THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 11. 18S9 1S52 Hunting Regulations Announced Drivers Remin<le<1 Man? in qu iri«« h tv* been directed *6 tM* Journal regarding tire 1952 hunting and game l i * ' , but no in- f or matron w ai obtainable untù this fo llo w in g U a dige<t of the résil ia tiens covering the first part of the season for large game and bird». Because o f lack of space, the rest of the schedule will be run in the Jour nal next week. ANTELOPE SEASONS Bag limit, one adult buck antelope having horns longer than the ears. Area I I : Open season, August 23 to August 2«, inclusive Number of permits, 400 (residents only). Open area: Portions of Lake and Harney counties as follows: Begin ning at the intersection of the W ar ner Valley road with the California- Oregon state line; thence northerly along the W arner Valley road RADIO and REFRIGERATION REPAIRING H erbert E. Cox Technician Located At Western Store Phone 244-J Residence Ph. 286-R School Bus L aw LO C A L N E W S Adrian News through Plush arid Adel to its Junc- Mr*. Pwalinc Medina!» lion with U. 6 highway 395 north Orepon’s law requiring motorists of Ahert Lake; thence northeast to stop for school buses that hate erly along U. S. highway 396 to its stopped to load or unload children Rev. »nd Mrs. John Phillips and junction with U. S. highway 20 will -ion call for renewed attention family left Tuesday morning for Utence easterly along U. 6 highway by Oregon drivers, the state traffic Wessings, South Dakota to live He 20 to Burns; thence southeasterly safety division reminded today. will attend school. Many buses have been transport along Oregon highway 7g to Folly- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis of Ridge- farm; thence southwesterly along ing farm workers during the sum view and their house guest, Jim the county road through Andrews to mer. an operation to which the stop Blauvett o f Tacoma, Wash., were Fields; thence south along Oregon law does not apply. The division said Sunday afternoon visitors at the Jim highway 206 to Denio; then*?« west this fact confuses some motorists who are not aware that stops must Bag lim it: 2 cocks per day and not along the California-Oregon state be made only when the bus in carry over 4 during the entire season. Une u> Us intersection with the W ar- ing school children. Area II : A ll counties east of the | ner Valley road, the point o f begin When the big yellow vehicles re summit of the Cascade Mountains ning. sume regular school runs early next Area I I I : Open season August 30 month, a loading or unloading stop except Madras area in Jefferson means cars approaching from both county (see Closures). I to September 4, inclusive. Open season: Noon, October 24 Number of permits, 400 i residents directors must also stop, the division pointed out. T ra ffic so stopped may through November 9. i only). then proceed, provided no children Bag limit: 3 cocks per day and not Open area: Portions o f Harney are leaving the bus or crossing the over 12 during the entire season. and Malheur counties as follows: B e roadway. No p rn o » may take or possess ginning at Denio; thence northerly The law, adopted by the 1949 state more than 12 pheasants in the ag along Oregon highway 205 to Fields; legislature, exempts from stopping gregate of all seasons. thence northeasterly along county only vehicles approaching the bus Special Juvenile Season: Area: road through Andrews to Follyfarm ; from the opposite direction on the thence northwesterly along Oregon far side of a roadway having three Designated portions of E E. Wilson Game Management area highway 78 to Bums; thence east or more lanes. Open season: September 27, 28 and north along U. S. highway 20 to its intersection with the Idaho- son, August 23 to August 28, inclu October 4, 5, 11, 12, 18 and 19; and November 8, 9. Oregon state line at Nyssa; thence sive. Bag limit, 2 cock pheasants per south and west along the state line Number of permits, 200. Each hun day. to Denio, the point of beginning. ter required to have a general elk Restrictions: for juvenile hunters Report card attached to antelope tag as well as the special free per from 14 to 17 years only. All juven tag must be returned by all hunters. mit. It shall be unlawful to shoot at Bag limit, one elk o f either sex. iles to be accompanied by licensed antelope from a point within 5* All hunters required to check in adults over 25 years of age. One yards of an automobile airplane or and out of area. Checking station