Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1952)
a _THE_ NYSSA G.* TF CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY »1, 115? cake and ice cream were served after Smr.h. Pre.-ent for dinner and get- ' N ( and their' W a ja e W hite and Hazt-I Arritolo where Harley Duus is working for together were Mr. and Mrs. Joe the games were played. daughters. Je I Jeanean of Boi- of Jordan Valley were Sunday visit the forest service. Conn il of Nampa, Mr. and Mr-. ❖ — + ors at the Kobert White h me Mr. »i»4 Mr* J. L. ChurrhV Mr and Mrs C A. Abbott. former Keller of Ontario; Mr and Mr Mr , n - T s » nd Mr Mr aod Mr I red ( unthne sperH !y of Ny . n w of A lam N< i i daughter. Mrs. E B Cole aiul i* Family Reunion Clu ter Counsil and family of New visiting and M rv oien n Weeks and family children returned to their home n ,ic visiting in N\ a Ih e v are a • the weekend A family reunion was held at the Plymouth; Mrs Elton Counsil and Mr . nd Mr m i a: the Le ter Clinkenburg h. >rn» Ottden Sunday after a two m<.: .. . . _________. picnicked at Unity Bunda C. W. F. Groups Meet hdme of Mr and Mrs. Robert Smith, children of Ny.v a. and Mr and Mrs. O s i n'i Walter lo o n e y and visit with her parents. and are visiting friend- heie Saturday afternoon visitors at the The two group of the Chr:.-’ .an Jr. of Nyssa Tuesday, so that all O P Counsil and Paul Knottingham Gerald Cox t.' 1 . t weekend fish- Mr. and M.'t. V. W Duus and l>o- l>innrr guests at the John f.rott- li at And Uuu with Danny N L Wilson home were Mrs Wh Wuimen Fellowship met last Th irs- could visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy of Sunset Valley. The Counsil fam l"ie., and Mr. and Mr E K Burton viet home Sunday were Mr. and Mi in's brother and family, Mr and d ty afternoon. The group wh< e Hunter and son of Trinadad. Colo. ily were all former Colorado resi N irland and I iin; spent the weekend at John Day F dmann of Nampa Mr. and Mi Mr. ar.d Mr- < harles Moore of Mr A N Giddings and children <>f leader is Mrs. Emerson Mrs. Hunter is an aunt o f Mrs. dents. Richard P irtland wer< week end guests at Stanfield and Mrs. T E Gidding- met at the home of Mr and Carol Swigart o f Payette. Mr Mason with 12 members and 11 chil the W illiam Hipp h <me. Mr. and V.r> Hav '( artwri-ht Margaret Horyna o f Ontarm wa- a dren present. Mrs. Uingaman had at"the Simda>' afternoon caller WU- • charge of devotions. The afternoon were Sunday 'on home, was spent discussing plans and pro Arthur C aitv: Mr ,n d Mr" Charles Mattson of jects for the coming year. Visiting at tlie 1» V Ashcraft St. Paul, Minn, arrived in Nyssa Mrs. J. W. Rigney entertained the home are M: Dirk Ashcraft and j children of M V e r a h i . Wash. Mrs. Monday to spend their vacation second group whose leader is Mrs. Mrs D. V Ash visiting Mr. Mattson’s sister and John Stafford of Parma. There were Dick Ashcraft brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo 11 members present to participate in craft's daughter-in-law. Mr. and VIr- \ustin Barton and Holmes and his niece and family. formulation of plans and activities M: .n.d Ml Birt ID were at Mr and Mrs. Hugh Tobler and girls for the year. Mrs. John Quigley led Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Fields spent devotions. Refreshments were served LAYED FIRST EGG AT the Moore H >tel f ir dinner Sunday. by the hostess. Mr. and VI.- Philip Woodard and the week-end in Ogden. 4 WEEKS. 