T HT NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. 1152 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL DUANE R. ALTERS . . . . . . . Editor and Publisher Üuanr K. Alters and Gen. L. Rhorton. Owners NEWSPAPER \ SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 year $3 ' j O 6 Months $1.75 1 year outside Malheur Co. and Parma. Ida. rural routes, $3 50 Single Copies .07 (Strictly in Advance) Getting Acquainted with — CHURCH NOTES CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Christian Center Misrita East 2nd and Ehrgnod Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (Christian) A u stin J. Hollingsworth. Minister 10 a. m , church school. Elvin Bal lou. superintendent. Classes tor all. Graded instruction for children at tending. 11 a. m., worship, sermon by the pastor. "The continuing Signifance of the Church.” As the ancient writer says: “Come with us and we will do thee good." CATHOLIC CHURCH Park A veaec and Third Stree* Rev. Rrnbert Ih k * O. F. M. ST PAUL S EPISCOPAL < HURCH Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m Rev. C. T. Crewshaw, Keeler and daily at 8 a. m. Evening service. 7:30 p. m. • L. D. S. 2nd WARD THE CHI BL IT o r TUB D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop NAZARENE Sunday—Priesthood meeting, 9:15 Rev. Glen AbU. Pastor a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m Sunday school. 10 a. m Sacrament meeting, 8 p. m. Morning worship. 11 a m Tuesday—Relief society. 2 p. m N. Y. P. S. and Junior meeting. Wednesday—Primary, 4 p. m.. M 7 p. m. I. A., 8 p. m. Evangelistic service. 7:45 p m. Mid-week prayer meeting. 8 o’clock Wednesday evening. 1! a tn , morning worship. 7 p m.t Youth Fellowship By DICK YOST MRS. GUY MOORE, bantering ASSOCIATION husband.GCY, about having to dig spud for dinner . . FRANCIS GRIMIN', trouble-shooting break down at cannery . . .WARD WIEN Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. ER!., getting up from table to an FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH swer phone JIM BOOR, re-in - Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Fifth Street A Park Avenue troducing himself to this reporter Rev. John L. Briehl. Pastor through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under Sunday church school, 10 a. m. after many years . . MRS. JERRY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH the act of March 3. 1879. Elder Haskell Dane. Pastor Divine worship service. 11 a. m. La< ELLE. checking in cannery You are cordially invited to wor Sunday school. 10 a. m worker .5 LAWRENCE FISCHER, ship with us. Morning worship, 11 a. m. disking under corn fodder behind church member ' It is a disturbing Young peoples services. 7 p. m. WALTER MeFARTLAND, thought that members of one of the picker Evening worship. 8 p. m. greatest, if not the greatest brother making his return to Lions luncheon Wednesday evening prayer service by dow-ing GENE STANLEY with 8 o'clock. hood on earth, would desert the We Invite everyone to these old Christian church which is the spirit an over-turned glass of water . . . KAY COTTLE, waxing optimistic time landmark Baptist services. ual mother to the Masonic order. “Is Masonry a religion? According about the beet harvest. ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH to some definitions, it is. First, re Henry E. Moore. Pastor ligion in a comprehensive sense, etc. which consists in the belief in Morning Worship 11 00 A. M. A The Rev. Claire T. Crenshaw, rec our od » m TX# includes a belief in the being and a superior power or powers, would sermon from a former pastor. Rev. tor of St. Paul's Episcopal church of perfection of God . . . in the revela not truly characterize Masonry. S a t u r d a y E «•»><•# John Nevin. P o t i, Me C o ll » o#d Nyssa was principal speaker at the tion of His will to man . *. in man’s Rev Crenshaw further pointed out After the service there will be a lo o t m o g o im » i and innual Masonic picnic held at Vale obligations to obey His commands . . that no disbeliever may become a basket dinner. * l# o d *tg S to !» Pari# last Sunday afternoon Excerpts in a state of rewards and punish Msvjn A public witness to belief in aiog oxio #». You ca# ADRIAN UNITED from his address follow ments. and in man's accountability God must be “ confessed by those d o p o o d a# Work«#» PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH p rod uct» TX#y or# “ It is fitting to have a clergyman to God; and also true Godliness or entering Masonry. The speaker al Henry E. Moore. Pastor b o ckw d b y no tiorvol speak today because of the religious piety of life, with the practice o f all luded to Masonry's regard for the Guest speaker for Sunday morn adwartsBirvg. arid or# natura.. of the Masonic movement. moral duties. This is from Webster’s Bible as “the spiritual, moral