I THE N Y S SA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y 8S A . OREGON. TH U R SD AY. JU LY 26. 1952 ---------------------- r -------------------------- PAGE FOUR Officer* Elected liy Farm Bureau NEWELL HEIGHTS. July 2«—At the »peclal meeting of the Adrian Farm Bureau Friday evening. Jake Borge was re-elected president; "Red'' Well*, vice president; Mrs. D. L. Hurst, secretary; Dick Kriegh, voting delegate, and Mrs. Wells, chairman of associated women. These officers will take office Oct­ ober first. Jake Borge Is working with Clar­ ence Keller laying cinder blocks for a two-story chicken house on the Ed Nielson farm near Fruitland M.\ and Mrs. Ed Nielson are former residents of this community The modern Pioneer club will meet at the Dick Kriegh home Tues­ day for a hobo picnic. Mr and Mrs Durlin Hammon and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Hammon of Nyssa attended the Snake River Stampede at Nampa Friday night A. M Hammon. Kenneth Smith and Frank Pike returned late Sat­ urday night from an L. D 8. temple excursion to Idaho Falls. Wayne Smith spent last week at Camp Billy Rice with the Scouts of the Owyhee L. D. 8. troop. He re­ turned Monday. Mr. and Mrs Leo Winn and Ger­ ald drove to Drewsy last week and were Joined by Mrs Ruth Camp­ bell on a trip through Prinevllle to visit the Peterson rock garden lo­ cated 10 miles from Bend. They were very much Impressed with the CUSTOM BALING TRUCKING LAWRENCE MILLER TRAILWAYS BUS DEPARTURES PHONE—PARMA 5 M4 New Location Renstrom Insurance Agency Has Moved To Its New Location Directly South Of The City Hall 217 G ood Avenue beauties of the rock garden and the a breakfast party at her home Boise and Mrs. Oro Thomas and family of San Larenzo. California, and their leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Guests were Doris Hearly of Parma spent Friday who have been visiting here with Paul Thomson, enjoyed a hay ride wonderful handiwork In construct­ Thursday morning friends and relatives, left Sunday and weiner roast on the Montague ing the Intricate designs and statues Mrs. Wtills Bertram. Mrs Leslie visiting Mrs. Anna Sparks. Topliff. Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver. Mrs Mr and Mrs. George Cartwright morning for their home. farm Thursday evening. In miniature. Mr and Mrs. A. P Chesney have Mrs. Roy Hlral and children, and Howard Funger, Mrs Edward Top- and Mr and Mrs. Bob Brown spent A group of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Oene Pratt and children at­ llff. Mrs. Fern Runcorn and Mrs. the week-end camping near Elkhorn D. L. Durrlngton, who recently mov­ received word from their son. Pfc. springs. R. A. Jameson. Donald Chesney, that he Is now ed to their farm near Middleton, tended the Catholic church picnic Ahrin and Shirley Cleaver have Mrs. Edith Simmons of Denver, gave them a housewarming Satur­ stationed at a camp in Japan. in the Nyssa park Sunday. Colorado came back with Mrs. Ruth day evening. Present were Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Merle Kurtz and been ill the past week. Mrs. Charlie Davis and daughter Hahl and Billy Saturday evening I Mrs Henry Orcutt. Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz visited SALE CALENDAR in Caldwell and Nampa Friday of Burns have been visiting at the for a two-weeks visit with her other Dale Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gras- mick, Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek, evening at the homes of former home of her sister. Mrs. Eugene daughter, Mrs. Jess Norris. Rudy Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. PUBLIC FARM SALE—Thursday. Cleaver and family. school friends Oeorge Orasmick of Caldwell, Mr. August 2, 61* miles southwest of Mr and Mrs Harold Kurtz and Rev. Cleaver received word from ( J a n n i n t r O f R t 'a ilS and Mrs Frank Preston o i San Lar­ Ontario, IH miles west of Cairo Caroline left for their home In Port­ Missouri of the death of his sister land Prlday. Is Demonstrated enzo, California, Mr and Mrs. Ben Junction. 10 miles east of Vale. Sale there. Ramer of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. starts 1:30 p. m. Cattle, poultry, Mr. and Mrs Dudley Kurtz and Mr and Mrs. Howard Day called Elaine took Mr and Mrs. Merle at the Claude Day home near NU-ACRES, July 26—Miss Betty Wayne Durrington of Nampa. household goods. Free lemonade. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell attend­ Terms Cash. W. W. McCraw and Kurtz and children to their home Adrian Sunday afternoon. Kersey, who was in the hospital at ed the Farm Bureau picnic at the in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Brock, owners. Cols. Bert The Out-Our-Way club held its Caldwell for 10 days returned to her Klwanis park in Payette Sunday. Anderson and Joe Church, auct­ Dudley Kurtz will spend a few days regular meeting at the Oeorge home Saturday, much improved. In Portland before returning. Cleaver home August 9. The Farmerettes club met at the The Do-More 4-H club members ioneers. L. H. Fritts, clerk. Mr and Mrs Floyd Muir and hall Wednesday alternoon. Alter daughter of Salinas, California were the business meeting. Miss Abbott, guests In the home of his nephew. First Wheat I» county home demonstration agent Dick Kriegh and family Sunday Shipped At Adrian Jave a demonstration on the can- Mr and Mrs Harold Chambers * * ning of beans. Mrs. Reis of Klam- FROM NYSSA and children of Seattle were guests ADRIAN, July 28—Mr and Mrs. Ev­ ath Falls, Oregon and Mrs. Frank in the Stanley Hill home last week. EASTBOUND Preston of San Larenzo, California 3:48 AM 9:25 AM §6:13 PM Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Hill are erett Landeau of Waterloo, Iowa were guests as were several of the 8:20 PM 11:10 AM spent 8undaiy in the Gilbert home. sisters. Do-More 4-H girls. Mrs. Lynn 'Mr. Landeau is Mrs Gilbert’s fath­ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth of W ESTBOU ND Metts joined the club. Refreshments 9:00 PM Roseburg, Oregon visited In the er. 5:55 AM 12:40 PM *6:35 PM were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Earl Winn shipped his first car Stanley Hill home recently. They A. P. Chesney, Mrs. Mason and Mrs. load of wheat Monday. (12:40 PM schedule to Weiser connects with Portland bus at are lormer Newell Heights residents. Mr. and Mrs. Fancis Deffer and Metts. Ontario) § Boise local 'Weiser local—Daily except Sundays Mr and Mrs. M o. Judd returned Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and daughter and Mr * and Mrs. Rich itDaily except Sundays and National Holidays Sunday evening from Payette lakes, family and Mrs. Lanfear of Cald­ where they had been vacationing Holly and family spent from Wed­ well left Saturday morning for a Portland-Salt Lake service underscored nesday until Sunday vacationing at since Prlday. LUNCH ROOM PHONE 331 few days vacation in the Portland Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Over- Bergdorf. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hite and fam- area. street and Bobby of Boise were Mr. and Mrs. of Owyhee and Mr. and Mrs. _ . M. C. Seuell .. and . . Mr. .. guests in the M. L. Judd home Sun- lly Donnie De Haven were Sunday din- | and Mrs- Bob Si13'?' attended the I day. Mr and Mrs. Overstreet re­ ner guests In the Oeorge De Haven Nampa rodeo Saturday evening. turned to Boise, leaving Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seuell and home. his friend. Kenneth Hlner of Boise Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and sons Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montague at­ to visit In the Judd home until Wed­ spent Sunday fishing on Bear creek tended the Nampa rodeo Wednesday nesday. evening. in the Council area. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Judd of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and Margaret Bates and Lois McGee Emmett picnicked on the M. L. Judd Nyssa spent the past week visit­ lawn Saturday evening Mr. and of ing In the Tommy Bates home. Mrs Gordon Judd of Parma were Mrs. Threlma Elliott returned Fri­ guests of Mr and Mrs. M L. Judd day from the Ontario hospital, at a garden supper Thursday even­ where she had been under obser­ ing. vation. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Payne and Mrs. Doris Bonde and Mrs. Bob family of Bakersifield, California McCarty and children of Emmett were guests In the Vern Butler home spent Monday in the A C Hender­ last week. Dr Payne has Just com­ son home. pleted two years In surgery In Bak- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bassett are able location in which to set up a the parents of a daughter born July ensfield and Is looking for a suit- 22. She has been named Kathleen I practice He and his family are Lee. vacationing at present at Payette Phone 128-R evenings Mrs. Earl Winn and family spent lakes as guests of his mother, Mrs. Thursday In Parma visiting her j Margaret Payne. mother, Mrs. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Worden and ______________________■ Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mildred of children returned from a fishing trip to Bend Monday. Wayne and Kenneth Rathburn of Moses Lake are visiting their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Worden this week. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Glenn and Billy and Mr. and Mr» Dale Olenn, Charley Olenn, Lana Rice and Jim­ my Cottenglm swam and picnicked In the Nampa park Wednesday af­ ternoon and attended the Snake River Stampede In the evening. Mrs Vern Butler and Pauline vis­ ited at Payetfte lakes for three days last week. Phone 264-W STOP SHIMMY! Custom Hay Baling M owing & Raking Cultivating Jack Ziliercob DEAD A N IM A L S Phone Collect Free Pickup Ontario BALANCED WHEELS GIVE MORE TIRE MILES! You can drive a safer car . . . increaae your Hre mileage 50 lo 100 per c e n t. . . with BEAR Balanced wheels. You'll be amazed at the dliference It makea In smooth, vlbratlonleaa driving, easy steering. Makea driving aater. saves you money every mile In lesa lire wear. BEAR THE BANNER OF SAFETY BEAR DY NAM IC W HEEL B A LA N C ­ ING SERVICE Phone 48 Towne's Garage 218 Main Nyssa, Ore. BEST BUYS IN USED CARS Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Parma Chicken Fry Held On dica ver Lawn BUENA VISTA, July 26- Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram and Sally were Sunday dinner guests at the Chet Sage home. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., attended an Ice cream social at the Leslie Robbins home Wednesday evening. Oarnet Belle Ritchie left for Pil­ grim cove at McCall Saturday to at­ tend the Olrl Scout camp. Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram, Mr and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver and Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams attended the Nampa Stampede last week. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver en­ tertained ak a chicken fry on Eugene Cleaver's lawn Saturday evening. Those present beside the Eugene and Delbert Cleaver families were Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger. Mr. and Mrs Jim Ritchie, Mr and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver. Mr and Mrs. Ray Orlffltts. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleav­ er. Mr and Mrs. Jim Savage and Mr. and Mrs Loyd Cleaver Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver at­ tended the Vale-Nampa game at Vale Wednesday evening. Mrs Alva Ooodell entertained at Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Ny*sa. Oregon Here Are Some Real Bargains In Cheap Transportation 1939 Plymouth Fordor _____ $ 85.00 1939 Ford Tudor $ 115.00 HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. FOR BETTER BU YS IN USED CARS PHONE 77 NYSSA, OREGON It's the American Way to Own Your Own Home • A bote is shown one 0 } the homes especially designed for farms, plans for which are to be found in the large Library o f Homes at er f r y Boise Payette yard. Golan C. Calvert 407 Main St. Nyssa, O regon FARMERS INSURANCE E X C H AN G E TRUCK INSURANCE E X C H AN G E 1948 FORD TUDOR 1946 FORD CLUB COUPE 1950 FORD TUDOR 1946 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP ALL ARE A-l GUARANTEED CARS M ain Plant 100 Nyssa CAN YOU COMPLY WITH THE LAW ? DON'T LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE Get Your Free Copy Of A Brief Analysis Of Oregon's New Driver's Responsibility Law Q Nyssa, O regon Oregon'* Larg— t W rilar oi Automobil# and Truck Inaurane« C. F. MINK, Manager Phone 15 JVbwhere else in the world— and at no other time in history— has in dividu al home-ownership reached the peak it has in America. Such determina­ tion to have a home of one’s own is one of the reasons America has become great. Despite what may seem to be unfavorable conditions it IS possible to build a home today . . . IF Y O U PLAN CAREFULLY. T hat’s where Boise Payette can help . . . with plans, advice and aid in financing. If you would like to build, but are not sure of your ability to do so, why not come and talk it over with us?