THE NTSSÀ vSATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY JULY i l ISSI K1KMY CLIANKE A K A D U U U S T l k K « II ( K B cleans fa-ter, more thoroughly, has Th>- Arcadia Livestock 4-H club lifetime guarantee For free proviuj met July 1$ at the horn« of Teddy ATTENTION FARMERS and Jimmie 0 *> i W* arc t o M a d of more listings on stock and row croo fin ch n . demonstration, write or cell VAEMM rin m IC ow m om » « r D O w N i R H 9 ■ IM M Pi k irlne FA IM * HOMES for Appointment before 9 mornimi- Coleman foM about the different 1160 acres all row crop Lind, po- BIO ALL-PURPOSE FARM ' 1 1 ••• new 2 bedroom mod- 7 evening*. Office Peyette i l l Norm parts o f a beef thow anunala and 144 acres. 123 good. Nearly all In tatoes and beets, will consider .-ell- ern home. 4 acre, w.„, highway » front- . .... gtli p hone 640. K 23-if. what to look for when judging i ing in 200 and 300 acre tracts, and hay and pasture Mostly suitable . 1 . $ 7354 ). $ U 6 H) down, easy ternie ---------------------------- • Atiei the budi to low-crop, 2 good homes. $42,000, j taking smaller place as part pay- 2 bedriHim modern home, close to Ml£>CLuUANEoU£>- -A.a.iuu.i 1 . « club memUeis had their annual jment, ideal location for Japane-e RATE Ti ro cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in Vi down. ro-Jt ¡„ the Hi rers back N>".i city park, .shady spacious K. e. trolux cleaner* and air p u rl-[ w ] community. ANOTHER GOOD O N I yard, $304)0 $300 down, $50 per fiers. Sales and service. I d R yard. advance. Is 30c. 120 acres in Black Canyon. 86 320 acres. 50 acres beets, 150 acres month. wide isoli. route 3. Weiser. Idano. next meeting will be held irrigable. See this right away, ' wheat, 120 acres barley. 70 of 14 die oil Aug a phone 0287J4. • at UM 1 bedroom home, $3.200 Easy $24.000, terms. crops goes with the place, terms, MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tank Mallet when the club will hold a 83 ACRE STOCK FARM will take your place in as part pay­ terms. * POR SALE—One 2-bedroom house 3 bedroom modern home. $8350, and cesspools cleaned Phone Ray- dsicussion ol showmanship, Oood place to run beef or dairy ment. 1 one 3-bedroom house, under F H A , mond Hild, 24-M2, Parma, or 24 cattle, paid-up water right for 84' FOR SALE 40 acres level land, all in crops, small down payment, easy terms 17-tf. Mr. and Mrs Balt Nolthanieus. ___ Stunz addition. C. K Olson, phone acres. You can't beat this for $12.500. will consider trading for 10 Large 5-bedroom mowern horn»*,' lvarma Hardware. $16.000. 17-tf. FOR SALE—Friers, four pounds for 251-W. location , cowl furnace, hard- . . . . . . .. . and two daughters. . . Julie and C 011 - or 12 acres in Apple Valley or Nys­ wood floors $10 000 4 down. w<‘ bail bay or straw in the field er | stance, who have been residing in 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME $1.50 call 011-J2 or see Douglas Cru- sa area. 71 acres of good farm land here. 2 small homes located on large lot. ^ ic k Wire tie. Go anywher^ Gene Nyssa during the past 6 months son. 28-2t. FOR SALE—Davenport and chair 120 acres close to Nyssa. 4 mile , set, good condition. 525 N. 7th Good home and buildings. Youra lots fruit trees and berries. $ 2100 . T° r v, ** “ re movln* to Ontario- where they off highway. 96 acres irrigated, stock $a 00 of 20-it Oood used washers for $15 00 to Phone 268-w . for $15.000. $5.000 down. down, $30 per month. 27M" Parma' Idaho 23-15tp wui be caretakers for the new On- and row crop set up. 4 room home, $5 00. Easy Ez. 28-11. -------------------- CATTLE RANCH FOR YOU 2 bedroom modern home. $6750. MiSCELLANEOU S — Duplicate car tarl° L D S cbapel. recently com- FOR SALE— No. 8 (largest* Inter- About 175 acres of good farm land. barn, chicken coop, $19.000. $9600 and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- £lete,d They * e” , « ue‘ t s«*aker* FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers a u x il­ national Harvester ensilage and hay plus plenty of summer range. Fine down. $1000 per year, will trade for $1250 down. 25otfc Sunday evening at the second ward Small acreage close to town, will nenian's iary motor, 5 miles west 4 mile chopper. Used 1 year $560 00 — location. Good improvements. $51.