Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, July 31, 1952, Image 10

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i ismiiy Mi atiu Mr Horace Chan-
I ey.
Al. i Thompson and Loia
and Leia Di k
>n of Parma at­
tended t >i
*■ par'y at the home
Miss lleli'n lu ti h
? Ja. k.e s
i *ii .Son et Valiev
Phone Pom i» I-F21
Friday night
Dickie D <* r *n f Madras, »on
Mr. and Mrs. Virl Bishop. Leroy Mr and M: Boyet Vtndi w e
of Jack Dick . n. ha been visiting
and Linda, former residents of Bit? honoring the Bob Jones students,
glint a
' ■«- Mr and Mrs.
Bend arrived from Kansas for a vL- Mi - Helena Struthei - of New York
John Thom]
and grandparents
it with his uncle and aunt, Mr and M: s Joan Butdal of Ohio, M: - Jane
Mrs. Walter Bishop, Wednesday eve- Vfurdo x of Nt".v York and W. !!■ 1-
Mr and M Dyre Roberts, Shsr-
en Bowersox, of Pennsylvania.
en and Kar n left Saturday morning
: l| Mewporl
It 111' bro­
Mrs Cyrus Bishop and Bonnie re­
turned home from their visit in Kan­ and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and Mr and ther. We I.-.
iberl who work* in
sas with her mother and family la t Mrs. Virl Bishop and family attend­ a body and lender shop there.
ed a big picnic at Donnelly, Idaho
Saturday evening.
at the home of Albertus Wiley Sun­
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore of
day. Mr and Mrs. Verl Bishop and
Adrian called at the Walter Bi hop
family remained for a longer visit
home Friday afternoon.
with his cousins.
Mrs. Florence Richardson of Par­
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kimerer of
ma visited at the Harvey Hatch
Kan., a cousin of Mrs.
Farm erettes ( lub
home the past week.
Noel Tuppeny, Arlo Miller, and Mrs.
Homer Hatch of Caldwell visited L. D Biumbaugh, stopped on their
at the Harvey Hatch home Monday way to Canada and enjoyed a visit
Jim Me D Roe and his mother,
and picnic dinner at the Brumbaugh Susan Me D Roe visited with Me.
Emery Cameron combined grain I home.
and Mrs. Roy Carlson Thursday.
for John Thompson Monday after­
1st Lt. Joe Zentz is home on leave
Mr. and Mr Tom Evans and Jan­
from two years service in Japan. He ice made a trip to Lost Lake, going
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huffman of nd Mi
/<•:;*./. and baby. Joe. an there on Monday and returning
Parma were Friday dinner guests at ; visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday.
the Walter Bishop home, and visited | Varner Hopkins.
Mr and Mr- Bert Montague. Mr.
his nephew and wife, Ml. and Mrs
Mr and Mrs. Bill Hopkins o f Cas­ and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell and Woodrow
Virl Bishop from Kansas.
cade are visiting his parents, Mr. Seuell were Sunday dinner guests at
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Vande Water, and Mrs. Varner Hopkins, and sister the M C. Seuell home. Afternoon
Billie, Loretta and Lorraine attend­ and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. callers were Mr and Mrs. Roy Hoff
ed a Bob Jones picnic at Meridian Joe Zentz. *
and family, Mr and Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cartwright vis­ Seuell and family and Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett had ited Mr. and Mrs. Kennick, her bro­ Lobb. all of Ny a and Mr. and Mrs.
the m is fo r t u n e s have a fire last ther and wife Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kenneth Baker and family of Wei-
Friday which destroyed a hay stack Wright in Vale Sunday.
and a small shed with two small
Mrs. Sarah Cartwright, Mrs. Shei­ I_____________________________________
calves. The neighbors rallied to the la Cartwright and boys were in
•scene and helped put it out, saving Caldwell and Nampa Wednesday
the other buildings.
and visited her mother Mrs. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins and
family. George Elfers
Sr. and while in Nampa.
