o THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 24. 1952 PAGE TWELVE INYSSA Spud Market Test Report To Start Getting A cq u a in ted Tobler's Chalk Up lBlh Win A test period of daily market re­ One o f the highl.ght' of the Vxai ports on early crop potatoes will b' iftball reason « . the game played run August 1 to 15 by the Malheur last Saturday night between Teller By D i l i YOST county e* tens Ion office, report' • 4 Stars at Turner Bond, of the extension staff M k s k t v i . a b s o n , expressing Feed and the w Daily reports of local prices and preference for country living . . . the rodeo grounds Both teams played error-le-s ball, potato movements in the Malheur- I.YN > 1 » ITS, looking for a softball Western Idaho early potato area will umpire ED BOYDELL, getting with Tobler’s coming out on top by a 3 to 2 score. Eatter.»- were. Tobler- be Issued by radio and in bulletin a big k: k out of a Joke. JOHN Barker and Tobler form to growers and shippers in- ¡ ELKER1NG, being introduced to i . . . _ . Welser, Bannock. T E L E P H O N E 10* terested in receiving them. PAUL PENROD in his fjrst at- . i,ol?V's0.n 3 Bond says the test period of mar- 1 tendance at Chamber of Commerce Tob e r^, 7 Wts’ * >lr‘ ... THURSDAY and FRIDAY ket reporting is a part of the potato luncheon meeting. M O N T Y runs; Weiser, 3 hits, 3 strike-outs JULY 24 and 25 improvement program being carried ERASE K, recalling former news- and 2 runs. Tobler’s Feed won by 11 to 2 from on in Malheur county Jointly by the Oregon Potato commission and the making preparation for play-by- I W R g E W rt In a game played here extension service. Purpose of the play ba t-ball broadcast . . . CALVIN Friday night. More than half of test period will be to give producers WILSO.N, wrapping package. . . , Tobler’s hits were made from neatly and shippers a chance to evaluate HUGH TOBLER, laying out softball laid-down bunts. Waggoner battery with the effects of market reporting as IILKMAN TOWNE, was Wilson and Dale Glenn; Tob­ J I 'I » Y H U L L ll> A Y — A 1.1)0 KAY a stabilizing factor in the early po­ looking for package of advertising ler’s, Holman and Tobler. Box score: M A D G E KENNEDY tato market. mat MRS. DUANE ALTERS, Tobler’s. 14 hits. 8 strike-outs and BHEILLA BO ND Included in the daily market re­ helping out at the Journal office. . . . 11 runs; Waggoner's, 5 hits, 3 strdee- port will be prices paid by shippers GEORGE BLUNUK, changing a outs and 2 runs. Judy was only the postman's A Thursday night game was in the area, prices on terminal mar­ tire J. E. BROWER, exchang­ holiday but she knew all kets, and amounts of potatoes mov­ ing information on horse clubs. , . . played here between Tobler's and about the male. ing to national outlets. Reports will MAXIK HULL, making inquiry Shurtleff-Brogan, in which the lo­ cals thoroughly trounced the visit­ be mailed dally, and will be covered about rodeo parade pictures. ing team by a 11 to 1 score. Battery SATURDAY also in a morning announcement by for Payette was Gillette and Chris­ rudio station KSRV in Ontario. JULY 26 NYSSA HOSPITAL WARD tian and for Tobler's, Barker and Potato growers wishing to receive Tobler. Box score: Payette, 3 hits. the daily written bulletin during the RATED "ONE OF BEST” 2 strike-outs and 1 run: Tobler’s, 9 (Continued from Page 1) two week period should request it with from the Malheur county agent, city Mrs. Brown described the Nyssa hits, 8 strike-outs and 11 runs. JOAN DAVIS hall, Ontario, Packers shipping po­ hospital's polio ward as “ one of the PEGGIE CASTLE tatoes will receive the bulletin. finest" and was emphatic in as­ Daily market reports on potatoes suring the public that all care and have been issued to growers and treatment can be carried out In ac­ shippers in producing areas at Yaki­ cordance with all National Found­ ma. Wn., Bakersfield. Cal., and Ida­ ation specifications. Malheur county livestock people ho Falls lor a number of years. Bond So far. equipment on hand has with who plan to show their animals at says the local market report test been sufficient to care for the pat­ REX ALLEN period is to help determine