THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. 1952 » in : n r . r i n \ \ < » ( i . a s s i s Owyhee Occurrences i’ll IMiKl) TO WHIM Sim Apple Valley Activities The Child guidance classes spon­ sored by the Christian Womens fel­ Mr*. Sherman Wilson lowship will be changed from Tues­ Plume Paruaa t l-M * days to Wednesdays and will be at the J. e Rigney home instead of Carl JungquLst and son Jon of cil Bluffs, Iowa to attend the fun­ the Christian church as previously A wedding shower will be a;,veil for in advance each year. Eltouia, Wash, arrived Wednesday eral of Jon Jungqui t. Carl f he: announced. All mothers are invited Friday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mr- J.. k . W.I-on, Ji::. at the S. D Bigelow home, left their They will return here thi- week to Mrs. August Oerke by several ladies and Manlu. drove to Melba Sunda to attend. car. then went on by train to Coun- get their car. of the community, honoring Miss afternoon to make a short vi-U wit l Rev Fred Moxom of Las Angeles. lone Pitman, who will become the each of their relatives there. Uu Calif, held services at Owyhee Com­ ¿or and Barbara Persons of Seattle bride of Charles Callahan of Boise they found no one home. On tin Stent from Friday until M nday at munity church Sunday morning and in the near future All of Iones way. they vi-ited for a -hurt tinn evening. Rev and Mrs. Moxom were the Oral Hue home. The women had friends are invited to attend with Mr. and Mr lin k Curti- ai. dinner guests in the Wm. Gregg been to Yellow-tone park before Mr and Mrs. Raymond Boston Vicki Mae in Caldwell >■ unn here and the men came d i­ home. and two sons of Portland arrived Sunday dinner guests in the Joh. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Butting and re-tl\ here to meet them. Miss Sunday morning for a week's visit Boston home Included. Mrs. Jennie - “ s .i.\i :. (>r and Miss Persons remain­ three sons o f Bothel. Mr. and Mrs. in the J. I Boston home. Boston. Jim and Susan, and Mr Humling. Carl and Barbara Schwei- ed for a longer visit with the Hites. Mr and Mrs. Bert Treadway of ’ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hiscks and Sutton of Ontario, Mrs. Howard Parma were Sunday guests in ' the j family made a trip to Washington Jamison and three children of Napa B.ll Cook home. Saturday, planning to visit his sis- Calif.. Mr and Mr- Raymond Bos­ Mr and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald ter- but finding no on* at home, they ton and two sons of Portland. Mr and Mrs. Earl Boston and famil> and children went to Murphy Sun- returned Sunday morning. d i\ : visit Mrs. McDonald’s par- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell of and Mrs. Sara Miller. Mrs Martha Norland received a ent Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and Nampa visited in the Conley Wilson phone call from her son. Lester, from Mr Mary Fletcher, Mrs. McDon­ home Sunday afternoon ald’- uandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Wald Smalley, Bob Tacoma. Wa-h. saying that he would Mr and Mrs. Byrd Walters went and Eloise, visited Mr md Mrs. Dan probably be home the last of the f. hint: Sunday near Unity with Mr. Nichols in Donnelly. Sunday, making week He ailed fr. m Germany the and M . Glen McGinnis of Nyssa. the loop trip to McCall They report 38th of July. Mr Mary Madden and son of a lot o f rain and hail. Mrs. W alter Hickman and Mr- F r c - o i i . Calif, called on Lawrence France- Hickman and sons of Arena WSCS met in the church base­ and T its Peutz Sunday afternoon Valley visited Thursday afternoon Mr Mildred Hite and Mrs. Ellis ment Wednesday afternoon. During with Mrs Deloyd Schimmels. Walter- went to Boise Monday on a the afternoon a farewell gift was Mr- Grover Findley and children given Mrs. Anna Boston by the Tbousand s o f O regon dairym en »re business tr.p. of Madras, Ore have been visiting b u ild in g better producing herds because WSCS ladies and other friends. Mr Mr and Mrs. Frank Zimdar and with her mother. Mi Martha N o ­ they are members of the Dairy Breeders family visited in the Silas Bigelow and Mrs. Boston plan to leave the Association w hich I represent. It brings last of the month to make their land, the past week Mrs. Findley home Sunday. dependable artificial insemination service and Palmer Norland spent from Mr Etta Thompson of Oakland, home with their daughter, in Napa, of proven quality at a reasonable cost. Thursday until Saturday at Ander­ Calif, -pent the week-end at the Calif. son Ranch dam. Profitable dairyin g depends upon good ÛCC E E Crocker home Mrs. Thompson Frank Zimdars is soliciting dona­ cov. s. The production records on daugh- Mr. and Mr- Charles McFarlin and Mr Crocker are cousins. tions to be used to buy beef for the and family ami Mr and Mrs. De- te'S o f A LL but Is used by Oregon BERNARD EASTM AN Mr and Mrs. George Schweizer .chool hot lunch for this year. The Dairy Breeders Association avers e 9009 Loyd Schimmels and fam ily motored oounds o f m ilk and 447 pounds o f