- good business. Will consider selling trade for trailer house. $1500. $400 meeting, and expressed their thanks j with crops. south Owyhee corner, Clifford O. terms. Old model ensilage cutter.— 000 takes it. COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready to the many folks who have shown down. $40 per month. 80 acres good row crop and stock Wolf. 28-It. $90.00. HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 80 to build your driveway, parking area, their kindness to them. Business Opportunities GENERAL MOTORS 2 ton t r u c k - 8 m$ of the best land in the area 'ranch, large barn. 3 bedroom mod- school yard, feed lot. lounging or FOR SALE— 1 acre and house, 1 combination chopped hay and stock Garage and service station, and iniplment shed Only pugmill asphal­ It won't take this farm long to t ern home, located in Sunset Valley, Keith Bybee spent several day* mile north on the east side of track, rack and beet bed— $500 00 apartment, highway intersection, tic concrete mix in this area. Low this week hauling cattle from the pay for itself. Cost is only $23,000. $31.500. terms. $900. H. Peterson, Nyssa, Oregon. 66 acres, pumping set up from $5250 $2000 down, easy terms, build- LLOYD LEWIS $ 10.000 down. cost, guaranteed work, free estimate Mile Hi ranch near Riddle, Idaho. 27-ltp. 3-8 miles north Nyssa on Highway 60 ACRES PAID UP WATER Snake river, 4 room home, chicken mg worth price of place, Budget plan. Rt 2, Box 250A or ¡T hey were put in the By bee feed Grade A wholesale-retail milk set- Ideal location. Crops and 25 head coop, garage, $3000, $4000 down. 26-tf Used Water heater, $49.00, 40 gal., Phone 668 . Ontario. 13-tf. lot. a trallor house has been mov­ $1000 per year. up, cheese and Ice cream manufae- of good cattle go with it. Owner looks new. Ez Carr. 28-It. ed to the lot, where Laurence Oosa FOR SALE 164 acre island. Snake river, good turing plant, retail Ice cream parlor, HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT wants cash, so plan your own fi­ will live. He will assist with feed­ SPECIAL sandy loam soil, $2650 2-bedroom modern apartment, ex- For your own protection, buy FOR ‘ SALE — Cucumbers. Cecil nancing. $25,000. 140 acre row crop and stock set elusive area, will trade for ranch in state-inspected meat Buy a quart- ing the cattle. Evans, phone 023-R2. 27-2tp HOME IN THE COUNTRY 60 IN BLACK CANYON This is a good buy. Three rooms this vicinity. Netting $10,000 er half or whole beef, pork or m ut-! 30 acres, good 4-rooni home, soft up, 2 homes, $42.000. terms Mrs. D. O. Bybee spent Friday 80 acres in grain, alfalfa, sweet FOR SALE — 6 -month-old, eligible : completely finished. Three unfin Ontario Blvd. business location, ton.. See us at plant. 1 mile north well water. Priced below appraisal ______ . . . i c h n H F i n t U l v 1 IU1 .... « ___' i corn and pasture, crops go, immedi­ $575. 1 on highway, then 1/4 mile west on of last week at the home of her to register, Holstein bull calf. Phone ished. O 11 60x150 lot. About 1 mile at $7500. $3500 down tate possession, 1 -bedroom home, I have a general mercandlslng Columbia avenue. Nyssa. Oregon, daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Pike. 080-R2. 27-2tp from town, on paved road. Some WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM terms if needed. Nyssa rodeo queen, Colleen By­ store, guaranteed $604)0 stock inven- | phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc 26 good acres. 6 -room modern $23.000. $10.000 down, easy terms. bee has been In Nampa the past BERNARD EASTMAN I home, good set of outbuildings. 320 acre row crop and stock set­ tory, business handles, gas, feed, FOR SALE—New Riverside DeLuxe five nights where she participaVd PHONE 64 POLIO 700-20 10-ply tire with tube and NYSSA Buildings alone are almost worth up, 4-bedroom modern home, full hardware, groceries, and clothing, 111 the Snake River Stampede. bas» ment. $60,000. terms. located in Willamette valley, net wheel. Call 285-R. 27-3tp m n c . T , _ , ~ the total price of $13,000. New—BETTER T H A N E V E R FOR SALE 1 Condie double unit ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE 300 acres, 157 head Taylor Grazing ting $8000 per year, you and your FOR SALE—Big Latham raspber­ mi er, complete with pipes and [ outdoor living, garden, chickens. permit, 125 acres irrigated, 4-room wife can operate this business, $25,- Policy covers CANCER, as well as The Solid South maintained its many other dread diseases. Casts ries. Phone 076-J3. 