trestle ing 11 o'clock, the Rev. Harold Kurtz, m od o b y tX# lorg#«i Fitting to have an Episcopal clergy definition—and to this extent Ma board of Masonry. He also showed pastor o f the First United Presby o o d ©Id«*# C o m p an y man speak because of the close tie sonry fulfills the test of being a re that another element of religion is terian church. Portland, Ore. o f i t i k in d i# tb # between the Masonic brotherhood ligion. involved in Masonry in that cer Basket dinner in church basement w o rld . . . W o*t (o r W o rk #»» — b P o y il and the Anglican church in the early “ Is Masonry a religion? What is tain "rewards and punishments" im following the morning services. You w J oppr#oaft# days of Masonry. One office in part religion? Webster's hecond definition plied in nearly all religion is also L. D. S. 1st WARD tX# h ig h q w o K ty of of Masonry was always held, tra of religion is. that, religion as dis found in the obligations which Ma Gordon Ray. Bishop W o t k iR i p ro d u c t» ditionally. by an Episcopal bishop. tinct from virtue or morality, con sons take." He further affirmed that Primary Wednesday 10 a. m. “ For many years Masonic speakers sists of the performance of all true godliness or piety of life is Sacrament Sunday 8 p. m. Po o d o b lo "M or# of- have tried to prove that 'Masonry known duties to God and our fellow- inculcated as the invariable duty of ASSEMBLY OF GOD plu» lb# C#*V#nt#AC# was or was not a religion', it is a man, in obedience to divine com every Mason.” Frank C. Coley. Pastor of p h o n # Of HfeOsI problem many clergymen have had mand, or from love to God and H!s At this Juncture in his address South 2nd and Reece Ave. o f d o r » # rv i t o o o d to face in their desire to bring people law. T o a great extent also is M a Rev. Crenshaw said in another sense Sunday school 10 a. m. prom p r, (r## d#bu#ry. Childrens service In basement au to Christ. Oftentimes we hear people sonry obligated to this second part Masonry cannot qualify as a relig of the definition of religion. who are connected with Masonry ion. It has never made any preten ditorium at 11 a. m VOW* MAN Morning worship 11 a. m. Here the speaker adduced two sion to set itself up as one of say: ‘I don’t need to Join a church 2 p. m Sunday Watre Baptism. All more definitions of religion, showing If I Just live up to the precepts of the religions of the world, as a sys DICK OLDHAM Masonry.' ‘Or. a good Mason is a that in a sense, since "Masonry tem of faith and worship. Masonry who wish to go meet at the church 15 Park St. Nyssa before 2 o'clock. better person than the average consists in duties . . . we owe di has never been offered as a sub Evening evangelistic service 8 p.m. rectly to God. from a principle of stitute for the Christian religion. Tuesday evening prayer and praise obedience to God's will” also M a This said he. I quote from the En 8 p. m. sonary may be in this aspect called cyclopedia of Freemasonry. "It does Friday evening Christ Ambassa a religion. not meddle with creeds or doctrines dor 8 p. m. However the speaker pointed out . but . . . to teach fundamental 1 Young people service 8 p. m. Everyone welcome to all services. that “ religion that comprehends the religious truth.” worship of Pagans, Mohammedans. "Lodge is opened and closed with THE METHODIST COMMUNITY prayer the symbols of Masonry are CHURCH Biblical and religious; as are its H. G. McCallaster. Minister Home beauty begins ancient landmarks . . . all teaching 9:45 a m., church school. Wire T ie religious truth . . . to bow in rev erence at God’s holy name .. . to gaining the recognition of other All New Equipment open the law of God upon its altars. groups, adding. Farm Bureau mem The speaker said “ no man can be bers must learn politics, for politics a Mason who is not a respector of is the science of government.” religion and an observer of religious Phone 277-NW The Farm Bureau office of infor- principle.” i mation will prepare explanations of In arriving at his distinction be the bills to come before the voters tween Masonry and the Christian this fall It is up to the members to faith Rev. Crenshaw said “ it in educate the public on these issues, culcates the practice of virtue, but some of which are the Hood River has no forgiveness of sins. resolution, which hopes to amend Here Rev. Crenshaw urged Masons, the constitution so that any money its Junior and sister orders, who needs of the state cannot automatic have entered the vestibule of the ally revert to the old property tax. Temple, so to speak, religiously, to daylight saving time, the milk con come all the way and take their trol law and re-apportionment ac places as a part of some definite cording to area, as well as popula worshipping and believing church. tion. A short report was made by