Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1952)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 24. 1952 is an aunt of V M .n Herscltbcrger ii-e»g Mr Bandy The \ isitors wrre overnight Samel Mr* Valley Speaks ir Pumerov Phone t'.’-J i At Chalk Butte Orange> Friday meeting at Sunset Hall the lecturer', program was timely, as this is Farm Safety Week nationally, and safety precautions indoors and out. from both the serious and humorous side were outlined. After a discussion up on the rehabilitation program from Korea, the group voted $15 be sent to the state grange for the p u r chase of a registered m ilk-goat to be sent to Korea. A varied and lengthy discussion also centered on weed control. Ira Price won first in a guessing game. Mr. and Mrs. Dick W yatt were guests of Mr and Mrs O. H Sohweizer for Sunday dinner. Mr and Mrs. William Foster and two children of Mt. Vernon, Oregon, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kaneaster. Mrs. Foster is a daughter of Mr K aneaster Miss Mabel Moore, of Tennessee, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy W atkins of Homedale, Idaho, w ee Monday eve ning visitors at the Ora Newge l home. As this was Moore's fir t trip, she was amazed at this vast productive area, especially after travelling through Wyoming. WT. L. K arrer of Keniwick, W ash ington. flew to Boise, and was a visitor at the Ira Price home Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Roy flerschberger Mr. and Mr- Henry Sandy of Good- land, Kansas, visited Sunday eve ning a t the William Gregg home. M - G - M ’ s «Iran ia ot a w irlted em p ire a n d tin* love s to r y b e t w e e n a p agan so ldier and a C h ristian slave ¿ irl ! coto* BY TECHNICOLOR STARHINC R o bert T ay lo r • D ebo r ah K err LEO GENN a n d PETER USTINOV Screen Pl.y ty John Lee Mah in end S. N. Behrman, Sonya Levien a: the Lfcayi Dibble home in A >pie Valley, ar.d plan to re main for a short visit. Mr Wayne Robb and her baby daughter, Gwendolyn, arrived home Wednesday from the hospital Mrs. Robb's mother, Mrs. Mae Lytle of Roswell. Idaho, is staying with her daughter. Mr and Mrs Don Strickland now have completed all the wiring in their new home and have the first exterior coat of paint applied. Combining starts this week, and second cutting of haying will gather force L uie Armstrong of Nunn, Colo rado. arrived Saturday evening for a visit of several weeks at the home of his brother, Frank Perko Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimnuck a r rived home Saturday evening from a four-day trip to Blue Lake, Ida ho, with their horses and packs. Miss Alice Brown of Grandview, W ashington, was an overnight guest visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ed Price Tuesday. Evening visitors at the Lee B ar rett home in Boise were Mr. and Mr> Harold Snyder and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bid Price. H E. Fisher, who has been visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Armstrong, left Wednesday for a m onth's visit in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friar, former residents of Nyssa, 30 years ago, were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Schweizer Wednesday evening, and attended their first jalopy race. The Friars were enroute to their home at Eu gene, Oregon, after having taken their daughter-in-law to Denver. Friar is employed with the railroad, formerly lived on the Pollen or Fehlman farm . Mr and Mrs. Don Share left Thursday for The Dalles, Oregon, for a few days visit. Mrs. Blanche Hite was a dinner guest at the John Reffett home Thursday, and visited with h ir ssQB&iiwE i iiWMlWlWllim MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS E s tim a te s G la d ly G iven HEATING Phone 134L2 GEORGE J. KINZER Parma, Idaho Boatti o n th e N ov el hy Henryl* Sienloewicz D ire c te d ly MERVYN LeROY * P ro d u c e d A n M - G - M P ic t u r e by SAM Z IM B A U ST TO SHOW HERE MONDAY and TUESDAY AUGUST 3 - 4 DR. C.