THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U RN AL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1952 PAGE EIGHT ML NYSSA program Telephone 1 0 8 FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5-G SATURDAY. SEPT. 13 "UNDER NEVADA SKIES" "RETURN OF THE TEXAN" with DALE ROBERTSON JOANN] Dftl WAL1 i K BRI NNAN Kl< HARD BOONE A stirring story of the modern j Southwest when a widower with two small children returns to his birthplace. Mat. Sat. 1:30; Adm. 30c-9c SUNDAY-MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7-« with HOY ROGERS—DALE EVANS Also "DESERT PURSUIT" with WAYNE MORRIS VIRGINIA GREY SEPTEMBER 14-15 SUNDAY-MONDAY "TEXAS CARNIVAL" "H AS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL" In Technicolor with p i p e r LAI it il KO( K HUDSON i 'll \KI.ES COBURN t ilt il PERRKAU The seasons biggest happlne? hit that proves that money Isn't everything. A hysterical comedy, sparkling with fun, frolic and romance. Matinee Sun. 1:30; Adm. 30c-9c TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 9-10 "AAR O N SLICK FROM PUMPKIN CRICK" in Technicolor with ALAN YOUNG DINAII SHORE ROBERT MERRIEI. ADF.LE JERGENS A rloutous rural rampage of fun and laughter with a happy har vest of the tunes you like. in Technicolor with ESTEIt WILLIAMS RED SKELTON HOWARD Ki l l. ANN M il.1.1 It A gorgeously funny mixup with Ester us queen of the midway and Skelton as a one man comedy riot. Mat. Sun. 1:30; Adm. 30o-9c TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 "THE SELLOUT" with WALTER EIDOLON JOHN HODIAK j A newspaper blasts the lid off I corruption and bribery. SEPTEMBER 17-18 WED.-THURS. "THE RIVER" in Technicolor with ARTHUR SHIELDS NORA SWINBI RNE ESMOND KNIGHT THOMAS BREEN SEPTEMBER 19-20 FRIDAY-SATURDAY TIIURSDAY-FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11-12 'W AG O N S W EST" "THE PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS" with DAN DAII.EY IOANNE lilt I RICHARD HYLTON III (ill SANDERS You will chuckle and cheer with Dun Dailey as Dizzy Dean, the clown Prince of baseball. with ROD CAMERON I’EGGY CASTLE 'ARTIC FLIGHT" with WAYNE MORRIS LOLA ALBRIGHT Mat. Sat. 1:30; AAdm. 30c-9c The weddm marci.e were played were Keith Herrman and Jack Dkiii- by Delores Sager with a solo by chtli. A reception wa-. held immediately Patsy Reid and a duet by Delores after the ceremony with the wed Sager and Marsha Dane. Steamboat and South Umpqua1 The brides mother, chose for her ding cake that was made by Mrs. fails on the Umpqua river system L E. Robbins and decorated by Mrs. daughter's »edding a blue fingured are being surveyed by game com Robert bmiih. Sr and served by dress and the grooms mother, wore a mission engineers for fishways that Mr Robbins. Mrs. George Coleman green figured dress. Both wore white Remembers First County Fair * iuld open upstream spawning to and Angela Flory served punch, Mrs carnation cordages. The reception was held immedi salmon and steelhead. Don Lytle, guest book and Mr- church. Regional Game Supervisor Jim David Beers and Mrs. Garnt Stam, ately after the ceremony on the By Dick Yost church lawn with Mrs. Horace the otner building being given over Vaughn, of Roseburg. describes flowers. I to., a stroll down memory’s long tL) ail>niaL The new Mrs. Gregg is a graduate Brown, sister of the bride. Mrs. Cur Steamboat creek, tributary to the di ,-ilful lane last Friday night. Let your imagination play over! North Umpqua river, as a major ■ of Nyssa high school and attended tis Young. Mr- Sherman Young, and jj and And 1 With remembering gnjjg,, 0j a youngster, especially spawning stream for steelhead. Eastern Oregon college. She will Mr-. Charle Enfield a sisting. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and j3 jree jjr ¿ay from eyes a the changes the^ years have one teach the first grade at Redmond. w. iu.:iit in a portion of that lane. parental restrictions, and you can Steamboat falls, located six miles, Mr. Gregg attended the University Mrs. Sherman Young and boys. De- a .i ;i, in this instance, had its end- well picture the bu-y day I had. above the mouth of the creek, bars o f Montana after serving in the lores Upshaw of Boi-e, Mr and Mrs. fish passage to scores of tributary navy. Curtis Young and boys, of Portland, u... ,i:i the Malheur county fair “ in e“ all ? rf ,d0,eSnK ,ST nfe h * l° ° streams grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brown and — > details, but I faintly recollect I _. . in all but . high ^ ... water * stages, ~71#V| Tlai have —.......... been many ... >■ years ------------- and that there was a small carnival ol Fl',h pf sj f ge ®^ th Young-Hiatt Married Friday girls, of New Plymouth, and Mrs. L. G. Homan of Caldwell. i t il .panning, as they have, i sorts just out.-ide the high wooden Umpqua falls on the South Umpqua Cpl. Willis Hiatt, son of Mr. and The couple left immediately for river would assist spring Chinook the 43 years since the date of the fence Mrs. S. O. Hiatt of Nyssa claimed San Antonia. Texas where the groom . i n 1909. I do remember that I had my fill salmon which concentrate below the Evelyn Young, daughter of Mr. and is stationed with the army. And well do I remember that date, of the usual trash to be found at falls. Mrs. T. M. Young of Parma as his Both falls were recently Inspected fur t marked several firsts for me, such places. My Unde Bert saw to bride in a ceremony preformed at a tubby, freckl'd and red-headed that, and it was he who bought me by representatives of the game com- the Baptist church in Nyssa August RECOVERING I ROM INJURIES Jay Bybee is recuperating from my first banana. mission and U. S. fish and wildlife 29, with Elder Manning Duncan hellion of eight years. 'I ' was the year I entered the Ah, that banana' When I teased service and Game Commission Engi- visiting minister from Porterville, injuiies received three weeks ago when DDT from a 300 pound pres- f)n school, walking the long fnr it I didn t know what it was. neer George Kernan is now conckic- I Calif, officiating. B the survey work five miles from my Uncle When I ate it or about half of it, ti The bride, given away by her nose was broken and one eye was approved by the game corn- father, was attired in a white lace B -t Myers' place on the Malheur I wished that it wa.nt. for I was soon the sickest bov who ever mixed , F . ..... . river. ballerina length dress with a nylon injured. ‘ h®,.iiS. \ pa“ a*? ' « ‘ UUf j fingertip veil and carried a red and C me to think of It. it was that the offerings of the carnival food une fall of 1909 that I became hucksters. I was a grown man be- w°uld be built with federal aid funds white carnation bouquet. numbered among the very first of fore I was able to cat my secand derived from the fishing tackle ex- The matron of honor was Mrs. BRING YOUR I cise tax. th" nation's hitch-hiker-. Truly, for banana. Velma Moffis who wore a blue taf Whatever may h ive been the fate i happened about midway of that feta gown and carried a pink carna CONTAINER p hi " traight stretch of road be- of the fair during the intervening tion bouquet. years, it enjoyed a growing popular New Honey t w en the H< ly Rosary hospital Assisting the groom as best man i which wasn’t there then» and what ity during those first years. It was was his brother, Jim Hiatt. Ushers l£c a lb. then was known as Tucker’s corner. not large, o f course, for it had but were Leslie Hiatt, brother of the An automobile »don't ask me the a limited area to draw from, in the groom and Robert Young, nephew of For 10 lbs. or more m f the contraption—that's de more fertile valley and slopes where Ellen Ilerrman-Norman Gregg the bride. water could be had for irrigation manding too much of memory» came Offer Good for Sept. Only * The fair has come a long way Married August 17 rhu: ting up the road »it was dirt». Use Ellen tAnn Herrman, daughter of P. tuse I and mv sister were tired, since those early year-. The succeed T f! i ed it down—and it gave us ing managements are to be congrat Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Herrman and Gate City Journal a lift far a nule or so. Our first auto ulated for their fore îght and eff u’ts Norman Gregg, son of