THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOUBWAL, NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1952 PACE STX Days G one By in Nytsa Community Buena Vista Irani the lournsi kite* 1 TEARS AGO, i l l V IT. 1M7 The temperature Miared to 103 de­ rives. highest of the year July 11 in Nyssa.----- Frank Morgan, repre- .*• nting the Nyssa Chamber of Com­ merce and the Owyhee Irrigation district was one among représentâ­ m es of six chambers of commerce attending a hearing in Lewiston. week tion of a prop«, ed government dam in Hell's Canyon on the Snak-' Hiv- Miss Ardy • Hur-t .if Adr ■ er was selected on the attendant' of M PI h h m V * was chosen to reign a s queen of the Malheur County fair in Sept. - The Hailway express agency an- ROCKET 88 " " GAS Puts Z I P In Your Driving ! W hy Pay More ? OIL IS THE LIFE-BLOOD OF YOUR MOTOR W e Carry All Better Known Brands YOUR BATTERY IS THE NERVE-CENTER OF YOUR CAR Let Us Keep Yours Serviced LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON A NEW TRI STATE BATTERY For Dependable Service Il'a BERRETT SERVICE STATION Phone 117 Highway 20 nouni ed tm appdntruent o f an e x ­ *135 f.o.b.---- -C. P Lackey Henry clusive ager:t for Nyssa and free ex­ Peterson and Gordon Ray are at press delivery service to all points New Meadows, Idaho, where they within tht city limits — — Mrs. are working in tht hay fields at Mae Belli w.i installed Noble M per day and b o a r d .----- W l. Mn. Aha Goodell grand of the Nyssa Rebekah Lodge. Gibson was struck in the face by Phoac 069-R l A farewell was given Dr. and a crank of a gasoline engine he was \f. F F Bodner who will leave endeavoring to start and hi.s good in August to make their home in looks were con-iderably marred Mr and Mrs. E J. Bro. kenbraugh Salem. Tin* tri a urer of tht of Rock-Away, Oregon, and Mr oiui TEN YEAR-i AGO. JI LT It. 1*42 Assoc , for Nyssa reported a deficit Mrs. E J Gagner and iam ile ol Itau- Corona. Calif . are visiting at the Trees and Idaho Power Co. trans­ id $15101 for thi former igere considerably damaged qua.------Mrs. Charles Schweizer has Ward Lundy. Sr., home The women by wind and lightning accompanying been engaged a.i principal of the are sisters of Mrs. Lundy Mr and Mrs Virgil McGee and a storm that - wept this area Friday. Kolony School for the ensuing year The wind uprooted one tree 16 In­ ------Peter Meilink who has been as­ Dora Lynn of Burns were visiting ches in diameter and spit another sociated with the Stam brothers in in uliis community last week, calling tree aT the Henry Ha7tiey"resi"dence 1 lhe far*ning game sold his interest j “ T oATi7‘ and*“ oooden homes. and tree in the Robert Thompson *° ^ Partners and left for Port- and spending one night at the E. C yard and at the school yard were to find a quicker, easier meth- Terhune home. The McGee former- also'da>mag. d -L i»'-ca u se d by fire <>d oi becoming rich. ly iived here at the E W Pruyn garage at Sec- ; 35 YEARS AGO JULY 13 1917 Mrs. Eugene Cleaver entertained nd mid Main Saturday was estima- -The Nvs-i« r- rum and mark a group of women at tier home Tues- ,f. |^yssa Garage ana oia cx- t,U .,t $ 1.0011 Alva Goodall was smith sh ls ^ enlarged by a day afternoon c-...xi 0f D, u O re r e - - 1- brlck - - addUion - ' “ >~“ Cleaver, Mr and Mrs. Mrs. n George ,-li.t. ' i Cap' hi Company w m pany u 24 x 44 in the rear gon State Guard, at the organization and an 0f fice room wil] ^ added in Alva Goodell and Mr. and Mrs. Jim meeting of tne company in the iront ^ meet the demands Qf a Ritchie and family were in Cald­ Eagli- H.i.l Monday. Rev. M. H. growing business, the proprietor. Ray well Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver spent Greenlee wa elected first lieu ten- Cook announces.