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. C aldw ell, Idaho NYSSA THE AT R E Telephone 108 grandchildren Shorty and Larry Hite of Haines, who spent thf v, with t.’veir m aternal gra: rhe r< look * * Diana Reffett to Caldwell t< : Mrs. I I » (inodrll swim and picnic one day Saturday Phone Osi-* K 1 Mr and Mrs. Loren Hite arrived and spent the night Saturday re turning to their home Sunday with M: Lloyd Cleaver entertained their sons, and also laden with ap the O ut-Our-W ay club at her home ricots. Thursday afternoon Nine members Misses Fern and Bernadine Price were present. A gift was purchased and Mrs. Ira Price were among the for Mrs. Callahan, who is ill. Re- guests a t a pink and blue shower fre-hm ents of ice cream, cake and Saturday afternoon at the Lambert a drink were served. The next m eet Dierking home. The occasion hon ing will be at the home of Mrs. ored Mrs. K enneth Price and h ;- Willis Bertram August 14. esses were Mrs. Arlene Sparks and Mr and Mrs Alva Ooodell spent Mrs. Shirley Baghul of Caldwell. Sunday evening at the O E. Cheldel- Mrs. Lewis Mitchell has been on in home. crutches the past week, dae to a Mr and Mrs Eugene Cleaver were broken toe received in a ball game Sunday evening guests of Mr and Monday evening at the CCC Camp Mrs Delbert Cleaver. Mrs. Mitchell, catcher for the Far Several from this com m unity a t merettes, was catching a low close tended Nampa rodeo, including ball, when the runner, coming in Mr and the Mrs. Willis Bertram and collided. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Mrs. Jam es Chadd was hostess at Mr. and Mrs Jam Adams. es Stephen. J r, a party Tuesday afternoon at her received word that their James, home. Present were Mr- Conley who is in the Air Corps and son stationed Lockett of Willow Creek. Mr Clyde in California, is in the hospital Didericksen of Caldwell. Mrs. Gene with a fractured ankle. Cleaver, Mrs. Clifford Wolfe, Mrs. Homer Didericksen. and Mary Mr and Mrs. Clair W horton of James. Light refreshm ents were Boise were overnight guests at the Loyd Adams home Saturday. served. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Chadd and Mr. and Mrs. E L Jam ison spent family and Mr. and Mrs, Gene Sunday afternoon at the Willis B ert Cleaver and family drove to Iron ram home. side last Sunday for a day of fish Mr. and Mrs. John M cCallister are ing. to the Cleaver place which Linda Chadd and Carolyn Dider moving recently purchased. icksen returned to Caldwell Tues they Guy Tanner took her mother day evening with Mrs. Clyde Dider to Mrs. home in Em m ett F*rlday af icksen. Carolyn had been visiting at ter her the past two weeks at the Chadd home for a week. Linda the visiting Tanner home. planned on staying with her grand mother until the following Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Jahnson of Miss Naomi K aneaster was host Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. ess At a party Monday celebrating Richard Maw visited a t the Joe Cal her fourteenth birthday. Kay Mam lahan home Sunday. mon, K atherine Field, and Connie G ertrude Sheffield of Willow Montgomery were guests. The group Creek and Mrs. Harold Wilson of enjoyed horseback riding, and then Nyssa visited Thursday evening at the Lester Cleaver home. home-m ade ice cream and cake. Dennis Lee who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Olson returned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil to their home at G resham Tuesday bur Chapin the past month, left after spending the past several days the first of this week for his home at at the home of his niece, Mrs. Glen Hoffman and family. Forest Grove, Oregon. Mrs. S. E. Flanagan and four Mr. and Mrs Lester Cleaver were children arrived home Thursday dinner guests a t the Howard Day from a two week’s vacation trip in i home Sunday. W ashington. After visiting in Y a Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. kima, they continued on to Seattle, and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mr. visiting Mrs. Flanagan’s brother, and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver attended the Virgil Sheppard who is taking a jalopy races at M eridian Thursday pharm aceutical course. The children evening. especially enjoyed their visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and