çrvrà? THE HY8BA PATE CITY JOUHHAL. KYISA, O REO ON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1952 BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell S ee M el to file ti e r b e t. r I _’ i «■ a . ie it hi. office, der ; 1 i .» I v ba ■nr. FABHS or 12 acre» in Apple Va'.ley r Nv a * : ier* f ha b- *n en ed • n ti • tp- w iji pi. .nit «uhm 30 da>' from date of il Van Pet ten 10 acres. Just listed. 4 room m.»d- Area ; the first publication. Execi Estate of Albert ern fume, paid up water. $8.060 D O , 3,10 a«res 157 heat T.iyl- r O: i »A l Frances A. Patton L. Pfeil $o 000 JO down. $500 00 t year. ing permit. 1?5 * e irr. .: • .1. 4 CROPS IN CLUDfi) Manager Date. ished August M acres, row crop and stock set r *>m h''“ne * ,5uul1 term 100 acres, old water right, good First publication. Aug 21. 1952. 7, 1952 up. highw ay location. 5 room mod- mem ,L>e' „ crops and tractor equipment goes Last publication. Sept. 11, 1952. 1 Last i ubi ember 4. 1952. ern home. 0J6.5OO 00. »15.000 00 down. _ . Hit We a $60 000. a down. Ba>v terms We have several buyers a.mtit.j R A T I: Two cents per word for euch Issue. Minimum, casti in BIO ALL-PURPOSE FARM . . good homes in Nyssa. L eg a l A d v ertisin g 40 acres. Just ..'ted paid up water. Attractive 2 bedroom m Jem 144 acres, 122 good Nearly all In ad vanee, te 3oc hay and pasture Mostly suitable ¡no to oil home, close in on North 5th > wall to row-crop, 2 good homes. »42,000, road. »0000.00 price, »4000 00 down. ^ Wall carpeting, spotlessly clean, N O TICE O F FIN A L A C C O U N T V* down. 80 acres Just listed, paid up water, complete modern full basement, In the County Court o f (he State of good row crop and stock deal, dairy garage Ny- Ort-Kon for the (m i n t y o f Malheur rpciätp thf* ' Z , GOOD used electric ranges. Flre- ANOTHER GOOD ONE 120 acres in Black Canyon. #« barn, 3 bedroom modern house, full 4 acre on oil road, close to gro- In the Matter of the Estate of announcemei Í6Ct th.it, r or b a le ■ • • t o n e Store. Nyssa. 25-tfc.. . ., _ state safety , |-___________ -_________ ___________ _ | irrigable. See this right away. basement, close to town. »30.600, eery store, practically new 2 bed- Marie C. Black, Deceased. .fu]v campaign »11.000 down »2.000 a year. room modern home. $7.350, $4,000 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN miai b.u-k-to POR SA IF iNed R cw l ,K,r- .h i. * >H ® XLE Sewing machines. Pfaff *^.000. terms. FOR b ALL—Used Royal portable utld universal, new and used Fire- 83 a p r e STOCK FARM 155 acres. 55 acres of top row crop down, $50 per month. that the undersigned. Fred Outhrie. this week, with a w;iruui k; to motor- typewriter and a used Burroughs ad- stone st(£ e a u 01p v 1 J ___ ACKt r a r m ________land, lay’s perfect, rest of it good po- _ place ___ _______ 2 bedroom modern home on K.:ig administrator of the estate of Marie ists abuut speed in school zones. Good to run _____ beef or dairy ding machine. Phone 14. 33-11. ca"ttle, *paid-up water right* for 80 tato s*4* * ranch, two homes, Avenue, shady spacious yard, $3.000. C. Black, deceased; has filed his (.’ apt Walt« r 1 id of the Final Account as said administrator secretary of State'' traffic safety acres.' You can't beat this for E4 nv*e 10 road, $47,500, $800 down, $50 per month. F'OR SALE—14 ft. beet bed, well- $13.500. Easy terms. i 220.000 down. Small acreage close to town, will in the County Court of Malheur division, .said many driver' exceed made, price »250. See it at thq Herb R eal Estate For Sale 7 n j p D i s c n o n n w o v fr 40 acres Just listed, ranch you trade for trailer home. $1.500. $100 County. Oregon, and that said Court I school zone designated speed signs Fisher ranch. 1% mi. west Nyssa. has appointed Tuesday, September : during summer months, and fail to U J c Z T o t good farm land here ' have been waltlng ior’ has 0,le “ own. $40 per month. 