9 THE WYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA Social iCnh's Hansen-Gorrel M arriage Solemnized M i» Ellen Lavon Hansen, daugh ter of Mi and Mrs. Laurence Han- ien of Ny -a. and Jerry Duane Gor- re,*. son of Mrs. Ethel Gorrell, were united in marriage Tuesday, July 2J. at an evening ceremony per formed by L. D S Bishop Burgess at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Harper Moses, at Apple Valley. To the strains of the wedding march played by the bride's sister Marie, the wedding party entered the room where V> close fr.ends and relative- w tn e -e d the marriage, which was performed under an arch of white paper and -weet pea-, with a blue satin ribbon at top center Wearing a white ballerina length gown of corded taffetta. and a pink ruse bud corsage "Hie bride was giv en m marriage by her lather Mrs. Nadine Nelson wa- matron of honor and wore an old rose brocaded net, ballerina length gown with match- i ing gladiola corsage. Assisting the groom, who chose a dark brown I suit, with brilliant tie, and white carnation buttonier, was his brother Keith Gorrell of Vale. The mothers ch >se summer frocks of light print shower committee met Tue-Jay a f M and M:< Harry V. O'H materials, as did the groom's grand ternoon at the home of Mr- J B Ontario. •J* — e M mother. Mr- Ada Clark, who wore a Quigley Thi i Marcella w U st esse Rignej white gladiola cor-age \merican Legion Auxi' a: >■ J II !• Immediately following the eere- Mr J B W- +: planning Meets At Burton Home ir. ny a reception was given in their Mason. The committee The American I<egion Auxi'.. :\ honor at the Nyssa First L D S for a kitchen itv eer for e Chri met at the E K Burton home I- ward hall, with Sunshine Tak.mi tian church’s new additi- 1 . day Aftei a short business nit and Moss Atagi, furnishing the .e- Amy Lewis, Nyssa represent;»: corded dance music. Bishop Gordon Catholic Church Holds Girls State, gave a report on her Ray v i - master of ceremonies and Annual Picnic week's trip and study of government announced the following program The Catholic church held their an vocal sok). "The One Rose" by Miss nual picnic Sunday at the Calda. 11 at the Girls State meeting .it Salt :n Darlene Bateman, accompanied by park After dinner the children went Oregon. During the Girls stat" Mi-s Betty Fife; vocal duet by Keith swimming and the others played meeting Governor Douglas MgK \ poke on government. Also the pn - Oorrell and Clarion Haney, with games and had a social afternoon. dent of the state American Leg:, a guitar accompaniment; "I Love You Auxiliary gave a speech. Truly" by the bride's sister Joyce Guests for the meeting were the accompanied by Mrs. D O. Bybee Poulsen Family Reunion members of the American Leg n After dancing the sweetheart wait*, Held At Bear Lake Mr and Mr- L C. Poulsen. Vela pist and also as special guests were the couple cut the white three-tier wedding cake, which was on an Dee and their daughter. Ezma and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley and ecru lace cover, centered by four family, Mr and Mrs Eldon Pear-en Mr- Don Eng-trom After the me. - white candles in crystal holders Mrs. and Darlene returned home early ing light refreshments were served by the fireplace Griffin and Miss Mary Lou Bate ¡Tuesday BMWI man, were in charge of the gift Poulsen family reunion Saturday tables, assisted by ladies from the and Sunday at Fish Haven Resort on Christian Youth Relief Society. Mrs. Dean Fife p ie the shores of Bear Lake in Idaho. ; Leave For Camp sided at the punch bowl. Ted Gor More than 200 were in attendance. * Seven youths of the Christian rell of Huntington, and father of including the L. O. Poulsen's son. church left Sunday afternoon for the groom, Calvin Griffin, a cousin, Udell of Provo. camp at Cove, Oregon. They were The Poulsens left Nyssa last Ann and Mary Jean House. Dori- home on furlough from Korea, were Thursday night and visited Mrs. Rigney, Genny Eachus, Lyle Wilson present. Many friends from Ontario, Apple ; Poulsen’s sister, Mr.- Amy Roberts, of Ny-sa and Barbara Moiser, form who was Just released from the hos- erly of Nyssa, and Kathlene Wa l t e r Valley and Nyssa attended. i pital at Montpelier, enroute to Bear of Tacoma. Wash. The youths plan — + Lake. They returned by way of Lo to return Sunday. Catholic Church Holds _.j. gan canyon and through Pocatello. Spanish Dinner Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mr. and Mr- Lewis Phfeiler of Mrs. Ward W’ieneke were Mr. and Ontario entertained members of the Mrs. Ralph Poulson and son of Boise Farmerettes and I’ O. E Auxiliary bowling teams, their husbands and families, all of Nyssa, at a barbe cued lamb dinner Sunday evening on the lawn at their home. Christian Church Committee Met Patricia and Mike Berry Celebrate Birthdays The Christian church kitchen I n t o t h e S e r v icin g o f t h e “ H a y b u rn er” — Today— YO U R QAK . 