man. Republican central com - iniuec. Wa-hiugtun, D. C. Rebokahs Set District Meeting for Ontario 1 he annual district meeting of the I i lodge Will be held at the 0 d Fellows hall at Ontario Satur- u.'\ ifternoon and evening. Sept. 13. Tin afternoon .session will convene at 1 30 A banquet is scheduled for t; 30 at the Moore hotel, followed by an i wning session at the Odd Fel- 1 vVs hall. Three members of the Yellow Ro e Rt bekah lodge of Ny.ssa are district officers, Mr.-. Joe Bellon, musician; Mr Nettie Bennett, vice chairman, and Mrs. Emil Stunz, page. They were chosen at the district conven tion la-t October at Vale. Three Nyssa youths, each under 18 years of age, were apprehended Tuesday and charged with larceny after pilfering hub caps from a car in Ny.ssa, according to Judge Don M Graham They were taken Into Justice court Grand Officers Will and placed on six months probation. Each offender is to report to Jud e Visit Vale A.F. & A.M. Oraham in person every Friday a f Vale lodge No. 147, A.F. & A M., ternoon. will br host next Wednesday at Joint mei nr with Nys.-a and Ontario 1 id: honoring Grand Master Jerry LIGHTNING DESTROYS Suinmerhays and Grand Secretary BALED IIAY STACK Lightning struck literally at tlie Harry Proudfoot. All elective and appointive officers Dale Garrison farm during last Sat urday’s rain and thunder storm, de of the three lodges will hold a ses- .oii m the Vale lodge hall at 2 p. m. stroying a 60-ton stack of baled hay Ny.ssa fire department made tin* Thi will be followed by a banquet run to the farm, two and a half at ti o'clock In the Vale school din- miles out on the Adrian highway, ing room. The lodge session Is set but the blaze was too intense to be for 8 p. m. in the hall. subdued. The hay was a total loss. U.s .Journal Classified Ads. "THE RIVER" in Technicolor with SEPTEMBER 19-20 KRIDAY-SATURDAY "W A G O N S W EST" with HOD CAMERON PEGGY CASTLE Also "ARCTIC FLIGHT" W ith WAYNE MORRIS LOLA ALBRIGHT WEEK END \WueS Ladies' Ladies' SHOES NYLON HOSE 51 (Juage 15 Denier first quality Reg. 69c Odd lots * Broken sizes White - Black - Colors Values to $5.95 S2 ™ 2 Pair tor S J00 New Fall Shades Mai Sat. 1:30; Adm. 30c-»o Plaid SUNDAY-M ONDAY SEPTEMBER 21-22 "CA L L A W A Y WENT THAT AW AY" with HOWARD KEEL JESSE WHITE You'll luugh and rock In your seats at this real old time Wes tern which is being prepared for television. Matinee Sun. 1:30; Adm. 3Sc-9c OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1IS2 Pigeon« Dove N ew Meth. Bishop Biatton's Song Is Boost lor "Ik e " Rules Fouled Begins Area Work A h.s contribution to the Repub- SEPTEMBER 17-18 WED.-THURS. ARTHUR SHIELDS NORA SWINBURNE ESMOND KNK.IIT THOMAS BREEN NYSSA. SHIRTING FLANNEL JACKETS TE \< HERS TO I aGRANDE EOR TRAINING PROGRAM Yard (Continued from Page 1) date of his nomination. To finally complete the nomina tion, candidate for whom a petition has been filed, mu-t submit written acceptance to the recorder within five days after the filing. The newly elected officials assume office the first Monday in January, 1953 and at that time the seven councilmen choose one of the group to serve a.- mayor of the city for the ensuing two years. According to Ny-.-a's city charter, the three newly elected members receiving the great est number of votes Nov. 4 will serve I for four years and the fourth mem ber will serve for two years. When terms of the outgoing coun cilmen expire at the end of this year, Mayor Henneman will have -erved 12 consecutive years or three terms of four years each. Sallee will complete a total of ten years, part of which were interrupted during an absence of one year and continued when he was again elected to the council after returning to Nyssa. Stunz will complete two four year terms and another year he served when he was appointed to fill a vacancy nine year.- ago. Miner will complete two four-year terms at the end of this year. Major improvements made during the .past two years by the city in clude a water system bond issue with the installation of a new water stor age tower and several hundred feet of new mains, and street improve ment districts for King and Park avenues and the current improve ment project on Arcadia. In recounting "dozens of minor improvements" City Manager Bur ton stated that the dust oiling pro gram has been continued each sum mer to include practically all the streets. Nyssa was one o f the first municipalities in this area to adopt such a program that has been fol- liwed by other towns. Improve ments and additions have been made at the city park while street, sewer, water and fire department mainten ance and expansion have been a matter of routine work. Congress has declared war eleven times. WED.