THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH URSD AY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1952 PAGE TWO c u t ItC II N O TE S THE GATE CITY JOI HNAI. DUANE R. A LTERS . . . . . . . E d ito r and NIWSPAft* r u m s H iis ASSOCI ATION Publisher FIRST ( 111 K( >1 OF C H R IS T (Christian i Austin J. Hollingsworth. Minister 10 a. m.. Sunday school, Elvin Ballou, s iperintendent. % 11 a in., morning worship. 7 p in . Youth Fellowship. 8 p n i. evening worship. S U B S C R IP T IO N KATES 1 year $3 00 6 Months $1 75 1 year outside Malheur Co. and Parma. Ida. rural route.?, $3 50 Single Copies .07 tStrictly in Advance* MISSIONARY B A P T IS T CHURCH Elder Haskell Dane, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young peoples services, 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Wedne day evening prayer service 8 o'clock We invite everyone to these old time landmark Baptist services. Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. •reg on for transmission through the United States Mails, as second cla.-g> matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 A Step In the Right Direction The Malheur county commissioners and Nyssa road assessment district board are to be congratulated for their actions this week to help make driving safer in rural Malheur county. The mounting accident and death toll resulting from crashes at intersections on country roads has been causing grave concern for several years, but most of us have been reluctant to do more than gripe about the ‘‘awful condition.” Law enforcement officers are unanimous in their belief that someone is always at fault when an accident occurs. Unfortunately, that opinion is not always shared by some juries and courts that frequently allow drivers, unfit to sit behind a wheel, to continue to operate motor vehicles and endanger the lives of others. Punishment for the guilty, and definitely not retribution, is the only answer for the increasing accidents. We now have sufficient laws to guard the welfare of those who must travel on the highways—and that includes almost every man, woman and child. There is no need for laws preventing the manufacture of high speed cars, but there is definite need for common-sense enforcement of the laws we have. Like charity, law enforcement begins at home where drivers should be made conscious that they must share the thoroughfares with millions of other drivers who have their rights and privileges. For instance, the park ing spaces on Main street in Nyssa have never been painted since the new paving was installed last spring. Almost every day there are calls for help when a car has been wedged between two other vehicles, fenders are scraped and dented and "minor” accidents occur. Nyssa could help this situation, and at the same time make drivers conscious of the rights of others. If drivers are reminded by good examples that there are laws which must be obeyed, they are more apt to be conscious of other vehicles when they are out t>7i the open highways. \I>KI YN C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH llcnry E. Yloure. Pastor Bible school. 10 a. nn. morning worship 11:00 a. m. Junior church at parsonage, 11 a. m. L. D. S. 1st W ARD Ciordon Kay, Bishop Primary Wednesday 10 a. m. Sacrament Sunday 8 p m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Trank C. Coley, Pastor Smith 2nd and Reece Ave. Sunday school 10 a. m. Childrens service in basement au- ; ditorium at 11 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. 2 p m Sunday W atre Baptism. All who u. h to go meet at the church before 2 o ’clock. Evening evangelistic service 8 p.m. Tue day evening prayer and praise 8 p. in. Friday evening Christ Ambassa dor 8 p. m. Young people service 8 p. m. Everyone welcome to all services. The Capitol Building in W ash ington is open every day but Christ ina m il New Years. Sunday Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests o f Mrs. Veva Castle were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman, and son, of Payete, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Collins, and son, cf New Plymouth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W olfe, and girls. Tuesday club was held at Miss Eva Boydell’s home, with Mrs. Artie Rob ertson and Mrs. Arthur Boydell re ceiving the prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Max Whitaker, son of Mrs. Eva Whitaker, of Vale, clutmed Miss Olga Sanders, daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Sanders, of Nyssa, us his bride Aug 8 in a ceremony perform ed in the Idaho Falls L 1)8. temple. A reception was given Thursday. Aug 21. at tile Nyssa stake house to honor the couple. Th e new Mrs Whitaker wore a white satin floor-length gown, which featured a lace yoke and a Peter Pan collar A