23 DAYS l>r. J. J. Sarazin was a dinner Project chairmen are Mrs. Min family-returned h me Saturday af- term ...n from t :.t week vacation *fVest ot Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Sara- nie Leuck and Mrs. Paul House. The She’s a fine-feathered, fully-de devotions chairmen are Mrs. Elsie trip visiting fie and relatives at *\a s / T I Q ver® evenln* s fhls week while n ic IltvV vfn r a n d V f .. n .id veloped. proved biddy, too! Well, Lake City. <tually. Mr. and Dewey and Mrs. J. B. Quigley. she had a lot of help Purina Re Mrs. Dick Tensen and ” Barbara * — :• Ulan and Twin I ill-. Idaho. ...... were search results prove that Purina Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wyekoff and on vacation. Ruth Anderson moved to Boise Tuesday Club family enjoyed a weekend camping Growena, with Formula 1028 is The Tuesday club met at the trip ... B lrnt la\' to make her b o u t M B - Henry Hartley home with Mrs. Ber Mr. and .Mrs. .1. It. W’inehell and IJ0*‘arny. nard Frost winning high and Mrs. built to grow birds ready to lay at about 20 weeks. Mr ,i;d Mr \ ..-lie Robbins visit- J K *‘lth Fowel1 P|ans to >»‘avr s " n* Tom Eldridge second. The guests for In the fall that means more eggs, bigger eggs when id Sunday a l e : n and evening at day to spend two weeks’ with his the afternoon were Mrs. Tom El tlie home o f M Winchell’s sister aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. W al- dridge, Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs. egg prices are high. Come see the Purina Growena- and family. Mr md Mr B. L. Ad- ter Evans at Halfway. fed pullets we've raised right in the store. Then we’re Harry Miner ind Mr . G. H K i n g Don'l forget that we open each morning at am at II m. .1 . *l r ’ \n<\ jrM rV Geor* e Wi,son' ,,a r- ston. Refreshments were served at sure you’ll want to order Growena for your own birds, lames Vost returned last Thurs- ° ld and Marylin enjoyed a picnic the close of the afternoon. 6:00 o'clock for those individual breakfasts too. Come in today. dav from a bu ill. trip to Enter- dlnner Sunday above Black Canyon * I | Horn of your choice. dam. prise Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson visited Montique Frase£ Honored Mr. and .Mrs. Barney Wilson and Montique Fraser was honored on These folks did the best job of Richard joined their son and daugh with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wilson at Greyhound Bus Depot her fourth birthday Sunday at the ter-. i law M Mi Philip W il the lookout on Dixie Mountain Sun picking the winners: home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. son for a family picnic dinner Sun day morning. The lookout is located Monty Fraser. There were 20 little at an elevation of 7400 feet, high or. TRY US—START THE DAY RIGHT! day at Dixie Mountain Lookout. Win: B. F. Rookslool, R. 2. Nyssa guests and relatives who attended. Mr. and Mrs I d Oldham left this a rfj cky peak The traditional birthday cake was Place: Walter Hillis. R. 2 Nyssa. week tu vi.-it M r daughter, Mi s Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smitli visited al Virginia Sclrwi ,/er at Reno. ^-ie tlome ° f Mr. and Mrs Clarence decorated like a merry-go-round I Show: Loretta Mundy, Box 765, V era Wilson was a weekend Pntts ln A PPle Val*ey Sunday even with little circus characters carrying ! out the theme all during the party. Nyssa. in' t f Mr. and Mr O. W. Berry at ! lnf j , , 511 Main Phone 112 jloi Ilouseguests from Wednesday un Winners of the peanut hunt were ; til Sunday af the Piniey Shustei Danny King first and Mike Runcorn | home were Miss Barbara Jensen and second. Refreshments of homemade ] Watch for our ad in this paper announcing Lois Hibbler o! Lexington, Nebraska. MN8NB ... . • Mrs. C. M. Tyler left Saturday a new week to spend two weeks with her ' daughter, Arlene Huffman and fam ily at Vacaville, Calif. Mrs. H u ff man is convalescing from recent sur gery. Mrs. Tyler is also visiting her son, Robert at Vacaville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sandy and fam ily moved Tuesday to a 53 acre place Estimates Gladly Given in Apple Valley. Mrs. Delia Southern, her son, Ernie and grandson, Rudy of Seattle [ I1! Phone 26 Nyssa, Oregon spent last week visiting Mrs. South- ( Phone 134L2 ern’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. il and Mrs. Carl Seburn. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Capper and Thousands o f Oregon dairymen are Parma, Idaho b u ild in g betler producing herds because family were dinner guests last Mon , I , - ? * ';■ , , . _ /• they are members of the Dairy Breeders day evening at the home of Mr. and Association which I represent. It brings Mrs. Ben Storm. dependable artificial insemination service Ilouseguests last week at the home of proven qualify at a reasonable cost. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russell and Profitable dairying depends upon good family were Mrs. Russell’s brother That’s the way we feel toward cows. The production records on daugh and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H i ters of A LL bulls used by Oregon ram Abts of Sedgewick, Colorado. our customers Dairy Breeders A • ifion average 9009 The group enjoyed a picnic dinner pounds of milk and 447 pounds o f but- Saturday at Black Canyon dam. terfat. That is why you w ill find it — farin' to give them the financially profit,tblo to join your local Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dairy Breeders Co op NOW . J. C. Smith were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ear Malheur Dairy Ilreetlers ner and children of Portland who Association were enroute back to their home BEST OF SERVICE ALWAYS Plume Ontario 1099-W after spending two weeks visiting in Nyssa and southern Idaho. LOCAL NEWS S u c ia l -Cutes Purina Pullet Derby No. 4 is the Winner in our COME AS YOU ARE In Styles of 1852 or Styles of 1952 — In Full Dress or in Overalls! Fountain Lunches Dinners Dinners For Special Occasions LARGE BANQUET ROOM CARL'S DOLL HOUSE MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS RAKIN' TO GO HEATING PULLET DERBY TOBLER S FEED & FUEL, Inc. \\ GEORGE J. KINZER Give us a try and he satisfied CHEVRON PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Is Your Furniture As Out-Dated As This 1939 Set? ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES POWELL CHEVRON SERVICE 203 Main St. Phone 78 SHORTENING 3 lb. can 69c Hi C ORANGEADE 3 for 95c 2 for 49c GREEN BEANS Del Monte, French cut, No. 303 46 oz. can PEACHES TIME TO MODERNIZE! No. 2 */2 sliced Bring your home modernizing problems to us— will gladly help you to fit the proper furniture to your rooms. YVe We carry many lines of pleasing styles and patterns to meet your every need LIVE WITH THE BEST! 2 for 55C APPLESAUCE 2for27£ Barlow’s No. 303 YELLOWTAIL FLAKES Clearwater 5 for 99c CORNED BEEF HASH Haley's 1 lb. can 2 for 69c SPAGETTI & MEAT Derby's 1 lb. can 2 for 49c PORK & BEANS Joan of Arc, No. 300 2 for 19c PANCAKE FLOUR $ 1.19 Complete Canning and Freezing Supplies 3 for 49c DOG FOOD Friskies, 1 lb. can INSECT BOMBS ea. 98c LEMONS Lb. 15c DILL local bunch 10c TOMATOES local 2 lbs. 19c WATERMELONS Ice-cold "Priced right" Sperry’s 10 lb. Bag PINEAPPLE 2 for 49c BEEF ROAST 3 for 49c STEAKS 2 for 29c FRANKS large Lb. 49c PORK ROAST shoulder Lb. 49c Argo, No. 2 sliced SPINACH Hunts, No. 2 can Right for Your Every Single Need! No matter what you’re building, whether it be a new attic, a game room in the basement, or an extra shelf in the pantry, you can depend on us to have the kind o f lumber you want at a price you’ll like. So the next time you build, remember the convenience and savings you find here! Living Room Set BEETS Del Monte, whole. No. 2 can Only— s n term o u n ta :; Lb. 59c • Lb. 75c T Bones, Rib & Sirloin Sale Dates Inclusive August 1st and 2nd $24g.5o V s 4 lbs. 43c LARD W ilsons Super Market "M odern Methods Make Shopping Easier H ere’’ STURZ LUMBER CO. 707 Adrian Blvd. Phone 110 FC* to r MOM I Phone 176-W Phone 21 * 2nd & Good