PAGE THREE THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY JULY 21 1952 The Week's Nu Acres News Kjrtnerrftes ( lub took her back Sunday SI i i d her mother. Mrs. Clara tend a short summer cour-e at :). arho raturnad to tptnd a few seek., visiting at Nyssa l N ■ Rev Henry Moore took his Sun­ Out of i»v«n guests at the Mark day school clas» of boys to Owyluc Moncur home for the past week have Dam fishing Monday been Mr Moncur's sister, Mrs. Sel- Paul Parker celebrated hts ninth birthday Sunday at his home with a birthday dinner. \i: i kiona Bak rived Friday to visit her son. Bill Looney and family. o> Mr and Mr- Wesley John r. and evening to which the candidates daughter. Elaine, of Grand I-land. for the coming election in Payette Nebr., made a surprise visit at the county were invited A pot luck Oinar Beits home Monday evening. supper was enjoyed after which the Mrs. Johnson is a cousin of Mrs. evening wa» spent in getting ac­ Betts. quainted and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neely and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins Gloria of Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. and son of New Plymouth and Miss Messersmith and son and daughters Betty Bissel of John Day, Oregon, of Weiser visited at the Edward and a nephew of Charles Pritzl vis­ Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Nielsen home Tuesday evening. ited at the Fry home Sunday. Phone 0itt>-K3 Mrs. Warren Elwood and children Mr. and Mrs. George Smit drove have moved temporarily to Unity. to Goodrich. Idaho, Monday to visit Oregon, where Mr. Elwood is en­ at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Friday evening. July 25. a sound, McKim returned home but Mr Mc- gaged in the lumber business. Glen Gallant and family. I col t film "Story of a Vision” will Kim and Lynn will spend a few Elder and Mrs. Don Allen of be presented at the Owyhee Com­ weeks visiting here. Jim Me D Roe and Susan Me D Brenda Walters spent Sunday in Roe visited recently with relatives Parma, visited Monday afternoon at munity chuch by Kermit and Kath­ erine Beougher. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian with Nancy Hill at Ironside, Oregon. the Harry Wood home. Mrs Hubert Sharp of Bakersfield, Mrs. P. C. Fry was in Nampa Bob and Barbara Thomson visited Bv.Higher are missionaries who are Wednesday evening where she at­ for several days last week with relu- going to Quito. Kquador where they Calif., and her brother, Halmut will be connected with radio station Hintz who has been visiting her for tended the Snake River Stampede. t.ves in Caldwell. HCJB which broadcasts the gospel the past month called in the T H The Farmerettes club met at the Mr. and Mrs. Erban Cline and in that country. Brewer home Saturday while en hall Wednesday afternoon. An in­ family of Los Angeles, Calif., visited Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Youngman route to Ritzville. Wash , to visit teresting demonstration on t h e Tuesday and Wednesday at the freezing of fruits and vegetables was Omar Betts home. Mr. Cline is a and daughters left for their home their parents. in Utleyville. Colorado, Thursday af­ Mr. and Mrs Jay Duncan and given by Mrs. Anderson of Ontario. brother of Mrs. Betts. ter visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. daughters, Anne and Mary of Pay­ Mrs. George Hagler was honored Charley Culbertson, Mr. and Mrs. ette, called in the Kennet McDon­ with a pink and blue shower at the Earl Kygar and Mr. and Mrs. Merle ald home Sunday. close of the meeting, after which de­ McClure for the past week licious refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. S. T Calhoun of Mrs. Kenneth McDonald took her Payette were Friday supper guests Mrs. A. P. Chesney. Mrs. Lynn Mets ■niter, Mrs. Bob Toyne of Seattle to and Mrs. Charles Daudt. of Mr. and Mr* Silas Bigelow. Mrs. Pauline McGinnis Homedale Monday evening where Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nelson of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston re­ they were met by their father, Ray Clearfield, Utah, called at the Grant turned to their home in Twin Falls Mrs. Bill Looney and sons spent Fletcher who took Mrs. Toyne to Patterson home Sunday morning on Wednesday, after spending ten days with their daughter and family, Mr. Sunday In Emmett with her father, Murphy to his home where she will their way home after being in Fort Lewis, Wash., while Mr Nelson had and Mrs. Harry Wood and Horace. A. C. Henderson. He is able to leave ^pend a few days. Mrs. Bessie Gardner of La Grande been attending camp. Mrs. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. George Smit at­ the hospital now. Mrs. Margerite Scott and Donald was an over-night guest at the Har- Is Mrs. Patterson’s niece. tended a pinochle party Tuesday at Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. David­ spent Wednesday afternoon in Cald­ , lan Koger home last Monday. well on business and visiting friends. son of Parma. Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mrs. Bob sons of Boise spent the weekend at Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and Mrs. Mar­ Morfitt spent from Thursday until the home of her parents Mr. and Word has been received that F. C. Fry, who is ill in Michigan, is some­ gerite Scott were Monday luncheon Monday in McCall with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar Mr and Mrs. E. Crocker made a guests of Mrs. Geoff Williams. what improved. Mrs. William Peutz who have a trip to Baker Thursday. Ed Wymer of Parma, Mr. and 'timmer home there. La Verne Conner and family of Portland are visiting for two weeks I Mrs. Dwain Hatch and family of Mrs. Dennis Hon of Ontario and at the homes of Jay Conner, Henry Star and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ha’ t her sister Miss Edith Carver of and family of Owyhee were Sunday Lincoln, Nebraska, and Mr. and Mrs. Conner and Calvin Conner. Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman guests at tfrie Howard Hatch home. Clarence Sullen of Fruitland were Mrs. Ethel Mary Beckman anil of Adrian were Sunday dinner guests | Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Homedale Sunday guests in the S. D. Bigelow children left Sunday for a trip to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George helped her father. Bill Ashcraft, in home. During the afternoon Mr. and California. the store last week while her mother Mis James Stephen. Sr., called and Smit. Visitors at the W. E. Church home Mrs. Fry and children drove to was in eastern Idaho to attend the visited with the group. over the weekend were Jack Herman Lost Lake Tuesday. They went to funeral of her brother, Bob Stacey. Thursday evening Kenneth Mc­ and Mr. Anderson of Middleton, I l­ Vernon Parker and Earl Saari took Donald took a load of boys to Boise linois. Jack was in the service with Indian Valley and Mrs. Eli Ratcliff and Martha Sue accompanied them their Knot Hole baseball teams to when Earl Saari and Vernon Par­ Mr. Church. Boise Thursday night to see the ker took their Knot-hole baseball on the trip. Elmer A. Cruson and Earl Purvis Lee Mattox and family of Medford, Boise Yankees play. teams to the ball game at Joe De- flew to Salt Lake Sunday morning Ted Holly returned home Friday vine stadium. Thirty-one youngsters and returned Sunday evening. Oregon, called at the Merle Thom­ son home Tuesday evening of last from a six week’s tour with the bio­ attended the game. Visitors at the John Dority home logy class of the College of Idaho. week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maw took are Julius Neilson and daughters of Mrs. Fry and children enjoyed a They toured several states. their daughter, Linda, to the Shrine | Scotts Bluff. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright hospital in Portland for an examina-1 Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen spent last drive to Owyhee Dam Sunday. Phyllis Evans and Jackie Orcutt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gal­ tion Wednesday. week visiting friends in Boise attended MYF church camp at loway of Ontario to Long Valley Mr. and Mrs. Marty McKim and Mrs. Clyde Snider returned Mon­ Wallowa Lake in Oregon last week. fishing Sunday. daughter of Moses Lake arrived day from a three weeks’ trip to Den­ Marvin and Gene Mason of Ocon­ Sunday at the home of her parents ver and Estes Park. Mrs. Snider was The Nu Acres Orange held an open meeting at the hall Thursday to, Nebraska, arrived Friday to vis- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker. Mr. visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Weath- •o New Idea LOCAL NEWS v. f Burley ' i B NM lonald Pa kard M llan Charles Mr. and Mr, Kart Farr »pent San- Idaho M were in Meridian Sunday to attend family, Mr. and Mr the wedding of their niece. Roma Boise. -BAUMAN- Oti Squire in New Idea Team Up Your Tractor with a Owyhee Occurrences Adrian News S ren on and family 1 -. Minna and father. Mr. and Mr- N £ 2 £ 1 “ E A MOWER l/l CD for Speedier and Easier Cutting of Any Hayfield w W orks with all m odern tra cto r«.' Hitched or unhitched in a few min­ utes. Readily adjusted and serviced. Fully power operated; no levers to manipulate. Power shaft provided with safety ratchet. Overload rele* p r o te c ts c u tt e r bar. S w iv e l a rm makes square turns possible. Smooth, clean cu ttin g in heaviest g ro w th . Many other extra-value features. Let us tell you about them aoon , . today. w S PQ I a> ÉH l/l CD A lt e » » B ilo b i» In H y d ra u lic Lift M o d e l — g l v » i m o ro o i a c l