but* attended the rodeo in Caldwell Sat­ plan, at present is to buy two beef Real Estate Insuirance to Nampa Sunday where the bin terfat. That is w hy you w ill find it urday evening. through donations from the school spent the afternoon in the swimming Phone 64 financially profitable to toin your local Mr-. Melvin Crocker was returned board, teachers, and the community, pool. Dairy Breeder! C o o p NO W . t > the Nyssa hospital Sunday even- and then to put away forty dollars Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Norland and ini': She has been ill for the past each month from the hot lunch family of Mountain Home vi ited MAITFOID llk l INSUIAMU COMPANY three months and does not know Malheur Dairy Breeders money to buy beef for next year. In over the week-end in the Martha MAtnOtO ACC DC NT and INDCMMITY COAfANT yet exactly what is the trouble. Association this way, the beef will be all paid , Norland home. Mr Gene Combs of Mitchell Phone Ontano 1099-W Butte called in the Kenneth McDon­ ! CPI.. BOB W ILD E R ald home Saturday afternoon. IIAS 30 D AY LEAVE Mr and Mrs Bob M orfitt of Owy­ hee dam and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Cpl. Robert Wilder, of the United Peutz attended the Caldwell rodeo States air force, lias been visiting in Mrs. Alva Goodell Friday night. Nyssa at the home o f his parents, Mr and Mrs. George Gregg and Phone 069 K l Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilder, for the Tommy went to McCall Monday past three weeks. August 20. he will morning to get a load of camping Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Mr report back to his field In Albuquer­ equipment used by the group of youne-ters attending LTnion Sunday and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mr. and Mr- que, New Mex., for further duty. school camp there for the past week Mangus Ekanger were in Caldwell Annette and Janice stayed with Saturday. The swastika symbol originated Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained a their aunt. Mrs. W illiam Gregg while group of ladies at her home Friday among the Hindus. their parents were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Hipólito Mendazona afternoon. Refreshments were ser­ and children attended the Basque ved. picnic Sunday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy spent Eyes Examined Genneva Connaughy of Mitchell Saturday at the Leslie Topllff home. Oce Cleaver left for his home in Glasses Fitted Butte was an over-night guest of Greeley, Colo., last week after spend­ Joanne Crocker Thursday night. Mr. and Mr- Kenneth Kygar and ing the past several months at the Adjusted and rhildren o f Crooked Creek visited home of his nephew. George Cleaver and fainilv. relatives here Monday. Repaired Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mr». Robert Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner and granddaughter, Shirley Skinner Janice were Sunday dinner guests made a trip to Nampa Wednesday at the Loyd Adams home. Mrs. Ethel Goodell and Leonard TUESDAY. AUGUST 26 Goodell o f near Vale, visited at the PARM A HOTEL Leslie T o p liff home Sunday even­ PA R M A , ID AH O ing. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Boise Office: Itooni 252 boys, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver S u n n . i Bldg. and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mr and Mrs. Loyd (Entrance to Sonna Bldg, Cleaver were entertained at a din­ between Penny’s and ner at the Mangus Ekanger home Newberry's Stores Saturday evening. , Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Phone O.H>- li:i iter i.i and year cut yea’ll do well with the HARTFORD ; \ I)I \ 4-II ( I. B \.T I TS Th e Arcadia liv e :ivk 4-H club met last FriJay at the Virginia Mal­ let home, where members discussed A registered Jersey cow. Bramp­ showmanship point-rs and studied Refre-hment; ton Feature Lass, owned by Hope their record book and Charley Grider. Nys.-a. ha- earn­ were served by the hostc-s member. ed the silver medal award of the American Jersey Cattle club, with Home beauty begins i production record of 14,317 pounds >: milk containing 590 pounds of with butterfat In 305 days, at the age of three years. All test- on the official production r rd were nude under the super- v:-: n of Oregon State college, and verc verified by the Jersey club, which has its national headquarters m Columbus, O. l’hc butterfat production achieved by this cow is more than two and ’Tie-half times the amount produced by the average dairy cow in the United Slates. Vf»v' i *** . >»* ’ /t's £ASyi 1 to b u ild y o u r - * HARTFORD INSURANCE Buena Vista DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Fast Service Parma Phone 98 Nyssa Phone 1G0-R Idaho Oregon Rendering Co. Dr. A. T. Bradbury You stili buy Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jameson spent Sunday evening at the Willis Bert­ ram home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day spent Friday evening at the Leslie Top- liffs. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr. are visiting their son and family at Rupert, several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen. Jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stephen of California and Sandra Day visited at Unity with Roger Stephen, who is on a lookout there.'' Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stephen of San Berenadino. Calif., are spend­ ing 30 days visiting at the James Stephen. Jr. and Howard Day homes. Stephen is in the air corps and has a convalescent leave as he recently fractured an angle. Susan Cleaver, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver spent Sunday at the Nyssa hospital 111 with the flu. Mrs. John McCallister left for Mo. to get her three children, who have been visiting relatives this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Hoffm an and son. o f Boise, visited at the S B. Hoffman home. S B Hoffman and Don Lervllle visited Ira Chadd in the veterans j hospital. He was critically 111 and later passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ponplum of | Burwyn, Neb and Mr. and Mrs Ben i Ponplum and son of Broken Bow. Neb are visiting at the Glen H o ff­ man home. They are parents and brother of Mrs. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Levitt and j daughters of Quincy. Wash, visited Friday at the S B. Hoffm an home enroute to Ogden to visit a brother, i who is 111. Garnet Ritchie and Sandra Day attended a birthday party for Clau­ dette Day at Adrian Friday. Mrs. Guy Farmer went to Em­ mett Friday after Barbara who has i been visiting her grandmother there. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Tanner and Mr. and Mrs Gerald Horn were in j > Ontario Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs W alt Wlsner spent [ Sunday at the Ouy Tanner home. gasoline at 1925 prices it yOU W B r e to take a sentimental journey hick into the mid-twenties by thumbing through a stack o f old magazines, you’d lind the page I h *1 ow in the Saturday Evening Post im.'.ie ol' July 4, 1925. Remember the square- topped ears o f those days . . . with their flat windshields, wide running boards and big wooden steering wheels? 0 Poultry Meet Set For OSC In October Remember the prices? T h in g s were a lot cheaper than they art* now when almost everything you buy is ’way up in price . . . except gasoline. M Actually, gasoline costs almost exactly the same today— aside from taxes —as it did when the lieauty above was an exciting new automobile. • And it’s far better gasoline, too. Tw o gallons today do the work that required three in 11*2 ® Few industries can match this record of keeping prices down and raising quality. It was made possible hy two things: intense competition among oil companies and a steadily increasing efficiency o f production. *J In the last five years alone. Standard Oil Company of California has put mum than $644,000,000 into facilities—and another $35,000,000 into technical service and research. This investment helps us make certain g.i olim continues to lie one at the best buys in your family budget. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA p i n t o h e a d f t t t r v » ro a better Oregon State college will play host October 10 and 11 to the fifth annual round table of the Pacific Northwest Chicken and Turkey breeders, a c­ cording to J. A Harper o f the OSC poultry department who Is chairman for this year’s program. O f special Interest to commercial chicken and turkey breeders, the program will feature Dr. Lewis W. Taylor, professor o f poultry husban­ dry at the University of California, as guest speaker Chicken and tur­ key breeders and specialists from Idaho. British Columbia. W ashinf- too and o rtg o vUi attaud. ak Grider Jersey Sets Milk Record b a rn s a n d „ sh e d s w ith RAFTERS Onion Storage and Packing Sheds Or Building for Any Other Uses— Round or Square Sides ECONOMICAL. DURABLE and PERM ANENT CON­ STRUCTION—Costs less than conventional build­ ings. QUICK ERECTION—Can be ready for use in two or three weeks. EFFICIENT STORAGE—Insulated and ventilated for onion storage. POST-FREE— From 24 to 60 ft. wide without a post and any length desired. FRAMED W ITH GLUED. L A M IN A T E D WOOD R A F T­ ERS -Product of Timber Structures. Inc.. Port­ land. Ore. Distributed in Eastern Oregon, Idaho and Utah by TIMBERIB DISTRIBUTING CO. INC. Ontario, Ore. Don’t fail to take advantage of our FREE information and planning service before deciding on your building. We will assist you to arrange your financing. Write— Timberib Distributing Co., Inc. Box 479. Ontario, Ore. Phones: 466-R. 1199-W. 1073-J Phone Dial 3-7011 Be Sure of Your Save! Fuel Prices Are Lower Now! Winter Fuel NYSSA ELEVATOR NOW ! Stock A Supply W e Have Adequate Supply in Stock for Immediate Delivery---------------- LUMP, STOVE, NUT & OIL-TREATED SLACK KING COAL IT’S CLEANER BECAUSE IT’S WASHED The home owner who stocks up now guarantees his winter comfort, and saves! SAVE AT SUMMER LOW PRICES CALL TODAY 42 NYSSA ELEVATOR Phono 42 Nyssa ■* a