-THURS. SEPTEMBER 24-25 We wish to express our sincere gratitude for the many expressions of condolence, the offers of help and the many act of kindness during our recent bereavement and for the many floral offerings at the funeral of our loved one. The Connaughy Family The Virgil Olp Family. * Colorful Prints * Many Styles Sizes 3-tix and 7-14 S J 98 to S3 9 8 CHOICE Mf ATS Tuna 4 cans 85£ Orange Juice 3 for 85£ 47£ A rm our’» 16 oz. Chili Clogged sewers Short and Long Sleeve * Rayon *•* Broadcloth * Flannel SJOO KRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26-27 • and roior kleencd electric with the Roto-Rooter 3 lbs. 8 9 £ Lean— Meaty lb. 57£ Pork Steaks FLOUR I1 SOUP D rifted Snow or G old Medal C am pbell’ s 25 lb. bag 8 cans $2.09 T om ato $1.00 Open Til 9 P. M. Every Saturday OREGON EOR | and machine. necessory Na un- digging septic tanks pum ped BROWER Plumbing Shop Nyssa B E T T E R N U T R IT IO N VEGETABLES famous phone with FAY WRAY -B R I I T CABOT * Sausage 2 for 6 9 £ cleaning m ost san ito ry way. "KING KON G " 0 Picnic Hams dr a i n s Your dependoble RO TO R O O TER Servicemen he« ehe proper equip ment te pump teptic te n h i w the NYSSA Lean— T ender Fresh Ground Hi-C 2 boxes EVERYBODY SAVES AT by Theodore Dreiser. « « J Clearwater Banana Pudding4* Sport Shirts S W O M SUPPIIES The story of a love so strong that a man defies all convention An unforgettable masterpiece written Phone 46 After 6 call 326-M | I R00UR with LAURENCE OLIVER JENNIEER JONES MIRIAM HOPKINS EDDIE ALBERT Eders Hardware _ I I y Vanilla Wafers With Boys' Values to S3.98 FOR RENT -Furnl-hed apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, steam heat furnished. 15 Park Ave. Richard Oldham. ¿)tec 4 / *0T0- "CARRIE" A i»mnu* picture relea-ed The ■tory of the g.gantlc gorilla that e a;ied in New York City. EAGLES CARD OF THANKS s 6 95 and $ Q 9 5 with It's got every explosive thrill the screen can hold. FOR SALE •AUte-Cbmlmer Clifford Wolfe. 5 miles west ls mile south of Owyhee Junction. 35-2tp. Plenty of water means water enough for peaks demands, for those many daily periods when several outlets are in use at the isame time, such as the sink, the (laundry, the lawn sprinkler, and the tap for washing down barn floors. Estimate your present— and future— requirements liber- ally. Many Jacuzzi Pumps have been in service for over 20 years! Don't forget the zone meeting to be held in Nyssa, on Sunday, Sept. 21, Eagles *will be here from all over the Sta^e of Oregon. Arrange to come. Look for the big ad in next week's paper. Don M Graham, Publicity Chairman. "D**-/>oowi DRESSES MEI BI I K RE Al l - r t f l Thomas A. Wiley, operator of a truck owned by Roy Hashitani of Ontario, was arrested by state po lice at the Cairo weighing station Wednesday morning on a charge of overloading hi- truck by 2800 pounds. He has been cited to appear in Judge Graham's court on or before September 16 NABISCO See the Girls' and Ladies' New FALL COATS arriving daily. Girls' MEL BE( K REAL ESTATE » OR S ALE We have a motel netting $600 per month bv bu>y highway location, •*•.*; trade lor ranch m N y -a area. State Police Arrest Driver For Overload ATTENTION ALL NYSSANS TO NAME FOUR COUNUILMI N AT FALL ELECTION TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 SHELLY WINTER RICHARD CONTE CHARLES BICKFORD »O K BALE J00 acre 110 acre' irrigated, cheap water, A room home with full b a-i- ment, close to beet dump $21 (kMi. *11,000 down. F-' 000 per year 25 acres. $1 50 per a c e water. 6- room modern home, bam. grainery. chicken coop. Taxes $97 00 per year, $8 000. $4.500 down. $500 per year 2 bedroom modern home $4,750, •1.000 down All teacher.- ol the Nyssa high COMING EVENTS ! school, Junior high and elementary ! grades will attend the Eastern Ore gon inservice training program to Sept. 17—Civic club fashion show be held at LaGrande Monday and at 2:30 p. m. at the Nyssa Theatre. Tuesday, according to Superinten Anyone interested is invited to at dent of Schools Henry Hartley. tend. Sept. 18—Dorcas Circle of the NEWI U HEIGH 1 8 l I \ WSX 3 wlH meet at the home of BOYS GO TO SALI M Ml Clifford Main at 414 N 4th St. Nevell Heighte- The F F A judg at 2:00 p. m. Ruth and Naomi Circle ing team left for Salem Friday of the Methodist church meets at morning and returned Sunday eve 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Gene ning. Members of the team attend Grasty at 425 N. 3rd. Job's Daugh ing from Newell Heights vere Lewi- ters have regular meeting at the Stam, Allen Haney and Ronald Pet Masonic Hall. erson. New styles . . . new colors . . . new low prices "RAGING TIDE" The home of Dwight Seward on the Idaho nide of the Snake river wa.- reported to have been looted Sunday night while tne Seward fami ly wa- attending church services. Many articles were taken including a camera, projector and a sewing mat hint* case. The only lead avail able for Idaho officers was that of a passer-by who reported that » Pontiac car was seen at the farm home during the time the family I was gone. * Knit Waist and Cuffs * Fur Collar * Double Faced ' Bright Colors 59£ Boys' and Men's Winter Weight Cl limits li band-tailed pig'* in and mourning dove, ,-et by the f< ieral government ■ — were reversed in the last game com mission new- relea-e. The pigeon eason will extend through Sept 30 and the dove season j through Sept. 15 Pigeon bag limit is six a day or in possession, and not to exceed 24 bird during the season, j and the dove limit is 10 birds a day I or in possession Oregon hunting rules for 1952 in l -y.iop.ds form were received this week by all game license agencies 1 m the state. Waterfowl regulations I were set too late oy the federal gov ernment to be included in the new Hunting rule booklets, and a supple ment of the waterfowl rules is now being published by the game com mission and will be sent to all game license agencies. Idaho Farm Home Ransacked Sunday Phone 196-J Polled Meat 6 for 35£ Fine for lunches Oranges W e Carry a Complete Line of Canning Supplies T A Y L O R ’S ui« Give 425 A rcadia BUd. lb. 9 £ Sweet— Juicy FOOD MARKET <¡R«n STfuneS Phone 222