THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY8SA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1952^ PAQE EIGHT Sunset Valley Speaks Mr*. L«mao fn o iin jr Phone 01 J J Darrell Dimmick. .son of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Dimnrnk, won first prize in the children's parade last Thursday. Darrell was the typical Mexican "Pedro” wearing a large sombrero and serape. and leading Archibald, the burro, which was packing a load of wood. Butchie Fyllingness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fyllingness, and a cousin of Darrell, took second prlae. dressed as an early prospector and leading his pony Brownie carrying a pact. A nother entry in the parade was K ristine Fyllingness attired as a cowgirl. Neil Dimmick. who wore a Mexi can costume, rode Sandy, while his wife, Mrs. Dimmick, was riding as an Arabian on their Arabian stal lion, Wisok, in the typical flowing- white-robes. Nielsen was on hand white-robes. Nielsen was in the band, and several from the valley rode their mounts. Riding club members worked a t the rodeo, and selling cushions and pop. were Ir vin Durfee, W ayne Ganre, Mrs. Paul Clonninger, Bob Reffett and Elmer Clonninger for the Disabled Veter- U and their fa m iln Field secretary of the Oregon S tate W A. Shell wood of Portland, was a dinner guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price Wednesday Mr. Shellwood's mission was to con tact the m asters of the grange to prom ote the idea of each grange purchasing a registered goat which would be shipped to Korea for the children who are tubercular and need milk. Mrs. Paul Conninger and Elmer Connlnger made a trip to Caldwell last week, and Mrs Paul Clonninger exchanged her car for a black Chev rolet four-door. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keller of O ntario were dinner guests Sunday a t the home of Mr and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. This Sunday is the annual picnic dinner for the members of the Worthwhile Club and their familie on the lawn of Mr and Mr>. Ken- iietn Dirensen. It is also the re-un- ion and get-together for all former members of the club and their fam i lies One o'clock is the time Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Dimmick and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stranger Sunday for din ner. Larry and Shorty Hite of Haines. Oregon, are spending a week visit ing at the home of their grand parents, Mr and Mrs. Cohn Reffett. Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Parker and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. ajid Mrs. O. H. Schwei zer Sunday. ^ Roy Holmes finished harvesting of his red potatoes this Monday. Many other farm ers are into the digging this week Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, and Diane Pendarvls and her brother Melvin, were among those attending a large family gathering a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Knowles last weekend. Ike Mitchell and Donnie Knowles, who are work ing at the lumber mill at West Fur, Oregon, were home and visiting at the J B. Mitchell home and the Knowles home. Mr and Mrs. Jack Knowles and family were also pres ent, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Douglas and family of Quincy. Washington. All returned to their homes at the first of last week, ex cept Mrs. Douglas and children who remained for a visit a t the J. B. Mitchell home. Mrs. Mitchell and two sons visited the Lewis M itchell’s Tuesday, and were overnight guests. Last Friday Mr and Conley Lock ett of Willow Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Didericksen and family of Caldwell, and Mr and Mrs. Homer Didericksen had a family dinner on lawn a t the Jam es Chadd home. Pleasant Hour club met Thursday afternoon a t the ome of Mrs. Gene Stephans, with rather a small a t tendance as it is canning time. Spec- ril make a hog of myself quicker with PUlsburys Best PIG FEAST The new BITE-SIZE Starter • (B E S T ;: & g i A special baby formula for baby pigs to give that big extra boost- right when it count« the moat. Loaded with digeitible nutrients and highly for tified with "MYCINS," Pillsbury’a exclusive combination of Terramycin, Aureomycin and Streptomycin Exclusive, appetizing "BITE- SIZE" form makes them eat more. NYSSA Phone FEED MILL 361-W YOUR Personal property, ii you'll take a few seconds to add up its value, w ill total TWO or THREE TIM ES ita IN SURED VALUE! This Is tru e 9 out of 10 time« w ith people we talk to. So w hy don't you look around your HOUSE right now . . . add up your stuff . . . figure out w hat it would coat to replace every Item at TODAY'S prices . . . and w e'll bet a dollar to a donut you're w ay UNDER .. . and w e'll bet a dollar to a donut you're w ay UNDER- insured! And. since this IS Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W yrkoff and ml musical numbers were presented been 15 years since the Friars have objec' wa , the meteor exploded, so Mi Carl Sunpeoo and overnight children moved Tuesday to the Cecil visited in Jerom?, i , the i;> ay B<’bby Skinner with been through Ny a ai.d their home th at the re^t of the party aw only guests. R.