if a ients hospitalized here, but addi­ the 1952 Malheur county fair are re­ MARY ELLEN KAY daily market report service would be tional equipment is being installed minded that now is the time to ar­ of value to the early producing dis­ to take rare of any situation more range for testing cattle in order to SUNDAY and MONDAY fair health requirements, trict f the Snake river valley. serious than the epidemic that now meet JULY 27 and 28 exists A new autoclave, or ster­ Harry R. Sandquist, secretary of the BLOOD MOBILE HERE ilizing machine, which is expected board announced today. The following health regulations ON AUGUST 5 to be installed within a matter (Continued from Page 1) of days, will make It possible to have will be in effect; Bang's disease (infectious abor­ vice for young mothhers during the what Is known as “ perfect isolation” tion i. All un vaccinated animals over for all acute cases. day. with The hospital is equipped with two six months o f age, and all vaccinated The Blood Bank program started GENE KELLY aspirators and a third was ordered animals over 30 months of age shall in January, 1948, under the auspices LESLIE CARON have passed a negative test for of the Red Cross, now supplies more Tuesday night and will be paid for Bang's disease within sixty days of OSCAR LEVANT than 2,500 hospitals. When started, with funds from the Malheur date of exhibition August 27. In the GEORGE GUETABY it was estimated that civilian needs county chapter of the NFIP. A case of vaccinated animals between would be 3,728,000 pints. By 1951 it tank-type and n portable iron lung the ages of six months and thirty Broatlitakingly beautiful with the was found that the estimated col­ are part of the hospital's standard months, these animals must have magic of Paris In the Spring. lection of blood for civilian needs, equipment, and a tank type iron been vaccinated according to stan­ Matinee Sun. 1:34; Adm. 30<-9e use by the military forces in Korea lung arrived by Army plane from dard regulations by an accredited und for stockpiling purposes a- Portland Wednesday, after having veterinarian. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY mounted to two million pints, or been on order from the NFIP for Bang’s requirements do not apply JULY 29 and 30 only 16 hours. about half the civilian needs. to steers, spayed heifers and calves Pete Fleissner, a full-time mem­ Henigson wanted it made clear less than six months old. that, under the present system, no ber of the hospital staff, is the only Tuberculosis. All cattle, except one should be required to pay for registered physiotherapist In this calves less than six months of age, receiving blood if a transfusion is area. His work consists chipfly of must be accompanied by a health needed, as the facilities of the Blood re-habilitation of convalescent pat­ certificate showing them to have in SUPER CINECOLOR Bank are available for ull civilian ients in the phvsieal therapy ward passed a negative test for T B with­ ABBOTT J1 COSTELLO needs. which is completely equipped for in six months of date of exhibition. In some instances, he said, where such treatment. DOROTHY KORI) a charge may be made by a private In addition to resident physicians, RUDDY BAER hospital for blood used in treatment Dr. George E. Weick, a Boise ped­ Their first picture in color — of patients, the Blood Bank will iatrician, nnd Dr. James J. Cough-1 either replace the blood used for lin, a Boise orthopedic surgeon, aro Be happy. Go wacky one trip which charges are made or will re­ members of the Malheur Memorial to Giant Land with the World's Funeral services were held Wed­ imburse the patient for the cost of hospital consulting staff Oreatest Funsters. nesday, July 23 in the Parma Com­ the blood used. County Is Organized In urging Nyssans to sign pledge Gene Maleckl, head of the Ore­ munity church for Ben Nuhida, cards In advance of the drive on gon unit of the National Founda­ who died July 18 in Parma. Rev THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 5, Henigson explained that tion for Infantile Paralysis, met Nolle F. Yusaki und Rev. Irving JULY 31—AUGUST 1 