Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, July 31, 1952, Page PAGE SIX, Image 4

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    PA g £ SIX
Saturday and Sunday. They made a Maurice Judd Mr* H H Otis re- thur Servass, who returned from La
— Mr. Chas. Grande, Miss Mildred Long and
trip to the dam. Mr Poweil finding viewed the book "Job
brother Virgil of Salem and Mr.
a wealth of material for a -plendid Schweizer axid Mrs. T MJLowe were " X r s . y ^ ‘ Long, left Tuesday in
From th#> Journal File*
art3tle in Tuesday's issue of the hostesses to the Owyhee Community
Baker paper.----- If plan- of the club last Thursday.------Mr and Mrs. company with Mr and Mrs. Pud
| Co. will approximate 1250.000, district leaders in P .rtland and stated he EagiC's lodge materialize, Nys a will Ness Hatt and Donald were callers Long for a vacation in the Blue
Mountains.---- Mr and Mrs. Frank
5 Years Ago July 31, 1947
manager. R G. Lar.->on stated this learned of the real need for drastic have a new hall for lodge and com- a: the Bigelow ranch. — W.l-on Nevnon
and daughter returned from
Mr and munity gatherings Negotiations have Bros. Grocery advertises 49 lb sack
The open house for the Idaho week Improvements Include en- i conservatian f rubber
where they spent , part
part of
Canning Co. factory at Nyssa. mark­ ! largement and complete revamping
of Purity flour for 83c 4 med cans the summer. ----- Announcement:
ing the first "campaign" for the con­ of the beet piling grounds to accom­ ers of Ny- a Bakery are here from Presbyterian church on contract A Van Camps pork and beans, 25c;
cern has been set for Saturday, modate about 140.000 tons of beets, California to visit friends and are building committee is proceeding 3 cans pink salmon, 29c! Chase and Marcelling. $1.00, beginning Friday
by experienced operator at Bertcho
new scales are being installed and a guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert .
Aug: 23. — Barney Wilson of N
Sanborn coffee, 2 lb can for 62c.-----
Joseph E. Wheeler * ‘ tb .* surveT
y of the co=t of re- Mr. and Mrs A H Boydell and Dr. Barber Shop.
published a call for bids on construc­ plant constructed for reduction of Thompson
35 Years Ago August 3, 1917
O. F. installed
to the Nyssa L. D « Ward ^ • Un« '----- 1 °
tion o f a cement block structure Steffen's waste.------Mrs Luray Tra- presented
elective officers. Lon Root, noble and Mrs E. D Norcott were on a
90x90 feet at Second St. and Good bert has been appointed a librarian aa lovely reed organ last Sunday.-
Bricklayers started work on the
week-end fishing trip on South Fork
«rand: o f Burnt River Dr. Norcott wound new Ennis building Thursday.-----
Ave. for a drive-in market.------Four i in the city library succeeding Mrs. Libert V Long of Jordan Valley, tlie Bn *'ran*1
al£ MLS' up the outing by frying porcupine — George Skinner, well known Owyhee
Nyssa men. Cecil Morrison, Jr.. How­ Mary Pruyn who held the portion working In thi. territory with the
.i? 1“ 1“ ? l T0IP fStrahw' The Artie Robertson family and Mr rancher, was in town Wednesday.—
ard Smith, Boy Pounds and Mervin for five or six years.----- The Farm­ Department of the Interior in the
“ v*tCw ° f UM b‘ g and Mrs. Chas. Newbill returned Fred Marshall sought surcease from
Conery, starting on a fishing trip er's Supply Cooperative of Nyssa fish annd wild life service has caught
Sunday morning, escaped injury wen will hold open house Saturday, Aug. 102« coyotes from July 1, 1941 to ^out one eastern brook measuring from a fishing trip on Wood River.— the strenuous life in a hustling town
^ f t ™ V u “ ' Mr and Mrs. Aden Wilson. Mrs. and spent Monday and Tuesday at
their airplane nose-dived into a corn t 2 of its new lubrication, wash room July 1. 1942. holding the all-time j
’fnH i0r « r awdi
field at the south end of the Nyssa and warehouse recently completed record for taking predatory animals “
Klaas Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Payette. ----- Postmistress Elizabeth
' i^ ? " 1and “ n Herschel Mr Rudelick returned from an outing Thompson was badly worried last
airport runway.------H. Chadderdon by Luther Fife, contractor.------Mr in the state of Oregon.----- Mr. and '
J ? esl£ J. Br° wn
fam- in the mountains.----- Mr. and Mrs. week when it was discovered that
of Calif, ha.-, been issued a permit to and Mrs. Artis Robertson returned Mrs George Mil hell and daughter a:“ d
Chas Bernard Frost left on vacation to
construct a business building, for a ! from a two-weeks vacation In Oak­ Kathryn left for Seattle from where py,n v .d. , ^ . Evelyn Earp
$560 was missing from a package
^m bm ed 12 acrf of Twin Falls and Yellowstone.
