• rn E n yssa ^ ate c it y joukhal . n y s s a . O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y . S e p t e m b e r i . 1952 a PAGE FTVE Tna evening Clifford Wolfes Clau­ de Wilson*. Pete W.isuns. James Robbs if M.»se$ Lake and Tom D u ­ ller- enj. yed three tables of pi- Mr«. Lvnian Ptuneruv tu>chle a? -.he Clarence Reed home Phone 02-J3 A a re-uit of recent al Sunday Mrs Albert N nheis and Dai id Week L. . re-< n:.»- fore definitely pa.--mg on the matter amendment- : the -e p: ri j M ;u Clarice Notheis visited Mr and Mr*. Frank B*rr* n N here—Gustine Standard turn act. the Off. e • ? r e Siab..i- Mis Constance Vanderwall. and Mr and M:s. Melvin Pendari ¡av One v, Infantile Para). w new Phene FT* Ki zaiion is abandon.ng dollar—and- and daughlor, Diana, and Bill Briton Mr and m V o H ¿ h ï î S T S f r ' Mr» Notheis vissted Wend all Rich­ iron lungs were L *n n.to Ida.io With announcement of comple­ ents ceiling pi\c< - f. r new auiom.j- mond in Nyssa completed their pac k trip .nul M r - c h . le i M Thursday from the 1 nidation» tion of arrangement» for purcha-e biles and suo.-:.' a ...» a percentage Marion Carey has a 30 day fur­ into the Wallowa Nation* , The Merry Matron- chib met at equipment pool at P >r: , o f the Chart#* W Br >wn maikup of pr.u- i H irry L lough fr :n the Navy His son. Ricky, the home of Dorothy Runcorn Wea- and reported excellent fishing They gt.. .............. Mrs Kenneth One of the re-pirat >r> was put of relics by the Grant County Hi— Yost, district OPS i iirector, said spent the week at the Ira Price home nexiay. Aug 2“ . Ten member- and went up the Lostine river to the Mr and M r S. E. Flanagan and and Monday, both Mr and Mr. into immediate use iur an emergency t Tical society, the long-hoped for this week. lake-basin around Eagle Cap moun­ four visitors. Margery Phillip Lu­ polio case at Twin Fall and lue creation of a central museum to cluldren arrived home last Monday Carey arrived from Boise. Under the n< •v regulation effec- tain. camping at Moccassin lake and cille Runcorn. Adelle Lundy and other will remain in B -e to re­ house county relics moved a step alter a five-day vacation in Idaho tive Aug 23. au .o dealer» will deier- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simpson and also fishing Mirror and Douglas Mr Flanagan and children. Mrs their son. Jack, left Sunday to at­ Viola Lundy answered roll call with place a special dome-type respirator closer to realization. mine their own ceiling prices on the a household hint. Following the Announcement of the purcha-e of basis of their customary pricing tend the weddings of friends in business meeting quiz games were needed in the Seattle art-a.—Idaho Free Press. the Brown collection for $20 000 w is practices in either of t *-o base peri- Utah "■ .n d th . P m d .rv i. family r.Uirn. daughc.r O,lt.n o «" .y ” '*“ P*.y played with Lillian Lundy. Bernice made last week by society officers, wnile the men packed in With no application- in -. us county by train for his home m Nunn. Colo Lundy receiving prizes. Lunch was for insurance settlement for loss of who .-aid*it will be moved ,o new 26 to Feb. 24. 1951 The dealer may This Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lewis to Tweny-Mile lake for fishing quarters when a building is con­ choose either period or he may use Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mr and Mrs Vern Garner and His wife is still recuperating from served by the hostess, assisted by yield so far. the county PMA office structed near the Canyon City post the published suggested list or lac- her recent illness, will remain with Lillian Lundy The next meeting will Pendarvis and family spent the day Mr and Mrs Delbert Garner arrived this week was prompted t > predict o ffic e —Blue Mountain Eagle. i tory retail price. be Sept 3 at the home of Betty a bumper wheat yield .:i Baker in Boise visiting Mrs M rs Carrie home Saturday from a trip to Utah her daughters for a tune. Dealers will continue to display Mr. and Mrs. Louie Coxad. of Bowen in Nyssa Roll call to be an­ county. HiUis and Manon HiUis and chil- Mr and Mrs. O H. Schweizer and The Citizens Safety League now- posters showing the ceiling price- of Springfield. Ore., were Saturday swered by "a child's clever saying ” , ' Ir a,lc* ^ r’ Vic Marshall drove to T5arly reports and loan-applica­ numbers more than 100 members, each make and m.>del and an item­ Mr and Mrs. F O. Holmes. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and family Prairie City last Sunday to attend evening supper guests at the home according to Robertson W Smith, ized breakdown of all charges. They of Mr. Cozad's aunt. Mrs. Clifford and Mrs. Roy Holmes and Mr. and tions indicated yields of 35 to 40 returned home the last of August the jalopy races, bushels on dry land compared with chairman of the organization will also continue to provide cus­ after visiting relatives for three Hmseguests at the home of Mr Wolfe. Mrs. Cozad and family ar* Mrs. Glen Holmes. Jr., attended the normal of 15 to 30 and some loss. Smith said that it was proving to tomers with an itemized invoice of ing her parents, the David Idaho State fair at Boise Tue.