10VB Free pickup and delivery on all wash and grease jobs. Entertain Methodist Fellowship Group Misses Dorothy Erwin and Fumi Kasahara entertained members of the Young Adult Fellowship group of thè Methodist church at their apart • ment Sunday evening Mrs. Harold Kurtz had charge of the lesson. Re freshments were served by the hos tesses. Phillips 66 Call 297 OUR SERV/CE S18 Main I'M A FIEND FOR GOOD Coffee!" FOR SALE Mrs. Robert Berry entertained with a double birthday party Sunday week at the Herman Towne resi dence honoring the first birthday of her daughter, Patricia and the sec ond anniversary of her son, Mike. The guests enjoyed a chicken din ner and garden party. The honored guests received many nice gifts. v s # GAS — OIL DIESEL—GREASES STOVE OIL Guests At Dinner The Catholic church held their Spanish dinner last Saturday at the church. The dinner was cooked and served by the Spanish members of the church. After dinner was served to 400 persons games were played and other entertainment was furn ished. * Bowling Teams Picnic 1 i ’iuij C are W e n t If you Insist on perfect coffee vou and B * E < afr wer^ made for each other! For our coffee Is made FRESH con stantly . . . in vacuum mak ers. No rancid staleness in B A E C’afe coffee . . , just wonderful, whole-bodied fresh roasted goodness! Columbia rams from registered and grade stock. Registered Holstein Cows 108 MAIN VEST BRO. Route No. 2 Nyssa, Ore. Phone 030-R1 2 il B 6* E CAFE .;._ DR. G.W. GRAVES O p to m etrist BL-72, 6L-10 Sox—LUCKY • SWEATER SKIRT - SOX (by Hub)—Your perfect Jantznn pullover, classic and ageless, with a costly cashmere-type neckline and softly fashioned arm-hugging sleeves. Have U in any of Janl- zen’s exquisite new harmonic colors . . . then match or blend it with Jantzen's wonderful turnabout Sweater Skirt . . . (wear it back side to, to distribute the wear) with a magical hemline that's a cinch to alter. E y es E x a m in ed Phone 9-2312 7 1 8 A rth u r St. C a ld w e ll, Id ah o Sweater,32-40 7 . 9 5 Skirt, JO-18 1 1 .9 5 RADIO and REFRIGERATION REPAIRING Herbert E. Cox BRACKEN’S Dry Goods Technician Clothing Shoes X-Ray Shoe Fitting Lecatad At Western Store P h o n e 244-J R esidence P h. 2M -E every day except Sunday Sunday Evening Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler enter tained with dinner Sunday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Evan Tobler and boys and their houseguests, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Cunningham of Craw- fordsville. Ind. ❖ Out-of-State Guests Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Focht and family last week were Mr and Mrs. Carl Lane, their son Jerry and daughter, G in ger of Newkirk, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Honeywell of Garber, Okla., Nila Owens of Wichita. Kan. and Mr. and : Mrs. Dale Patton of Stillwater, Okla. Mrs. Focht’s father, Geo. Maltsberger of Pawnee. Okla. spent the previous week at the Focht home. ❖ — Friday and Scriu'day Specials OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Phone 58 Free Daily Delivery South Dakota Guests Honored At Picnic A family picnic dinner was held Sunday on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Daniel honoring Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hailey who spent the week-end visiting here from Hot Springs, South Dakota. Also present for the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tracy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sewright of Nyssa and BRING YOUR IGNITION TROUBLES HERE! Sampling Libby :: Producís All Day Saturday A 4G-oz. Tomaio Juice ¿/óóys Pork & Beans BLUNCK S H E L L S E R V IC E . 41c 49C Corned Eeef F ry ers open 10 to 5 sixdaysaw eeR 2 for No. 2'z SHELL Products and Service 89c 46-oz. a cans Pineapple Juice . 1 -W e a . po u n d 4 ÎC ICE COLD » Sunday is "church day "...but Monday through Saturday Th« P int National Bank of Portland is ready to serve you at the hours moat convenient for you. % When bills and expenses have you going in circles, don’t dela£ ...g et a First National PERSONAL LOAN! It’s Quick...Easy...' C o n v e n ie n t! You can arrange for a PERSONAL LOAN any day (except Sunday) 10 to S. including Saturday. W e Do Barbering Only and Let Our Patrons Sing Our Praises Haircutting - Shaving Shower Balks arm mac» ST NATIONAL BANK • IBANK NkWA • • M INERS Barber Shop ie r M a i* W a t e r m e l o ra Fresh Strawbe tries 2 c« p s 45c Cantaloupes Roasting Ears 4 5 £ doz. 2 0 £ ea. • Tomatoes 10?: lb. i Oranges 1 5 £ doz.