only those persons would be eligible Tuesday evening with members i f Franks officiated. Burial was in to give blood who ure between the the Malheur county chnpter of the the Parma cemetery under the dir­ uges of 18 to (50 and those weigh­ NFIP and reviewed the polio epide­ ection of the Peckham-Dakan cha­ ing more titan 110 pounds. mic and organization work that pel of Caldwell. Mr. Nuhida was born in Nyssa Those who do not receive pledge has been done He reported that forms from business firms in Nyssa Malheur nnd Umatilla counties at and moved away in his childhood, ill TECHNICOLOR and Adrian may secure them by the present time nre the "epidemic He is well known by residents here. calling Henigson 172; Ralph Lawr­ areas" of Oregon. Survivors include his parents, ALAN LADD ence. phone 53 und Mrs. Hartley, Also present at the meeting were j Mr and Mrs. B. U. Nuhida, of Par- LI/ABETH SCOTT phone 22-J. Miss Grace Roumagoux. public mo; one brother, William June Nu­ AKTIIUH KENNEDY Others on the committee are the health nursing supervisor of Um­ hida, a missionary in Hokkaido, JOHN IRELAND Rev Claire T. Crenshaw, R. W atilla county, Dr. James T. Flan- Japan; three sisters, Mrs. Robert Campbell and Gordon Ray. Fanatical soldier and master of agnn of Ontario, Dr Nenl McCar­ Shinoda. Hayward, California, Mrs. thy of Vale, nnd Dr K E. Krrbv Yukio Yano, Homedale; and Miss Guerilla warfare who dreamed and Dr. John Kopp of Nyssa, In ad­ Ida Nuhida of Parma. COMMUNITY RALLIES of building un empire — the dition to numerous Interested In­ TO BUY STERII.I/.ER story of Quantrell. dividuals. (Continued from Page II Maleckl assured the group that | come h pnrt of the Malheur Mem­ SATURDAY—AUGUST 2 the Nationnl Foundation is ready i T r r r in in n orial hospital. to supply, through the county chap- ! V ti 1 r U l i l I l l L j Arrangements were made Tues­ ter, money, equipment nnd person­ Huston Wilson and Clifford Mink day night to ask for contributions nel. He nlso explained that, pii returned Sunday from FT. Lewis, from tlie Elks lodge of Ontario, the "epidemic team" composed of doc­ Wash . where they have been re­ Lions clubs of Ontario and Nyssa, tors nnd nurses. Is available In Port­ ceiving two weeks reserve officer ill Trucolor with the Kiwunls clubs of Ontario and land nnd can be flown anywhere In training. Wilson is a captain in the with Vale, the Chambers of Commerce of Oregon when needed The team Engineers and Mink is a first lieu­ JUDY CANOVA all three towns, the Nyssa Eagles must be requested, by local doctors tenant in the Artillery of the 96th JOHN RUSSELL and the Owyhee Riding club Other through the local chnpter, he ex­ Reserve division. GRANT WITHERS organizations will be approached plained. Both reserve officers reported a ROY HARCROE'T later. It was explained, but indi­ It was emphasized bv doctors and highly successful training program It’s the Queen of the cowgirls as viduals present at Tuesday nights the most terrific sheriff the west meeting volunteered to ask the health officials that the situation is well in hand and all eases are p , tj jt . p has ever had. organizations named. It was also being cared for in an efficient man- D . *1« I v l l i g D l i y S Matinee 1:3«; M r-fc made clear that contributions from, ner The public is being assured that » j p i IUT‘ 11 Individuals will be accepted. there is no cause for alarm and I N y S S a I GG a n l l l l Wednesday the Nyssa Chamber SUNDAY AND MONDAY D H Kink, formerly of Ogden, received a motion from a member is advised to follow the health rules AUGUST 3 and 4 to contribute $250 to the fund and prescribed by doctors and the NFTP recently purchased the Nyssa Feed Mrs. Colleen Wilks, who is in Mill on South First street from President Elmer Cruson stated that the matter will be acted upon by the charge of this county’s recruitment vVayne Berrett. who has been opera- board of directors next Tuesday. drive for nurses, reported that two ting the establishment. King has in Technicolor In commenting on the first con­ registered nurses have been brought be,.,, farming this spring at Roswell tribution to be made, Henigson to Nyssa to assist in caring for the and expects to move to Nyssa in the with near future. stated, "The Basque Ladles Soc­ patients. ROBERT TAYLOR Berrett has announced that he iety is one of the outstanding or­ DEHOR111 KERR FARM ACCIDENTS REACH will return to his ranch and engage ganizations in the county and can and east of thousands. TOTAL OF 356 IN 1951 in farming. be counted upon whenever any pro­ 3 shows each day 3, 8, 9. fUontinurd from Rage Onrl gram is on.” In a letter to Henigson. Mrs. Jos­ for mechanical powered equipment FARM BURFAU MEETING Admission The Adrian center Farm bureau Matinee until 3:30. 