33-It FOR SALE BY OWNER — Neat home. 4 rooms and bath, well land- ! Good home and buildings Yours th* hl« hest Producing records In 2 small homes, located on large 9. 1952, at 10:00 o’clock in the fore­ i re-adjust speed when schools re­ Malheur county. 40x60 barn, machine lot. lots of fruit trees and berries, noon of said day for the hearing of open. The designated speed for FOR SALE -G . E refrigerator, apt. scaped, double lots. Call 198-W or I f ^ » ia m o as non Y objections to said Final Account and I school areas is 20 miles an hour. * p D A M *ijtysu ^ vA T T i shed> csili shed' shoP- «arage, chick- $2,100, $500 down. size. Box and motor in excellent con­ see anytime at 110 King avenue. ! en coop, 8 room modern home, shady 3 bedroom modern home. $3.350, ttie settlement thereof. Lansing also said parents should 33-ltp. CATTLE RANCH F'OR YOU dition. Price $50. Phone 0132-RL About 175 acres of good farm Una, yard, native rock outdoor fireplace, small down payment, easy terms, NOW. THEREFORE, all persons j begin training first-year school chil­ A. Dale Sessions, Rt. 1, Box 213. plus plenty of summer range. Fine ^ you ^aVe $12.000 you can buy this Large 5 bedroom modern home, interested in the estate of Marie C dren in .'afe walking habits, such as FOR SALE 33-2tp location. Good lnvprovements, »51.-| pjace good location, coal furnace, hai 1- Black, deceased, are notified and obeying traffic signals or police offi­ SPECIAL FGR SALE OR EXCHANGE — ¡HOME IN THE COUNTRY 000 ta* es 11 66 acres, pumping set up from wood floors. $10.000. down required to appear at the County cer direction, and staying on curbs Brought home from Tucson pretty This is a good buy. Three rooms 60 ACRES PAID UP WATER Snake river, 4 room home, chicken 1 bedroom home, $3.200, easy Court Room in the Court House at until traffic is cleared at intersec­ dresses, good childrens shoes and completely finished Three unfin- Id*"»! location. Crops and 25 head I coop, garage. »3,000., »4.000 down, terms Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at tions. dresses, sweaters and mens large size ished. On 60x150 lot. About 1 mile °* good cattle 8° w*lh It. Owner »1,000 per year. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES said time, to then and there show "Unfortunately," he said, “ accident pants and shirts and socks and etc. from town, on paved road Some wanls cash, so plan your own fl- j 140 acres row crop and stock set Your opportunity to own a bu-i- cause, if any there be, why said prevention camoiign seem to have Mrs. Hall, miscellaneous exchange terms if needed nancing. »25.000. up. 2 homes, »45.000, terms. ness building in the center of Ny .1 Account should not be settled, al­ little appeal to the public as no one 33-ltp BERNARD EASTMAN 60 IN BLACK CANYON 1 320 acres, 50 acres beets, 150 acres Netting $6.000 a year Never vacant. lowed and approver! and said estate gets excited about accidents until distributed and said administrator some child or a member of their ----------------------------------------------- -------I NYSSA PHONE 64 3° acres- good 4-room home, soft wheat. 120 acres barley, 70% of crop 29% down. »250 a month. FOR BALE OR RENT — 7-room ----------- --------------------- well water. Priced below appraisal goes with the place, terms, will take Grade A wholesale-retail milk set discharged. family i killed or seriously injured house. 