furniture store, at second and Bower land. Calif, and Salem.------Returning Miss Mitchell will .ail for Alaska £
which originally contained $1500 and
Ave.- —Through the cooperation of from vacations at Payette Lakes where she ha been teaching school. barley,° the ^haries Garrison farm 25 Year* Ago July 29. 1927
the Nyssa Development Co.. L. E were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan — Barney WiLun. local merchant " ea/ h/ ° w" which cropped «? bu.
The call for bids for construction which was sent to the bank of Nyssa
"i?* 0* 1044 bush:
from Boise. Postal inspector T. G
Fry and the Christian church the and son Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur caught a 21-inch rainbow trout in
the railroad and highway from
. f *
^ ' Ck Stam r? ? C|h
Rowan investigated and evidence
City Council has purchased a block Boydell, Mr and Mrs. J. L. Herri- the Owyhee river Sunday, weighing
6^ ,busbeliL ^ th^ acre
Mal' near Nyssa to the Owyhee dam site, pointed to a mailing and distributing
of ground between Ennis and King man and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner. 3 3 4 lbs. Dr E D Norcott caught ^
heur, C4ounty ? * ry Herd Improve­ to be used in construction of the clerk at Ontario and he was placed
avenues and Fifty and Sixth streets ----- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and a 22 1 4 inch trout in the Owyhee ment
Asso elected new directors Owyhee reclamation project, has
for additional park space.----- Im­ children left for Yellowstone Pari; Thursday.----- Ed Frost lost the tip
Charles Garrison. F C. Fisher and been issued by Owyhee reclamation under arrest.------John C. Concelmo
provements underway at the Nyssa on vacation.----- Dr and Mrs. L. A. of one finger on his right hand in F. G. Holmes of Nyssa, P F Coun­
project, has been issued to the "Hole- is back from Portland where he went
factory of the Amalgamated Sugar j Maulding returned from a vacation a potato digger Sunday while work-
m-the-ground," the site where the to purchase a powerful motor truck
at Belknap Springs.------Six Nyssa ink for Herb Fisher.
Ontario.------Harold Hoxie of Nyssa dam for the $18,000,000 Owyhee pro­ for the Idanha Orchard Co.----- Billy
■ini n ii m 11 u in i nut 111 n in 11 ii ii wiuLi inn 1 students, Dorothy Jane Bartholoma,
15 Year* Ago July 29 1937
took honors for the Ontario team ject will be built, was of great in­ Peutz was in town Wednesday from
Donald Bergam, Ellen Ann Herr-
chalking up a home run, terest to a large delegation from the Owyhee and confermed the re­
The State Bakery board has ruled ..
Dr. ('lure F. Conley man, Peter Ivan Jensen, Harold Lee that
ports of lively times and bumper
bread price over the state will three-bagger and two-base hit. They Nyssa Sunday and to E. F. Neeley crops in that fertile v a le -— H. L.
and Jimmie Wilson have been ac­
cepted as freshmen at Eastern Ore­ be Jumped to 11c a ¡oaf retail, start- defeated Nampa for the champion­ of Vale Diamond drill operations Stout was in town Monday with a
Nyssa’s remodeled ',bl^
Idaho-Oreefon league have been underway since the first load of spuds from the famous Gam­
gon College for fall term.----- George ing Monday
Scouts with Lieu- of the year, drilling to find a solid ble Island. Crops on the island never
Mitchell, manager of the Nyssa p o s t office is just about complete. *enes- _
base for the dam. F. A Banks is
branch of the First National Bank New quarters include not only the tenan|- Betty Tensen in charge, went _____ ___
____ __ __ and
_ _ F _____
___ ( looked better, he said. ------ Home-
of Portland, returned from a round- former floor space but takes in the to Caldwell Sunday to swim in the consulting
assistant engineer in charge of the arown corn has been in the market
trip by airplane to New York City room occupied by the telephone com - 1?°<i and P'cruc in the park Mrs J. project.------James Palumbo, promi- i
Past week and at two dozen
Sa™2in’ Miss Martha Schlapkohl,
to visit his son and daughter Mrs. pany for many years.---- The Amal-
nent fruit dealer and recent visitor : ears I°r 25c is a cheap food for w.<r
(Opp. Sears)
Dial 9-3371 Mitchell
remained in New York for
Teruka in Malheur county, stated that crops times.----- Hub Ward, banker and
a longer visit.------Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ City Seed Co are cooperating with ^illenberg took cars.