News From Big Bead
Mr and M:
ink Dick
Nu Acres News
Mrs. Anna Chaney, of Nyssa. is
George Elfers Jr. attended a picnic
Saturday evening at the home of visiting at the home of her son and
Your Favorite
O L D -T I M E A N D
On Records
Sheet Music
Like to listen to music with a hum­
orous twist? Have you a yen for the
familiar Western tunes? We’ve a com­
plete selection of western music and
old-time numbers. Drop around and
hear them . . . then choose them for
your own . . . or give
them as a gift.
5G Main St.
At 318 South First Street
Distributor of
has been purchased and is now under the
management of D. H. King, who is
thoroughly trained and experienced in
taking care of your needs.
Mixing Your Dairy. Beef and Hog Feeds
and Corn Cracking and Grain Grinding
Are Our Specialties
Pilkburys Best
Chicken Pelletts
and Mashes
"Tka Bs*i for T W
T i e n o Mor« Hodge
soft bull lary meeting in Nys^a Mmday sf-
t'-giu played a game with the Nazar- | te ro o e a .
ent young people of N> a Monday
Mr and Mr- Freeman Beasley
evening at the hall grounds The
score w * j K»>a Na-iare .es 9 a.id and sons of rip ifcane. Washington.
Mr and Mr
Carl Pettereon and
the TVsigers 13
family of Caldwell. Mr and M
Visitors at the Jim Mc D R»>e on Bur: and Rodney of New Plym­
hi<me Wedne«tay evening w* re M- outh. Mrs Sam Phillip* and fainilv
and Mr.-,. Carl Me D R *
Joe and , and M; Don McPher>on and child-
Philhp o f Ontario, who were en- :e:. f Nv a w»re Sun 4 s» K
, route to their ranch at Ironside, Or­
the home of Mr and Mrs F A
egon and Mr and Mr» Ernest Ad­ Johnson
ams of Vale, Mrs. J P Scholl of On-
Mrs F C Fry enjoyed a vis.t at
t trio, and Mrs. Aixler.vin of Utah
Mr Anderson has been caring for the home of Mr Sam Henne Mon­
Mrs. Scholl who underwent surgery day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Hoff and fain­
Mr and Mrs. Sherman Keck and tly were guests of Mr and Mr- Lloyd
family had Sunday dinner at the I Seuell for Thursday night supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and
Tom Evans home.
Martha Goodman of Nampa vis­ i Donna left Tuesday for a trip to
itée Wednesday with Mrs. F C. Fiy Sacramento and San Lorenzo. Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hann and fam­
and children.
Mrs. Paul Thomson and Mr-. ily took a trip to Lost Lake for two
Merle Thomson attended a meeting days last week.
Monday afternoon at the Fruitland
Brethren Church. Mrs Wilson, with CARD OF THANKS
the extension service, talked to a
We wish to express in a small
group of club women and 4-H lead­
measure our heartfelt thanks to the
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pettet and people of the community for the
son. and Bert Montague called at many acts of kindness and help we
the Lloyd Seuell home Saturday have received during the days of the
illness and going home of our Be­
loved Dally Gbodier. Each one will
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and always be remembered with thank­
family visited in Caldwell Sunday. fulness We can at present only say
Corynne and Geraldine Fry and thank you and we love you all.
La Vonne Brower attended the pa­
Tom Goodier
geant put on by the L.D S . church at
Rex Sprouse
Weiser Wednesday evening.
Grace Goodier
Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended the
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Worrel
Malheur Memorial hospital auxil-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassel.
Year in and year out
Mrs. Sherman Wilson
Phone Parma 2I-.M4
you’ll do well with the
Along The
Oregon Trail
7low you Know!
Greater year 'round
menu variety a n d
new shopping con­
I0CKER venience, rent a food
locker now!
Call Us For Complete Details
Vi mile west on Alberta Ave.