-day. weeks in Nebraska. They returned and Mr- W.lbur Chapin for four Irrigated grain was again ap­ be very effective in curbing reckle-s the transaction. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Holmes made via the Black Hills and Yellowstone dav were Mr and Mr- Paul Davis Skeen, of Ontario. proaching the 75-bushel yield class driving and that many of the offen­ a business trip to Madras over the park Mr. Price was ill since his re- and Ma-jorie and Billy for A in - Dinner guests of Mrs. Veva Castle ders. were people who were 100 per on many places—-Record-Courier. lMi*n. worth. N ib Mr. Davis is a brother at the Klass Powell home 6und»v holiday week-end cent behind the movement to reduce F O Holmes, Frank Byers and Mr and Mrs. Neil Dimmick and of Mr Chapin and this was his included Mr and Mrs Clifford Wolfe Several member- of the Plymouth reckless driving in Weiser. Eyes Examined Mr. and Mrs. L W. Pomeroy arrived first trip to this area The guests had and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanley Byers were fishing on the IOOF and Rebekah lodi • were on He pointed out that in many cases home Sunday night from a nine day visited in Yakima and were return- Ackerman and sop of Payette, and Owyhee river Saturday bringing back hand at Caldwell Saturday to wit­ the violations noted were by drivers Glasses Fitted pack trip to the Sawtooth m ou n -, mg home through Yellowstone park Mr. and Mrs. Burell Collins and three nice trout. Bob Holmes left Saturday after­ ness an Impressive ceremony at the who have had many years of acci­ tains. Leaving from C.randjean lodge Alie Rataezvk of Quincy Wash Mike of New Plymouth. dedication of the IOOF Presley F Adjusted and in Idaho, the two couples packed-in arrived last Wednesday to spend a Mr and Mrs. Homer Brewer and noon for Salem to attend the Oregon Horne Historical building at the dent free driving records and were found guilty of minor traffic law- 12 miles to Baron lakes, past Toho- week visiting at the home ‘ of his Mr. and Mrs. James Langley were State fair. Caldwell Memorial park violations, such as failure to com­ Repaired bit falls, Warbonnet falls, and Baron parents. Mr and Mrs M \ Rata- expected home the first o f the week, The ceremony followed the plac­ pletely stop at arterial road stop falls. After spending several days ezyk. Accompanying him was Mrs from a trip to the Moses Lake area. ing of a granit corner stone, which signs or Just slightly overdriving the there, they returned to the lodge Taylor, who is Visiting her cousin Val Garner was an overnight guest was a gift of the British Columbia maximum .-peed law. area, and went up Trail creek to the j i m .Shaw of Nyssa of Brent Folkman Sunday evening grand lodge The building site was When the violation is pointed out Three Trail Creek lakes. It was a Mr and Mrs chester La Pane Mr and Mrs. Don Brewer and Motor vehicle operators are re­ Tuesday, September 23 successful trip including, riding, h.k- Miss .A„ nes Peterson of &llem * nd’ Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Dimmick at­ minded that they may take a drivers a gift of the city of Caldwell - P a y ­ to them, they readily admit their PARMA HOTEL guilt and in addition are Joining the ing. and fishing for rainbow and Miss gophia Rataezyk, of Boise, visl- tended the horse races Friday in license examination in Nyssa on ette Valley Sentinel Safety League to indicate their de­ PARMA. IDAHO brook trout. tod Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Boise. Friday, Sept. 12. when an examiner Members of the Vale city council sire to make all Weiser drivers, more Sunset auxiliary s September meet- Ratjpyyg Mr and Mrs. C J. Rata- Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd at­ will be at the city hall between 9 Instructed their engineer. Carlyle Boise Office: Itoom 252 aware of complying with established ing at the home of Mr-. Vorn G a r -, e ,yk and Mr and Mrs. Harry Rata- tended the Boise state fair a. m and 2 p. m. Briggs of Boi-e, to draw plans for a Sonna Bldg. traffic control laws. Weiser Amer­ ner is postponed one week due to the ,,,yk alld families. A buffett supper Week-end houseguests at the home Both a written and a practical deaths of Jim Connaughy and L.ir- was served at tbe parental home in of Mr and Mrs. C. T. Okano were driving test will be given and per­ sewage disposal plant with a capac­ ican. Entrance to Sonna Bldg, ity great enough to serve a city of ry Matthews. ! the evening. The Salem guests had Miss Midori Okano. from Spokane, sons wishing licenses or permits to between Penny’s and Twin beds were first made by- George Wyatt left last Sunday