27-2t valves, vacuum tank and pump. Also I cow, pony for the kids—all this home, $53,000, terms. 000, $10.000 down, $150 per month only $12 per year for whole family. political unity from 1877 to 1928. 1 VA Case cultivator and 2-way plow 10 acres, one-bedroom modern Will trade for a dairy ranch in this can be yours on one of our acre­ FOR SALE — Modern 2-bedroom with hydraulic jack. Call or write The Probitionist Party became ages. Grocery bills go way down, home, good barn, lawn, lots of area. Also 3-bedroom modern home, home $2,500. $300 down $40 a month. Don McPherson, phone 035-J11, Rt. Auto court, $1,000 income per yea:-, 16 North 3rd too! Here are a few of our many shrubs, fruit trees and berries, close Phone 218 a national party In 1872. Phone 088-R1. 27-2tp 2, Nyssa. 23-if. to Nyssa, $7000, terms. $9,500, terms. listings: Members of Congress may not HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT Usel refrigerator, $35.00. Ez Carr. State inspected. One mile north, wear hats during sessions. HOMES FOR SALE Modern 2-bedroom home, 28-lt. 1 4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia 10 acres $11,500 Two bedroom modern home. Full Your Real Estate and Insurance Headquarters FOR SALE — 4 Business lots. 2 lots basement. Large garage and shoa. Modern 3-room house, 606 Main Street Phone 200 Nyssa, Oregon ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, Nile 394 Coming Events wrapping, curing and rendering 50x120 feet across highway from Close in. 10 acres $7500 Hogs, cattle, sheep received any sugar factory. 2 lots on Highway 20 3 rooms, 3.2 acres $1500 Two bedroom partly modern home. July 27, Oregon Trail Grange day. Also we consign hogs, cattle picnic at the Nyssa park. adjacent to B and M. Equipment, New. Unfurnished. Good Location. 5 rooms, modern, 2 acres ___ $7000 FOR SA LE - Pickingese pups. Labor FOR SALE OR TRADE camp cabin 15. Romona Thomas. and sheep for farmers to Portland 153 ft. frontage. Lewis C. Freer, Box j Terms. 3 room house, 5 acres $4500 Aug. 3, Garden club meeting and 28-2tp. market. Free cooling and free de­ 6 rooms, 4 acres $4800 332, Mountain Home. Idaho. 1 Two-bedroom modern house, full TOR SALE OR TRADE Prefer Vale livery within five miles of plant. party at the Ray Wilson home in 27-4tp basement, stoker heat, fully insulat- LISTINGS WANTED Parma. The picnic supper will be We have lots of prospetes for good Bed room set. complete and only property, 107 Enis Ave. one six-room, Phone 395-W; If no answer, 31-M at 4:60 at the Wilson home and ed, nice yard, in new district. Only 1 three-room house, 2 two-room FOR SALS 3mtfc $75.00. Why pay $25000? Easy Ez farms and homes. List yours witn $6500, terms. after a short meeting they will go 28-lt. cabins, cellar, price all $7000. Terms. us and prepare to move. 2 bedroom house—excellent con­ 4 room modern house, 100x135 lot, ---------------------------------- Mrs. Date Pamprien Vale, Oregon. MISCEI,LEA NOUS — Wall-Satin. to the G eorg# Bagley home to HOMES dition—wall to wall carpeting—very garage, shade. Private irrigation 23-tf. Here comes color. A washable, rub­ view their flower garden. FOR SALE One acre, 3 4 miles out. EASY FHA TERMS good garage and storage room—all system. $4000 terms. berized finish for interior walls and Aug. 5, Don't forget the Blood 5-room brick house, outbuildings, Nearly new two-bedroom home, ' floor coverings go $9100. 3 rooms, full basement, pressure wood trim. Bank that will be at the Nyssa fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash FOR RENT automatic heat, hardwood floors, ! 2 bedroom, modern, trees, lawn, water system. 3 large lots. Only $500 •covers most surfaces In one uni­ high school gym If transportation lovely fenced in yard. A “dream ; price $4000 Nyssa Insurance Agency, ---------- 2 lots. $3700. $1000 down. $35 per down. form coat. is needed it will be furnished. Ev­ Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, Nyssa, k o r r e n t Comfortable furnished house” for only $3.000. 4 rooms and bath, part basement. month. •dries to a satin sheen in less than ery one support it. Oregon. room for a gentleman. 