o THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1M2 PAGE SHE War'.! K l.irni, and then attended i care in planning and outlining the the b< it Regatta at Black Canyon program of education and training lake. in ute second section of the form afternoon a group of f-.e v t -• ee mors Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Mrs. J.ikr Burge M than one change of program under Uadi, K .:tz. They all helped hem Phone « K - U Flionr 0I8-R2 Veterans who have had service any circumstance u..ip In the group were Darlene The Korean G. I Bill prohibits anywhere in the world since the N> a. June Hartley. the VA Irom approving a , I - • - start of the Korean conflict on June Sunday visitor in the John Mit- B. we where she will attend school Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff went t,: Owyin Jean Price, Adrian, and Mrs Vern Butler, Mrs. Charles of education or training leading to .n Saxton and Betty Glen, of telstead home were tln-ir on. Mr. this year. Brenda has been staying 37, 1950. may now apply for educa an educational, professional or voca Newbill, Bob Patterson, Earl Saari Ontario Friday morning, anu pent and Mrs. Jake Burge attended the the afternoon and evening in Bot-e. Newell He ;hts. Guests brought their and Mrs Leonard Mr.lit lead and with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs tion and training under the new tional objective for a veteran who Korean G. I. Bill, the Veterans ad v,i ai. v.che.s, salad and punch daughter, Cindy; Mr. and Mis. Ellis Walters. two-day teacher in-service institute Boys and girls of Mr. Moores and is already qualified for such objec | Douglui Sego and soi. of Ontario; Mr and Mrs 6 T 0 . 1 ^ ^ of ministration has announced. for lunch. in Nyssa last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Kurtz’s Sunday school cla tive. It also prohibits the approval According to the VA, application Frankie Pratt won fourth place. enjoyed a “straw ride’’ tu Big Bend Mr :. 1 Mr John Downer and Mr.,. Charlie Richard n. of Platts- Payette, were guests in the 8 ’ D forms have been furnished to all V A of a vocational or recreational Terry Burge fifth, and Wallace But park Tuesday nigh: Dick Krie.-h baby. Ann, movtd into their home mouth. Neb., and Mr and Mr.,. Dale Bigelow home Wednesday ! field offices and are now available training. ler second with their 4-H lambs it helped With the games Later, every in Caldwell Friday. Mrs. Downer McAllister, of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Schweizer j to veterans interested in obtaining The new Korean G. I Bill pro the Malheur county fair. Kay Burge one enjoyed a watermelon feast. stayed t v weeks, with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., visited in Narnpa Sunday at the i training. vides up to 36 months of trauung won first place with her rabbit I were dinner guests in the S. D B.ge- Kenneth Ahrens home. Wallace Butler and Terry Burge at Mrs. Judd. The four-page application has five to veterans who were on active duty Dale Burge attended the Cub tended from this community, Mr and Mrs. Elvin Worden and , low home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner and 1 sections fhlch must be completed by on or after June 27, 1950, regardless Scout pack meeting Tuesday night Mrs. Lydia Worden and Mr Elvin children pent Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lou De Goede, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner, of La the veteran: i l l Identification of of where they served. While in train at Adrian. Worden and children shopped in j Ogden, arrived Saturday at the Crescenta, Calif., left Friday morn the veteran, (2) program of educa- ! ing, veterans may receive an allow -1 ill C a l d w e l l Mrs. Jake Burge and Dark Kriegs Caldwell Thur-day afternoon. Mr I'» arl Scott and son, Mr. and home of her mother, Mrs. Florence ing to attend a family get-to-gether tlon and training applied for, (3) < ance from the government to cover Mr-. Pearl Scott and -on returned Mi Charley West and Arley West Kygar Sunday Mr. and M rs. De a[ Portland The group planned to education and training received part of their expenses. worked on the fair booth for the Farm bureau at the county fair home Wednesday night after a two returned home from Longview by Ooede and Florence and Merle Ky spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ' while on active duty, (4> civilian Although post-Korean veterans months’ visit at Longview. Tuesday. way 'if Canyon City and visited Mr. gar were dinner guests of Mr. and Frank Crocker in Madras also. Mrs. ! education, and (5) employment ex- may submit completed application Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peck, of and Mr Dale Rook .tool and Frank Mrs. Earl Kygar and family. Crocker is a sister of the two Skin- j perience forms now, they will not be paid Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester i kst : there. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., ners. Photostatic or certified copies of educational allowances for training French and Judy, of Roswell, were Mi Stanley Hill left Sunday eve of Quincy, are parents of a son born j Mr and Mrs. Dick Brown and all discharges from the armed forces for any period that begins prior to Home beauty beg.m Saturday evening vi .itor.s at the M ning for Portland to be with her Monday, Sept. 1. Patton called the children and Mr. and Mrs. Don since June 27, 1950, must accompany Aug. 20, 1952. the VA training for L. Judd home. w ith. .. son. Carl Lee, who is a patient in the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 1 I Franklin and sons, of Boise, visited the completed application forms. any period that begins prior to Aug. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh and St Vineient hospital. The VA said veterans should take 20, 1952, the VA said. Crocker, Monday night to inform ¡n the Lynn Kygar home Saturday. children spent Friday at the fair. The Modern Pioneer club met at them. Linda Jones, of Boise, spent from Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Bchiemer the home of Mrs. Rube Graham Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters went Wednesday until Sunday with her guest speaker at Arcadia Sunday left Tuesday on a deep sea fishing Tue.-day afternoon. Members sur trip. They spent three days at A - prised Mrs. Dudley Kurtz with a to Boise Sunday to. ee her parents, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd school last Sunday. Vaughn Stringer purchased a part toria. Sehiemer caught one salmon, p:nk 11 id blue shower at the close Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones, and her Walters. brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hawkins and of the John Lucero acreage on In- weighing 27 pounds. They returned of the business meeting. ert Jones, and Sharon, of Spokane, family, of Twin Falls, visited with perlal avenue last week. by way of the old scenic Columbia Mr Lvdla Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty returned home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Haw- John Casteel, of Hood River, is river drive and arrived home Sun Mr F.l’. n Worden and children Saturday after spending a few days kins on Wednesday, day noon. pent Sunday with Mrs. Verna Cost- visiting in Dillon, Mont. Mrs. D itty, Mrs. Ellis Walters and Brenda visiting his daughter, Mrs. George Coleman and family. Mr. and Mrs Jake Mum arrived ley and family, of Ridgeview. rode to Dillon with her son. Jack Walters spent Thursday and Friday Mrs. Cecil Boekweg and children, Aug. 24 to take Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stum Lumber Co. Mr and Mrs. Carl Hill received Burke, who had been visiting here in Farma at the Gerald Slippy home, of Apple Valley, and Mrs. Evan Hill to Boise by way of the Hoyt word Sunday evening that their little then made the return trip by train Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eads, of Wilder, Beckstead, of Ogden, called at the granddaughter, Judy Fine, was in Thursday afternoon Louis Skinner were Sunday dinner guests in the George Moeller home Sunday after St Alphonsus hospital in Boise with noon. went to the home of Tommy Lowe, I T ^ Brewer home, y t* fifC BE G L A D polio. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lowe went •l^ r- unc^ ^ rs George Johnson and Mr aiui Mrs. Jim Embree, Ontario, at Mitchell Butte and found Mr li ht stroke. Harriet, of Umitalla, were overnight to Jordan Valley Sunday to hunt ] Y O U W A IT E D TILL FALL the M O . Judd h o m e Lowe suffering from The sick man was taken to the Ny - « uests in the ° n‘ ar Hite home Sal antelope. Thursday and Friday. N o w orries with hotel a n d Opening Dates are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Logsdon and Mr and Mrs. M O. Judd were sa hospital immediately and he is 1 urday re so rt r e s e r v a t io n s in the Mrs. Johnny Turner and children, family, of Baker, were dinner guest TUESDAY. SEPT. 2 and MONDAY, SEPT. 8 still confined there and very 1 1 1 . Lowe Mr and M i l William Fall! R elax a s y o u ride o ver of Caldwell, called at the Art Haw Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. had celebrated his 8 1 ) birthday Sun Kanin-h, Ontario, Saturday even a u t u m n b r ig h t h ig h w a y s , New Students nia> enter any day—either before or day, Aug. 24, when his daughter, kins home Saturday to see Mr. Tur Norman Hipp. Mrs. Logsdon and ing. after opening dates—in either free of d riv in g h a z a r d s a n d ner, who is staying there and work Mrs. Hipp are sisters. Mr and Mrs. John Downer atten Mrs. Marion Quack inbush, of Spo ing for Mr. Hawkins. p a rk in g p ro b le m s ... The Rev. and Mrs. N. H. Lines, of kane, came down to be with him. D AY SCHOOL or NIGHT SCHOOL ded the Lewis-Kreiinan wedding In Monday guests In the Omar Hite Middleton, were dinner guests Sun Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson and Notus Sunday. ^ ^ Your Dollar LINK'S Is a Charter Member of the National Association were^Mr and Mrs. Jess Chad- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kurtz arrived at the M. L.| family enjoyed a visit from his | h«me well, of Emmett. Chadwell is a George Coleman and family. L . Goes fart her and Council of Business Schools. Kurtz home Wednesday afternoon brother on Sunday when Mr. and brother to Mrs. Hite. with Charlie Splawn visited in the Many fine POSITIONS are now available for young men foi a month’s visit. Bob has worked Mrs. William Fatter on and Shirley Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Hawkins and Charles Bullard home Sunday. and women who are BUSINESS TRAINED. all summer on a ranch near Lemhi, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson, all Cecil and Harold Houston sold of Clearfield, arrived to spend the children, of John Day, spent the KOREAN VETERANS interested in Business Education should Ida. week-end visiting their parents, Mr. some fat lambs at the Ontario sale contact LIN K ’S for assistance In making application Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff and night