THE NY SS A GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4L 1152 »A G E FOUR D a y s G o n e By in N y s s a C o m m u n i t y Sept 4 The complete list of teachers i h._ih . *ol— Miss Louise K en n edy Sup: Terris Eldredge and Mi.->s Nellie Met ire Grades— Miss Clair Mrs. Cecile Reynolds Peppard. 8 6th and 7ti Mrs W H. Crooker 5th and one-f If o f 4th Miss Mazie d one-half of 4th, and Hope, 3rd Miss Amy Stringier, 1st and 2nd. D eight Smith w a s secured as truck driver at $>0 per month and Chas. Lundgren a- Carryall driver for *40. K Corbin was hired as Janitor for $75 a m mth if both buildings are u-t l. <>r *Jii > month if only the brick building is used. Adrian News LOCAL NEWS The Week's Nu Acres News (Held from last week) Visitors at the Mel Heck home .Mrs. Pauline McGinnis | Thursday were Mr and Mrs Sumner Farmerettes Club Betts, Virginia Miller, Ellen McCon J Buxton of Marsing Mrs. Sumner 5 Years Ago Sept. 4, 1947 Mrs. Charles Leaving for their homes after 10 Buxton is Mel Beck's sister. H anley Produce softball team of nell and Lois Enos - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. R iu m II and days visiting the Glenn Browns. Nyssa won first place in the Snake Schweizer’s 4-H girls who won prizes Mr and Mrs M C Seuell returntd were Mr. and Mrs. Don R Patrick family returned Monday. Au*. 18 River valley softball tournament at the county fair are Margaret and from a vacation trip on Tuesday. Doris Klingback. Wilma Pullen, from a week's trip to Los Angeles (Jean Brown> of Visalia, Calif., and held at Emmett.----- Tw o newspapers his parents, the W. Bailey Patricks, where they visited friends and rela While gone they visited at Yellow at Ontario, the Eastern Oregon Ob Peggy and Lois Schweizer and Viola stone park. Buffalo Bill reservoir Glascock.----- Betty Tensen, Nyssa tives. of Glendale. Calif. server and the Ontario Argu Mer and Harold Smit, Arcadia were Mr. and Mrs. Rcib Cottle, of Boise. and other points o f interest in W yo Leonard Smith, Howard Hatch and ged -----Tw o more serum- I ming. Nebraska, Missouri and Kan- Vernon Parker went sage hen hunt spent the week-end here with Mr polio are reported in Malheur coun members o f the Ontario band play ing at the county fair. Mr. and , Cottle's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ken-1 548 ■ . , . _ ing. Alvon McGinnis, Bill Willis and ty. including one in Nyssa. bringing Mr 4nd Mrs. Ltoyd Seuell and Bobby Parker went antelope hunt l Ileth Cottle the total cases to seven. -----J. C. Mrs. H R. Sherwood attended the Mr. and Mr*. C. D. Simpson ar- Mrs. Charles Buskirk. of Parma, ing over the holiday south of Jordan Krul, local contractor has started Tri-County Grange picnic at Unity. The post office department will Valley. Alvon McOinnis got is ante rived Monday morning from Los An- went to San Diego on their vacation construction of a drive-in market ----- Mayor Dick Tensen and Ray geles. Calif, and will visit this week *nd bring Mrs. Seuells brother issue a 3-cent commerative stamp lope. for Barney Wilson.----- All church-“-. Emmott arrived In Portland with from the honoring the women in the armed Callers last week at the Glenn at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed home, who is on leave theaters, schools and public gather several carloads of prime rib roasts D ealer . services on Sept 11, 1952 The num- Brown home were Mr. and Mrs. Warren. Mrs. Simpson is a s&ler of | navy ing were closed or cancelled in Nys on the hoof. Bob and Barbara Thomson went ber t0 j*, pri!Ue(j , x 10 000.000. Announcement was made this Kenneth Lucas, of Rickeral. Ore Mr. Mrs. Warren. sa because o f the polio epidemic 30 Years Ago Sept. 1, 1922 T h e , U m p w.u be 0 84 by 1 44 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pomplun of to Caldwell with Mr and Mrs Merle •veek by Willys-Overland Motors. Brown and Mrs. Lucas are old school Mr. and Mrs. Carson R Healy >f W. L. Gib-on received a telegram Thomson on Sunday, where they ¡ncbt m d;tIlell arranged hori- Berwyn, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs Ben Inc . of T ! -do, O., through the com chums. Utah have leased the Sweet Shop. from Senator R. N. Stanfield in spent Labor Day with relatives. Lsontally, printi the ri Larj pi - Pomplun and son. of Westerville, pany' B e office o f the appoint Ronald Martin spent several days 20 %’ears Ago Sept. 1, 1932 Wo hint in, D C Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenbank cesSf electric-eye perforated, and Nebr. left Tuesday morning for Bac- The First National Bank of Idaho, reduction in freight rates of 14 cents ment of R ’berts-Nyssa as the local the past week visiting his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. O J. English, armento, Calif., where they will visit and daughters of Riggins were sup- issued in -.hee!