of Italian prunes and apples would Incite sheep owner of Nyssa, was re­
519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida.
ward Boydell were hosts at a party county agent, R G. Larson in ar- y ada’ Val? * on flrst Prlze in the average about 100 percent, as this tiewing old acquaintances in Drew-
®rade division of the Oregon
for Dr. and Mrs. F. F Bodmer who ranging a farm tour Monday aand
essay contest
Judge i is a banner year for the Malheur j se>' this week on the way to his
plan to leave Nyssa this week-end Tuesday to view new development ,
the • county orchardist. Fields of Federa- | sheep camps at Summit Prairie.
11111! 11111111111111111111111111111 IK I II IIIM I,. for their new home in Salem.------
al- Lon wheat promise to yield from 60 Three more of our prominent farm-
Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mrs. James
i to 75 bushels.----- The Owyhee school i ers made themselves happy this
Spofford and Mrs. Harry Miner are thusiastic thi week watching the T 5 , J® percent pure and has the directors were business visitors in week by purchasing new cars at Ser-
ne w electric line come nearer their juwest bacterial count In the state.—
Eyes Examined chairmen managing the "round homes.----- Han e-t l in full swing M,^ ar>d Mrs. Dewey Ray visited the Caldwell Wednesday where they en- i vIce Garage A M. Johnson bought
ini Nyssa Height with yields run- Bold mine near Canyon City in which ! tered into a contract for the pur- ; an Olds 8, Elbert Butler an Olds 6
library benefit parties.
Glasses Filled robin"
! ning between 35 anad 40 bushels to ' Bud p at'key, Tom Butler. Oce Storts ¡chase of a furnace to be installed in and Wm. McEwen, a Chevrolet. —
10 Year* Ago July 30, 1942
the acre for wheat Wesley Pennie aI?d °°J;do"
1are interested ------ the new school house now being W. W Howard, county agent, was in
Adjusted and
erected.----- Howard Wilson of Boise Nyssa yesterduy to interest loc il
of five Nyssa youths that they have and Don Reardon are combining ‘ ys1f a Bac^lnB Co. advertises lean and Lorrain Faught of Nys.ia were dairymen in the cow testing associa-
, most of the neighbors’ crops.------
Cb° ? Si
chickens, r-bone
married Monday and will make tion.----- Miss Merryellen Hon left for
"somewhere in Australia.” Soldiers Cash Grocery Co advertises 2 lb. can stea£* and lamb chops, each at 20c
their home in Nyssa.------Dewey Bur- Alaska where she has entered into
are Gene Brown, Laurence Findling, M.J.B. ccoffee for 53c, large No. 2 ’*, per ‘ b, apd p1rin?* nb roast at J 80
Dr. A . T. Bradbury
three-course bridge ton of Nampa has located in Nyssa a contract to teach school for a
John Weeks, Ed Ostrom aand Mic­ cans of solid pack tomatoes, 3 for
and will be in partnership with G. three-year term.------Sylvester Morris
key Osborn. — Berle Draper, sun 25c. 49 lb. bag Idaho Ace flour, *1 19. m ?
