< d THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OBEGON. THTTWSDAY JU L Y 21, >852 T A G E FOtTK LOCAL NEWS teraogi'» -r«ter Mr ; party for 26 guests at the home of ms pare;.: Mr and Mrs Lloyd W il­ son. The little guests enjoyed paper hats and favors and an afternoon of game-. The birthday cake was deco­ rated w.th the circus theme The honor guest received many nice g.fts in hondr of the occasion. Uncial loti's The couple will live in Portland «»here Mr. Rigney is stationed and Mrs. Rigney will finish her nursing course. Spokane and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler. T • a:.d a a- far as Meach ur. Oreg :. and M fucker om from there. ( olwrado giant' «Kiting at the Leonard Pr....:p h. me are Mr and Mr- F S G ." n ! Sebre: They are also visiting at the Lundy's. Harold Brrndte returned Sunday evening from a four-day bu«iness 'rip S j ra::.'-:.f Calif While there he visited w.th relatives Visitors from Jerome. Idaho were guests at the Cecil Richards home They were Mr and Mrs Ralph Law and children Mr and Mrs. Hudson Robb and Mr and Mr- L E Newgen attend­ ed the Nampa rodeo Saturday evening Guests at the A. C. Sallee home over the week-end were Mr and M r« A O Sheldon from Salt Lake and Mr and Mrs C E Sheldon and children from Seattle Also visiting at the Sallee home were Mr and Mr- George Joplin I I I of Summerset. Missouri, and home for the week-end was their daughter. Mardi who is working in BoLse Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan and daughter. Sallee spent the week­ end at McCall Mrs. Anna P. Johnson was sur­ prised this week-end when her stepson and family. Mr and Mrs. Harold Reynolds of Springfield. Oregon arrived for a short visit. Janice Rosseen, niece of Dr. K. E. Kerby. flew to her home in Springfield. Missouri Saturday. She has spent the last year at the K e r­ by home. Visitors at the Jed Lewis home over the week-end were Mrs. Orlie Nash and her daughter. Mr- Brent Lynch, and her niece. Mrs. Erent Nash of Spokane. Washington. Also visiting the Lewis home was Larry Christensen and friends. Larry came to take his wife, Bonnie to B tfl.D IN G PERM ITS Thomas F Wiser, build E.i-i 4t!t Twin Falls to live •„reel, lots 1 and 2, block 14«, Ward- Visiting »1 the Tom Weeks home over the week-end were their .son-in- addition. »5000. residence 26x31 of law ai-.d daughter. Mr and cinder block. John Van Self and family of Moses Lake Washington They returned to their home Tuesday. Miss Mar. ells T a »l«r left Hed- mt nesday to return to her home at Fresno. Calif after a three-day vLsit at the Bud Wilson home M l - s T a y­ lor had previously visited at the home o f her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Melton at Mc­ Call who brought her to the Wilson home Sunday and remained for a brief visit. Donna Lee Wilson ac­ companied them back to McCall for several days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and son, Vance left last Thursday on a ten-day trip to California where they are visiting Mr. Smith's mother. Mrs. June Smith at San Diego and with her brother, Vance Smith at Ontario, Calif. Y in and ytar oat you’ll do well with the HARTFORD Benjamin Franklin recommended the turkey as the official U S. em­ blem. HARTFORD INSURANCE WANTED Hay Baling BE RNARD EASTM AN Real Estate Insurance Phone 64 Wire Tie All New Equipment • apre l e a f i a f Jack Zittercob HUTtMt N il msuwur.i COMMMT HMtlOW K O M M m d IHMMM1T CMWMff Phone 277-NW Furniture You Can Afford to Own Sunday Dinner Ouests for dinner Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs W yatt Smith were Mr and Mrs Art Ha wkins and children of Prairie City. Mr and Mrs M L Judd and Mrs. Bud Mr- Don Strickland and children Wilson were quests of the Vale G a r­ and Mr and Mrs. Art Hawkins, Sr. den Club for their luncheon meeting Monday at the home of Mrs Thomas Mcffii . Si o f Vale Mr- Judd Seventh Birthday Event Susan Roth was honored guest at gave a report on the state Garden Club meeting she recently attended a party Tuesday afternoon at the at Portland and Mrs Wilson spoke home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. on the activities for the coming Walter Roth, in celebration of her seventh birthday. Fourteen guests year. were in attendance + -+ Decorations and refreshments cen­ Family Reunion tered around the circus theme Susan Enjoying a fam ily reunion and was recipient of many nice gifts. picnic dinner Friday evening at the •I*— <• Ny a City park were Mr and Mrs. Paul Wilson Celebrates Hugh Tobler and family Mr and Mrs Evan Tobler and boys. Mr and Fifth Birthday Paul Wilson celebrated his fifth Mrs B F Cunningham of Indiana. Mr and Mrs. Rowland Tobler of birthday Sunday afternoon with a We do not sacrifice quality for Price Guests of Vale Garden Club Meeting NYSSA FEED MILL At 318 South Firat Street CHROME SETS - TABLE & 4 CHAIRS PILLSBURY’S BEST FEED 49 WE ARE BUYERS AND SELLERS OF FEED SEED AND EQUIPPED WITH A STEAM GRAIN ROLLER MILL 95 120 From 39 With large Mr. and Mrs. dresser and bookcase headboard 50 95 129 BUNK BED-STANDARD TWIN SIZE USED DINING ROOM SET Can be used as twin beds or double deck— Complete with spring-filled mattress Table, large buffet, armchair and five diners- In good condition 99 From 50 2 0 * below regular prices from 49 .95 Floor Lamps 29 Values to 37.50 Spring-filled Mattresses Reg. ^ g . 