- of 50. Color of the In Boise closed Its doors yesterday per cwt. with a further reduction of agency for the W illys line of cars. other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Loren per guests at the home of Mr. and stamp wlP bl, b]ue C Boyd Wilson, manager of Rob of Nampa. morning and the Parma National six cents is in prospect to brighten The cenxral do ign of the .-tamp Sherman and daughter, of Wichita. Mrs. George Smit on Saturday eve- ert-.-Ny i says the firm is pleased Mr. and Mrs. Sal Brown and fam the black cloud hanging over the Bank closed Its doors this morning Kans., returned to their home by ning. portrays four women attired In the Slight frost was reported Tuesday marketing of the big potato crop to make this popular make of auto ily, o f Salem, visited his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Preston visit uniforms of the branch of service train All had been guests the past and Wednesday nights Members from this section.-----A heavy rain mobile available In Nyssa He invites! '"’•'“ nn Brown and family Wednes week at the home o f Mr. and Mrs ed last week at the Harry Wood each represents; namely, marines, of Mrs. Maurice Judd's Girl Scout and wind storm and brilliant elec interested persons to visit the show day. home. They were enroute to Arco army, navy and air corps. A view »n e Glenn Browns had a family Glenn Hoffman. While here they troop in Kingman Kolony who pa - trical display occurred Tuesday eve room at 203 Good avenue for a per from Pasco. Mr. Preston and Mrs of the national rapitol building visited the Owyhee dam and went sonal Inspection of the new lines. picnic dinner Sunday at their home. ed their bird finders' badge are Pearl ning and Frank Miller has been busy Wood are brother and sister. through the sawmill at Unity. forms a background for the figures. Headin ’ the Willys line is the new All their children and grandchildren Williams, Evelyn Haworth, Helen repairing damages to the lighting Mr. and Mrs. Roy H off and chil They also enjoyed a picnic at the Reading across the t p of the Winters, Lois Schweizer, Madge system.----- Nyssa schools will open Aero Willys passenger car. Other were present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert model- include the Willys station Eastman and Jennifer, of Caldwell; park in the mountains near Unity. dren were Wednesday night supper stamp is the lettering: "W om en In Our Armed Services,” in dark modi wagon, the 4-whepl-drlve Willys Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moncarr and Mr. and Mrs. Pomplun are the par guests at the M. C. Seuell home. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit played fied roman; the lettering "United truck the Willys sedan delivery and Kristine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown ents of Mrs. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson ac pinochle at the home o f Mr. and States of America,” in dark roman; the 4-wheel-drive universal jeep. and Scott and Lynette, of Boise; Mr. Mrs. Jake Groot, of Arcadia, on the word “ Postage," in dark gothic, and Mrs. Don Patrick o f Visalia, companied by Mike Rutledge, and Hubert Luke enjoyed a fishing trip Tuesday. and the denomination "3c” in white Calif. Ronald Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended face modified roman are placed in Mr and Mrs. Cecil Smith and to Jordan Valley Sunday. Th ey re a Democratic meeting at Payette on I an nbb :i across the family returned home Sunday after port fairly good luck. Rook Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker were Friday evening. Mr. Seuell was elec- bottom of the -tamp a week’s visit with her mother, Hrs. stam p collectors de irir.g first-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ted chairman of the central com- Ronald Jensen, Nyssa. has been Archie Smith at Bridger, Mont. Rich Holly has purchased a new ard Fletcher at Nampa Saturday mittee and Mrs. Seuell was made cancellations of this -ramp may send chosen with 75 students to be a evening and attended the Nazarene Democratic state committeewoman a reasonable number of addre- ed Rook c amselor at Oregon State col Ford pickup Mr and Mrs. Henry Blanchard envolOpe to the Po-cm a-ter, Wash- diitrict camp meeting. lege this fall term. Mr. anil Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff and and family spent several days last ington, D. C., with money-order re Spin red by Round Table, YM CA family returned Sunday from a week visiting relatives and friends mittance to cover the cost of the and YW CA groups at OSC, Rook Complaints Filed In Circuit Court week trip to the coast. Mr. W yckoff in this community. They were en- stamps to be affixed. Postage stamps and Rnokess counselors greeted new Goldie R Plueard vs John R. Plue- attended the O.E.A meeting Mon route from a visit in Utah to their and personal checks will not be ac- OSC students with summer corres ard. 8 26 52. Divorce. day, Tuesday and Wednesday at home in Wenatchee. Roy Barney, cepted in payment, pondence They will also arrange Robert Dowell et ux vs Oregon Oregon State college, at