Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 28, 1952, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    T H E W Y S S A G A T E CTTT J O P W H A t , N Y S S A
A U G U S T 23
local team are Nate Young, Creeling.
Tenaen and Aden WlLon —O le -
bruung her birthday Harnett Sa:m-
from the Journal file *
zlr. the Sanszin familj
J Boy-
dell and Boydell Nedry .-pent Wed-
Mrs S heraau Wilson
5 >rara ago August 28. 1947
t*i t
Aut »mobile tire, and tube, nesday to ■ oto* Thev -swam and
F b on e Furata 21 M l
Postponement of the opening o f and bicycle, **re rationed by war dined at the Mechanate
K , Parkinsons have planted a
all schools m Malheur county, except price and ration board August5 14
in Jordan \ alley district, has been Glen Burn, Min of Mr and Mr, A lawn and made improvements a-
Mr srid M: ■ C L Fritts returned the parents of a baby giri ► F
round their new home ------ Mrs Saturday from ,evera! days of travel day. Aug ¿2
ordered by Dr L A. Mauldmg. coun- J Burn., ha., joined the marines
LI d Adams and Mi > Mabel Reed through Montana. Idaho and Wash­
ty health officer because of the 15 Year* \g„ September * 1437
W S C 8 meets Wedne i.i>.
; •
spread of infantile paralysis
Mr, Prances Sell, a native of have been renovating Oregon Trail ington. including Yellowstone pari 3 at the home of Mr, Lu
Mr and Mrs. Conley Wilson and
c»ty installed two drinking fountains Oregon and a reMdem of Malheur school in preparation for opening
Lester Norland arrived home \V< J-
sons and Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson
on Main street The state highway Oo. for the past 65 years will pre­ early in September.
nesday of last week with hi dis­
department erected directional signs side over the p.oneer section of the
With the sale in Portland Tues- from their 1,700 mile trip that took charge after serving in the armed
on the traffic island in the “ Y".------ Golden Jubilee Owvhee Stampede-
services overseas since a year ago
J Vear Van Noy of Ontario was a- Malheur Co fair opens September day- the Nyssa wocl P°°> of 1927 was j them to Glacier National park. Flat-
warded the contract by the city 4th.----- Mr, Hav Tid veil is ore dl'P ° sed of. which has grown to be head lake. Hungry Horse dam and ,aM June
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Norland and
a day's
council to install new water mains pared to open a clas, for beginner" the ldr* est »«iuegate
of wool
" Idaho,
*J~*‘ including
fishing at Josephus and Hell Diver family have moved from Mountain
in N y ,sa ----- Mr. and Mrs Jess Rig- on all band instruments and piano ea' tern Oreeon- handled as a unit
ney purchased the home in Stunz Arrangement, may be made it -hi' this year' reached a total of more lakes They reporter no flats, no car Home so Mr Norland can work for
. u
addin >n k
to Mr and Mrs. - Eagle's
hall -- Monday and Thursd'n ' than a million pounds, J P Duna- trouble, no ram except a shower on the Owyhee project.
Lester Norland spent the week­
Spencer Layne who left for Miss- evenings
Rev Floyd White re- way at Nyssa manager of the pool a short loop trip into Canada, and
end at Anderson Ranch darn vi-iting
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stain, turned to Nyssa and Apple Valiev announced——-Rev. Hershey and several fish.
John Nickens will deliver the ser­ Mr and Mrs Dan Norland and baby
who are spending the summer in past rate,. ------ M iss Katherine Mit- family left Sunday afternoon for
Mr end Ml
! I B
II »Hand, will leave there by plane chell, daughter ol Mr and Mr, Geo Boise to vsit relatives and will con­ mon at the local community church
tinue on their way Monday to at­ Sunday morning.
living in Apple Valley for nearly 40
w; : T" :i1 ■
this a
Mrs. Jennie Boston and family of years, left early Saturday morning
neer. celebrated his 84th birthday - Eugene, where -he will teach in the tend conference at Burley —Schools
Luther Fife ha., started laying the Eugene high . chool. Miss Mitchell to begin September 6th. Miss Kath­ Ontario. Mr and Mrs. Howard Jami­ to make their home in Napa. Calif
erine fiandon has been appointed as son and family of Napa, Calif., and with their daughter, Mrs 11 a
new tloor in the grade school.------67 will teach commercial subjects.
descendants of the Eaton family at­
commercial teacher and Miss Made­ Mrs. Anna Boston were Friday even- Jamison, and family. Mr and Mi
line Hasfurther has taken the place ing supper guests of Mrs Sara Mil- Jamison, who have been vi :ting
tended a reunion at the A. F. Seward 20 Years Ago August 25, 1932
home near Nyssa.