28-4tp. QUIET RESTFUL LIVING Very nice yard. Only $5500. 1 bedroom, modern, basement, one hour. Comfortable 4-room cottage on ' garage, trees and lawn. $4500. Only SPECIAL •twelve hansome colors all ready FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall APARTMENT For rent, heat and quiet street. Lovely yard, all fen- i there show cause, if any there be, $1500 down. to use. Brand new two bedroom home, ced, good soil. Price of $4800 in- j paper, complete selection. Firestone Water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 why said Account should not be 16-tf. 80 acre stock farm, about 53 acres tiled bath, automatic oil heat, large Dealer store. 21Ftfc. or 74-R. 18-tf. Nyssa Lumber Co. eludes nice set of furniture. settled, allowed and approved and Irrigated, good modern house $18,000 sun porch. Fully insulated. O 11 paved PICTURE OF THE YEAR said estate distributed and said ad­ Will take a home in Nyssa as part street. Large rooms. Only $9000, Your wife and children In their ; FOR SALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff FOR RENT Paint spray gun. Fire- j ministrator discharged. Legal Advertising terms. payment. 21Ftfc. 1 own yard. This is a lovely two- and Universal, new and used. Fire-^ stone dealer store. Dated and first published July 3, Building lots, both resident and lntfc $500 down, East side dwelling, nice NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1952 bedrooni home with automatic stone Dealer store. F O R R E N T — 2-room furnished in the Matter of the Estate of fenced yard and trees, only $1,800. business. heating $7350, very easy terms. Date o f last publication, July 31 JOHN DEERE 2-row, flatbed pota­ cabin, Chadwick camp. 30ntfC CORNELIUS J. BLOKKER, de- 1952. Good basement house, on.50 by 160 INVESTORS A HOME FOR $1500 to digger. Phoñe 018-J3. Ontario. We have 3 houses, all have fur­ lot, east side location, $1500. Comfortable 2 room home. Beats T . I ceased. HAROLD HENIGSON, 25-tf FOR RENT Three-room apartment, I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Armina Seraphlne Carnegl, deceased. House on 75 by 160 foot lot, shade nace heat, garages, nice yards, 3 paying rent. Easy terms, or will Lirge rooms, modern. and fruit trees, $ 2000 . blocks from town on paved street. That the undersigned has been duly discount for cash. FOR SALE—Electric portable Ken- NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY and regularly appointed Executor of A good nice laying 30 acres with Paying good return. All three for VETERANS SPECIAL Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent the above-entitled estate: all persons buildings and houses $8,500, only only $11,750. 2 -bedroom modern home, nearly more sewing machine. Excellent con­ Phone 53 having claims against said estate are $3,500 down. FOR RENT new. $6300, $1800 down, easy dition with complete attachment. 105 Main Phone 095-R4. Ohas Kanester, Rt. ?.. hereby notified to present the same, 100 -head cattle ranch, outside Two unfurnished apartments. Each monthly payments. 24-tf. FOR RENT—Modern 3 room house, verified as by law required to the range, 175 acres good farm ground, have 3 rooms, bath and utility rooms. 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME 507 N 4th. Phone 044.J2. 23-tf. undersigned at the office of An­ $51,000. Private garage. Good location. Only Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci­ ous, comfortable home for your FOR SALE—Used A & B electric' FOR RENT—Two furnished apart­ thony Yturrl, Attorney at Law, On­ 2 bed-room modern, near city $15 per mo. park, $4,600, terms. Small 3 room house with bath and family, nearly new and well lo­ apartment range, $39 50. Ideal Gas ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3imfc tario, Oregon, or the Trust Depart­ & Appliance 23-tf. ment of The First National Bank of utility room. Close in. $30 per mo. cated. $3300, easy terms. FOR RENT — New Clarke 8 -inch BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BERNARD EASTMAN GOOD used electric ranges. Fire­ floor sanders and 6 -lnch edger. Portland, Portland, Oregon, within HOB THOMPSON AGENCY six months of the date of the first Insurance Real Estate AN INCOME FOR LIFE stone Dealer Store, Nyssa. 