Corvallis. brother of Mrs. Blanchard, returned social gatherings during orientation Valley Land Co. et al. 8 26 52. To Mrs. W yckoff’s mother, Mrs. Bar with them. The White House is the oldest week this Sept. 15-21 and during quiet title. ney Wilson, joined them and went Mr. and Mrs. Roy H off, Mrs. M Federal Building in Wa-hington, fall term to help answer the ques J. L. Bodak vs Velma Bodak. on to the coast with them. C. Seuell shopped in Payette Satur- D. C. tion new students may have. 8 28 52. Divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Troutner and day afternoon. ------------------------ * Jensen, sophomore in engineering. P h o n e s 216-R o r 293 W Elmer Stewart vs. Ruth Stewart. baby moved last week to Gooding, Nyssa, Ore. The Do-More 4-H girls won a trip i Natives of Finland call their coun- Is the on of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 8 28 52. Divorce. where they will make their home to represent Payette county in judg- try Suomi, S. Jen en, 217 S. 3rd street, Nyssa. Petitions Filed in Probate Court Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foucht left ing at the International Livestock Estate o f Oliver P. Pierce, de Monday for a five-day trip to Idaho Exposition in Portland in October. ceased. 8 27 '52. >1 where they will enjoy an outing In The girls who w ill go are Evelyn Guardianship o f Maxine Vawter, the moutains. Evans, Geraldine Fry and Carol a minor. 8'28 52. Mr. anil Mrs. Scot Pearson return Montague. Marriage Licenses Issued Mr. and Mrs. Seuell and Mr. and ed Sunday from a week’s trip to Patrick Joseph Vaughan, of Boise, Northern Idaho. On returning they Mrs. Sloan of Payette called at the Idaho, and Cecelia Anne Groce, of visited friends at Walla W alla and home o f Mr. and Mrs. Roney in New Ontario, Ore. 8 26 52. Plymouth on Saturday evening. Pendleton. Harold Kenneth Ireland and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Murle Marcum and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and Louise Bliefernich, both of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Mac M tKim m ey at Jimmy went on a trip to Cascade on Ore. 8 25 52 tended the rock convention at Cald Sunday. Willis Gerald Hiatt, of Nyssa, Ore. well Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Van Tuyl, o f Lake and Evelyn Fern Young, of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams and Bend, Wash., visited at the George Ida 8 28 52. family visited Tuesday at the Walter Smit home several days last w.‘e<, McPartland home. The Williams are Mr. and Mrs. Van Tuyl had recently on their way home to Grand Rapids, returned from a trip abroad and had visited with relatives of Mrs. Mich. Mrs. Clifford Mink and daughters Smit while they were in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson drove Sunday morning -ervices of First returned home Sunday after a week’s to Caldwell to spend Labor Day with Church of Christ will have a back- visit at Babbot. Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Monrur and relatives. Bob and Barbara, who had to-college theme, with the pastor, the Rev. Austin J. Hollingsworth family were Sunday visitors in Boise. gone there on Sunday, returned Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and family home with them. speaking on the subject "A t the returned home Friday after a three G ary Thomson and Duane Orcutt University of Jesus.” Miss Oenny Echus will be among weeks vacation in Nebraska. On enjoyed a picnic with their Sunday those receiving special honor on the their trip they went through the school class from the Fruitland eve of leaving for the University of Yellowstone park and the Black Methodist church, on Sunday after Hills. noon at the home o f their teacher, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Smith left Mrs. George Champion. They went The Christian Youth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. for a reorgani Wednesday of last week to visit their swimming in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H off and family zation session. Lyle Wilson is presi daughter, Maxine, at Kansas City. From there they plan to go to Chi and M r and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell were ÚCC dent. The first of a series o f Sunday cago where they will see one of the guests for Laibor Day dinner at the B E RN A RD EASTM AN night services have been announced big league baseball games. They plan M. C. Seuell home. Mrs. lAlva Lanfear, Mrs. Floyd by the pastor, for 8 p, m. Sunday in to be gone about three weeks. Real Estate Insurance Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson returned Ames and daughters and Mrs. Paul Nyssa city park. Phone 64 The service will consist o f colored Monday o f last week from a ten day Thomson, Bob and Barbara drove to slides portraying significant events trip to Wyoming where they visited Weiser on Friday afternoon where l» p )» (» (ltlr,ij they shopped and visited at the In American