Thieves stole a spare tire from of Miss Vera Bishop, resigned as ler. The Jamisons were overnight here, took a trailer load of their
“ Butch" Burbidge's car Monday home economics teacher.—W .C T U guests.
| household goods, the Earl Boston
10 Years Ago August 27, 1942
night and two tanks o f kerosene ° f Malheur held a meeting at the
Mr and Mrs Fred Fisher return- family going with them The K.irl
The teacher shortage in Oregon is were taken from C B Short's truck Grange hall near Ontario August 23. ed the first of the week from a trip Bostons will take u vacation ;np up
rapidly becoming critical. Though in front of his home.----- Honoring about sixty were present. Mrs C. E to California.
' the coast, visiting In Salem. Port-
Oregon normally has an adequate the August birthday of Mrs F B Bingham of Ontario was elected
Mrs. Ralph Bailey and Edwin of land, Tacoma and Seattle, with their
supply of certificated teachers, at Schlapkohl. Mrs. A V Cook and president. Mrs. Douglas. Nyssa. 3rd Richland. Wash, spent Thursday . daughter and husband. PI
the present time many men and wo- Wm. Schireman, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. vice president. Mrs. Everetts Ontario night in the Pettit Bailey home
¡Mrs. Bob Bhippey. The Bos! :. have
men have left teaching to enter Schireman entertained with pleas- treasurer Hrs. Davis, Nyssa, Cor.
Mr and Mrs George Kagler are ‘ heir farm up for sale.
mihtary service while others are en- ant neighborhood affairs Friday and Sec. and Mrs. Griggs, Vale, Rec. Sec
gaged in defense industries.------Sunday nights.--------Friends welcomed 30 Years Ago August 25, 1922
Farmer’s Co-op annual picnic will the return of Mrs Frank Morgan,
Nyssa Grain and Seed Co. is a
lie held Sunday. August 30 at But- Saturday, iwho is home after a sum- busy place these days, handling most
w -c Grove,
n r ™ . ------shipment of onions mer's sojourn at Paye:te Lake-___ - of the grain raised in this section
Mrs. Claude Day
trom Nyssa is expected to start next Nyssa-Parma golfers took the lead Grain is 81c per bushel in bulk and
week. The total crop is expected to In the opening match of the Weiser 87c sacked. Wheat is $1.35 per 100 —
Phone 0M2-K2
be about the same as usual, one buy­ Milling Co. tournament played at Lloyd Orris bought a new Ford ear
er stated. However the hot weather Apple Valley Sunday and won a ---- Som e boys visited J. T. Long's
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dobrey and port that Lawrence's eyes are in
has damaged the onions to some ex- silver trophy. Among those on the watermelon patch Sunday while he
family of Sumner, Neb., visited last very good condition now.
was gone to church but he had a week with Mr. and Mrs Bill Ratigan
Jim Lane of Nampa visited at the
man hiding in some corn nearby to and family. Mrs. Dobrey is a sister
watch so they were caught red- of Mr. Ratigan On Wednesday. Mr. John Thiel home Friday.
Carol Gilbert, Freddie Schafer,
handed. The boys were allowed to and Mrs. Dobrey and family, accom­
go after paying for the melons and panied by Henry Ratigan. drove to Donald, Billy, and Claudette Day
were among the 4-H club members
receiving a warning.----- The rails Madras to visit other relatives.
to go to 4-H camp at Payette Lakes
have been laid and the first car of
Mr. and Mrs John Thiel received Friday. They returned Tuesday eve­
produce was shiDped from Over-
street Station in Kingman Kolony.— a letter from their son, Francis, who ning.