25-tfc 16-tf. publication hereof. Apartment houses provide sure 5 room house In Payette, modern, Stunz Lumber Co. Phone 97 Phone 64 and steady inclines for thousands $3500, easy terms. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . HELP WANTED of owners. We have several good OF PORTLAND ones. Date of First publication: July FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed Whatever HELP WANTED Experienced lu­ 17, 1952. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED waterproof paint, Creto waterproof you plan to Country g e n e r a l merchandise concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas­ brication man. Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Date of last publication: July 14, 28-2t. 1952. paint — store, nets $40 per day. building, ter, motar and .terrazzo. Water­ here's stock, equipment all goes lor proofs by application and perman­ WANTED NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT $22,500, 4 down. Also will Include ently waterproofs walls and floors, expert In the County Court of the State modern two-bedroom home for Inside or outside, wet or dry, new or WANTED—Small acreage with sult- “know-how"! of Oregon for the County of only $4000 more. old, painted or unpainted o l w f i ; able living quarters. Close In Want A*k for fren Malheur Lumber Company. 20stfc ” to lease for 1 to 5 years. 28-ltp. folders— In the Matter of the Estate of what to get FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouern.seys. WANTED — Hay or straw baling ARMINA SHIR A PHI NE CARNEGIE, 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 GATE CITY LODGE deceased. —how to Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and call Don Bishop Phone 075-J2. SARAZIN CLINIC NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that No. 214 I. O. O. F. USED TRACTOR VALUES springers. C. Clyde Smith, ph on e: 27-3tp do ll the the undersigned. Harold Henlgson, Dr. J. J. Sarazin Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 1951 International C with cultiva­ 306 Ontario, Oregon, acrass from - easy way I administrator of the estate o f Ar­ Ontario sale yard 2mtfc WANTED—To care Tor children In South First Street tors. Dr. K. E. Kerby ___ my home by hour, day, week or mina Seraphlne Carnegie, deceased, 1945 John Deere B with plows. Physicians and Surgeons Stone Jars for pickles. All sizes, evenings. Phone 140-R. 17-tf. has filed his Final Account as said I 31 DIFFERENT FOLDERS 1945 John Deere A with plows. administrator In the County C ou rt; Model M Allis Chalmers Crawler, Get yours early. Mar.shull-Wells NERE-F R E E 0 ,“ * 22-tf. WANTED Highest prices paid for of Malheur County, Oregon, and I perfect condition. DR. C. M. TYLER Smith that said Court has appointed Tues­ j slaughter horses. Clyde L. A. MAULDING. M. D. Duncan Stockmaster with pushoff, — ASNl WILSON BUILDING ta u € r \ Fine Late Model Used Cars phone 306, Ontario. Across from day. August 5. 1952, at 10:00 o'clock I $1025. Physician and Surgeon Phone 165-J, Nyssa 23mtfc Ontario Sales yard. in the forenoon of said day for the Passenger WlNTS 1949 Ford Tractor, guaranteed, $995. Phone 37 Office Hours From 9 to 5 1946 Plymouth, 4-door deluxe sedan. WANTED—Custom combining, self hearing of objections to said Final MOM DK0 IATIN6 Hilf BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Account and the settlement thereof. Phone 333 North oí Nyssa R&iH, good condition. propelled machine, work guaranteed Daily Except Saturday and NOW, THEREFORE, all persons 27-It 11950 Buick. 4-aoor, special, good trucks if needed. Call Art Hann, J. R. CUNDALL interested In the estate of Annina Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 tires, clean, R&H. 024R1, Nyssa. 26-5tp Dentist Seraphlne Carnegie, deceased, are FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers and 1949 Plymouth, 4-door special de- j Firestone Denier Store Phone 56-J notified and required to appear at string beans, 1 mile southwest of j luxe, R&H, low mileage. do at my WANTED Ironing to Sarazin Clinic C. J. KOPP. M. D. Phone 2 the County Court Room in the Court 5th and Main Nyssa, Rt. 1. George Gabriel. 