----- Doc Pullen was and and Marion Kurt«, second It in town yesterday from the Owy- the past week on a fishing trip. A-c Bill Kurtz has completed hee.------j esse Thompson, T homp.SOn. E B Among those attending the Ne­ his test and is now classified for Nedry, Arthur Boydell and Dr. Sara- braska picnic Sunday at the Nyssa pilot's training at Santa Ana, Cali­ zin went to Ontario Monday eve- park were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene fornia. ning to bring home Edward Boydell Stephen and Axel, Mr and Mrs. 15 YEARS AGO. JI LT 15, 1937 who has been In the hospital several S B. Hoffman, Mr. and Mr-. Jim Fire which started early this weeks recovering from injuries re- Ritchie and children. Mr. and Mrs. morning ravi ied the home of Eddie ceived in an automobile accident. James Stephen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Powell with loss of practically all — —A large parking house is being James Stephen. Jr., and family, Mr. furniture, personal belongings and built at the Idanha orchard in an­ and Mrs. Joe Stephen and family, _ _______ ____ _ _ __ biggest _____ _ Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and Mr ticipation of _ the prune ___ crop the house damaged beyond success- ful repair The Powells were at their **i the history of the orchard.----- and Mr. Glen Hoffman and Glenda. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were mining property near Prairie City A H Kingman, honorary mayor of and no one was home.------Special Kingman Kolony. official observer Sunday dinner guests at the Leslie serum ordered by Dr. J. J. Sarazin for Nyssa station, reports that Topliff home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman have and brought bv plane from Philadel- the hottest day of the year was phia is credited with saving the life ^ st Sunday, 104 degrees in the as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ol Hi inejr o f the Big Bend , • ‘’ hade.-— -F. Klinghack, T M. Lowe Olson of Gresham. Mrs. Olson district tin a i i k when he was diag- anci T i* Huffman went to Payette is an uncle of Mrs. Hoffman. Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr„ has been nosed a. iffering with anthrax. t0 consult with the Electric Power Frank Bailey was installed Noble Co- ab°ut having the power line ex- staying at the Leonard Phillips home the past week caring for the Phil­ Orand of the I.O.O.F., Oca Blay- | tended to their ranches this fall, lips children while Mrs. Prillips is cock, vice grand, Don Graham, sec- Visitors at the Herb Cox home in the hospital. retary and Ike Boren, treasurer. Truman a n d Francis Cleaver ----- The city council authorized the over 4th were Mr and Mrs. Alvin have returned from Hermiston city attorney to start action to call Harris of Salt Lake City. for a $7500 bond issue to be used in building a city hall.----- Nyssa Pharmacy adverises double thick milk shakes for 15 cents and malted milks, 20 cents. JULY! VALUE MONTH al B & M —read this advertisement, and you'll see why ! m mm. m 20 YEARS AGO. JULY 14, 1932 Nyssa Packing Co. advertises pork steak 2 lbs , lor 25c, beef roast 15c per lb., beef boil 8c per lb. and lard 2 lbs. for 15c —Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson, I)i and Mrs. E. D. Nor- cott and Ed Wilson family camped near the snow banks on the upper Payette Lakes over the 4th.----- -Free railroad transportation to the Owy­ hee Dam dedication Sunday, July 17 will be provided by the U .P. Railroad which will furnish coaches and the General Construction Co. will supply locomotives.---------Nyssa residents and vicinity have sweltered for over a week with temperatures around 100 degrees then on the 4th experienced a new low of 40 degrees Tuesday morning with maximum between 70 and 80 degrees.