Phone 381-R, locker plant
Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room
That the Annual July Clearance
End* Saturday, August 2nd
Ladies’ Summer
Values to S5.90
Apple Valley Activities
Mrs. Howard Jamison and three Mrs. Woodrow Wilson are staying In
children arrived Monday of last the home of Mrs Martha Norland
week for a month’s visit with her this week while Mrs. Wilson is a pa­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J I. Boston. tient at the Nyssa hospital. She Is
Charles McFarlin entered St out of isolation, now and able to
| Luke’s hospital In Boise Sunday a f­ have visitors. Kay expects to come
ternoon, where he underwent surg- home this week. Mrs. Norland’s two
i ery Monday morning.
granddaughters from Owyhee are
Mrs. Grace Maberly Stoher of W il­ also visiting with her several days
der was a Sunday visitor in the J. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritts and
: N. Leigh home
Mrs. Ella Stephens, Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Thaniel Botner went
I Reed and Robert were Sunday din­ on an overnight fishing trip to Bear
ner guests at the Sara Miller home. Creek last week
In the afternoon, they all called on
I Mrs. Mary Hicks and daughters.
Mrs. Hicks was able to sit up for a
Mr. and Mrs Ed Jorgensen and
j family and Mr and Mrs. Cleo Tuck­
er and family were visitors Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels.
Mrs. Frank Byers
Mr and Mrs. Orley Smith, Rodney
Phone 076-K1
and Beverly, Sgt. and Mrs. Bernard
Goddard of Mississippi and Mr. and
Mrs. John Goddard of Roswell spent
The Merry Matrons club met at
several day camping on Manns the home of Bernice Seuell Wednes­
Creek Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John day afternoon, July 23. The after­
Goddard. Jr and grandfather of noon was spent visiting Thirteen
Nyssa and Roger Smith visited with members and. three guests, Edith
j them.
Whipple, Mi's. Mortz and Reva
1 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fritts, Mr Rookstool answered roll call with fa­
I and Mrs Wilbur Durnil and son and vorite canning recipes. Parlor games
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Barrett of were played with Mrs. Mortz. Bon­
Caldwell were Saturday evening vis­ nie Holmes. Betty Bowen and Glad­
itors of Mr. and Mrs. C L. Fritts.
ys Byers winning prizes. Lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarlin served by the hostess assisted by Vir­
1 and sons were Sunday dinner guests ginia Rookstool and Edith Whipple.
in the DeLoyd Schimmels home
The next meeting will be Aug. C.
Sgt. and Mrs. Bernard Goddard Roll call will be a tongue twister.
an- leaving Tuesday for Mississippi
Rolland Holmes who recently pur­
where he is stationed, after spending chased a new combine has harvested
several days visiting in the home of grain
for Bob
Holmes, Gilbert
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orley Holmes, Frank Byers, Wren Hend­
ricks and Roy Holmes.
Mi and Mrs. Conley Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. Craige Russell of
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack W il­ Fruitland were callers Suntlay a f­
son and family spent two days last ternoon at the Frank Byers home.
week fishing on Bear Creek. They
Mrs. Kenneth Reece spent Wed­
had started to Black Lake but the nesday with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert
-now had not been cleared from the Holmes.
road yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Knowles and
Mrs Orley Smith, Rodney and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Bob
Beverly, are leaving for Junction were among those from this com ­
I City. Kansas this week and will visit munity who attended the Grange
ievpral other cities before returning picnic at the N s.-a Park Sunday.
j home.
Mr. and M-s. John Bowen of Vale
Pfc. and Mrs. Robert Shippey left visited at the Frank Byers home
for Seattle Saturday of last week, Sunday evening
where he is stationed.
Mr, and Mrs. Rolland Holmes, Mr.