^ by
fnr 65c,
Mrs- J Boydell and her daughters, E. Bertch at the Bertch Barber has received the appointment of
of Mrs. Leroy T. Ellibee, Joined the milk, all brand, in
10 ran,
cans for
Shop. ------ Idaho Power Co. stated rural mail carrier for Route 1, suc-
navy and left Walla Walla for Se­ salmon, 3 tall cans for 35c.----- A- Miss Eva and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin at
attle.----- Ridgeview, Kingman Kol- mong those sporting new motor ve­ the Boydell home. Guests were in­ that 7,391 Idaho housewives now feeding Obie Wilson.— C. Blokker,
ony and Chalk Butte Granges were hicles recently are John Zittercob vited for seven tables.----- Mrs. How- cook electrically!----- H. C. Doty, pro- j well-known dairyman, was suddenly
„ „ ti i. . ,
. ard J. Larsen, Mrs. J J. Sarazin prietor of Nyssa Cach Grocery, re- , taken with appendicitis this week
Boise Office: Boom 25!
hosts to Pomona Grange at Adrian
r ,™
K Hashltani and and Mrs. W. F. McLing entertained turned from Nampa with his bride, and went to the hospital at Ontario
Sonna Itldg.
high school Saturday. Resolutions Ed
with a three-course luncheon and the former Susie Eddlemon, Wednes- I°r an operation. He was accom-
passed included keeping beet har­
(Entrance to Sonna Bldg,
bridge party of six tables at the day evening.------Ray Cantrell park- i panied by Dr J. J. Sarazin.------May-
vest wages at the government scale, 20 Year* Ago July 28, 1932
U um n home Friday afternoon com- , ed his car in front ol the Nyssa OT C C. Wilson returned from On-
between Penny’s and
providing fire guard areas for graz­
Extending their route to include plimentary to the reclamation wo-
Newberry’s Stores
ing districts, allowing farmers to Notus, Parma, Ny a Ontario, Pay- tnen of Owyhee dam and Nyssa, sev- Realty Co's office Friday afternoon, j tario where he underwent an opera-
kill Chinese pheasants at will, ob­ ette and Weiser, the I. O. N. Motor eral of whom will be leaving soon on and when ready to lave, cranked tion for appendicitis 10 days ago.-----
Carmen and Friis, contractors have
Phone Dial 3-7011
taining larger sugar rations and Stages will bring a new bus service, account o f completion of the dam.— the car, which, left in gear, plunged just
completed a residence for Mr.
having the county court proceedings to Nyssa effective Monday. Three Mrs. Mary Anderson of Arco, Idaho forward and shattered the large and Mrs Charles Bullard near Ar-
plate glass window which will cost
schedules will run through here and D. P Pullen Nyssa ranchers, around $100 to replace.----- The bal- j cadia. It has eight rooms, including
daily, arrangements having been 1 were the principals of a quiet wed- ance of furniture and equipment for H*6 bathroom and has all the mod-
completed today when headquarters ding in Ontario Monday. That even- the Owyhee Dist. office was received ern improvements, costing about
of the Nyssa stage depot were es- ing the many friends of Mr. Pullen and placed this week.------Bob Flet- $25000 Ed Christensen is painting
tablished at Powell Service Station, gathered to give him and his bride cher and his Roundup Orchestra of
and w'hen finished it will be one
— Tuesday wib the 157th birthday a chairivari.------Mrs. Wm. Schire- Pendleton will play for a dance at °I ^de handsomest in Snake Valley.
of the postal service in the United man gave a jolly party and two- Western Hotel hall Tuesday —
------E H McDonald returned Wed-
States Nyssa’s post office force, course luncheon for nine children in Nyssa Cash Grocery advertises: "We nesday from the Presbyterian Synod
Dean Smith and Artie Robertson ob- honor of the birthday of her daugh- sell Foster’s honey” ; Swift Premium at Eugene to which he was a dele-
served the event by flying flags.------ ter Phyllis.------A regular meeting of ham 30c per lb ; fresh ground bulk Bate.
Archie Sinclair and his est-
Klas. Powell of the Baker Demo- the W C. T. U. was held at the coffee, 33c.----- Geo. W. Benton has lia b le family reached their new des-
crat-Herald, Mrs. Powell and Mr. country home of Mrs. H R. Sher- been the loser of 63 head of turkeys, filiation e San Luis Obispo, Calif.
und Mrs. Jess Ward of Baker were wood. ------ The Kingman Kolony Just disappeared as fowls from other and are getting settled ------ Nyssa
guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank D Hull Book club met Saturday with Mrs. flocks have been doing lately.------Ar- I Trading Co. was broken into some-
Days G o ne By in Nyssa Community
published in 1 *al newspapers.-----
Walter M Ti. >mp« n. chairman of
Ny-.a price administration and rm-
tioning board, c inferred with state
time Wednesday night and a few
articles of small value were taken,
according to Mr Boydell and Mr.