----- Mrs. Eddie Powell gave a garden party for her Monday Bridge Club; her garden is one of the prettiest in town.----- Mrs. Franklin Fry gave a birthday dinner the 4th for the Dean Smith family.------Good fis-hing is re­ ported at Summit Prairie by Mr. and Mrs. Art Servoss, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson, Blaney Boydell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rambaud. 25 YEARS AGO, JULY 15, 1927 Parallel parking on N y s s a streets has proven very unsatisfac­ tory and the town council voted to change jxirking rules to permit cars to be parked at a 45 degree angle with right front wheels to curb.----- Burning rubbish behind the Nyssa Pharmacy ignited some boxes piled against the building and threatened j the structure. Roy Pounds, own- | er of Nyssa Barber shop and Hazel Beam were married in Baker. Reta | Beam and Warren Blodgett also sneaked o ff and were married.----- ! Roy Willoughby, Joe Meyers and ; George Green posted signs along : the road between Nyssa and the ! damslte this week, completing re­ cent work on the road. Meyers and Green killed a large rattlesnake l measuring three feet three inches with eight rattles and one button near Chalk Butte. ------ Nineteen members of the O.Efi. in Nyssa were guests at the home of Mrs. ’ C. F Kder in New Plymouth Wed­ nesday. 30 YEARS AGO. JULY 14. 1922 The greatest potato crop in Nys- sa’s history will be harvested from 100 acres In early potatoes in the immediate Nyssa trade territory. A big buyer offered $1 per sack for a number of carloads but Abbott Wil­ liams o f Vale shipped the first car for the Warmsprings district for 'You’re 'pbw tr ahead — money ahead with the MM Model Z Tractor. You get the low-coat power to do MOKE work and do it right . . . to t>oost your profits and lower your overhead. You get the huilt-in quality that menu lower maintenance coata, operating economy— the ability to stay on the job season after season . . . for many year* to coma. THCSf IMPORTANT FI A TUI IS « V I YOU MOM WITH TNI MM MOOR I powtl TO tPAil—31 h.p. on drawbar and 36 h.p. on bait. 615 rpm at power-take-off. s i f P P t o UP inoini —206 cu. In. piston displacement and high turbulence combustion chambers to giva you power reserve when you need it. CONTROUID C O O tiN «— Thermostat controls cooling syatem . Stur­ dily built radiater with cast top and bottom tanks, steel frames and removable core. Ptvi for w aid SPfiot —2.4, 3 6, 4 6, 6 4. 13.1 and 2.2 mph reverse. Convenient hand-operated clutch, os t-raise brakes . . . double or single action. M O II COMFORTS — Plots-Rids seat, adjusts Ms steering wheel, wobble-atick gear shift and many more to make the job easier. Viaionlined for complete visibility. UNi M A TIC P O W tl —The modern hydraulic h e ig h t and depth control of mounted or puli-behind implements, optional with tiie Model Z. A I* I ► » II VAI.l E — Near m ore than ever — thi« month, th ro u gh July, we w ill a llo w you th e h igh est trade In In th e V a lle y , on a new Minneapolis M elim - Z. B & M EQUIPMENT CO.. INC. Nyssa, Ort-gou 9 3:53 A. M. *9:05 A. M. 11:15 A. M. Thousands o f homes like this one have earned a 15% saving on fire insurance under General's “ preferred risk” plan. In this plan only good risks are accepted—all others rejected. Fewer losses account for the saving! Ask us. Perhaps your property is eligible for “ Preferred Risk” erage. Renstrom Insurance A gen cy 8:18 I*. M. WESTBOUND "The Capital h ock Company ol Preferred Risks” GENERAI T « OF AMERICA Mrs. Marie Thomas. Agent 220 Main St. Phone 217 Business ? like these - with prices 9 Puuer Steering now available on Super as well as RoaJmaster—optional at extra cost. is—to coin u phrase—a i shopper’s market.” this Folks are taking a keen look at \\ hat they get for what they pay —and they’re taking a double look at price tags. Buiek prices are down within easy reach of the folks who buy what’s known as “ the low- priced three.” Special Order Service for SHEET MUSIC INSTRUMENTS RECORDS l V r very few extra dollars, they’re getting a lot more automobile. Phone 459 Saved 15% On Fire Insurance! 