Mr-. Rev. Crenshaw continued, 'if you will pardon a personal word. I have Borge on the state advisory coun always said that the better and har- cil meeting, recently held at Bend, i der a man tries to become a good in which she brought out the four Mason, that the more definitely he Fs of a successful meeting—facts, will be driven to join some Christian fun. food and fellowship. i church.' Rev Crenshaw alluded to the fine Biblical grounds of much of Ma- i sonry. and in his concluding remarks he urged a greater comradeship be tween the lodge and the church as much of the ritual of Masonry, though beautiful, moral and pro found "wa< found by Ood not to be enough to bring salvation to human beings, and therefore Ood sent his Son, even Jesus Christ, to die on a cross of love In order that man might be saved. And only by person NOT TOMORROW . . . al acceptance of Jesus Christ as BUT NOWI one's Ood and Saviour; only by the faith identification which Christians ?0 the v# ry firv#»t — tXrovgk make with Christ, can man be eter A rtific i« I Irttrn in o tio n . nally saved.” J 29 R IV E » BENO »EM U S lA D O lf ?i PUBLISHERS RACE M EET ARENA SHOW Pari-Mutuel Belting Western Events Aug. 28-30 3 Hr. Continuous Show WANTED lack Zittercob Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Pat Sweeny and family at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Osborn and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Capper attended the Nebraska picnic Sunday at the Caldwell park Over 4.000 were pres ent at the picnic. MALHEUR CO. FAIR Rev. Crenshaw Deliveres Address At Masonic Picnic Hay Baling HIE FREE METHODIST CHUR* U A àrie a. Oregea Church school. 10 a m Morninf worship, 11 a. m ONTARIO 1st Event 8 P. M. Tickets $1.00 Kids -Under 12 Free For The Farmer Who Has A T o u g h P lo w in g P ro b le m Farm Bur. Essay Winners Announced At Annual Picnic MORE THAN AN ACCIDENT No on# killed, driver no! injured, pedetlrion leapt in iime, but headline« overlooked $20,000 vorth of brick, steel and glass collapsed at a direct result of the tmoihed fireplug. W ho will replace it? The driver . . . out of hi» Income for 30 years? Or hoi he liability insur- ©nee-complete insurance—with General Amer ica? Use caution against accidents; use insurance against financial ruin. Atk us for the best; ask about G eneral’s liobMity protection. Renstrom Insurance Agency N y m . Drago® Guernsey and Hol*t#ln qu#'¡*y » jo avaiU b l# . W HY » *•» of !>k< W A I T ------ IN V E S T IG A T I By Mr». Jake Borge IT S BEEN P ftO V IN The annual Malheur county Farm Bureau picnic was held Sunday at Malheur Dairy Breeders Vale Before dinner a presentation Association o * «wards was made by Mrs. Jake I Phone OntAno 1099-W Borge to the county winners in the 4-H essay contest. Plaques were pre sented to Luelyn McKenney. of Let your Harper, for first place In the Junior TRAIL W A Y S division, and to Frances Feik. of Nys-wt. for first place in the senior division. The girls read their essays, which were entitled "Is Competition in 4-H Oood For Me?” Tour anywhere After the picnic dinner, county /> President Hugh McConnell welcomed in the rurtion the group. A short program was ^ ' 7 * for your presented by Mr and Mrs Keith Otltoert of Lincoln. N eb. who played piano and cornet selections, and Mrs. Arthur Hatch and daughter, r • this year..Relax Elsie, of Adrian, who aarg "Let Me Otll You Sweetheart" ending with a parody on the song State Farm Bureau President Mar shall Swearingen addressed the group, telling of some of the accom plishments and aims of the Oregon Farm Bureau federation In the legw- ia-tur* **« •■i>l$;n«*i V e new m For Faster and Better Plowing With Easy, Positive Adjustment Balanced action in this New Ferguson 2-Way Single-Bottom Moldboard Plow speeds up seedbed preparation. Gives quicker entry and faster turnarounds at the headland. Operates efficiently at all plowing depths up to 12 inches. Big 18-inch base covers heavy trash, or green manure crops. LOW COST S This new 2-way plow is tractor mounted with fast three-point attachment. Each base has own coulter-jointer combination. Exclusive Ferguson Moating Furrow Wheel controls side draft. See Ferguson balanced" two-way plowing in action on your farm. Call us for a demonstration, today. VACATION B w a w a i ' » k • I?t we pr g «r CENERAI AMERICA COMPANIES lu»? on# o f fh# m#ny top-flight Jareo» bul!» »v# «bl# »o you by joining you* own local D#iry Br##d#r» A»s<x *• on Th#y • • br#d right to h#ip you to b u ik i good producing h#rd o f cow*. a rongvatitiaied Ma.he.tr c*tu. t ’ the growth and thir.fc.ug of .to merr bershsp J Swearingen said Farm Bui *. u is W e s te rn C o rru g a to r C o . Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon l-S-9 C o p y rig h t m * b y H .r r v FERGUSON TRACTOR In, IMPLEMENTS **- 9