Th imp-on, proprietors Arthur's only
kick is that the prowler rang up
$ j .40 on the cash register and he
spent all forenoon trying to make
h:s books balance before he dis­
covered the cau^e o f the di'erep-
ancy.----- Ed Blodgett made a trip to
Boi-e last Tuesday and brought
home a new Dodge.----- Miss Thelma
1 Newbill went to Payette for a visit.
----- Doc Pullen recently purchased a
new mower and binder and by cus­
tom-harvesting has already partly
paid for them.------Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Pratt and family returned
Tuesday from a motor trip to Bear
Creek and Council. Idaho.------Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bradley and fam­
ily and Hobt. Aldredge attended a
reunion of the Aldredge family at
Ontario Sunday.— —George Glass­
cock purchased a new Deering mow­
er with which to harvest a fine crop
of wheat on land which has form ­
erly produced only sagebrush.-----
Wilson Bros Dept. Store advertises:
This month all stores are having
remnant sales but we are not. We
offer a full line of new merchandise.
New middies at $1.25; curtain goods,
per yard, 15c to 45c: percales, per
yd., 22c! new shirt waists $1.25; dus­
ter coats, all sizes, $1.25: apron goods
10c per yard; dress ginghams, per
yard 12MiC.”—Vernon Brown of the
U. S. Marines is visiting his dad.
Win Brown before going to Mare
Island to train for service in France.
------Wallace Lynch, one of Uncle
Sam’s machine gnn men, stationed
at Boise, visited his mother in Nys­
sa Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cox and Larry
and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elliot and
Denny were picnicking near Sumpt­
er Sunday.
Mr*. LaMont Fife left Saturday
for Richmond, Wash, to visit rela­
tives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker spent
Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Norton Randolph of New Ply­
Sm all H ouses
Low Down Payment
g ee
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H A lF I L L D
Cooked Food
_ _
One at 519 No. 4lh
420 No. 6lh
Please Don't Bother
W h y Bake These Hot D ays?
Let the Eagles Auxiliary
J 4
Do It For You!
* :
Sale Starts at 9 a . m.
¿.¿A ■if 5
: > -
; *t
• '
V ;
• *
" »
» « ' *
i 'i
.-Z ,
'* > « ;
in Peterson Furniture Store
121 Main Slraet
H, a v e
As long as our supplies last, we are offering alfalfa,
red clover and pasture seeds at these prices. This special
offer ends September 1st.
Common Alfalfa
58c Per Lb.
Ranger Alfalfa
62c Per Lb.
Red Clover
42c Per Lb.
Registered Kenland Red Clover
64c Per Lb.
Alta Fescue
40c Per Lb.
Certified Alta Fescue ........................ 50c Per Lb.
Orchard Grass
30c Per Lb.
Bromo Grass
32c Per Lb.
Ladino Clover, Pasture Grade
90c Per Lb.
Certified Ladino
1.25 Per Lb.
White Clover, Pasture Grade
75c Per Lb.
Order Your Fall Seeding
Dessert Seed Co.
Nfsea. Qragou
‘ Car Owner
you e v e r d riv e n a B u ick
S p e c ia l ?
I )o you know how it feels to touch off
the most powerful engine you’ll find in
any ear of its pounds and price?
Do you know that it almost steers itself
- holds its course like an airliner on the
beam —even comes back on course after
taking a turn?
Do you know that there’s silken magic
in its Dynaflow D rive11?
D o you know how many miles it can
get from a gallon of gas?
D o you know that it has a M illio n
Dollar Ride?
Second St. and Good Ave.
M i s t e r , if you haven’t found out such
things, you’re missing a lot of fun every
mile you drive.
You’re missing the fun of bossing around
a big hoodful of high-eom pression,
valve-in-head Fireball 8 Engine.
You’re missing the fun —and comfort —
of riding on four big, soft, easy-acting
coil springs.
I lo w about checking up on what you’ve
been missing?
Equipment, accessories, trim jt:J models are subject to
change u itbout notice. *Standard on Koadmaster,
optional at extra cost on other Series.
You’re missing the fun of feeling daisy-
fresh with half-a-thousand thrilling
miles behind you.
You’re missing, in short, the fun of own­
ing a Buick.
Roberts-Nyssa, Inc.
Phene 132
»• /
A n d i t ’ s n o b o d y ’ s fa u lt but y o u rs
because —at the prices w e’re asking for
this beauty —you can afford a Buick if
you can afford any new car.
n yssa , oreoon