The new packing house o f the Nyssa is now' in Japan, stating he doesn't
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft re­
Fruit Growers’ Union Is completed know how long he will be there.
turned home Monday from a trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day attended Washington.
and ready for the packing season.—
Monday, Aug. 21, a baby daughter the funeral of Ira Chadd In Nyssa
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and Sharon
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ten- Wednesday evening
visited a short time Wednesday with
Pollyanna club will be held with Mr and Mrs. Joe Stain. Mrs Stam
sen.----- 'Farmers in Westfall are suf­
fering considerable damage from Mrs. Irma Sparks instead of with has been ill.
a p p e t it e s
Mrs. Hazel Schafer, as previously
Several from this neighbourhood
35 Years Ago August 31, 1917
went to Jordon Valley sage hen
A musical program will be pre-
hunting over the week-end.
sented at the M." e . church Septem- Boise on business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marcum took
ber 5 by Misses Ethel Hansen, Ele-
their infant daughter to Boise for
lyn Cheeley and Anetts Briggs.----- of Jerome and Ronnie and Larry surgery Thursday. The baby is get­
! Schools to open Monday, Sept. 10, Miles of Jerome visited this week ting along fine
teachers are as follows. 1st and 2nd with Mr and Mrs. Oscar Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoffman and
For Your
grades Mrs. R J. Davis. 3rd and 4th and Freddie.
Mr. and Mrs. Berle Phifer return­ daughters of Callaway, Neb., visited
Miss Mary Fikan, 5th and 6th Miss
Sunday night at the Claude Day
Blanche Landrlth, 7th and 8th E. ed home from Madras and Portland home. Hugh is a brother of Mrs
Britt Nedry, High school Miss Mc­
Farland, and Miss Sheldon, prln- consult an eye specialist. They re­ Day.
: cipal P. P. Brainard.
Days Gone By in Nyssa Community
ri»^» rrv«*
Apple Valley Activities
Kingman Kolony Kontacis
pearing at each of the 11 perform­
the P.l will cl
rtep 20, at the
N rth P aland -Judge of M.Iking
Shorthorn classes at the 1952 Pa­
cific International Live,: k Expo-
ition will be handled by Richard V. House in Washington i- insured.
nouncement made by Walter A Holt,
Linseed oil i- made from seeds of
general manager
the flax plant.
Keim is one of the be,t known
Four w »men are honored with
western judges of that breed, having
officiated in recent years at the Ore­ memorial statues in Washington.
gon State fair and at the Plainvlew .
■ fleet : mail ve sets.
show in Texas In 1950. In addition to
the P-l assignment this year, Keim
will judge at the Colorado state lair.
Keim has held the highest olfices
in the American Milking Shorthorn
Year in and year out
society, having been a member of
the board of directors of that or­
you’ll do well with the
ganization for five years, vice presi­
dent for two years and president
last year He is also on the classifi­
cation committee of the society.
Milking Shorthorns will be judged
Monday, Oct. 6, at 9 a. m.
The night show this year will be
returning to the horse show-rodeo,
and as a special attraction the Roy..l
Canadian mounted police will be ap­
Nampa Man To
Judge Shorthorns
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Adjusted and
Your Favorite Cuts
Tuesday, September 23
Boise Office: Room 252
Sunns Bldg.
Real Estate
Phone 64
Entrance to Sonna Bldg,
between Penny's and
Newberry's Stores
Phone Dial 3-7011
Let Experts Prepare
Dr. A. T. Bradbury
■«rfwC C mmih «««
Free Pickup
Fast Service
Phone 98
Phone 100-R
Freezer Locker-D eep Freezer
Vi’s, Vl’* or half of */2’s
Models to Liven Photo
Section of State Fair
from our feed lots
Vi’s and wholes of Pork
Custom Butchering and Curing
“ Your Headquarters for Variety Meats”
Mt mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant
Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room
Salem (Special)—A photographic
fillip of added interest will highlight
the opening day of the 87th Oregon
State fair, which starts here on Sat­
urday, Aug. 30 for its annual eight-
day run. A photo fair will be held
at this years’ exposition, with all
camera enthusiasts invited to bring
their cameras and take pictures of
four leading Portland professional
models who’ll be on hand to pose
not only in bathing suits for “ cheese­
cake” shots but also in sweaters and
other typically fall outfits.
The posing will start approximate­
ly around 1 o'clock and continue for
several hours, or until about 4 p. m.
B & M Equipment Co. Inc
Is Proud Once Again to Inform You
That They Have Repair Parts for the
Following Harvesting Equipment
Gemco Harvesters
Kiest Harvesters
Olson Beaters, etc.
Farmhand Equipment
Gehl Equipment
We Also Carry a Large Assortment of High
Speed Chain, Steel Chain, Beater Flails,
V-Belts and Pulleys, Pillow Block Bearings
and other Associated Items
When in Need of Quality Repair Parts
Be Sure to Come to
B & M Equipment Co.