tiara o f seed pearls secured the bridal veil o f nylon net She wore an orchid corsage. The Misses Elsa and Barbara San ders. sisters o f the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore yellow and lavender ballerina-length gowns of taffeta Th eir corsages were of mat ching carnations. The bride's mother received guests in u dark green crepe dress and a pink carnation corsage Mrs W hita ker wore a green and black rayon print and a white carnation corsage Miss Leona W hitaker had charge of the guest book The Misses Kay Whitaker and Virginia Sander dressed in identical yellow and luv- ender organdy ruffled dresses, cur ried the gifts. A program was presented at Inter mission, with MeKin Beck acting as master of ceremonies. Numbers in cluded a vocal solo, by Harold Saun ders. of Vale; record imitations, by Anna Mae Fife; a piano solo, by Bev erly Hansen o f Vale; a reading by Mi s Olen Hammer, o f Vale, and i vocal trio number by Janice W ill iams, Vela Dee Poulson and Elsa Sanders. Music for the dance was furnished by Capp's orchestra Wedding cake and punch were served at intermis sion. The couple is now residing in Vale + —+ Mrs. LaMonte Fife Installed As Trustee At the Eagle? auxiliary meeting at the Eagles hall Tuesday night, Mrs. LaMonte Fife was installed as trus tee R affle and door prizes went to Barbara Jacques and Marjory P h il lips The evening was spent in mem ory of their school days with cos tume prizes going to Mrs. Dorothy Runcorn, Mrs. Dorothy Phillips and Barbara Jacques. The next meeting will be held Sept. ltl. 7 p. in . with a pot luck sup per. Each member is to bring a ¡>0 cent gift for exchange to celebrate the auxiliary's birthday. Dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hand, of Carlin. New, the Rev. and Mrs. E. J Wilson, of Homedale, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson. Mi?s Cleo Flinders was hoste- to her friends Saturday evening at a slumber party Guests included C ol leen Bybee and Claudena Willson, of Boise. Olive Ileus and Karma Kes- ler Breakfast was served Sunday morning by the hostess. Tuesday Bridge Club THE FREE M ETH O D IST ( III K( ll Adrian, Oregon Church school. 10 a m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. . I s .1 A . I ; -M » -■ an!* ^ r8, M -J 4 VARIETIES PEACHES SI Bu. Bring Containers 1 mile No. of Parma-Nvssa Junction BILL CRASMICK A Room-P/on Cdfor Help! The Ore-Ida Council of Bay Scouts this year is planning a simultaneous j scout campaign to reach into all communities of the council area. Campaigns will be conducted the week of Oct. 13 in every community of Canyon, Washington, Adams, V al ley, Gem, and Malheur counties. Edson Deal, acting chairman of the steering committee which met C G L G R -P ir' rC15EE5 & WATER SYSTEMS Your personal wall, ceiling, Poor colors- in your own "sampler"— for easier shopping — and sure decorating! RADIO and •.•OT D’ CORAIMG Kill’ DON B. MOSS Firestone Store 5th and Main Located A t Western Store i Plenty of water means water enough for peaks demands, for those many daily periods when several outlets are in use at the same time, such as the sink, the laundry, the lawn sprinkler, and the tap for washing down barn floors. Estimate your present— and future—requirements liber ally. Many Jacuzzi Pumps have been in service for over 20 years. REPAIRING Herbert E. Cox ! PUMPS Another FREE . Fuller service! Eders Hardware Phone 2 Phone 46 Nyssa, Oregon Rest as you Ride The annual Sunday school picnic of the Assembly of God church will be held Sunday at the Nyssa pavk in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hen- sen who are moving to Washington state. Thirteen memliers of the V em- bly o f God church attended the Sun day school convention at Baker last Monday Am >ng those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Krause, and son; Mr? Frank Land and daughter. Marge; Mrs. Edmonds. Mr? Nora Parton: Vivian, Louise and Alice Mayden; Sharon Cruson and the Rev and Mrs. Frank Coley ", vv YOUR PLUM BING NEEDS Sets, Water Heaters | f» r d * t o 1 1* and »•« your n . o j . i t and Pressure Systems Relax in a ir conditioned comfort, w ithout a care in the w orld, or roam about as you please w hile the miles slip sw iftly by. rrtarvafiont Uni t n Pacific Railroad fidici a,cnt. Call J. C. SMITH I.'l Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J • I! fo r Dependable Passenger and Freight Transportertloa • • Spettile . . . Joy j UNION PACIFIC WAV Order Your Coal Now!! in * Lump - Stove - Nut - Oil-treated Slack Summer Low Prices Still in Effect Phone 26 po n d 1« N orth 3rd Pkem m t i t YOUR BEST FUEL W e Can Make Immediate Deliveries N orthwestern i i Take your choice of modern equipm ent and accom m odations — coaches or Pullm ans. Enjoy delicious m eals in smart new d in in g cars — such delightful menu features a s the Septem ber special, d e lic io u s crispy fried chicken. P H O N I ANO We'll be g ad to tell you how to sovo money on your fire insurance coifs. I to and from the East J U S T L IF T T N I Ifi North 3rd i Enjoy the thrill of visiting the great cities of the E a s t ... the nation's m any historic shrines. For extra pleasure — and to be sure you arrive rested and refreshed — go by Union^ Pacific train. 