12:34 P. M. '76:30 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 'Local to Boise % Local to Weiser ''(.Dally Except Sundays and National Holidays Special Discounts To Churches— Clubs 51 Miia »S r 5:55 A. M. Fact is—a big chunk of Bniek sales comes from the folks \\ ho trade in one of this low-priced trio. N YSSA MUSIC CENTER veil m o n e y fu r thousands! From Nyssa EASTBOUND Do you know why? P I A N O S r /i it ttKTTEH fire insu ran ce TRAtlWAYS DEPARTURES T h a t’ s the kind of market where Bniek really shines. SPINETS — UPRIGHTS where tiies spent the past wet * at family of Bob*- and Mr. and Mr the home of their grandparent Ray Porter of New Plymouth Vi-ited M a: M W.i!.am U a " e Thurman Hill and Mrs Herold is a daughter, and Mi Mr and M * a brother, of * — Mrs. Calla- Mi am M. Lawrence Li w fished Johnson | over the weekend a: Anthony Lake han.H Mr. and Mr Eugene Cleaver and M: Skinner a:»d Carl Elliott of Jim Chadd fished South Dakota visited at the Lloyd Mr. and Mr Adams home Friday Mr Elliott is near Ironside Sunday Mr- Adam eoa-in. Mr and John McCallister were LOCAL NEWS Sunday dinner gue-ts at the Mancel Bi-hop and Mr*. J. Weldon Berk Bishop home Mr and Mr Willis Bertram went and children of Burley, Idaho, vis- on a Herford tour Sunday and re- ited at the Mel Beck home over parted seeing some excellent herds j the weekend Mr*. V K Bingham and Mr«. : of cattle. I Faye Zesiger of Portland, spent Perry Bingham. Earl Bingham's sis- Wednesday at the Eugene Cleaver ter-ln-law visited at the Earl Bing- home. ham home ovei the weekend, Mr. and Mr- Glen Hoffman and Paul House and Nancy and hi* Glenda and M r and Mrs. Roy sister. Mr-. Howard Stiedley and Oloson spent Sunday evening at the family ol Denver Colorado and his Henry Day home in Adrian. mother Mrs. L. M. House of Albu- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mr querque. New Mexico, spent the and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Del- weekend sightseeing along the Ore- j bert fished at the Owyhee dam gon coast. Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox are vU- Mrs. Donna Heroid of Caldwell.! iting their daughter in Seneca, Ore- Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Johnson and gon. They’re getting more power— and 13728267 ' _ ;* ’ goes with it. They’re getting “ big-car” com­ fort. They’re getting a ride that cost a million dollars and more to develop. They like the room, the fabrics, the extra appointments they find in the sm art-step p in g beauty pictured here. And they like Dynaflow Drive.* They like the way it handles. They like the way it’s engi­ neered. They like the belt they get out of touching off the power of its Fireball X Engine — and they like the miles they get from a gallon of fuel. W hy don’t you come in and see for yourself what’s behind this popularity? I f you can afford a new car, you can he the proud owner of a Buiek. Equipment, accessories, trim and models are subject to change without notice. * Standard on Road master, optional at extra cost on other Series. Sure is true for’52 S o Buiek sales are booming. Not just the S p e c i a l — hut also the St pi k and R o a d m a s t e r . Folks find that each one is the huv in its field. ROBERTS-NYSSA, 2ND and GOOD AVENUE When we tell you that business is great, we can back up that statement with figures. M ore people are buying Buicks than any other car at their price or above. Ine. NYSSA. OREGON