54«' and 74e ephine Echanls. president of the the state has obtained the coopera­ Evening »0, and 91 00 Society, stated, "We are very happy tion of equipment manufacturers to met Monday night in the high to help such a cause We never know place safety guards on all danger­ school building for a regular busi­ ness meeting. Jake Borge, presi­ ous points. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY —It may be one of us next.” "Hover. In many cases .after the dent of the group conducted the AUGUST 5 and 6 farmer buys this expensive equip­ meeting HONOR PIONEERS A communication from the State The Daughters of the Utah Pio­ ment and pays out large sumes of neers presented the program at the money for these safety guards, what Farm Bureau Federation office was >i< Nyssa second ward L.D.S. church happens? When the equipment read urging the various centers to Sunday evening. The group is needs repairs, o ff comes the safety write to their congressmen and commemorating the arrival of the guard, tossed into the Junk pile and other authorities urging an end to in Technicolor the steel strike It was decided that pioneers In the Salt Lake valley forgotten,” Calvin said. with Some of the dangerous hazards the secretary . i the Adrian ctn- on July 24. 1847 ROBERT YOUNG farm are bad electrical ter write those m official post- Those participating on the pro­ J ANIS CARTER winng, poor ladders, unguarded tions to bring the strike to a close, gram were Mrs W A Bybee. Mrs JACK HUETEL The committee planning for the John Schenk. T Carol Bvbee, Mr< powered machines and home-made BARTON MACLANE Mel Beck, Mrs l,eo Child and Mr electric fence controllers. The acci- Malheur county fair booth report- A true chapter of the history of dent prevention division of the state tHj their idea on the theme Sug- and Mrs. Joel Mitchell. the west . . . Thrills of violence, industrial accident commission has Kestlons w,.re presented by those Mrs. Dave Christensen, Mrs Jo­ love and Justice for the Apache. a safety program in operation for pirs,,m on work lo don, on the seph Bair and Mrs A C. Swens- farm safety und it works with all prow t » 1 1 were honored as being the old­ farm organizations and is available Flans nre being made to have a THURSDAY - FRIDAY est daughters in the local ramp. for tins service. Carlson said. speaker at the August meeting who AUGUST 7 and • will diseuss the Milk Control bill RIKIII SCORE: 1 HOY. 3 GIRLS which is to be voted on In the No­ A son. born to Mr and Mrs Ber­ vember election. nard Eastman of 304 Dark avenue To After the meeting was adjourned, on July 17. was the only boy given pot-luck refresh m enu were served After more than two years here with _____________ _ _ With a local grocery concern, J O birth at Malheur Memorial hospital MILL \KI> MITC R t l . l a , | fire ll «13 Ehrgood OHS <0*8oi Cobbley anrioui iv v k .In: ii| the past M < <>114)41 KOI %WO I!i* u m « day a daughter was ifiern .