404 N. 2nd. Phone 327-M. , FOR SALE—One acre, 3’ - miles out 1 at 27500. »3500 down. j your place in as part payment. up, cheese and ice cream maim Dated and first published August in one." 16% acres island, Snake river.good uring plant retail ice cream parlor, 7, 1952. Serious consideration of the safety __________________________ 33' u 5-rooin brick house, outbuildings! WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM 2 bedroom modern apartment, ex- Date of last publication, Septem­ problem, and Individual efforts on FOR SALE — Btromtoerg upright • *?» « « * ^ Cash, 26 good acres, e-room modern sandy loam soil, $2,650. the part of parents and motorists 40 acres level land, all In crops, elusive area, will trade for ranch ber 4, 1952. grand piano; coal heating stove; 2 Prl« *^000 Nyssa Insurance Agency. home, good set o( outbuildings, could eliminate many hazards to Fred Guthrie beds with springs and good cotton ^ ‘ Lawrence, agent. Nyssa. Buildings alone are almost worth $12.500, will consider trading for 10 in this vicinity. Administrator of the estate of school children each fall, Lansing mattresses; davenport and chair; * ' ' ! the tot’a* Price of $13,000. said. Marie C. Black, deceased. MEL BECK REAL ESTATE stand of bees. Charles Harris, 4 miles p o p « ai it , , . " ” ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Harold Hentgson Attorney for Ad- | Last year. 10 children of school age Here are a few of our many list­ southwest of Adrian. 29-tf. Thf Use * b<: ministrator. were listed as pedestraln fatalities ____________________________________moved, 1947 B & M International ings: Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. in Oregon FOR SALE— 1951 Frigldaire auto- t**ctor Wlth P>0* and cultivator, 1 IN Sl'R \N('K Outdoor living, garden, chickens, LOANS matic washer in perfect condition, Gavid Bradley disc and 1 Dav­ cow, pony for the kids—all this NYSSA, OREGON — PHONE 200 N O TICE O F F IN A L A C C O U N T is like new, call at Brower plumbing :d Bradley pick tooth harrow. Call can be yours on one of our acre­ In the County Court o f the State of A ctions Filed In shop 30-tf 200-NM. Nyssa 32-2t ages. Grocery bills go way down, Oregon for the County o f Malheur Farm P rodu ce tool Here are a few of our many In the Matter of the Estate of District Court H elp W a n te d HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT HOMES FOR SALE listings: Neeltje Stain, deceased. Actions filed In the district court For your own protection, buy | F U R SALE— 18 acres silage corn, NOTICE IS HEREBY «GIVEN of Malheur county during the pa't state-inspected meat. Buy a quart- 2 bedrooms, modern except heat, 33-2t. HELP WANTED—Shake Shop. See New modern home, 1 acre $12,600. to be cut. Gall Nyssa 02-J4. that the undersigned, John Stain, week include six divorce cases and Roger Anderson, phone 327-M er half or whole beef, pork or mut- Nearly new, good location, near hos- Modern 2-bedroom home, 33-It. administrator- of the estate of two civil actions as follows: ton.. See us at plant, 1 mile north pital $4500. Some terms, 10 acres _____ $11,500 W a n ted Neeltje Stam, deceased, has filed his Donald Dale Yundt vs Katherine on highway, then 1/4 mile west on 3 rooms, full basement, pressure Modern 3-room house, Final Account as said adminisrator Ellen Yundt, Aug. 12, divorce; Lillian Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, water system. Three 50x138 ft. lots, For S ale or Trade 10 acres ............... $7500 For a oarpenter or cabinet work call in the County Court of Malheur G. Evans vs Edward Thompson phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc I Only $2500. $500 down, $25 per mo. 3 rooms, 3.2 acres ............ $1500 F. A. Johnson at 023-J1. 1 mile north County, Oregon, and that -aid Court _ $7000 of Nyssa-Parma Junction on high­ FOR SALE OR TRADE — 5-room has appointed Tuesday. September Evans, Aug. 12, divorce; Margie caie 4 rooms and bath, part basement. | 5 rooms, modern, 2 acres Peggy DoLay vs Olenn W. Delay, FOR SALE—Nice 24 foot Phinex Nice bi d plenty of shades for 3 room house, 5 acres ...... $4500 way 95. 33-4tp. home, new, on beautiful Puget 30. 1952, at 10:09 o’clock in the fore­ Aug. 12. divorce; Eldora G. Hartie trailer house. Inquire at Roy Pounds only - $5500. ----- Terms to J fit your pocket. 