N^ im , Orefun
P k ix M
Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co.
N yssa, Oregon
Sunset Valley Speaks
Mr*. Lyman Pomeroy
Phone 02-J3
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dimmick and tended the marriage ceremony Wed­
Mrs. L. L. Pomeroy left early Satur­ nesday evening at the Christian |
day morning for Grandjean Lodge, church for Mrs. Nielsen's brother,
Ida., with a truckload of horses and Jack Chard, to Miss Lucile Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reffett of John
the car From the lodge they will
pack Into the Sawtooth mountains. Day visited at the John Reffett
Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pen- home this day, while enroute to San
darvls and daughter. Diane, drove Francisco on a trip.
Mr and Mrs. Tom Distler are now
to Lostine, where they were Joined
by Bill Briton, and all were packing making their home in Boise. Mrs.
into the upper lakes of the Wallowa Distler is a sister of Mrs Pete Wil­
son. Clarence Reed and Mrs. Claude
Friday Sid Flanagan, Frank Jayo Wilson.
and others left for a packtrlp Into
the MoCall area in Idaho. Mrs. Flan­
agan and children left the same day
for a vacation at Payette Lakes.
Milvin Pendarvis, Jr., is visiting '
at the home of his aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell.
Mary Leavitt of Stanfield is visit­
ing at the home of her sister. Mrs
Leo Gaston for several days.
Miss Clarice Notheis arrived home
last Sunday after spending eight
weeks working on her master’s de- |
gree at Greeley, Ook».
Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs |
Albert Notheis and Miss Clarice No- |
theis visited at the J. C. Olson home.
Dickie Counsil of Nyssa spent the
week on the farm of his grandpar­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chadd and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dider-
icksen and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Conley Lockett of Willow Creek were
present at the Caldwell home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Diderlcksen for a
Sunday dinner honoring Mr. Dlder-
icksen on his birthday.
Mr. and Mrs Bruce English visited
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Charles Schweizer. Bruce lived
in Sunset Valley 15 years ago, and
worked for the Schweizers.
Your Cooling System is aa
Mrs. Agnes Chadd spent the day
vital to the operation of your
Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Harry Gahan.
car aa the Brakea or Motor.
Mr. and Mrs John Babcock of
Wenatohee, Wash., were week-end
Pressure • Purging ia the
guests at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Fred Babcock. The two men are
neweat approved method of
the Radiator and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reffett and
two sons of San Diego, Calif., arrived
Water Jacketa of the Block.
Friday afternoon for a visit of sev­
eral days at the home of Walter's
brother, Mr and Mrs John Reffett.
Thursday Mrs Elver Nielsen en­
tered the Holy Rosary hospital. A f­
ter pre-operation observation, a
goitre will be removed.
Mrs. Walter Hillis has been ill
with virus pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs George Folkman
and Carroll aand Brent returned
home Tuesday after a visit In Utah.
T h« entire Purge takes leaa
Mr and Mrs. Elver Nielsen at­
before it it
tkaa thirty minute*.
Towne G arage
Nyaaa, Oregon
218 Main St.
Phone t|
2-1947 Ford Fordors
Very clean—take your pick for
1940 Chevrolet Fordor
1940 Pontiac Coupe
1939 Plymouth Coupe
Your choice for
1939 Ford Truck
Good rubber and motor
A family reunion was held at the
Nyssa city park Sunday. Those at­
tending were: Mr and Mrs Hugh
Hoffman and daughters, of Callo­
way. Neb ; Mr and Mrs. Silas H off­
man and Leland Hoffman. Mr. and
U ' Ernest Maze. Mr and Mrs Or-
| valle Maze and daughter. Oail. Mr
i.\ ! Mr James Ritchie and family,
Mr and Mrs Glenn Hoffman and
Olendla. and Mr and Mrs. Claude
|‘ Day and family.
A-1 Used Cars
A real buy at
1951 Ford
Vi Ton Pickup
Like new— 12,000 mi.—only
All Our Used Cars and Trucks Carry
6,000 mile or 6 month S.E.I. Warranty
W e Do Not Offer So-called Bargains,
Just Good, Consistant Values
Herriman Motor co.
Used Car Headquarter»
314 M a i*
Phone 77 or 76
1 —» » .. »>■