Mrs. Grace Corner 9th and Brower Gregg, of Redmond, were married to keep it growing Classified Ads. ri:l» and did we have something to I don’t know when recognition of Sunday, Aug. 17 at the Methodist crow about for awhile. I never did learn who owned the high-wheeler. boys’ and girls’ farming activities church with Rev. H. G. McCallaster But hold: the fair is supposed to was first given prominence by fair j officiating. The bride was attired in a white be mv subject. But that's the way officials, but the thing that impres- memory is—it Just keeps ringing the sed me most last Friday was the ballerina length gown with a chapel j licll mi those tucked away happen- emphasis given to the 4-H and FFA length veil and carried a white lace j [ fan with a white gladiloi. Assisting | i" when one gives way to remin programs. So long, in my opinion, as the em- the bride was Mrs. Don Harden- j iscing. On that opening day 43 years ago phasls is put on the youth will the brook as matron of honor, wearing the buildings, .as well as the events, Malheur county fair continue to a yellow ballerina length gown and | carried a white lace fan with a yel- | h» ’ I a dazzling meaning to the hun- grow and prosper. _____ i low gladiloi dred of adults who attended their ________ The candle-lighter was Bhirley fir : fair, let alone to an eight-year- COMING EVENTS Kock and Mrs. Carlos Buchner play- | old. ed the wedding marches. D a"lin g is the only word properly Sept. 5—Football jamboree at On A -isting the groom was Keith j iic rribing the infant fair’s two buil- tario. Fergeson as best man. The ushers (!’!'■' thp present grandstand and Sept. 8- -St. Paul's guild meets at tiie one now housing agricultural the home of Mrs Grant Rinehart exh i-'ts. Spanking new and unpaint- at 8 p. m. The Past President’s Par ed. they literally blinded one as the ley of the American Legion Auxiliary WANTED hot ;in of late August shone on and meet at Mrs. Nellie Powells at 2 wo reflected from them. p. m. Tn that long ago, farm exhibits Sept. 9—iThe A. N K Garden club were hou ed under the grandstand, meeting will be a rock hunt and picnic lunch. Members will meet at Homedale at 10:30 a. m. YOI'NG ADUI.T GROUP Wire Tio Sept 11—Mrs. Olive Ramey will \TT1ND RETREAT The young adult group o f the make her official visit and all Re- All New Equipment bekahs are urged to attend the Metlu '»I: t church attended the Lu meeting. The regular P T A. meeting ba Day retreat at Camp Ponde- ... , .. „ , . , . . r. a at McCall. During the meeting *'lU be at the Ny ,a high school at Jack Zittercob Harold Kurtz was elected president, 8 P m as a welcome t0 the teachers. At Owyhee Junction Phone 277-NW and Dorothy Erwin, secretary of t h e ,--------------- —— we .tern district of the Methodist Use Journal Classified Ads. J Scribe Delves Into Past Fishways for Umpqua River to Be Built Uncial -Votes Honey Fosier WARD’S Riverside Tires - Hay Baling Batteries Mitchell Bros. OWYHEE GARAGE ATURDA Y, Paint and Glass Store Benneii's Painls Imperial Texolite Glass Table Tops Wallpaper Brushes Sundries ^ TV . • • Only BIHNETT’S in PAINTS colors • • • Mirrors Glass Shelves Auto Glass Window Glass • o a n y ream that vel\et look • 17 go rge ou s trend colors... 17! •T M. t*f II < M Àif T a k e ho m e th o se v e ry p a in t c o lo rs a t b u d g e t p rice s Come choose your new color scheme G IV E Y O U A LL T H IS ! ) from our Colorizer* Idea Book —bursting The Color* You W ont For Perfect M atching or H arm ony Paint Contacting A ny Color For Inside O r Outside Painting! Spray — FREE ESTIMATES — Brush A ny C olor At R e g u la r Paint Price»! with full color pictures of kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, basements, dens and Complimentary Decorating Service Come In For Your FREE Sample of Enamel Nvssa's Newest exteriors! Every page tells you the correct Colorizer paint colors to use, and you get those colors immediately —at budget prices! Come visit your color headquarters! Colon;«/ it a trad* » o rk . 110 Main St, Schmidt’s Paint & Glass NYSSA, Otegon Phone 269 -W for fluid point ccloront