-t: called out the Nv>-a Fire Uval he w uld le#«« N< i JOHN M A I, Mr and Mi* Norman Hoi- *■ h w.,. *Mr to halt 1 to take emploreteng with V ac MARSHALL THOMPSON ton 4Ai4 h e rt C avad they taught the D oca lot h4 and Mrs creeping toward 4 trailer house by «■id ha» s n »n ip * ed n e entire Ho. . July 18. and Mr ever learned from ooofcs. J tune in N. ( ; « il» * n»4 • f*w F IR E S ID E HEIJh A T A D R fA N weed ago, had been seriously in­ A Fireside *4s held alter church jured in an automobile acculent in Sunday evening for the young peo­ ple at the home of M I A Presi­ California. According to information NMlved, dent Frank J. Pike, witn Mrs Pike the accident occurred near Tracy, as co-hestess The speaker was A Calif when Cristoffer was changing C Hawkins Light refreshments a tire on his car He was hit by an­ were served t. 26 persons. other vehicle and dragged approxi­ mately 50 feet. He is being treated Robin Hood’s real name was Rob­ in a Merced. Calif., hospital where ert Fitzoolh. he is reported to be in a coma. JEAN HAMMON. CARL MARTIN REPEAT VOWS First Lt. Jean Hummon, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ham- New aluminum awnings were in­ mon of Nyssa and Carl W. Martin stalled this week above all windows of the U. S. Army were united in of patient’s rooms at the Malheur marriage on June 13 at Franklin, Memorial hospital. Manager John Indiana. Mrs. Martin is register­ O ’Toole announced that the awn­ ed nurse and Mr. Martin is a med­ ings not only afford an attractive ical student. She worked in the addition to the building, but have hospital in Boise and In the Holy a cooling effect on the interior of Rosary in Ontario prior to going into the service. The groom is from the building. The awnings were installed by the South Dakota. The young coupe are making their home in Frank­ Intermountain Furniture Co. lin, Indiana where they are sta­ tioned. Brother Suffers Accident Injury Park avenue, who celebrated his seventh bir’ hday July 17 Lunr.es gues's included Kath­ leen Vaughn Carol Anderson, Vick­ ie Newman, Judy Bingham, Terry Duffin. Dale I*ursnce. Stevie Rer- by and Channie Baer Other guests were hie grandmother. Mrs. Lilli­ an Gooding of We leer and Mrs. W W Footer and Mrs. R. M. Cockrun of Nyssa. The breakfast was served on the Lemon lawn and was followed by a pirate hunt with each of Lonnie’s guests receiving a favor from the "treasure" after it was found. "Wish I could New Awnings Added To Nyssa Hospital 4-H Livestock Club Has Hog Project SEVENTH BIRTHDAY A breakfast of hot cakes and ba­ Newell Heights — The 4-H Live­ con and eggs featured the birthday stock took club met Saturday after­ party of Lonnie Lemon, son of Mr. noon at the home of Carol Slippy. and Mrs. William Lemon of 207 Members discussed Carol and Dar- ell Slippy’s hog raising project and plans were made for a swimming Eyes Examined party at Sniveley’s at 8 o’clock Fri­ day evening. Glasses Fitted Refreshments of cake and punch were served by Mrs. Kygar. The Adjusted and next meeting of the club will be Repaired at the home of Wallace Butler Sat­ urday afternoon. Stock Exhibitors Reminded of Fair "COLORADO SUNDOWN" ____ "AMERICAN IN PARIS" Dr. A. T. Bradbury BARCLAY CONFINED TO HOME Carl Barclay, manager of a local implement firm, was returned to the family home, at 309 Good ave­ nue, Sunday from the Ontario hos­ pital, where he was admitted on TUESDAY. AUGUST 26 PARMA HOTEL PARMA, IDAHO Boise Office 212 N. 9th St. Phone 7228 think of some­ thing good to eat" "That's easy ^ i i Jimmy— why don't try some of that really good Paramount Ice Cream She's right — there's none better than our Paramount Ice Cream! Open 6 a.m. — 12 p.m. 610 Main Si. Try Our Home Cooking Sweet Shop "JACK and the BEANSTALK" LESS M O N EY ! Funeral Wednesday For Former Nyssan THANK YOU— As I am leaving Aug. 1, I wish to thank the people of Nyssa for their friendship to­ ward me during my affiliation with Taylor’s Food Market. To my employer and eo- workers I extend thanks for their eonfidenee and friend- "RED MOUNTAIN" ihip. J. O. (Cobb) Cobbley. Picnic Hams Lb. 4 7 0 | | Local Men Take "OKLAHOMA ANNIE" Lard Pioneer \ Colored and cubed 4 lbs. 8 5 0 Shortening Swiftning 3 lb. Can Fryers Large—Ready Each $ 1 .2 9 PANCAKE Flour Sperrys Tomatoes 4 l b . Pkg- Local—Ripe 2 lbs. 1 9 c Oranges Sweet and juicy "THE HALF BREED J. O. Cobbley Goes VaU Concern Sun Valley 4 lbs. 4 3 * "QUO VADIS" "MY SIX CONVICTS" Margarme Lb. 8 0 Cabbage Lb. 6 * Cheese Kraft Velveeta 2 lbs. 990 FOOD MARKET YHEE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF S5.00 OR OVER TAYLOR’S OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY f w c ” IIV€ 0 o # 1 © G R « n S T ftm p s] I èêê ÊÎÎL ê ÊËÊÊL î ÊÊÈ& îêêêê ÊÊ& êêêè ÊÊÊ