28-2tp. 1942 Chevrolet, 4-door, R&H, ex­ home. Phone 261-W. 26-3tp NYSSA OREGON House at Vale, Malheur County, Phvsician and Surgeon Nyssa, Oregon ceptionally good condition. FOR SALE—Charcoal for broiling, 1947 Plymouth, 4-door, special de­ Oregon, at said time, to then and FRY BUILDING MISCELLANEOUS DR. JOHN W. OLSEN fishing and hunting. Gives $3 flavor luxe, motor good, R&H. Office Hours to $1 steak. Ideal Gas and Appliance. 1949 Dodge, 2-door, Wayfarer, motor Pick out your own prennlals now for Dental Clinic NOTICE 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 19-tf. overhauled, good tires, clean, heater fall delivery. Mrs. Garet Siam. 7th and Bower That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. Daily Except Saturday and 28-2tp. Phone 393-W NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the following warrants will be can­ FOR SALE—Used Hot Point range 1949 Studebaker. Champion, regal Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 celled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are Calrod Unity, good clean stove $40, deluxe coupe, overdrive, lots of ex­ WANTA TRADE?? Henneman Hardware. 28-lt. tras, good rubber, very clean. Tractors, we mean—See our display presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before September 1946 Plymouth, special deluxe, 4- ad In this Issue to discover how *x> 30 1952 Maytag washer, square tub, sells for door, clean, good condition. EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. OENERAL FUND WARRANTS get the most outa that old work Commercial* $200 00, yours for $88.00 Easy Ez Amount No. Date Issued 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 horse. B&M Equipment Co., Nyssa. Claimant 28-lt. 1946 Chevrolet ‘4 -ton pickup, flat Carr. Alice D. Bankofier $ .10 5571 Nov. 2. 1944 Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy bed with rack good tires and motor, MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Mrs. Maude Oreeley PAULUS 80 5574 Nov. 2 1941 Nyssa. Oregon FOR SALE— 1949 Dodge pickup with clean. OENERAL ROAD WARRANTS money to remodel your home or to JEWELRY STORE delux cax and 4 speed transmission. 1949 Wlllys 4 -ton pickup, good rub­ build outbuildings or garage? We Richfield Oil Corp. $44 95 6295 Nov. 10. 1944 Union Pacific Time Inspector Low mileage, new paint Job. James ber, low mileage, with rack H. 8 . Sackett, can arrange a loan for you and give R ussell. 28 -it Ride With Pride In A Car From y0U Up JEWELRY — DIAMONDS three years to pay It. County Clerk. DR. W. W. EASTEP WATCHES 23atfc First publication July 10. 1952; Last publication August 7, 1952. N Y SS A M O TO RS, INC. Nyssa Lumber Co. FOR SALE—Apricots are ripe at the Veterinarian Main Street at Second Snider corner Pick your own. Bring containers. 28-ltp. BEST BUYS Classified To Buy Or Sell See Mel Advertising a u KEN POND “ MEL BECK REAL ESTATE I n u PAINTING HELP! FARM LOANS PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lodges Physicians KEN P O N D «!“ !™ ™ Dentists DON B. MOSS Chiropractor Jewelry Stores Veterinarians WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Optometrists J. A. McFALL JOHN EASLY 1 Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animals Pet Hospital Office Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202 407 Main St. Dr. Marvin M. Prentlc* Veterinary Sarge«« Lar*» and A sia»«» 216 W Park Ph. 2J41 New Plymouth, Idaho S * . VERNON WARD V e te r in a r ia n S.a»*4 4* S m a ll A nironte n fll Phone 21, Ontario, Qreg» r* »k **n «m ■eeelafe Idate FOR SALE — R 52 International combine, with attachment, pickup, alfalfa, clover, ladina, radishes, let­ tuce Ready to go See at the Nyssa Implement or Gene Honey, Parma Rt 2. Phone 27F-21. 28-ltp. All kinds of used refrigerators at Easy Ez 28-lt. fOK SALE Two-bedroom modern home, ex- celletrt condition. p«rl*ct hn system, good loc*tlon. Two bedrooms new, completely modern, good location, EMU*, F H A arms. Three seres, excellent land, on haiiway. new business building Motel mark*t, very too#- tion. 0 a r m reft ■ * * (« agercy •alpfc G . Lawrence» Agent 1 185 Main St. m e«» A WEEK-END SPECIAL Card Table Reg. 5.95 Clothes Hamper Cam p Cot. Folding Record Player»— 3 speeds $4.95 $6.95 ....................... $6.95 $12.95 W e Give S & H Green Stamps . PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES "T H E D EPEN D ABLE FU RN ITU RE S T O R E S" O N TA R IO — V A L E — N Y S S A — P A Y E T T E V