adult may accompany not to exceed two juveniles. Adults will not bear other vehicle. at Troy and Hoodoo Lookout. SPECIAL ELK SEASONS Open area: Beginning at the town arms and will be responsible for the Troy i Wallowa cou n ty): Open sea- of Troy, thence westerly along the conduct o f their charges. A maximum of thirty-five juvenile | Wenaha river to its intersection with | the Hoodoo trail; thence southwest- permits will be issued for each des I erly along the Hoodoo T rail to its ignated day in the order in which I junction with the Hoodoo Lookout applications are received at the P o rt road ; thence south along the Hoodoo land office of the Game Commis Lookout road to its junction with the sion. A ll juvenile hunters and accom Troy-Tollgate road; thence westerly 1 along the Troy-Tollgate road to its panying adults are required to check I junction with the Lake T ra il; thence in and out of the area. Quail: Airea I: Washington, Y a m south along the Lake Trail to its in- j tersection with Elbow Creek in Sec- hill, Clackamas. Marion, Polk, Ben j tion 12, Township 5 North, Range ton, Linn, Lane, Jackson and Jose 41 East; thence southwesterly along phine, except posted state and fa r Elbow Creek to its confluence with mer cooperative game management the Grande Ronde river; thence areas. Open season: Noon, October 24 northeasterly along the Grande Ronde River to Troy, the point cf through November 2. Bag lim it: 5 valley, mountain, or | beginning. Walla Walla (U m ltilla county): bobwhite quail in the aggregate dur Open season, November 22 to N o ing the season or in possession. Area II : A ll counties east o f the vember 26, Inclusive. Number of permits, 200. Each hun summit of the Cascade Mountains ter required to have a general elk except Malheur and Hood River tag as well as the special free per counties. Open season: October 24 through mit. Bag limit, one elk o f either sex. November 9. Bag lim it: 10 valley or mountain All hunters required to check in quail in the aggregate per day and and out o f area. not over 20 during the entire season. Checking station at Weston. Hungarian Partridge: Open area: Boundary: Beginning at Weston, thence easterly along state highway Baker, Union, Wallowa, Morrow and 204 to Tollgate; thence north along Umatilla counties. Of>en season: Noon, October 24 the Skyline road to the Oregon- through November 9. Washington state line; thence west Bag lim it: 3 per day, 9 in posses along the state line to the junction with State highway 11; thence south sion or during the season. Blue and Ruffed Grouse: All coun along state highway 11 to Weston, the point of beginning. (Th at por ties west of the summit of the Cas tion of the Mill Creek watershed cade Mountains and Hood River, contained within this boundary is Wasco, Wheeler, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker, Grant coun excepted from hunting.) ties. SM A LL GAME Pheasants: Area I: All counties j Open season: August 30 through west of the summit of the Cascade September 7. Bag limit: 3 grouse per day and NYSSA. OREGON Mountains. not over 9 during the entire season Open season: Noon, October 24 or in possession. through November 2. Sage Grouse: Area: Harney and Malheur counties and that part of Lake county east of Highway 395 and the Warner Valley road which runs through Plush and Adel. Open season: August 23 through September 4. Bag limit: 4 grouse per day and not over 8 during the entire season, or in possession. Silver G ray Squirrel: Same as 1951 Migratory Birds: As determined by U. S. Fish and W ildlife Service. REFUGES OPEN TO H U N T IN G All o f Columbia River Refuge east of Castle Rock In Morrow county. All of Deschutes and Mule Deer reserves and all refuges open in 1961. Areas Closed to all hunting: Same areas as in 1951, except M ill Creek area, which is open. Additional Closures: Mount Hood l l area (closed to all hunting except pigeon and grouse, during the mon ths of August and September o n ly ): Beginning at the Zig Zag Ranger station; thence east along the Bull Run watershed boundary (Township line between Townships 2 and 3 No.) to W hite River; thence southeasterly down White River to Intersection with state highway 35; thence south westerly along state highway 35 to Junction with U. S. highway 50;' thence south along U. S. highway 50 to Ghost Creek; thence southwester ly along Ghost Creek to Its conflu ence with Salmon river; thence westerly down Salmon river to the Salmon river guard station; thence northwesterly along the Salmon river