1 Sound, 2 blocks out of city limits of $4800 | 6 rooms, 4 acres __ 122 Emmison or at the Gate City LAND LEVELING — 4-machlnes, Tacoma. Wash. Full basement, base­ noon of said day for the hearing of vs Joseph M. Hartie, Aug. 12, di­ Home in the country on Alberta LISTINGS WANTED Cleaners. 31-tf. wheel and track type. Free estimates, ment gafage and 2 sleeping rooms in objections to said Final Account and vorce; S. J. Defreese vs C. H. Toed- We have lots of prospetes for good Ave. 3 rooms finished and 3 unfin­ the settlement thereof. ter et us., Aug. 12. foreclosure of cash discount. Dick Besky, phone j basement, new furnace. 2 lots, fertile farms and homes. List yours wltn NOW, THEREFORE, all persons mortgage, $2.000; Adeline McCray FOR SALE—Baby crib. Call 267. ished. A real buy for only »4500.00. 33-4tp garden spot. View of water and Nar­ us and prepare to move. 216-L, Parma. interested in the estate of Neeltje vs Oeorge McCray, Aug. 16. divorce; Nyssa. 32-tf. Terms. rows bridge. Full price, $11,500. In­ We have several good pieces of HOMES WANTED— Ride to Oakland, Calif, quire of Dick Yost, the Journal, Stam, deceased, are notified and re­ Margie Maxey vs. Lewis T. Maxey, quired to appear at the County F'OR SALE—Rifles, shotguns, am­ property for Investments. Both busi­ EASY FHA TERMS or Reno, Nev. Sept. 1. Phone 454-W. phone 19. 32-tf. Court House at Vale, Malheur Coun­ Aug. . 19, divorce; United Credit Nearly new two-bedroom home, Mens Assn. vs. E. M. Lewis, Aug. 19, munition, lay-away your choice now. ness and residential. All paying good 32-2tp. automatic heat, hardwood floors, Firestone store, Nyssa. 32-tf. returns. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Prefer Va'.e ty, Oregon, at said time, to then and recovery on account, $2,474. FOR RENT lovely fenced In yard. A "dream Dealership for nationally advertised property, 107 Enls Ave. one six-room, there show cause, if any there be. Very nice one bedroom duplex house” for only $8,000. line now available in North Malheur 1 three-room house, 2 two-room why said Account should not be set­ M IL K C O N T R O L BILL F’OR SALE—Charcoal for broiling, county. Good credit reputation re­ cabins, cellar, price all $7000. Term-;. tled, allowed and approved and said D IS C U S S E D AT M E E TIN G fishing and hunting. Gives »3 flavor apartments. Automatic oil heat. Pvt. QUIET RESTFUL LIVING Comfortable 4-room cottage on quired. Write for information to the Mrs. Date Pamprien Vale, Oregon. estate distributed and said adminis­ to $1 steak. Ideal Gas and Appliance. garage. Best location. 1 block from The (Adrian farm bureau met lart quiet street. Lovely yard, all fen­ J. R. Watkins Company, 137 Dexter _______________________________ 23-tf. trator discharged. 19-tf. city park Only $45 per month. We Monday night in the high school pay part of utilities. ced, good soil. Price of $4800 in­ Ave., Seattle 9, Washington 30-6t Dated and first published August agriculture building. BERNARD EASTMAN cludes nice set o f furniture. 28. 1952. FOR SALE—Used L. & H. electric During the session, letters written M iscella n eou s WANTED—Highest prices paid for Real Estate PICTURE OF THE YEAR Date of last publication, Septem­ to Oregon congressmen and the de­ range with deep well, like new, only Insurance slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, Phone 61 Your wife and children In their ber 25, 1952. $99.50. Ideal Gas and Appliance. partment of agriculture were read own yard. This is a lovely two- phone 306, Ontario. Across from MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, John Stam concerning the recent steel strike. 32-tf. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc Electrolux cleaners and air puri­ FOR SALE bedroom home with automatic Administrator of the estate of Don Engstrom spoke to the group fiers. Sales and service. Ed R. Neeltje Stam. deceased. Two-bedroom modern home, ex- ' heating $7350, very easy terms, FOR SALE—Creto, the guaranteed on the advantages and undesireable Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idano, Farm M a ch in ery Harold Henigson, Attorney for features of the state milk control waterproof paint, Creto waterproof cellent condition, perfect heating A HOME FOR $1500 phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Administrator. Comfortable 2 room home. Beats concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas­ system, good location. bill, as seen by the milk distributors. Two bedrooms new, completely I paying rent. Easy terms, or will FOR SALE—Case baler, excellent ter, motar and terrazzo. Water­ Plans for the fair booth were dis­ COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready proofs by application and perman­ modern, good location, $8000, F.H.A.! discount for cash. cussed, after which potluck refresh­ condition, Harold Robbins, Rt. 2. VETERANS SPECIAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS ently waterproofs walls and floors, ,erms. ments were served. 30-5tp. to build your driveway, parking area, school yard, feed lot. lounging »r rent, heat and Nyssa Lumber Co. tractor-mounted “Marbeet Midget." Record* »how daily Livestock For S a le Water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 Official Time Inspector for roduction up to 100 ton*, with 95*/. clean beet*. “Marbeet or 74-R. lS-tf. Union Pacific Legal Advertising Veterinary Supplies lidget" mount* on mott wheel tractor* of 25-35 h.p. yet hat FOR SALE—Two Milking Shorthorn ONTARIO OREGON Small and Largr Animal« FOR RENT—Paint spray gun Fire­ operated tuccettfully under tevere condition* of rain and bulls ready for service. Oscar Shaf­ NOTICE Pet Hospital 21Ftfc. UNITED OTATES DEPARTMENT fer, Rt. 1. 1 mile north and 1 mile stone store. mud in field te*t*. Let ut tell you how harvett taving* pay for Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. east of Adrian, Phone 082-J3. Optom etrists Phone Nyssa 202 407 Main St. FOR REFTT—Large 3 bedroom, part­ OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF “Marbeet M idget” in one teatonl f 32-2tp ly furnished apartment. 305 Oood LAND MANAGEMENT, Land O ff- | Dr. Marvin M. Prenllc« 31-tf. ice. Swan Island Station, Portland FX>R SAL! buck lambs, ser­ Ave. or phone 22-W. 18, Oregon, August 7, 1952. DR. J. A. McFALL Veterinary Surgeon Let us give you full details viceable age. Also registered Hol­ F'OR RENT—Apartment. Furnished Notice is hereby given that on De- j I.arge and Small Animals DR. JOHN EASLY stein bull calves. Vest Bros., Rt. 2, with light and heat, 714 King Ave. comber 13. 1951. Frank Turner o f , 21$ W Park Ph. 2341 Nyssa. Phone 030-R1. 32-tf. Ph 288-W 29-tf. Route No. 1, Vale. Oregon, filed ap- | New Plymouth. Idaho plication Oregon 02232, under sec FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouemaeys. »o n 8 of the Taylor Orazing Act, as DR- VERNON WARD Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers arui P O R * B2LTr J*ro° “ Ontario Nyssa Chadwick camp. tonti. ¡ am#nded, to select all of section 14, springers C. Clyde Smith, ph^T. phone Veterinarian Phone 56 Phone 333 304. Ontario. Oregon, across froi '■— I FOR RENT—Two furnished apart- T. It 8 . , R _ 42 I - , W M _ , in exchange H n , Large er SeaaJl Aei—ite Oiilarto sate yard t4b menu, phone Erownla’s cafe. 3aitfe I,11 ®*ctkm 2,® r : ** f42 Bee TU W%amm O i l __________________________ ________________________ B., W. U , Oregon. This notice is for w *r f M w a r formally declared! FOR RENT — New Clarke »-bM h the purpose of allowing all persons Phon# 21, Ontario, Oregon »gainst the Confederate States In floor sanders and 4-lncK safe!et having bene fide objections to the ¿•PL Stun» Lumbar Go. 14-tf pewv««ad eachenge an opportunity Classified Advertising State Undertakes Safety Campaign POLIO PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Marbeet* •BAUMAN- Midget M IDGET” J C SS BAUM AN FARM EQUIPMENT Marbeet— ßAUMAN^^^Midget