* house on First Street. the moke in the kv from the ex- snd were returning to U tah via Florea el u: is now in Eugene, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Uegli Tofeler and pi'«-K.n However, tbe next dtjfi p a Reno. Mr ami VI. Don Strickland and At a lawn picnic at the home of pers children and M ary Dickey spent reported hundred- a- having family mad) m early 'ta rt Sunday Mr and Mrs. Frank Perko Friday seen the flaming meteor at the same R E Fisher arrived Saturday eve from Wednesday until Saturday ind drove Prairie City for break- were Mr. and Mr George K:rk of ning at the home of his daughter. night at Payette Lakes. •j • :av with Mrs. Strick- Caldwell, Mrs. Don Sare of Parm a, time Charles Schweizer was host Mr and M r' Jim Armstrong, for a Mr and Mrs. La Vsrr and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Norris and ess Mrs. to the ladies of the Sunset Aux visit of several days Mr. Fisher is Hill I II IUI II II I111111111111I I Id 11U11 hi M M • ! H.t«kin-. The Hawkins family re daughters of Nampa held W ednesday afternoon at planning on leaving soon for a visit cently moved from Nyssa to Prairie Mrs. Harold Parks and baby of iliary the home of Mrs. Delbert G arner with relatives in eastern Nebraska. I)r. Clare F. Conley City Mi H . - 1111 ' works for the In Boise were week-end guests at the As there was no pressing business, Mrs. Conley Locket spent T hurs home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. land Equipment Co. at John Day. O ptom etrist A Rataezyk. Wednesday of this and it was a very warm day, the day at the home of her twin sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buscher of M group spent the afternoon visiting week, Mr. and Mrs. Parks moved Hastings. Nebraska were afternoon from Boise to Twin FalLs, Idaho. on the lawn. Mesdames Wayne G ar Mrs. Jam es Chadd On Wednesday and evening visitors at the home of Henry H intz and his son. Rudy ner and Wayne Simpson's names Carolyne Didericksen of Caldwell EYES EXA M IN ED arrived for a week's visit with her Mr. and Mr- Jim Armstrong S a t Moses Lake, W ashington, arrived were added to the Auxiliary's roll | sister, Mrs. Jam es Chadd. urday. The couple are newlyweds, of take some of their farm call. Lunch was served on the lawn having visited the west coast and Monday ent to back Mrs. Aimee M arker of Middleton, Word has been received that Mr. Idaho, to their new home enroute home Mrs. Buschner is a equipm D ial 9-3371 and Mrs. Dorothy Rice of (Opp. Sears) and Mrs. Ed Steiner are the parents W ednesday evening they were over niece of Mrs Armstrong. Eagle were dinner guests of Mr. and of twins. A boy, Stephan W arren night guests at the Carl Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shupe of Og Mrs. Ora Newgen early in the wees. 519 Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida. weighing six pounds, three ounces, ! On den. Utah, were houseguests over home. Wednesday Mrs. Rose Douglass and a girl, Patricia Ann weighing Sharon Kay Field has been visit the weekend at the home of their ing at Willow Creek at the home six pounds, seven ounces, were born of Parm a and Mrs. Frank H uett of friends, Mr and Mrs. Carl Sim p of her cousin. Lois Field. were afternoon visitors at the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Roswell, ¿ mi i in 11 n i i i i i i i i n m n i i ri n m i un i i;i mi l u son. The Shupes who were enroute Mr and Mrs Ewen Chard, Mr on the Newgen home. Ed Steiner, form er residents of Sun home after a two-week trip in the and Mrs. Elvern Niel.sen and sons. set Valley are living at H arrah, northwest, also visited at the home C hard, Mr and Mrs. Doyn W ashington, where Ed is employed of Pearl Bullantyne, Mrs. Shupe’s Jack Price, Miss Lucille Hill, Mrs. Peg by the Andrews Seed Company. Mrs. aunt. Homer W hitm an, Steiner is the daughter of Mr. and Dinner gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Mr and and family, Mrs. K enneth Chard Mrs. Ira Chadd. Ora Newgen Sunday were Mr. and and son had a family picnic dinner Miss Mido Okano recently spent a Mrs Henry Baker and son, Douglas, and three-day visit at the home of her in Boise and Mr and Mrs. Ernest Baker, all Park. Sunday at the Julia Davis parents, Mr and Mrs. C. T. Okano. Pitted of Ontario. Afternoon visitors in Mr. and Mrs. John Tim m erm an Miss Okano 30 lb. a pharm acist at the cluded Mr and Mrs. Leonard New- and family, who have been on a ten Sacred H eart is hospital in Spokane, gen Mrs Ira Price received word of day trip to California, are expected W ashington. Sw eetened Tins Miss Sophia Rataezyk, of Boise, this weekend. the death of her nephew, Cecil Mil home was a week-end visitor a t the home Mr and Mrs. Frank Perko, Mi ler last Sunday. Cecil Miller. 19, ami Mrs. Hud Robb, and Nancy and of her parents and attend the N ys who was wading in a sand pit, fell Norris of Nampa spent the sa rodeo. into a hole and was drowned. The Jean Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis, at Wallowa Lake. death occurred at Lexington, Ne weekend Mr and Mrs. Clarence Pendarvis A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockerseal braska Plastic and and Bob Pendarvis Mitchell of Sunset Valley who are Attending the Nebraska picnic spending the summer at Fort Brid- fished family, N estrite C ontainers F reezer Bags Sunday in the Ironside area. Sunday in Ny -«a were Mr. and Mrs. ger, Wyoming, tells of seeing a bril Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan and Pints and Quarts Pints, Quarts, V 2 Gallons Kenneth Lorensen, Mr. and Mrs. liant, flam e-trailing meteor. While family, went to Yakima, W ashington Harold Snyder, Mr and Mrs. Ed visiting Mrs Mitchell's sister-in-law