with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. L (Fort) Sump and Mrs. Art Hawkins, and Mr. and yards Monday. for training. daughters visited in the Leslie Top Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and ter and son left Friday for Grange- Mrs. Wyatt Smith, Nyssa. liff home Sunday evening. Call. Phone or Write for Full Information 73fe ¿ iK C ville to visit a few days with Sump- I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vancampen Jean and Barbara McPartland visit Jake Borge called at teh home of and two children from Los Anlmos, ed Mr. and Mrs. Eggert Oft and 220 Main St. ter’s son. Bob, who lives there. Phone 217 Dick Knegh Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Colo., spent one night last week with family at Nu Acres Sunday evening. Sunday visitors at the M. L. Judd Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner. 13th A Main St. Boise, Idaho Dial 3-8011 home were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar and and children spent the week-end on Toots Peutz spent the week-end a fishing trip above Unity on the in McCall with his parents. Mr. and North Fork of the Malheur river. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner and Mrs. William Peutz, at their summer children returned home last Wednes home. Mrs. Bob Morfitt and Roberta, of day after a trip to the Columbia Owyhee dam, and Mrs. Werner river, the coast and Crater Yake. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters, of Peutz and Wanda were in Cald Boise, came Monday to get their well and Nampa Thursday. Omar Hite and Sonny. Rudolph daughter, Brenda, to take her to Hite and Jim Hite, of Haines, went sage hen hunting Sunday near Jor Mr. and Mrs. Burt Swenson, Emmett. dan Valley. Betsy Warwick spent Friday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill, Saturday morning Mrs. Hill took her to Boise to rejoin her folks who were returning home to Denver after a vacation at Yellow stone park, Glasier park and Can Mrs. George Moeler ada. Phone 052-R2 • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waddington and son, John, and a nephew, Bob Mr. andn Mrs. John Vivhkola and Waddington, all of Filer, Ida., were Nyssa, Oregon Sunday dinner guests of the Carl daughter, of Magger, Ore., are visit Hills. Charles Waddington is Mr. ing Mr. and Mrs. Ben Houston this week. Mrs. Vivhkola is Mr. Houston’s Hills’ brotherin-law. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. neice. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crommett and William Gahley, of Parma, called on children, of Boise, spent the week Mr and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz. Mr. anil Mrs. M. L. Kurtz attended end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. the officers meeting at the church Warner. Mrs. Cromment is Mrs. Warner’s daughter. at Adrian Sunday night. Barbara McPartland spent the Charles B. West, of Longview, spent several days this week at the week-end with Jean Moeller. Wilma and Betty Bullard, of Boise, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end here. Sunday Charley West. Mrs. J. B Payne, of Caldwell, spent afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard Sunday night with her daughter-in- and Donald accompanied them to McCall, where they spent Labor Day law, Mrs. Pearl Scott. Lester Anker, of Big Bend, is work at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warner atten ing for M. L Kurtz until time to re turn to school at Oregon Tech, at ded the Boise fair last Saturday. W H. Kreiman, of Parma, was Klamath Falls. Owyhee Occurrences Newell Heights News Korea Vet« Now Can Apply For Education Benefits ¿1 OUR F A L L TERM LINK'S SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Inc. DEAD ANIMALS Equipment Co. Inc. Free Pickup Proudly Presents: Fast Service Parma The Only Successful, Tried and Proven Around Arcadia Phone 98 Nyssa Phone 100-R Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. 3 Row Lifter Loader This is the machine that enabled D. H. Christensen, of Nyssa, to harvest 260 tons of beets in 8 hours, using 3 trucks. He says that they could have used the 4th truck, as 3 could not keep up with the loader. This W eek’s Best Used Car Buy 1949 Low Mileage FOR HEALTHY APPETITES o Hubert is very enthusiastic about the Gemco. He cited its adaptability to extreme variations in row width, stating that they lifted the following row widths with a slight adjustment of the inner lifter shoes. 20 and 22 inch. 18 and 20 inch, and 18 and 22 inch. Let Our Experts Prepare Your Favorite Cuts From Nyssa-grown 4-H and FFA STEER BEEF and LAMBS He likes the simplicity of design and its rugged frame, for large acreages, or for the custom operator. Its capacity makes it the machine to buy. For Your Freezer L ocker-D eep Freezer */ 4 ’a, VV» or half of x/x% of Beef from our feed lot* Come In And See The New 3-Row GEMCO B & M Equipment Co. 612 Arcadia Ny»*a Phone 444 * ® (íP ® O o» 0 i/l • and whole* of Pork Sedan Coupe Healer-Radio Tip-lop Painl Excellent Tires Outside Mirrors Hydraulic Transmission The kind of car you hear about, but seldom see. All Our Used Cars and Trucks Carry 6.000 mile or 6 month S.E.I. Warranty Custom Butchering and Curing W e Do Not Offer So-called Bargains, Just Good, Consistant Values FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE Herrlman Motor Co. It Pay* to See U* First! “Your Headquarter* for Variety Meat»" mile w nt on Alberta Ave Phona 381 R. locker plant Pkooo 111 W. slaughterhouse and cutting room 314 Main Phon* 77 or 78