history and the show relatives. H AtTfO ID M il IMSUfiAMU (O R M N V Mrs. Archie Wilson, of Dirden, III., home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck. ing on the screen of three hymns, HAA 1 IQ O M ODINT and IND!MNITY (OMPAJff "America, the Beautiful," "Am erica” Mrs. John Brown, of Detroit, Mich., M m rtfo ré , C * * * * c ’Uvt and Mrs. Lena Barber, of Boise, are Quebec is North America’s only and "The Battle Hymn of the R e all guests in the John Potter home walled city. public." The pastor will comment on can plenty this week. They all attended the the slides. Grandview picnic which was held in Refreshments will be served by the women’s organization during a Boise last Sunday. Mrs. Dick Plucard who has been social hour. Band members and their visiting friends at Quincy, Wash., for wives will he special guests. I f raining, the services will be a week returned to her home last circulating Sunday. held in the church basement. The Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore, of Payette, were Sunday callers of the Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Pounds. quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Peterson and family left Saturday for Seattle for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb are are planning to leave Thursday for ------ ■ > > Nebraska, where they will attend a family reunion From there they will go on to East Palestine, Ohio, where they will visit brothers of Mr. Robb. ' m Guests over the week-end at the "Spark =1----- -- T-i Dwight Smith home were Mr. and finish blends C Mrs and Clyde Smith, of John Day. Roy Sewrlght and son. David, were scheme, makes sage hen hunting at Juntura Sun R0T0- ous oart rt of your home. And clean, M O H R day. Mr. anil Mrs. Wilton Conley re modCTn nfftn linej make "Spark” an at- turned last Sunday from a week's trip to Tucson, Ariz They were ac- ive addition to any room. •mpanled home by Mrs. Emma Hall and Melvin Hall. Perry and Del Duffln who have C lo g g e d s e w e rs * [ been spending the past month in o n J dr o i n s — r Aberdeen, Idaho will return home Thursday accompanied by Miss Ver- j r o io r k l ’ e n e d w it h l ir e fa m o u s da Haas. e le c t r ic Kola-Rooter c le a n in g Mr. anil Mr*. Grant Rinehart and m a c h in e . N o un- two children will spend from Thurs ■ n e c e s s a r y d ig g in g day until Monday attending the Couples Camp, at Cove, Oregon. 1». L. Overstake. Diek Wilson, and Harry McOinley were sage hen hun ting at Jordan Valley Sunday. Mr*. Ilelmer Ostrom returned to Because o f the diversity o f th e ir opera* her home here Monday evening a f ter spending the past five weeks at tiona, fa rm e r* and ran ch er* a re p a rtic u Klamath Falls, she has been larly subject to dam age claim* a n d M ill*. there caring for her mother. Mrs John Sterner who has been 111 but T o m eet th is s itu a tio n G e n e ra l of Is on the road to recovery H< til I aery, and B»hb> la d d *. oi A m erica ha* created a *pecial F arm er* Pearl, 111. are visiting at the Everett B l a n k e t L i a b i l i t y P o l i c y that cover* Laddy home, I rum the Journal Files Post Office Issues 3c Stamp Honoring Women In Service Roberts-Nyssa Is For Willys EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS Jensen O.S.C. Counselor Drainage — Basements Tank Holes Irrigation Systems Crane Service NFWS OF RECORD Surveys—Free Estimates LANKFORD BROS. Year in and year out you’ll do w e llw ii’i the HARTFORD Church of Christ to Have Eve. Services HARTFORD INSURANCE She knows that a Spark heater can make any house comfortable! You can’t heat the whole outdoors with a "Spark” oil burning heater, of course. But you be sure of of heat /»doors—enough to keep you and your family comfortable in winter's coldest weather. For a "Spark” generates two kinds of heat: a warm flood of heat that reaches into the coldest corners, and the instant radiant heat that chases chill c lo g g e d sewers cleaned IT S BEAUTIFUL, W OM EN AGREE Y'golden-tan"Neutra-tone” into any decorative "Spark” a harmoni- ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEW, IMPROVED SPARK and septic tanks p im p e d K ATI** Vour dependable K O T O 8 0 0 T E 8 S e m e e m a n h o i the p o p e » e q u ip m ent f# pum p ie p t K t a n k i m tha F AS Y TF.RMS PK it U n i t a r y way. phone Nyssa Furniture Co. • Good At*. 1 I>!<«k W f it < f Pi ¡ H i t Phon* 149 W BROWER Plumbing Shop Nys** Phon* 199-J Cooper Purchases Milking Shorthorns Gerald Cooper, route 2. Nyssa. has addl'd to his herd by the purchase of Oaklcaf O Sugarbelle, Oakleaf O Medley and Oakleaf Lady Charlen# from Mertrin Duncan of Ironside w animal- are purebred Milking Shorthorns, and tlw records • far of owr.rrahly Kata bee: r. *p b* :h.t Ampnoan Mlthln* S' tl r’.i c , « » f at Stir,RfflaM. Mo. almo*t all po**ilde ancle*. K eep y o u r self “ in th e clear*’ with thi* fam ou* policy. A*k fo r details today! Renstrom Insurance Agency Nyssa. Oregon