7s Phon« 216 ! _ j Plume 214-J Residence Ph. 28U-R Sunday School Picnic The Happy Eight club met at the home of Mr?. Bert Lienkaemper. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Herb Fisher and Mrs. J R. Cundall, with the prizes going to Mr.? Fisher and Mrs Oordan Oxnam. Refresh ments were served at the close of the afternoon by the hostess. P CAL Al 3 Mi Llovtl I* w . A g 30 M r and M: Henry Chave A •* * Mr and Mrs Bn. La: a er Kept 3 , If ,.r.. ‘ ' Mrs Vera I , Kr ,Tre e re* • ||W b a UetojT al Holy Ro.?ary hospital. Ontario, on Aug. 30 fR £6 , Oct- 13 Set As Date of Scout Finance Drive Mi Harold Kurtz was surprised at a birthday dinner held at the Country club, near Payette, Tues day evening. Happy Eight Club Meets Mrs. Elmer Cruson was hostess at a neighborhood coffee held Thurs day morning for her new neighbor Mr- Lucille Myrick i Surprised At Party Ttie Tuesday Bridge club met at *». : Vs Mr? Clyde Snider's home last Tues day afternoon with Mr? Frank Mor FOR gan and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle re- ceiving the prize? Refreshments were served at the close of the a f ternoon my tlie hostess. 1 Bath Neighborhood Coffee L. D. S. 2nd W ARD D. Hubert Christensen. Bishop Sunday Priesthood meeting, 9:15 a. m Sunday school 10:30 a. m Sacrament meeting. 8 p. in. Tuesday—Relief -ociety. 2 p. m Wednesday—Primary, 4 p. m., M I. A., 8 p. m. Attend Convention Slumber Party Frank P k They all ag ree on Technician Dinner Guests Saturday members Greyhound Absorbs Other Bus Lines REFRIGERATION Tuesday Club b u r i a l i X c t i l u t i i 's Whitaker-Sanders Rites M ETH O D IS T « O M M l M T V < I I I K( II II. 11. Met allaster Minister 9 -to a m , church 1: « j 1. I I a in., morning worship. 7 p ni . Youtli Bello* .¿up. t III K4 II O l THE BRETHREN ( in .tu n ( rn lrr Mission Eaat 2nd and Fhrgood Sundu) school. ID a. m. Morning worship. 11a. m. lluanc K. Altrr* and Gu». L. Whorton. Owner> . lu| Utea that the Commission for the Greyhound cor •! the scout cotutul are poration to purchase the stock in M lull I > put the terest in tne»e two bus lines held by Boy Scout i uncil cn a strong ll- the Union Pacific railroad ai.d Chi- t t a t the w rc I ! cage and Northwe?tern railway. briti.:ing uting to all boy* of the Interstate Transit operates be area ma\ be better achieved. tween Chicago and Los Angeles via ST. P A U L S EPIS4 OPYL < lit RC »1 To accomplish this, he further Omah and Salt Lake City, with con states, the drive will be set up to nections to Denver. Kansas City, Rev. C. T. Crenshaw. Rector meet a 15 month’s budget, thus Mo., Sioux Palls, S. D., and F air Evening service. 7 30 p. ni. placing the council finances on a mont. Minn. Union Pacific Stages 1 run from Salt Lake City to Portland th e c h i nun o r th e current basis. NAZARENE The budget requirements lor this and Spokane. The combined opera tions have 7.269 miles of routes, and period are $39.975. ltev. Glen Abla, Pastor Royal B. Stone, deputy regional ! grossed more than $13,500,000 in Sunday school, 10 a. m. executive of Portland, was present 1951, with almost 34.000.000 bus miles Morning worship. 11 a. m. operated The only duplication of N. Y. P. S. and junior meeting. at the meeting. routes with those presently controll 7 p. m. ed by the Greyhound corporation is Evangelistic service. 7 45 p. m. j between Kansas City and Denver. Mid-week prayer meeting. 8 o’clock Wednesday evening. 5 B IR TH S , A L L BOYS Five boys, born at Malheur M e F A IT H LU TH ERAN CHURCH The Greyhound corporation has morial hospital on as many d iffer Fifth Street A Park Avenue announced that on Oct. 1 it plans ent days, have helped to swell the Rev. John L. Brlehl. Pastor to a >ume complete control o f Union male population of Nyssa during the Sunday church school, 10 a. m. Pacific Stages and Interstate Trans Divine worship service. 11 a. 'll.' it Lines, intercity bus lines operating past week. They were born to Mr. and Mrs. You are cordially invited to wor between Chicage. Los Angeies and ship with us. Portland under the name o f Over land Greyhound. C A T H O L IC < III KCH This action follows the approval Park Avenue anil Third Street granted by the Interstate Commerce Rev. Kembert Allies, (). F\ M. Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. and daily at 8 a. in THE T O B LE R S FEED Ó k FU E L C O . Nyssa, Ore.