• THE NYSSA, C ATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THUWSPAY JULY 24 1§52 PAGE TWO rambling about have meant a large * THE (.ATE CITY JOURNAL D U M R •* iU T flS D uanr K . . . . . . . Editor mod PobUsher t i u r i a n d l i « * . L. W h o r to n . St B3( RIPTION RATES 1 year S3 'A) 6 Months *1 75 1 year outside Malheur Co and Parma. Ida. rural routes. S3 50 Single Copies .07 (Strictly in Advance) w * » A« ' ,e i'C took the :*■ : that ha taken new people to make t... . Lake mo?t of the ifiter- mountain we-t. this community is r. 1 :.ger a place where everybody k a V . : - 'L Friday even, ,g Christ Ambasia- Wednesday evening. dor 8 p m -• rv.re 8 p m. Y . ,g p- 11 a m rr rr.::’ .. * hip Serai n ::ie to all services FAITH LUTHERAN CHI FCH >y pa. tor A lire «: Oc ;*1 for a Everyone w Fifth Street * Park Avenue ireal Age ’ Re«. John L Briehl, Pastor T lir METH<*DI*T COMM! MTV M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T ( H I R i B (III R< II Sunday church school. 10 a m E id er ILavkrli D a n e P a ste r H li Mi« »liianev Minister D.-. w rship service, ll a. u. 8unday school. 10 a m. 9 45 a m . church school ■ Morning worship. 11 a m 11 a m rr. rnmg wor-hip. ship with us. Young peoples service*. 7 p ni. 7 p m.. Youth Fellowship. Evening worship. 8 p m . C ATHOLIC CHITICH Wednesday evening prayer service ST P AI L S EPISC OP AL CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street 1 o'clock Rev. C. T. Crenshaw. Rector Rev. Rrmhert Aides. O. F. M. W’e invite everyone to these old Evening service. 7 30 p. m. Ma.ss Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. ime landmark Baptist services. 10 a m ur ilL Postmaster Lloyd Lewis said this week that many Nyssa business firms and individuals are neglecting to Puni SHi n to place complete addresses on mail x ASSOCAHCN t>eing -ent out. We remembered two or three statmnts we had returned the first of the month because we T H E C H I R C I» O f I HR 1 failed to Include a street address or ADRIAN COMMl MTV CHt RCH NAZARENE Henrv E. .Moore. Pastor box number. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. Rev. (ilen Abla. Pastor Morning Worship 11 00 A M. We were shown the “ workings" Entered at the postoliice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Sunday school. 10 a m. of the postoffice where the local Sermon subject- What is Hope Morning wor-hip. 11 a. m. mail i- sorted for rural routes, city and Who Has It?” through the United State« Mails, as second class matter, under N Y P. S arid junior meeting. boxe- or one of two city carriers the act of March 3, 1879 ADRIAN I SITED 7 p. m. Th. postoffice now serves approxi­ PRESBYTERI AN ( III R( If Evangelistic servite. 7 45 p m. mately 6.000 people and the mail Henry E. Moore. Pastor must be handled by several clerics many "For Rents” in the classifieds Morning worship. 11 a m. and a few pessimists commented before it arrives at its destination Along The It is true that every effort is that the population wns shifting FOR YOUR PLUMBING L. D. S. 1st WARD from this area. Almost overnight, made to have the mail delivered, re­ (■ordon Kay. Bishop most of the houses and apartments gardless of the completeness of the NEEDS Primary Wednesday 10 a. m. were filled and this office Is being address, but in many cass the ad­ Sacrament Sunday 8 p. m. dressee is unknown to the person swamped with families looking for Bath Sets, Water Heaters | sorting the hundreds of letters some kind of housing. A ssE M hi .1 o r n o n mailed every day. and Pressure Systems The renewed business activity can Frank C. Coley. Pastor To have the complete address on Local residents In the habit of be attributed to the farms of this a letter is not necessarily a favor I South 2nd and Reece Ave. Call wearing rose-colored glasses can area which are now producing some to the postoffice personnel, it may , Sunday school 10 a m. boast. "I told you so” since the so- ; of the world's finest potatoes that mean speedier delivery of letters be- . Childrens service in basement au­ J. C. S M I T H called business lull of middle June are being shipped from Nyssa. Six ' ing sent out and afford more time ditorium at 11 a m. has ended and general business con­ produce firms are grading the tu- 1 to process all the incoming mail. Morning worship 11 a. m. 13 Years In Nyssa ditions start on a sudden up-grade. bors and shipping them to market Evening evangelistic service 8 pm . Phone 78-J It is Interesting to note the hous­ at the rate of dozens of carloads a Tuesday evening prayer and praise 8 p. in. ing situation whicsh a few