e THY N YSSA GATT CITY JOURNAL. NY S S A. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 10. 195t BEST BUYS Classified PAGE N W * To Buy Or Sell See Mel ATTENTION FARMERS We are in need ot more listings on stock and row crop ranches. MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin Here comes color. A washable, rub berised finish fur Interior walls and wocki trim. •covers most surfaces in one uni- form coat. •dries to a satin sheen in less than one hour. •twelve h&nsome colors all ready to use. Ny ssa Limi ber Co. LOCAL NEWS Sunday guests at the It I Rmik- stool home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Poston and children of Long Beach. California; Mr. and Mr- John Rid- der and Kenny of King Hill. Ida- ho: Mr and Mrs. Ben R.i- leman and children of Ogalalla. Nebraska. Mr Poston is a brother of Mr Rooks tool and he and the family are spending the week with rela tives around the valley. Mrs. Eva Tobler's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. B L. Cunningham, arrived Wednesday morning from Craw- fordsville, Indiana, for a two weeks’ vacation. Sgt. and Mrs. K. II. It irtholomew from Hawaii were home for the first time in three years They left Sunday for Greenville. South Caro lina, where he is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yinsonhaler and son of Tracy. California, weve visiting at the Bryan Vonsonhaler home in Nyssa over the last week end. Visitors at the Rev. Frank Coley home were the Rev. Coley's sister of Walla Walla, Wash., Mr. and I f n Robert Benedict and Mr . Coley's son. Carol Honey of Seattle and Rev. Mr. Coley's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Oltman of M&rsing, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Uel Alsup and Mr. ancj ^rs. Looney were camping over t|„, weekend on the Burnt river. FARMS FARMS home, good barn, lawn, lots of 1160 acres all row crop land. po- shrubs, fruit trees and berries, close CROPS INCLUDED Here's a farm you can move right tatoes and beets, will consider sell- to Nyssa. $7000, terms, HOMES on. Extra good house and barn. A mg m 200 and 300 icre tract and good dairy set-up. $12.500. good taking smaller pla e as part pay- x bedrooni home. $ 3.200 Easy terms. ment, ideal location for Japanese terms RATE Twu cents per word fur euch Issue Minimum, cash in BIO ALL-PURPOSE FARM community. 3 bedroom modern home, $8350, advance, is 30c. 144 acres, 123 good. Nearly all in V1L3CLLLANEOUS— Available now, 320 acres. 50 acre- beets, 150 acres small down payment, easy terms hay and pasture. Mostly suitable wheat, 120 acres barley, 70'. of Attractive 2 bedroom modern p : e.-trolux cleaners and air puri to row-crop, 2 good homes. $42,000, crops goes with the place, terms, home, good corner location, full fiers. Sales and service. Ed R V» down. uiderson. route 3. Weiser, Idano, will take your place 111 as part pay- basement, $ 11 , 000 , terms, 14jr.fc -------- FOR SALE Davenport and cha.r ANOTHER GOOD ONE ment. Large 5-bedroom mowern home, phone 0287J4. set. good condition. 525 N. 7th 120 acres in Black Canyon. 86 FOR SALE 40 acres level land, all in crops, good location, coal furnace, hard- MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need _____ Phone 268-W. 26-3t irrigable. See this right away. $12,500, will consider trading for 10 wood floors, $10,000, 4 down money to remodel your home or to ----------------- ---------------- $24.000. terms. FOR SALE—Table beets, strinc or 12 acres in Apple Valley or Nys- 2 small homes located on large lot. build outbuildings or garage? We ..... - FOR SALE Wheat 2225 lbs. Doug- 83 ACRE STOCK FARM beans and cucumbers 1 mile south sa area. lots of fruit trees and berries, $ 2100 , can arrange a loan for you and give 26-It Good place to run beef or dairy west of Nyssa. George Gabriel 86 acres highly productive row crop $500 down, $30 per month, you up to three years to pay it. cattle, paid-up water right for 80 and dairy ranch, 10 acres m pasture. 