• • THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST I4.JI52 About People You* Know burial Artibitii's Mr Hamberg was graduated from the NysSa schools and Oregon State college, and after seiving a year as a dietetic interne at Michigan Uni­ versity hospital, at Ann \rb .r. be­ came a member o f ¡“he staff. She w.ll continue with this work Hamberg is a graduate of Michi­ gan Univer.-ity. and works for the Kuiser-Fraizer Corp near Detroit. They are spending their honeymoon in Northern Michigan, and after Aug. 15 will be at home at 517 Ea.t Washington, Ann Arbor, Mich. Harriet Herrman Weds In Michigan Miss Harriet Herrman, daughter of Mr and Mr> Leroy Herrman. and Colin Handier?, son of Mr and M-s. Lawrence Hamberg. of Ann Arbor. Mioii., were united in marriage at Ann Arbor Aug. 2, by the Rev Er- land J. Wangdall. Matron of honor was Mrs. William B >e koll. David Hamberg, brother of the groom, was best man. 1 he bride wore a ballerina length gown of pleated tulle, an elbow length ve.l and carried a white o r­ chid on a Bible. Steak Fry At Manns Creek Members of the Young Adult Fel­ A reception held in the church and lowship class o f the Methodist wedding cake served to guests by church, their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. the bride’s sister, Ellen. Clifford Main and Dr. and Mrs. H O. McCallister spent Sunday even­ 'Ll LI I III lit LI I'll lllllllllllllllllllll.ilim.l' /i ing on Manns Creek. They enjoyed a sr*ak fry, then held their meeting around the campfire. Dr McCallis­ ter conuucted the devotions. Dr. ("lare F. Conley Optometrist Laura Marie Moncur Honored EYES EXAMINED (Opp. Sears) Laura Marie Moncur was honored last Wednesday at a birthday party honoring her 8th birthday. There were 18 little guests present and they played games, but Laura couldn't take part in the games because of a broken leg. Refreshments of cake, punch and ice cream were served by Laura's mother, Mrs. Mark Moncur. Dial 9-3371 519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida. i I I11I I! 11111111111111111I II I111111 III 11111 m, COAST HUCKLEBERRIES Any Am ount ARE >lr. anil Mrs. Jerry Gorrell who ley. Mrs. Gorrell Is the former El­ were married July 22 in Apple Yal- len Hansen. Ninth Birthday Party Mrs. Lloyd Tobler entertained with a birthday party Monday afternoon celebrating her grandson. Billy Tob- ler’s ninth birthday. Fourteen little friends were guests for an afternoon of games with birthday cake, ice cream and pop refreshments. FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems By the Pound Call J. C. S MI T H H A R T M A N 'S L O C K E R S 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J 2 Miles East on Highway • * VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Findling Honored Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Findling were the honored guests at a picnic held in the Lyle Miner yard Friday evening. Others attending the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Michaelson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. ❖ —* Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. D. E Mitchell's din­ •: ‘ o ner guests last Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Buck of Ogden, Utah and Mr. and Mrs. George Wasoner of California. .j.__ Tuesday Bridge Club Mrs. Campbell Baer was hostess to her Tuesday afternoon club for dessert bridge. Guest players were Miss Nora O'Brien of Ogden, Miss Eva Boydell, and Mrs. C A. Mally. Mrs. A. C. Sallee won high score prize and Mrs. Mally. seconr high. WILSON’S B E FO R E Rebekah Birthday Party Buy Now For Back-to-School Use Our Lay-a-way Plan— Small D ow n Paym ent W ill Hold Your Choice Jyu m Kent Main Is 5 Years Old A birthday party Tuesday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Main celebrated the fifth birthday of their son, Kent Main. Games and Fifth Birthday Event Gregg Sumner celebrated his fifth a story hour were enjoyed by the 17 little guests. Refreshments included birthday cake and ice cream cones. HERE In Your Container birthday at a party last Wednesday afternoon at the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orm Sumner. Birthday cake boasting five candles highlighted the refreshments. 4*—4* B o ys' S r FALL ^ JACKETS G irls' F A LL COATS L arge s e le c t io n Hebekah's having birthdays in Ap­ ril, May and June entertained those members who had birthdays in July, August and September at a party Friday. There were 22 members pres­ ent with the evening spent playing bunco with the higli score prize go­ ing to Mrs. Mae Burns, low going to Mrs. Marge Standerfer and the traveling prize going to Mrs. Leona Reeves. Refreshments of a large birthday cake was served. + —*5» Mr and Mrs. t imer Criwun anil family were In P. e Sunday for the Wendall neighborhood picnic at the Julia Davis park Mr and M rs Ianil Riii.ler of Jun tion City, Neb are visiting at tlie Earl Farr, Ken Chard and M ,x Jones homes. Mrs. Riddtr is a sister of Mrs Farr. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear re turned home Sunday from Priest River, Idaho where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Bear s daughter- in-law, Mi Gaylord Y. Newcomb Saturday night they visited at Pen ­ dleton with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lile, former Nys-a residents. Mr. ami Mrs. 1. K. Burton and Mr and M: - W illiam Schireman enjoyed a picnic dinner near Starki y Hot Springs Sunday and picked uhoke cherries Mr. ami Mrs. Merlin Hansen and son. Blaine of Smithfields. Utali and Norvcll Leavitt of Utah .-pent the last week-end with Mr. and Mr Kenneth Cottle an Mr. and Mr Proll Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer (Ttison flew to Southern California for a 10 day visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. It. 1». Wilson, formerly Bon­ nie Fife of Tomah, Wis. spent the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. LaMonte Fife. Also visiting at the Fife home over tire week-end were Mrs. Ernest Liechy, Prof, and Mrs. Peter Peterson and Dr. and Mrs. W ilford Hale, all of Logan, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. John Goddard spent last week-end at Sage Hen, also with them was their houseguest. Carl Golilke o f New York, who was on the USS Missouri with John G od­ dard. Fred Guthrie and F. A. Lloyd of Caldwell spent last week-end fishing on the Salmon river. Airs. A. II. Ileldt. Robert and Ever­ ett were In Boise Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs. W arren Heldt. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale and son. Mike, of Prairie City ire moving to Nyssa this week. The Rev. Austin J. Hollingsworth left Monday for Ketchum, Ida. where he will teach this week at the adult camp of the Christian church. W itli him was the Rev. Earl Saladen of Payette. They will return Saturday. Mrs. Bill Pearson ami daughter, Irene, spent the last few days in Nyssa visiting friends. Sunday Mrs Pearson and the W ilton Jackson family went to Boise where they visited with several friends that Mrs. Pearson knew when she lived in Boise. Visitors at the M. I,. Judd home Thursday were Mrs. Judd's cousin, Mrs. Eleanor Bergren, and daughter, Sue, of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Flklns spent Sun­ day near Cambridge, Idaho where they were picking choke cherries. Mr. and Mrs. John Downer of Longview, Wash arrived Sunday at the M. L. Judd home They will tay Miss Claudena Willson was hon­ ored guest Saturday night at a birthday slumber party held at the S. P. Bybee home. Eight girls attend­ ed and refreshment and breakfast was served by the hostess, Colleen Bybee. of S iz e s 3 t o 14 s ^ .s s to $g.Q 5 B o y s' F L A N N E L S H IR T S N ic e A p a t t e r n s a n d c o lo r s good s c h o o l s h ir t sg .9 5 s j 2 95 G irls' SCHOOL OXFORDS B row n s an d C o m p le t e 53.95 $ ^ .9 8 to s a d d le s iz e to o x fo r d s ra n ge 55.45 The Pleasant Hour club held their annual summer picnic Sunday at the Nyssa park with nine members and their families attending the pic­ nic. The afternoon was spent as a social hour. Ruoksliml lefl Tuesday DICK OLDHAM A U G U ST SPECIAL Free Insullation B arrel to Chimney $1.00 Down Your Choice We have one for you NOW! Preserve it w ith a Beautiful Portrait Schoen P o rtra its block S. of City Hall Mrs. Percy Capper and children are visiting friends and relatives in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. ' S ee BIO B lu e d e n i m — S iz e 9 8 c 1-6 G irls' R A Y O N P A N T IE S A ll c o lo r s a n d s iz e s 2 9 c 10 5 9 c OWYHEE TRUCK 1 IMPLEMENT CO. We have a complete line oi School Clothing for Boys and Girls BUY NOW-While our stock is complete I VALUE I ONLY Keeps you warm wiN. NO WORK. NO DIRT! I You're through messing around 1947— 1943— Farmall M Tractor $1650 Overhauled Farmall H Tractor $1150 Overhauled 1945— 1951— Farmall M Tractor $1495 Overhauled Farmall C Tractor $1295 Like new 1950— 1950— 50-T Haybaler S. C. Case Tractor $1650 Like new HEATER Ph. 264-J B ig U s e d T ra c to r & E q u ip m en t S a le B o y s' W aist & B ib O veralls HlVOlMTT Portraits last long after a fad­ ing memory. Our training, through the world's oldest and largest photographic institu­ tion, enables us to give you work of the highest quality. Pleasant Hour Club Picnic W o o l q u ilt lin e d Riiv lif e r Claudena Willson Honored ch eck s and tw e e d s G a b a r d in e Mrs evening for Casper, Wyo., to spend i in nth visiting her sister, Mrs. V. A Ymgling. and other relatives there. the Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moore, B.lly and Clifford Looney returned Saturday from a week's conference of t it* United Presbyterian churches, w nch was held at Pilgrims Cove. McCall. Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer and children left Tuesday to spend a . McCall Mr Farmer s broth­ er. l)r. and Mrs. K irt J. Anderson and two children of Seattle will meet them m McCall where they will pend the week with them. Mrs. Inahelle Fischer returned to her home Sunday after spending the past week with her daughter, Mrs. A V. Liechty of Emmett. Mrs. I.eiohty is the mother of a new baby- born last week. Mr ami Airs. Clifton Nielson and their houseguest for the week-end. Mi's Mildred Loe, spent Sunday In Boise visiting friends. Mr. ami Airs. Don ilammar of On­ S e e o u r o d s m Th o tario were Friday evening visitors in - o t u r d a y E v e n i n g ''O i l , M . C a i l » a n d tlie Clifton Nielson home. Mrs. Houston Wilson and daugh­ l o o k m a g a z i n e s o n d in le a d i n g S l a t e F o rm ter. Lorraine flew to New Brunswick, m a g a z i n e s Y o u c a n New Jersey where thew are spending d e p e n d o n W a t k in s six weeks visiting her parents, Mr. p r o d u c t s T h e y a r e and Mrs Russ Jones. b a c k e d b y n a t io n a l Wednesday evening dinner guests a d v e r t is in g , a n d a r e of Mr. and Mrs Dwight W yckoff and m a d e b y th e la r g e s t a n d o ld e s t C o m p a n y family were Mr. and Mrs. Lib Chas­ o f i t s k i n d in t h e tain and granddaughter, Jackie Jen­ w o r ld . . W a i t fo r nings of Harper. W a t k i n s — It P a y s I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dirk and girls Y o u w ill a p p r e c ia t e of Apple Valley were Saturday even- th e h i g h q u a l i t y o f dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam W a t k i n s p r o d u c t s Whitaker. The group later attended a n d m y r e g u l a r , d e ­ p e n d a b le "s t o r e -a t - the show. r o u r - d o o r " se r v ic e , Harold. Vera and Marylin Wilson o lu s the c o n v e n ie n c e spent the week-end at McCall boat of p h o n e o r m a i l riding and sight seeing. o rd e r s e r v ic e a n d Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dale and Mike, o r o m p t .fr e e d e l iv e r y formerly of Prairie City, moved to Nyssa this week to make their home. Y O U * 7 A / / X / / / J M A N Mr. ami Mrs. Bud Wilson and lads left Saturday to return to their 15 Park S(. Nyaae ranch at Hells Canyon. Mike Wilson is spending two weeks visiting his aunt. Mrs. W J. Melton at Donnelly. Arriving by (rain Monday evening for an extended visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. De Los Vinsonhaler were Mrs. Vinsonhaler’s mother, Mrs. Hildor Erickson and grand­ daughter of Pochantus, Iowa. Ilouseguests of Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Tobler from Friday until Sunday were Mrs. Helen Savage and daugh­ ter, Carol of Barronett, Wise, and the Misses Elaine and Lavonne O l­ son of Cumberland, Wise. The Tob- lers took their guests to their first I rodeo Saturday night at Caldwell. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Gernhardt of I.aGrande were Wednesday dinner and overnight guests of Mr. and M rs.! Y o u r B a b y 's S m ile ___A W o o l and R ayon . il they can get settled in Culd- A' 11 where they are making their e Mr DOWDMT Vill be the tup- erintendent of NotUs schools. 1 Rev. j ,d c u n rd Mai r .vere addi- Mr m ‘ ti<>nal dinner gue . W, dnesday eve- mug. Thursday to lie J 1 accompany h i' dm \it> r and family. Vterson and 1). M children of P u tl.ind ■n a vacation trip to include a vi-.t u> I.ake Louise in Canada. Mr. and Mr>. It. 1 Shrrberl at- tended a banquet at Hotel Boise Saturday evening. Counsil and Mr. and Mr*. O. Noel of New Plym mih were guests at the home o f Mr and Mrs. Norbert Sarazin Saturday everting. Visitors one dav la-t week at the James Yost home wer Ml . Gilla Burns and Mr and Mr Jerry Metz- ker o f Idaho Fal! Mr. and Mrs. Finley Shuster and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ShusterN parents. Mr. and Mrs. J E Shuster at Huntington. II. F. Terhune and his daughter, Mary made a b u me trip to Boi e last Saturday. Like new with coal and ashes when you get a new Duo-Therm Radiant-Cir- culatorl W ith the handsome new Duo- Th erm you ten d th e fire b y turning a d ia l— keep nice and warm with no work, no dirt / 1 0 0 K AT T H ISl H A T U K I S I * FAMOUS OUAL CHAMBER B U R H E R - gets more heat from every drop [ of oil! v va ) ★ $1295 1945— Letz Farmall H Tractor $1450 New guarantee—new rubber Stationary Chopper $300 Shows no wear W ilson Bros. Dept. Store Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to Wear PHONE 32 NYSSA OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. yout y Give S & W Green Stamps PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Nyssa, Vale, Ontario. Payette The Dependable Furniture Store Nyssa - Vale - Ontario - Payette Phone 245 401 Main Street . e • « keeps You get many other important features with the new Duo-Therm Radiant-Circulator that mean even more comfort, more economy and more convenience I M Ws M any other used items like plows, mowers, pickups, dum ptrucks, also on sale SPECIAL WASTE STOPPER - heat from rushing up the chim­ ney— puts it to work warming m 41 #