for a visit. Mr. Flanagan returned Price. Mr and Mrs. Grover Cooper, Wyoming, they were home, while the family rem ained for and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock. a at t Pinedale, the cem etery the morning of a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs Albert Notheis and V 2 mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant 7, when Mrs Mitchell, glanced Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Ross and son Mr. and Mr- Elmer Cloninger pic July up seeing the meteor. As she asked Leon, of Hooper, Utah, were T hurs Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room nicked at Sniveley’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs W ayne G arner and j her com panions what the flaming day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W ayne Moncur m ade | a trip into the Sawtooth and visited the G randjean Lodge, one day last week. Mr. and Mi Lew McCoy of Iro n side were down to attend the rodeo Friday and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chase were visitors at the Wally O rcutt home in Payette Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sons dined at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nielsen at Nu Acres Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Homer Didericksen and family were guests at the Cald well home of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Snyder Sunday, for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Langley and family attended the pilots’ breakfast held in Boise Sunday. The breakfast was held in connection with the for mal dedication of the new m unici pal air-term inal south of Boise. Mr. and Mis W allace Gregg and sons were dinner guests Sunday at tlie home of Herschel Gregg. The Wallace Greggs left Monday for Quincy. W ashington where they will make their home. Dwayne Wilson arrived at the home of ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson Wednesday, after be ing formally discharged from the Navy. Dwayne, who has been with the Navy for over a year and sta tioned at Newport, Rhode Island, had been confined to the Newport hospital for seven weeks before his discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and son, David, arrived home Monday after visiting at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Robb at Moses Lake, W ashington for the past week Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robb are the parents of a girl born Saturday afternoon, July 12 at the Holy Ro sary hospital a t Ontario. Their young daughter weighed s e v e n pounds, four ounces and named Gwendolyn Jade Mrs. Claude Wilson and son Terry called on Mrs. Wayne Robb at the hospital Monday. Young Terry also received a check-up on his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg and family were dinner guests Sunday at the Apple Valley home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble. Mrs. O ra Babcock of Boise was a houseguest at the home of her son. Fred, from W ednesday till Sunday of tins week Mary Hobcock is just over the mumps, and now her bro ther is down with them. Mr and Mrs. O. H Schweizer re ceiver a phone call Monday from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friar, residents YOU CAN BUILD of Nyssa 30 years ago. who were passing through and stopped over 'E present here another page from the book “Homes THIS HOME ON YOUR night Schweizers drove in and had by Boise Payette.” Designed especially to meet living and a good visit with the couple. It has OWN LOT FOR AS PIE CHERRIES Waxed Lily Tubs, 3 Sizes FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE THIS A R E A LITTLE AS Yeor in and year out no tim e to have to replace all your household articles, we think you'll agree that you're not being th rifty to run the risk of losing hundreds and m aybe several thousands of dollars you’ll do well with the * 7 4 34 HARTFORD PER MONTH ON ★ a fire that m ight start TONIGHT! So . . . why don't you visit our office today, and w ell give you FREE an inventory booklet to list all your property in. We can answ er any of your questions about FIRE DOWN PAYMENT $ insurance, and any other kind of Insurance, if you'll just ask. T here's no obligation of any kind. If you put it off. tom orrow might be too latef HARTFORD INSURANCE S m or Phono BERNARD KASTMAN (teal Batate Insurance Phone M BOB THOMPSON AGENCY 104 Mais 4C€ MSI Mr,v«MK| (M S I« * SCOMMT m m i HIM M C I lM » k Phone 97 « 2707 . 4 ! FHA APPROVED If you build this home you do not need to seek FHA approval. The plans have al ready been approved by that Agency for maximum loan value in most Areas. In other lacahties satisfactory financ ing CAn be quickly arranged. building conditions of the Intermountain and Rocky Moun tain areas these homes offer positive proof that you CAN build and finance a home today. The “Owyhee”—just one of several special homes avail able at Boise Payette—offers gracious living for a medium- size family and home-styling in keeping with this region. Best of all—it can be financed under present building regulations and at a cost most reasonable, size and style of structure considered. THE “OWYHEE* • Silentite Windows • Balsam Wool Insulation • Hardwood Floors HOME F E A T U R E S • Thick Butt Shingle9 • Devoe Quality Paints • Olympic Pre-Dipt Shake* — and other quality materials throughout! Start Your Building Plans with a Visit to — Pkont 15 C. F. MINK, Manager Nyssa, Oregon •s •