5 0 Full size or twins 129 .50 100% Nylon Covers 50 from $ 1.50 SO. YD. .90 ft. .40 ft. Standard weights Box Spring to Match Sectional 100°o Davenos Nylon cover* 7 9 ^ INLAID LINOLEUM LINOLEUM—12-fi. widths LINOLEUM— 6-ft. widths Electric Ranges— Refrigerators Davenos OO 3 PIECE BEDROOM SETS Mohair frieze covers thoroughly trained and experienced in taking care of your needs. Nationally advertised PLATFORM ROCKERS has been purchased and is now under the management of D. H. King, who is FOAM RUBBER MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS We bought factory samples at Seattle furniture market at greatly reduced prices—We pass this savings to you. Distributor of GRAIN Arthur Willian Mr visited the form er* tr. ther Mr- Mauel Collin: at Fruitlaad Mr and Mrs. V L W L x » and fam.ly were week-end guest.« ol M: Wilson's brother and family. Mr and Mrs Vernon W d - :i arxl son a: Bader Mrs Rase Bilbao of Jordan Val­ ley plans to come thi« seek-end for a visit at the home of her daugh­ ter. Mrs Robert White and family Week-end guests al the home of Mr and Mrs. T S Wert were their son and family Mr and Mrs John Weeks and children of McDermitt. Th eir daughter and family. Mr and Mrs John Van Zelf and children of Moses Lake were Monday and Tues­ day visitors at the Weeks' home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson left Wednesday evening for a week's stay at Joseph. Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Art Hawkins. Bobby and Judy of Prairie City spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. W yatt Smith. Mr- Walter Fox accompanied them as far as Seneca Sunday evening where she is visit­ ing her daughter and family. The Ken Pond family spent the week-end at a reservoir near Mc­ Call Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kensirom were visiting in Nampa Sunday afternoon at the John Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear re­ turned Sunday from a visit with relatives at Priest River. Idaho and friends at Sandpoint.'Idaho. Mrs. Ida M. Kern of Riverside, California is visiting at the Burton Haney home Mrs Kern is Burton Haney’s mother. Visitors at the Dean Smith home Sunday were Mrs Caroll Tucker and family of Warden. Wu.-hington Mr. and Mrs Smith took the Tuckers « \itor at the Heward w < J i. t a van. a ■ r.t of Coach Lovejoy's. r.a> been at Corvallis v:.ded Oregon State col- :: ge he signed up with :: • F. • r-o.ii: tm Mr and Mr« F I. Moasburg were vi-:tor- a' - e Jo-eph Maughn home Sunday ar.d a Tuesday guest wa« Wayne Fannon of Boise. 6Mr. and Mr« Oreal Male and Gail and Mr Maze's brother. Ralph and his w.ie were dinner guests at the E K Burton home Sunday Mr and Mrs W F. Finding spent the week d v iting their daughter and fa: ..!'• Mr and Mrs. Walter Opend- rf of Cove Oregon W S. Lowe of Chirar* arrived Sunda> : pend the en.-ping three months at the home of his daugh­ ter. Mr Au«tin J Holhngsworth. Helm Irickson spent a weekend recently at Idaho Falls, combining a busine trip with a visit with his mother. Mrs Anna Schwieder, and his step-father, who is a partner with him .:. the Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weeks of Brownell Kun«as were callers Tues­ day at the h« me of Mr Weeks' uncle. T. S Week« ancLIamily. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson and family ol Rigby. Idaho were week­ end .it at the home of Mr Pe- Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney, who were married June 9 at the Mallorv Ave. Christian church in Portland. Mrs. Rigney is formerly Jane Parr, fa Both for 50 49 Reg. 2 Q . 5 0 Wool Rugs 59 50 9x12 size Wool-faced Rugs 19 .75 9x12 special at Carpet- all wool—any size— direct from mills at special prices I Mixing Your Dairy, Beef and Hog Feeds and Corn Cracking and Grain Grinding Are Our Specialties A SK ABOUT P IL L S B U R Y S BEST PIG FEAST WITH MYCINS IT B U IL D S SOLID S A L E S FOR YOU ITS SOMETHING NEW YET TRIED AND TESTED You can alw ays do better with us - W e buy direct from leading manufacturers and haul much of our merchandise direct from the factory in our truck - We own our building, stock and equipment - and w e do our own work - The saving is yours TRY US JUST ONCE - LOW TERMS - FREE DELIVERY Ed Case Furniture Company U. S. 20 No. of Y Ny « ta ® 1 — . . •• * o