road to junction with U. S. highway 50. thence east along U. 8 highway 50 to Zig Zag ranger sta tion. the point of beginning. Vincent Creek Bum »Douglas county): Beginning at Elkton on Oregon higlivay 38. thence north erly along the Elkton-Ounter trail to Gunter; thence westerly along Smith river to the Vincent Creek guard station; thence southerly a- long the Vincent Creek trail to Fern Top Lookout: thence west and south along the Wells Creek trail to Wells guard station thence easterly along * • ] 38 I is . the point of beginning. Public 8h otmg Grounds 8»m e 1951 e x ., pi ptifft»ant hunting ORANGEBURG Mr. aad Mrs. George ( leaver ant Mrs. Cleaver's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Ballard of Kansas were Monday afternoon visitors at the Carl Seburn home. Mr«. C. M. Tylrr returned ham« Friday from Vacaville, Calif, where she had spent five weeks with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huffman "and children. Mrs. Huffman is recovering from recent major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Storm aad Mr. and Mrs. W alt Looney were fishing at Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seburw, Carl, McGinnis home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saari and daughters moved Tuesday to the Chas. Harris house in Newell Heights. A ll o f the teachers have returned to their homes from attending sum mer schools. Mr and Mrs. Jim Martin o f S e attle visited his brother, Gayle and fam ily Friday afternoon. They were on a trip to Kentucky to visit her parents. Mrs. Bill Willis and children and Miss Betty Jarvis left Saturday eve ning for Coos Bay, to visit Mr. W il lis’ relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright and Clyde Cartwright spent from Saturday to Monday fishing near W arm Lake, Idaho. Guests at the Clayton Martin home from Thursday to Sunday were his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson of Layton, Utah. Mrs. Gayle Martin spent Tuesday in Boise visiting a niece, Mrs. Mel Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt of Owyhee spent Sunday visiting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mrs. Earl Winn and family spent Wednesday in Boise. Jim McGinnis and crew are build ing a new house for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ekanger near Ole’s corner. Phil Wilsaa was hsme over the week-end from Blue Mountain Ran ger station where he is on Dixie Lookout. He returned to his lookout post Sunday evening. Mr«. L. A. Mauldin«. Ilianne and Roger returned home Sunday after a month's visit in Portland. M in .Warn Sekura and Mrs. Greta Bleakman were guests of Miss K a th erine Kerrick of Parma Tuesday morning. Miss Seburn and Miss K e r Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker were rick were sorority sisters at Oregon guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- state college. Jr. and M ari« were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. Seburn’s mother, Mrs. Cordelia Seburn. Dur ing the afternoon, Mrs. Carl Seburn, Marie, Mrs. Goldie Roper and Lois Anne McLauchlin attended the Herman-Gregg wedding. Mrs. Veva Castle returned Satur day evening from a two weeks' vaca tion spent at Bend and Eugene visiting her daughters and their families. Ladies' T Shirts A ll sizes and colors— Large selection. Values to $2.49 Rayons and cottons________ 98c 80 Square Print None Finer Printed Flannel 36-inches wide— Best quality Plain Flannel 25 c U5 c 37 36-inch— Blue - Pink White - Yellow - Aqua . yd. yd. c yd. Rot-proof Sewer Pipe BRACKEN’S Dry Goods Available N o w Shoes X-Ray Shoe Fitting At Your C JHOHt Building Supply Headquarters STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 110 ^ Whatever Your Choice of Gun You'll Be Interested In Our Lay-Away Plan Take Your Pick From Our Wide Selection KITH (OU# FUEL BIN EMPTÏ! 1 . 1 » 1 L- _ L Make Small Down Payment Now for Gun of Your Liking mat's what wise house holders are doing. While supplies are adequate now they could be relatively short when the heating season starts. Then everybody will be clamoring for coal to such an extent that transportation and delivery facilities will be taxed beyond capacity. So don t get caught with your fuel bin empty. Fill it up NOW! PHONE 15 closed on o >vt. liiaivd Gun Rogulati Same C. F. MINK. Mgr. Nytu. 0*»*gon Tag* :ig 1961. Regulation« m 1M1 Same u SEE US TODAY! OLYMPIC CLUB AND SPORTING GOODS STORE HUNTERS HEADQUARTERS * GUNS * RIFLES * SHELLS * SPORTING EQUIPMENT * 4 123 Main NYSSA ft ■J © *■ Clothing