Mrs. Mary Ella Mclllveen and and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and Bob
children. Chris Melvedt of Boise and Holmes entertained the Owyhee R i­
i Carol I,ee Porterfield of Santa Cruz ding Club Thursday evening at the
visited in the Jack Reed home Tues­ Rolland Holmes home.
day Carol Lee will stay for a longer
Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and
daughter* have moved into their
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble and new home which has Just recently
family left Tuesday morning for Be­ been completed.
thany, Oklahoma where Mr. Dibble
will finish his work for his B A. de­
gree and commence work on his
masters. Monday evening, they were
guest- of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed at
a picnic supper, after which they
The answer to everyday
were given a farewell party by ap­
proximately 40 of their friends from
insurance problems*
the Nazarene Church in Parma.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Sandy and two
children have rented the Dibble
place and Mr. Sandy's father, Taylor
Sandy, will also live there In his
trailer house. They have been mak­
ing their home in Nyssa.
Miss Miriam Dille of Roswell vis­
it«! Sunday evening in the Jack
K m l home.
Betty Boston and Wanda Scott
were co-hostesses at a party Thurs­
day evening at the Boston home
Nine girl- and Mrs. Harry Gardiner
of Nyssa enjoyed the evening Re­
freshments of Jel'w. cookies and co f­
fee were served.
/ ? »
Mr- J I Boston entertained at a
birthday dinner Sunday for Mrs.
Earl Boston. Q uests Included Mr.
QUESTION: We intend to take
and Mr- Earl Boston and family
two valuable movies cameras on
.■»wi Mr.- Howard Jamison and fam­
our vacation trip. We want to
ily of Napa. California In the after­
know if our present residence
noon. Mr and Mrs D A. Rogers of
theft policy can be changed to
Roswell and Mr and Mrs. Ed Brum­
cover possible theft o f the cam ­
baugh and baby of Honiedale visit­
eras while we are on our trip.
ed with them. In the evening. Mr
and Mrs Ralph Rogers and family
ANSWER: Yes, such a clause can
of Ontario called at the Earl Boston
be added but you should consult
your agent about a "Camera
Darwin Arnold. Oordon William­
Floater” which will protect you
son and John Boston are spending
in case of damage to or other loss
this week at Camp Billy Rice at
of the cameras besides theft.
Warm Lake at" Boy Scout camp.
Mr and Mrs. Joe Stephen and
•If you'll addre-s your own In­
family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ste­
surance questions to this office,
phen and family of Owyhee were
we ll try to give you the correct
Sunday dinner guests In the Martha
and there will be no
Norland home. Monday evening,
charge ur obligati«« eg any klsd.
Mr- N rland and Palmer were
guest* in the Joe Stephen home for
Nyss* Imuriac* Afijmcf
a birthday dinner in honor of Pal-
Mein S t
Thene M
The two daughters o f Mr and
For Big Big
Food Savings-
$ 0*90
For back-to-school and
home sewing
IT T 1
itings HALr
Men’s Work
Men's, Women's
$ 1 .00 to
$ 5-95
Grey or Blue
Many More Wonderful Bargains to Choose
From in Every Department
Real Estate
Pitone C4
tumo»# mi iMsutiuKi co**»«»
Open ’Til 9 P. M. Every Saturday
From Sagebrush To 'tas
It's a long step from the days
when Old Oregon Trail Pioneers
cooked and kepi warm with
During the six years the Ideal Gas & Appliance has been in
Nyssa, we too have been pioneering!
We have been building our business and at the same time teach­
ing residents of Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho that—
The rapid expansion of our firm points to the growing number
of SATISFIED CUSTOMERS who depend on our service and the
products we sell for their cooking and heating needs.
We never install appliances until we have scientifically checked
all requirements so that the utmost in efficiency and economy
can be enjoyed.
We Are Actually Pioneers!
W f are continuing to expand our gervice for a vast area. We
are building a business that one day will be known as “ One
of the Old-1 imers” that kept pace with the growing Inter-
mountain area.
Phone 125
14 North 1st