Billy of Vale and Mr. and Mrs. La Woodland park and playland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dudley of Bur Vern Cleaver were Sunday evening ley, Idaho, arrived Thursday m orn dinner guests a t the Lloyd Cleaver ing for a visit at the home of Mrs. home. Dudley’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. W al Mrs. Perle Lundy and Mrs. Harry ter Hillis. Friday evening the Hillis’, G ardner were in Boise Monday. the Duleys and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1st Lt. and Mrs. Ralph Maze of Michell, attended the Nampa rodeo. Evansville, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, the men, and Melvin Pen- Ernest Maze spent W ednesdaye eve darvis went fishing up to the Owy ning at th e S. B. H offm an home. hee Dam, while Mesdames Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Guy T anner spent Pendarvis, and Hillis, were guests Tuesday night and W ednesday at at the home of Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Council. The Dudleys planned on returning Betty Zahm of New Plymouth to Burley the first of the week. pent the weekend at the Joe Calla han home. Mr. and Mrs. I). V. Ashcraft a t Guy Tanner and M artin and Ros- tended the Kingman Kolony com | coe spent Friday in High Valley, m unity picnic at Hurst, Idaho, Sun i Idaho. Mrs. M. J. Tanner and Mrs. Ann day. Mrs. Richard K rnnrll and children P ratt were Saturday dinner guests arrived at the B’elton Duncan home at the Guy T anner home. Monday morning. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Fern Runcan, Mr. other friends here before returning and Mrs. H. Finger and Dickie. Mr. to their home in Arizona. and Mrs. Perle Lundy, Mr. and Buena Vista is sii? Wi VS. . I Mr: O E Cheklehn, Mr and Mis A A Jameson and family. Mr and Mr Jumt“ Stephen, Jr and fam i ly Mr ana Mrs Alva Ooodell, Alva Ooodell, Jr., and Mr and Mr- George Knowles attend the C hatter Bi x club picnic at the Nyssa park Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Clair W horton of M . . \i. Adams spent Sunday afternoon at the Robert Adams home. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Church and children of Baker visited Sunday at the Scott H iatt home. LOCAL NEWS M r. an« h 'r* » red W sh irt »f K ansas City, M issouri and M r t nd M Charts« Bn ith K. M ontana were hou e gue : at the Charlie O rider home over the week end. M r. a n d Mr*. Ja c k D uus of P o r t land visited at the V W Duus home Sunday. Jack Duus Is a nephew of Mr Duus’. M r. a n d M rs Lee D ail visited a t the Dmle Lacky home in Meridian Sunday. Mrs Lacky is Lee Dail's sis ter. D EA D A N IM A L S Free Pickup Fast Service Parm a Nyssa Phone 98 Phone 100-R Idaho Oregon Rendering Co. N yssa. O regon How Oregon Milk Control holds retail prices / 'Ifh WW i • 1 ............ A- V NOW Y°u C° " 9ER,NGt BÜ1CK power steer NG on the SUPER tool 6-passenger Roa.!master Convertible. because, in the rare event of a hlov. out, Power Steering helps you keep control. There’s no sudden and violent jerk ever w hen this helping hand’s on the job. A d d to this the level-gaited serenity of Buick’s Million Dollar Ride—the “rarin’ to go” exuberance of its Fireball 8 and thrilling sense of command you Engine—the spread-out room, the lux have always felt in a Buick, because urious fabrics—the way this great per Power Steering only goes into action former can turn up its nose at gas w hen extra effort is needed to turn the stations—and there’s only one smart wheels. thing for you to do: You’re going to find that your front Drop in — or pick up your phone — and wheels track just as they always have— arrange to give this marvel a tryout. that they automatically sw ing hack on Even the price says, Better buy Buiek course, after you’ve made a turn, when now. accessories, trim and models are subject you ease your grip on the steering wheel. to Equipment, change without notice. *Standard on Roadmaster, You're also going to find that Power optional at extra cost on other Series. iNow available Steering takes over when your front on Super at well as Roadmaster—optional at extra cost. w heels hitloosc dirt or sand—road