• • o THURSDAY. JULY 31. 1951 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. BEST BUYS Classified Advertising RATE T » « rfn u per word for each urue advance. la Sta Minimum. cash In FOR SALE—No. g ilargest* Inter­ national Harvester ensilage and hay chopper Used 1 year $560 00 — FOR SALE — Two M ilku« Short- terms. Old model ensilage cutter.— Horn bulls ready for service Oscar $60 00. Shaffer, Rt No. 1. 1 mile north and GENERAL MOTORS 2 ton truck— 1 mile east of Adrian Ph. 082-J3. i combination chopped hay and stock 29-2tp. rack and beet bed—$500 00. LLOYD LEWIS FOR SALE — Stromberg upright 3-8 miles north Nyssa on Highway grand piano; coal heating stove; 2 26-tf _______ ___________ beds with springs and good cotton I ____________— FOR SALE mattresses; davenport and chair; SPECIAL stand of bees. Charles Harris, 4 miles southwest of Adrian. 29-tf. | HOME IN THE COUNTRY . This is a good buy. Three rooms FOR SALE—Friers, four pounds for completely finished. Three unfin­ $1.50 call 011-J2 or see Douglas Cru- ished o n 60x150 lot. About 1 mile son. 2g-2t. from town, on paved road. Some terms if needed. FOR SALE—1 acre and house, 1 BERNARD EASTMAN mile north on the east side of tcgck, NYSSA PHONE 64 $900 H. Peterson, Nyssa, Oregon. 27-ltp. FOR SALE—1 Condle double unit milker, complete with pipes anti FOR SALE—New Riverside DeLuxe • valves, vacuum tank and pump. Also 700-20 10-ply tire with tube and ; 1 VA Case cultivator and 2-way plow wheel. Call 285-R. 27-3tp t with hydraulic Jack. Call or write Don McPherson, phone 035-J11, Rt. FOR SALE—Big Latham raspber­ 2, Nyssa. 23-tf. ries. Phone 076-J3. 27-2t FOR SALE FOR SALE — Modern 2-bedroom F’OR SALE—Charcoal for broiling, home $2,500. $300 down $40 a month. fishing and hunting. Olves $3 flavor Phone 088-R1. 27-2tp to $1 steak Ideal Gas and Appliance 19-tf. Usel refrigerator, $35.00. Ez Carr. 28-It. HOMES FOR SALE 2 bedroom:, modern except heat. FOR SALE — 4 Business lots. 2 lots 50x120 feet across highway from Nearly new, good location, near hos­ sugar factory. 2 lots on Highway 20 pital. $4500. Some terms. 3 rooms, full basement, pressure adjacent to B ai d M. Equipment, 153 ft. frontage. Lewis C. Freer, Box water system. Three 50x138 ft. lots. Only $2500. $500 down, $26 per mo. 332, Mountain Home, Idaho. 27-4tp ( 4 rooms and bath, part basement j Nice big yard, plenty of shades for FOR SALE—One 2-bedroom house, only $5500 Terms to fit your pocket. one 3-bedroom house, under F-H.A , TWO SPECIALS Stunz addition. C. K. Olson, phone • Brand new 2 bedrooms, sun porch, 251-W. 17-tf. automatic oil furnace, tiled bath, walls and ceilings insulated. Hard- FUH SAL» i wood wloors. On paved street. All 2 bedr«x>m house—excellent con­ for only $9000 FTIA terms. d ition -w all to wall carpeting—very Home in the country on Alberta good garage and storage room—all j Ave. 3 rooms finished and 3 unfin­ floor coverings go $9100. ished. A real buy for only $4500.00. 2 bedroom, modern, trees, lawn, Terms. We have several good pieces of 2 lots. $3700. $1000 down, $35 per property for investments. Both busi­ month. 1 bedroom, modern, basement, ness and residential. All paying good garage, trees and lawn. $1500. Only returns. FOR RENT $1500 down. Very nice one bedroom duplex 80 acre stock farm, about 53 acres Irrigated, good modern house $18,000 apartments. Automatic oil heat. Pvt. Will take a home in Nyssa as part garage. Best location. 1 block from city park. Only $45 per month. We payment. pay part of utilities. $500 down, East side dwelling, nice BERNARD EASTMAN fenced yard and trees, only $1,800. Insurance Real Estate Good basement house, on 50 by 160 Phone 64 lot, east side location, $1500. House on 75 by 160 foot lot. shade FOR SALE and fruit trees, $2000. Two-bedroom modern home, ex­ A good nice laying 30 acres with cellent condition, perfect heating buildings and houses $8,500, only system, good location. $3,500 down. Two bedrooms new, completely 100-head cattle ranch, outside modern, good location, $8000, F.H.A. range, 175 acres good farm ground, ,erms. $51,000. Three acres, excellent land, on 2 bed-room modern, near city highway, new business building. park, $4,600, terms. Motel with market, very good loca­ tion. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ralph G.. Lawrence, Agent BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Phone 97 105 Main St. Phone 13 FARM LOANS PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lodges SARAZIN CLINIC GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 I. O. O. F. Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. Kerby Meets Every Monday Night, 8 30 South First Street _____ Physicians and Surgeons Dentists L. A. MAULDING. M. D. DR. C. M. TYLER C. J. KOPP. M. D. Physician and Surgeon FRY BUILDING Office Hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 WILSON BUILDING Phene 165-J, Nyssa Office Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Jewelry Stores J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Phone S93-W Chiropractor EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Physiotherapy F.leetro-Therapy _______ Nyssa. Oregon _____ Veterinarians Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second DR. W. W. EASTEP Veterinarian 1 WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animala Pet Hospital Office Hours 8 A. M. te 6 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202 407 Main 8 t. Optometrists Dr. Manri* M. Pratile* DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Veterinary Surgeon l a r i« and Smnll Animala 21$ W Park Ph 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho I Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN PAULUS JEWELRY STORE ATTENTION FARMERS We are in need of more listings on stock and row crop rant FARMS HOMES 1160 acre* all row crop land, po­ Fh-actically new 2 bedroom mod­ tatoes and beet*, will consider sell­ ing in 2UO and 300 acre trai is and ern home. S acre, highway front­ taking smaller place a part pay­ age, $7350 $ 4000 down, easy 2 bedroom modern home, close to ment. ideal location for Japanese Nyssa city park, shady sp iclc i community. $800 down, $50 per 320 acres. 50 acres beets, 150 acres * wheat. 120 acres barley. 70rV oi mn 1 bedroom home, $3,200 Ea y crops goes with the place, terms, terms. will take your place in a s part pay­ 3 bedroom modern home. $83 j " ment. 40 acres level land, In crops, •“ •** *> * “ P-‘ V »en:. «M y tern $12.500. will consider trading for 10 Large 5-bedroom moaern horn or 12 acres in Apple Valley or Nys- good location, coal furnace, haid- »a area. wood floors, $10,000, down 120 acres close to Nyssa. Vi mile " Nl" ab homes located on larce . off highway, 96 acres irrigated, stock *ots trees and berries. $-’ 10o. and row crop se< up. 4 room honv\ down, $30 per month barn, chicken coop. $19 000. $9600 2 bedrU S — Dupllcatt earl The district will fur rush a 1 000 0 il- and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- lon -storage tank Bids are to be made ori the basis neman’s. 25otfc of retail prices prevailing in this COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready area at times of delivery Bids will •i r . ; tiklng area, Ur accepted by l rut lerk at hi uffi< e 'h >1 yard, feed lot. lounging or in the Junior High School Building ilment shed. Only pugmill asphai- until 8:00 P M on M ndas August 1 mix m this area. Lowj 11. 1962 la uiteed work, free estimate The board s e r v e s the right to re­ Mud :et plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A or ject any or ail bids and to wave in­ Phone 663. Ontario. lS-tf. formalities therein. J. L. Herrunau, Chairman School HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT District 36-C. Malheur County. Ore. F’or your own protection, buy Attest: cate-inspected meat. Buy a quart- Henry H Hartley. Clerk < r half or whole beef, pork or mut­ F*lrst publication July 31, 1952. ton See us at plant, 1 mile north Last publication August 7, 1952. "n highway, then 1/4 mile west on Columbia avenue. Nyssa, Oregon, phone 395 W or 31 -M 14dtfc, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur In the Matter of the Estate of New BETTER T H A N E V E R ; ARMINA SERAPHINE CARNEGIE, Policy covers CANCER, as well as deceased. many other dread diseases. Costs) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that onlv $12 per vear for whole family. the undersigned Harold Henigson, administrator of the estate of Ar- mina Seraphine Carnegie, deceased, 16 North 3r3. Phone 218 has filed his Final Account as said administrator In the County Court IIOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT of Malheur County. Oregon, and State inspected One mile north, that said Court has appointed Tues­ 1 4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia day, August 5, 1952. at 10 00 o’clock ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, In the forenoon of said day for the wrapping, curing and rendering hearing of objections to said Final lings. cattle, sheep received any Account and the settlement thereof. day. Also we consign hogs, cattle NOW. THEREFORE, all persons and sheep for farmers to Portland Interested Ih the estate of Armlna market Free cooling and free de­ Seraphlne Carnegie, deceased, are livery within five miles of plant notified and required to appear at Phone 395-W; if no answer, 31-M 3mtfc the County Court R - n in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County. MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Oregon, at said time, to then and Here comes color. A washable, rub­ there show cause, if any there be, berized finish for Interior walls and why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approved and wood trim. •covers most surfaces In one uni­ said estate distributed and said ad­ ministrator discharged form coat. Dated and first published July 3, •dries to a satin sheen in less than 1962 one hour. Date of last publication, July 31 •twelve liansome colors all ready 1952. to use. HAROLD HENIGSON. Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Armlna Seraphlne Camegl, deceased. POLIO KEN POND “ “ S r LOST Your Real Estate and Insurance Headquarters Modern 2-bedroom home, Phone 200 — Nlte 394 Nyssa, Oregon Gray tweed coat lost near Stunz 10 acres ___ ________ $11,509 696 Main Street Modern 3-room house, I --------------------------------------------- Lumber Co. Please return to Journal 10 acres ----------------- $7500 J ATTENTION FARMERS— I am sell- I i Office. $10 reward. 29-It FOR YOUR PLUMBING FOR RENT 3 rooms, 3.2 acres ! ing lots of ranches and need listings. 5 rooms, modern, 2 acres — $7000 j jj y0U wanj to seu y0ur place at a Legal Advertising NEEDS 3 room house, 5 acres * I* ™ 1 ; good price, see Mel Beck Real Estate, ^ RE? T Modern 3 room apart- 6 rooms, 4 acres ____ •'INVITATION TO BIDDERS »4öiK) ( 606 Main. Phone 200, Nyssa. 29-tf. ment wlth bath or “ sleeping room Bath Sets, Water Heaters and bath. Call 199-J. 29-It LISTINGS WANTED The Board of Education of School We have lots of prospetes for good | FOR SALE—Used A & B electric ------------------------ ■------- District No. 26-C, Nyssa, Malheur and Pressure Systems farms and homes. List yours witn apartment range. $39 50. Ideal Gas FOR RENT—2 or 3 bedroom home County, Oregon, otherwise known as us and prepare to move. & Appliance 23-tf. May be partly furnished Hot and the Nyssa School District, will enter­ Call HOMES cold running water and shower. tain bids for delivery to its storage GOOD used electric ranges. Fire­ Charles Harris, 4 miles southwest of tank during the 1952-1953 school EASY FHA TERMS J. C . S M I T H 25-tfc Adrian Nearly new two-bedroom home, stone Dealer Store, Nyssa. 29-tf. year of approximately 15,000 gallons 5 room house in Payette, modern. 13 Years In Nyssa automatic heat, hardwood floors, I of first quality regular grade gaso- F’OR RENT Apartment F'urnished j line. lovely fenced in yard. A "dream $3500, easy terms. Phone 78-J ____ __ — • : —— : , with Unlit and heat. 714 K.i. house" for only $8.000. Deliveries are to be made as need­ FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed ph -¿SH-W ’'9-tf QUIET RESTFUL LIVING ed and at the option of the district. waterproof paint, Creto waterproof Comfortable 4-room cottage on concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plus- f o r R E N T -T w o bedroom, modern quiet street. Lovely yard, all fen­ NOTICE ced. good soil. Price of $4800 In­ ter. motar and terrazzo. Water- house, near city park. Call 118-J. proofs by application and perinan- , 29-It. That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. cludes nice set of furniture. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following warrants will be can­ I1TLKI£UCT11EY(.A11 , ently waterproofs walls and flo o r s ,,------------- PICTURE OF THE YEAR Your wile and children in their l“ lde “ “ “ • ° i APARTMENT For rent heat and celled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before September own yard. This is a lovely two- Lumber Company. 