been visiting Sophia in Boise, and and Mr and Mrs. Tai Funataki and i drive are asked to get in touch with 2.000 at a special meeting Tuesday Newberry’s Stores night. Sheraton, the furniture designer. for Baker to visit his daughter, after left Monday for their homes. two sons, from Portland. Both ladies the examiner well ahead of the The special meeting wn- an indi­ spending two weeks visiting his son. Plutne Dial 3-7011 Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil visited are daughters of Mr and Mrs Oka-1 scheduled closing hour In order to cation of the speed with which the Confucius was known to his dis­ Dick. assure completion oftheir applica­ city is acting on the project which Mrs. Clarence Keller Sunday at the no. ciples as Kung. Helmut Hintz left this Wednesday Holy Rosary hospital. A boy was Word has been received from Tets tions, according to Earl T Newtorv. the state sanitary authority ha- or­ to move Fred Norman to Belling­ born to the Kellers on Aug. 30. He secretary of state. dered it to complete by July 1 of next ham. Helmut plans on visiting his weighed eight pounds four ounces Okano, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T j Okano, that he has passed the Cali-1 year. In an order handed down this parents at Ritzville, Wash. and was named Phillip Owen. fornia state pharmaucetical exam-; and three daughters, of Richmond. month the authority threatened to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schweizer, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reffett, of inations, and is now employed In a Calif., were Tuesday dinner guests restrain the city from dumping its Vale, were Sunday dinner guests at San DieK0 CaIif _ spent alrnos't a at the John Packwood home. Mr untreated sewage into the Malheur San Francisco pharmacy. the Dick Wyatt home. Monday even- week visiting at the home of Wait­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reffett a r - ' Parrott is a brother of Mrs. John river after that date— Malheur En­ ing the W yatt; Mr and Mrs. Don er.s brotber> John Reffett. While rived home last Wednesday after Packwood. terprise. Share. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland | here the two couples attended both spending a week in the Moses Lake Mr and Mrs. John Packwood and and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall at- the Ontario and Boise fairs, spent vioinity. While enroute they visited boys. Harry and Jimmy, returned Leland Barber, chairman of the tended the jalopy races at Meridian. a day at thp Owyhee dam. and the former residents of Nyssa, the Sam home last week from an eight-day Payette school board, announced A hamburger fry and partv at the Ontario auction sale which was the Varbles, and Mrs. Edwin Bergam trip to Madras, where they visited the forepart of the week that the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Williams ylsltQrs fir,,t sale As one 0f the hob- Larry Didericksen Is Just getting at the Forrest Cooper home, and board at its last meeting set per­ Friday evening, celebrating hies 0f lbe visiting Reffetts, Is to go over the measles. His parents at­ then visited different points on the manent dates for the opening of , neice, Linda Parket a eigiit 1 n - y jrougk ,.a(.h state capital and talk tended the Boise fair Thursday Oregon coast. schools on September 15th for fu­ Mrs. Myrtle Hatch. Helen and ture years. This action on the part Dinner guests Sunday and Mon­ \ sea day on shipboard begins at wih the governor, one d iv vas spent at the Boise state capitol building. day at the Frank Perko home were Phillip spent the week-end in Joseph. of the board was taken in order that noor.. i seeing it, and meeting the governor. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sayre and fam­ Ore , visiting at the Henry Hatch high school students would be a- Loss In the Chicago fire was ap­ The Reffetts left this Thursday for ily. Mr. Perko is still suffering from home and enjoyed a trip Sunday t o , vailable to assist In the harvesting Walla Walla. Wash., where they at­ of crops and work in produce pro­ their home in California. arthritis. proximately $165.000.000. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett Mrs. Elver Nielsen Is at the home tended the State fair, returning cessing plants in the county.—In- dependent-Enterpri. • were guests at the Henry Collier of her sister, Pat Conley and re­ home Monday night. Mrs. Myrtle Hatch, Helen and home in Ontario. Stanley Reffett cuperating from a recent operation The Newman city council again of Haines. Ore., stopped in Monday j Visiting two weeks at the John Phillip returned from a two weeks' to visit his parents, and have supper.! Timmerman home are Stevie and visit with friends and relatives on tabled the matter of pa—ing a pro­ Mrs. Fred Mitchell Is helping j Denice Timmerman, children of Mr the coast last Tuesday night. While posed one cent sales and ti