irreg ularities and cbuckholes-and sm«*oths Wh«« »low oto**** a t * down their jerk or tug on the wheel in Sira ii your hands. trai All this adds to the case and pleasure of " driving. But it adds to the safety, too, fir •HI build them It saves your strength- and it might save your life you imagine parking a car as easily as you steer it on a straight away? C an twirl the steering wheel with one hand—turn the front wheels until >ou get the last inch of advantage from Buick’s short “turning radius "-spot the car in a tight spot at the curb—or swing out when the car parked in front of you seems impossibly close. For this alone a lot of people—especially women—are saying that Buick s I ower Steering is the biggest advance since Dynaflow Drive.* B ut you’re going to find out something more at you pile up the miles. You’re going to feel the same confident You BUICK 52 ROBERTS-NYSSA, Inc. INO ft»« GOOD A V EM B • Ok* «n » HVKSA. O lEG O N Under the present Oregon Milk Control Law the minimum re tail price of the milk your child drinks is fixed by the Milk Ad ministration. It is unlawful to sell milk below that fixed price. The Milk Administrator pro hibits passing on to you any savings from efficiency in whole sale distribution. Lower cash- and-carry store prices are also forbidden. Thus many parents cannot afford all the milk their growing children need. Whmt Safiway Stands for Safeway believes that the pro ducer and consumer are harmed by milk regulations which fix prices of milk beyond the pro ducer level. For example, price fixing at the retail level tends to reduce competition, create monopolies, and discourage modern economies in process ing, packaging, and retailing milk. As a result the price to the consumer is often higher than necessary resulting in reduced purchases, smaller consumption and disastrous milk surpluses. When consumers pay cash for milk and carry it home from the store, they save the cost of home delivery and credit. Safe way believes the consumer is entitled to that saving. It is Safeway policy neither to use milk as a “ loss leader” nor to attempt to make an un warranted profit on its sale. Shop Safeway...for fine foods at everyday low prices Thft question* and answer* b e l o w show lom e other w ays in which Oregon Milk Control affect* YOU. Q . D o*'. M ilk C o n tro l h o ld p r l c t , u p ? A. YSS. I hat is the p u rp o s e fo r w h ich the law w as d e s ig n e d . It sets fioor p ric e s, n o t ceilin g p rices. Q . Do*« M ilk C o n tro l d la c o u ro g * c o m p o litiv . d is trib u tio n o f m ilk ? A . Yt*. N o o n e can e n te r th e milk business if the A d m in is tra to r says such new c o m p e t it io n m ig h t d is tu r b existing d is tri b u to r s . O . Do*« M ilk C o n tro l a llo w y o u a lo w e r pric* w h a n y o u c a rry m ilk h o m o y o u rto lf? A . NO. Y ou pay the h ig h e r costs o f door-Co-door delivery w h e th e r you use th is service o r n o t. Q . D o*« M ilk C o n tro l U ntil Ht* rlc tin .e e o t m ilk ? A. Y IS . T h e ric h n e s s (h uiterfat c o n te n t) o f m ilk sold in each p rice ra n g e ia lim ite d hy the ru lin g s o f the Milk A d m in istra to r . Q . D o*« Ik e O re g o n M ilk C o n tro l lo w r . g g l a i . S a n ita ry c o n d itio n s ? A. NO. It has absolutely n o th i n g lo d o with the san itatio n , health in sp ec ti o n , c le a n lin e s s, o r the purity o f milk. Q . P o o s M ilk C o n tro l llm il Me* s u p p ly *< ftr a d * A m ilk ? A . YSS. T o soil G r a d e A milk for your use a farm er must 6 r s t get p e rm is s io n irons the Adnainistra«or. If he gets p erm iss io n (a n d many d o n o t ) , he is givon a q u o ta . If ho m o re he must often sell the s u r p l u s at a kowur p ris e fo r chouse o r o th e r factory usei. good sue th is Irrc b o o k le t. Y ou en d y o u r l.m ily a rc sn x lly to o i e r n c d by a n y th in g th at .f ir s ts ib e m ilk supply o l yo u r t t o n o n t t y . I te r n how O r r c o n M ilk C o n tro l a f r i t s V lM J. W rite to Sals war S to res, 11 AS» Y t . T h ir d , I’orU aosi 1«, O r« . S AF E WAY V« you always got Moro for year money