20stfc or 74-R. 18-tf. 30, 1952. bedroom home with automatic GENERAI. FUND WARRANTS heating $7350, very easy terms. Stone Jars for pickles. All sizes. FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Fire­ Claimant Amount No. Date Issued A HOME FOR $1500 Get yours early. Marshall-Wells stone dealer store $ .10 5571 Nov. 2, 1944 21Ftfc. Alice D. Bankofier Comfortable 2 roam home. Beats Store. 22-tf. Mrs. Maude Greeley HO 5574 Nov. 2 1944 paying rent. Easy terms, or will GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS rurnlshcd n t w . j . l it . - j F O R R E N T — 2-room discount for cash. Fine Late Model Used Cars cabin. Chadwick camp. $44 95 6295 Nov. 10. 1944 30ntfc Richfield Oil Corp. VETERANS SPECIAL Passenger H 8 . Sackett, 2-bedroom modern home, nearly 1946 Plymouth, 4-door deluxe sedan. County Clerk. FOR RFNT new. $6300, $1800 down, easy R&H, good condition. One room, modern house, good lo­ First publication July 10, 1952; Last publication August 7, 1952. monthly payments. |1950 Buick 4-aoor, special, good cation, ideal for single person, $20. 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME tires, clean, R&H. N Y SSA IN S U R A N C E AG EN CY Mr. Working-man, here Is a spaci­ 1949 Plymouth, 4-door special de­ R alph G. Law rence, Agent ous, comfortable home for your luxe, R&H, low mileage. Nyssa, Ore. family, nearly new and well lo­ 1942 Chevrolet, 4-door, RAH, ex­ cated. $8300, easy terms ceptionally good condition. FXJR RENT—Modern 3 room house, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1947 Plymouth, 4-door special de­ 507 N. 4th. Phone 044.J2. 23-tf. AN INCOME FOR LIFE luxe, motor good, R&H. FOR RENT—Two furnished apart­ Apartment houses provide sure 1949 Dodge, 2-door, Wayfarer, motor ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3mtfc and steady incomes far thousands overhauled, good tires, clean, heater. o f owners. We have several good 1949 Studebaker Champion, regal FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-lnch ones. deluxe coupe, overdrive, lots of ex­ floor sanders and 6-inch edger. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED tras, good rubber, very clean. Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. Country g e n e r a l merchandise 1946 Plymouth, special deluxe, 4- store, nets $40 per day, building, door, clean, good condition. MISCELLANEOUS stock, equipment all goes for Commercials $22,500, % down. Also will Include 1946 Chevrolet H -ton pickup, flat Take heed lest there shall be any­ modern two-bedroom home for bed with rack good tires and motor, one that makes spoil of you through only $4000 more. his philosophy and vain deceit after clean. 1943 Wlllys %-ton pickup, good rub­ the tradition of men, aft^r the rudi­ ments of the world and not after the ber, low mileage, with rack. 16 North 3rd. Phone 21$ Ride With Pride In A Car From tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ for NYSSA MOTORS. INC. F’OR SALE- Pickling cucumbers and In him dwells all the fulness of the string beans, 1 mile southwest of Oodhead bodily and In him ye are Nyna. Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE Nyssa, Rt. 1. George Gabriel. 28-2tp. made full, who Is the head of all FOR SALE OR TRADF1- Prefer Va’.e principality and power. Col. 1:8,9,10. FOR SALE “ own prennlaJs now for 4 good used 8:20x15 tires and property, 107 Enls Ave. one six-room. p Mrs *baret Siam. tubes, 1 fair spare, total price, $27.50. 1 three-room house. 2 two-room ia„ 4 good used 7:60x15 tires, 1 fair cabins, cellar, price all $7000. Terms. 28-2tp. Mrs. Date Pamprien Vale, Oregon spare, total price $27.00. 23-tf. WANTA TRADE’’ ? 2 lengths, approx. 40 f t , 2V4-lnch Tractors, we mean—See our display galvanized pipe. HELP WANTED ad in this Issue to discover how to 1 used Whizzier Motor Bike, better HELP WANTED—Experienced lu­ get the most outa that old work than average condition, $75.00. 1 Maytag conventional washer, | brication man. Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. horse. B&M Equipment Co., Nyssa. 28-2t. used 8 mo. excellent condition, $85 MISCELLANEOUS Do you need 1 used Westlnghou.se refrigerator. ! | money to remodel your home or to WANTED very good condition, $75.00. I .WANTED—Used cement mixer. Ph. build outbuildings or garage? We 1 used Thor Automagic washer. j 043-R4. Robert Reffett. Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep. Hogs 29-2tp. can arrange a loan for you and give $59.95. you up to three years to pay it Cash for live horses and cowl 1 brand new 3500-cublc ft. air con­ WANTED — Hay or straw baling Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc ditioner with double louvre, at very call Don Bishop. Phone 075-J2. 27-3tp MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, I attractive price of $109 06. 1 Travel-Eez baby carriage, $39 50 WANTED—To care for children In Electrolux cleaners and air purl- | my home by hour, day, week or flers. Sales and service. Ed R j Phone ua collect new. special at $25 00 evenings Phone 140-R. 17-tf. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idano, WESTERN STORES Nyssa 102-W Payette 670 14JMC 215 Main Phone 244-J WANTED—Highest prices paid for phone 0287J4. If no answer call Nampa 6-4604 slaughter horses. Clyde .......... Smith MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks I DAY OR NIGHT ¿cross" from ! and cesspools cleaned Phone Ray- FOR SA LE — Pickingese pups. Labor phone 306. Ontailo. 23mtfc m°nd Hlld, 24-M2, Parma, or 24, camp cabin 15. Romona Thomas. Ontario Sales yard. ____________ F*arma Hardware. 17-tf. 28-2tp WANTED--Custom combining, self We ball hay or straw In the field er Nampa, Idaho FOR SALE—One acre, 3H miles 01P., propelled machine, work guaranteed stack Wire tie. Go anywhere Oenc 5-room brick house, outbuildings, trucks If needed. Call Art* Hann, Honey 27F21 or Oeorge Oriffen 26-Stpj27M2 Parma, Idaho. 23-15tp. I fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash 024RI, Nyssa. price $4000 Nyssa Insurance Agency. Ralph O. Lawrence, agent. Nyssa, Oregon. DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Fast Service Phone 98 Phone 100-R Physicians Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to S Dally Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 »0 12 r $ n ii BIG ALL-PURPOSE FARM 144 »eras. 123 good Nearly all In hay and pasture Mostly suitable to row-crop, 2 good home +42.U00. W down. ANOTHER GOOD ON* 120 acres In Black Car.jKm 66 irrigable. See this right away. $24.000, terms 83 ACRE STOCK FARM Oood place to run beef or dairy cattle, paid-up water right lor 8C acres. You can't beat tills for $16 000 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME 71 acres of good farm land here. Good home and buildings. Yours lor $15,000, $5,000 down. CATTLE RANCH FOR YOU About 175 acres of good farm land, plus plenty of summer range. F'ine location. Oood improvements. $51.- 000 takes it. 60 ACRES PAID UP WATER Ideal location. Crops and 25 head of good cattle go with It. Owner wants cash, so plan your own fi­ nancing. $25.000 60 IN BLACK CANYON 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft well water. Priced below appraisal at $7500 $3500 down MILK CHECKS EACH MONTH Dairying is your surest way to security and care-free living. This 40 has 6 room modern home, good bam, and good soil. $12,600, terms arranged. WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM 26 good acres, 6-room modern home, good set of outbuildings. Buildings alone are almost worth the total price of $13,000. ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Outdoor living, garden, chickens, cow, pony for the kids—all this can be yours on one of our acre­ ages. Grocery bills go way down, too! Here are a few of our many listings: To Buy Or Sell See Mel DA. VERNON W A ID Veterinarian I.argr er Small Animala gì 765 Phene 2971 Ilonahdalr, Idaho KEN POND“ - « « ™ Idaho Oregon Rendering Co. -:WANTED:- YOUR DEAD AND USELESS ANIMALS FREE PROMPT REMOVAL IDAHO ANIMAL PRODUCTS FOR SALE—Puller pamts and wall paper, complete selection. Firestone Dealer store. 21Ftfc. FOR 8 ALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff j and Universal, new and used. Fire­ stone Dealer store. lntfc j JOHN DEERE 2-row, flatbed pota­ to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario, j 25-tf FOR 8 ALE—Electric portable Ken- more sewing machine Excellent con ­ dition with complete attachment. Phone 095-R4 Ohas Kanester, Rt 2. 24-tf. FOR SALE—Milk cowa. Oueruaeys, Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and springers C. Clyde Smith, phone 306 Ontario. Oregon, across from Ontario sale yard. »a U c WEEK-END SPECIAL For G ood Things to Eat, EAGLES AUXILIARY COOKED FOOD SALE and Frigidaire Electric Ranges, Refrigerators and Freezers, both at PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES "THE DEPENDABLE FURNITURE STORES" W e Give S & H Green Stamps ONTARIO — VALE — NYSSA — PAYETTE