2 bedroom modern home. $6750, N .1 Lumber Co. 26-2ip FOR SALE—No. 8 (largest) Inter- 23atfc acres. You can't beat this for attractive 3-bedroom modern home, $1250 down. „ . . ., national Harvester ensilage and hay $16.000 $33,500, $15,000 down, terms on bal- Small acreage close to town, will FOR SA LE -R ound oak table witn chopper Used 1 year. $560 00 Stone jars for pickles All sizes. 78 ACRES—GOOD HOME a nee trade for trailer house. $1500, $400 Get yours early. Marshall-Wells leaves, wash tubs on stand, rocker, terms. Old model ensilage cutter - 71 acres of good farm land here. 120 acres close to Nyssa, 4 mile down. $10 per month. Phone 299-W. 402 King Ave. 26-ltp $60 00. 22-tt Good home and buildings. Yours highway, 96 acres irrigated, stock ~7“ ----------------------- ~ GENERAL MOTORS 2 ton truck— Business Opportunities for $15,000, $5,000 down. and row crop set up, 4 room horn-», FARM SPECIAL—125 acres com FOR SALE Set of double dram combination chopped hay and stock CATTLE RANCH FOR YOU Garage and service station, and bination stock and row crop. Now in barn, chicken coop, $19.000, $9600 tubs free with every wringer wash- rack and beet bed $500.00. About 175 acres of good farm land, highway intersection, down. $1000 per year, will trade for i'F.i1 /,! M m , er. Henneman Hardware, Nyssa. -coin K.nia corn, hay, grain, pasture. Extra good LLOYD LEWIS plus plenty of summer range. Fine good business. Will consider selling $5250 $2000 down, easy terms, build- j 2 houses, other bulk!- 26-It 3-8 miles north Nyssa on Highway location. Good improvements. $51.- with crops. n O rad e A who lesm le oreta i 1 milk set- “ *«' * * . 000 . 1 3 down, balance on 26-ti Ofirt t-ilcp* it A wnoiesaie retail mine set gQod contract Nyssa insurance FOR SALE—Used Norge range, fully 2 acres, ideal location, all in straw up. t.raae HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 80 cheese and ice cream manufac FOR SALE automatic, $85 00, terms Henneman Agency. 106 Main. 19t.f berries, $1000 will handle it, immedi Some of the best land in the area. turing plant, retail ice cream parlor, SPECIAL Hardware, Phone 106, Nyssa. 26-lt ■-------------------- ——«— — - - ... ,, ate possession. 2 -bedroom modern apartment, ex- It won't take this farm long to WHEN HE (Christ* had by Himself HOME IN THE COUNTRY We have the best dairy ranch for elusive area, will trade for ranch In purged our sins, sat down on the pay for itself. Cost is only $23,000. FOR SALE — 1 Jersey springer and This is a good buy. Three rooms sale in the Snake River Valley, good this vicinity. Netting $10,000. $ 10,000 do'. v p . right hand of the Majesty on high. 1 Jersey milking cow See Ever Niel- completely finished. Three unfin- schools, and home, can be purchased Ontario Blvd. business location, Hebrews 1:3. 60 IN BLACK CANYON 26-lt son, Nyssa, Rt. 2. Phone 08-R3. ished. On 60x150 lot. About 1 mile $ 575 . 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft with stock and equipment. 25-3t from town, on paved road. Some well water. Priced below appraisal I have a general mercandising MWCBLLANBOU 8 - Duplicate car| £ £ f » py 80 acres, row crop and stock set : terms if needed. at $7500 $3500 down. up, good soil, lots of cheap water, store, guaranteed $6000 stock inven- and cylinder lock keys made Hen- Hurbert Cox went up to fish. FOR SALE—Table beets. IS* miles BERNARD EASTMAN 5 room home, $21,000. $7000 down, tory. business h an dle, gas. feed, neman's. 25otfc southwest Nyssa. Geo. Gabriel. 25-2i.p NYSSA PHONE Cl BE INDEPENDENT HERE Mrs. John A m b le 's mother, father 40 acres well suited to dairying will sell ciops and equipment If de- hardware, groceries, and clothing. i ------------------------------------------- and located In Willamette valley, net- COAST Blacktop Paving Co. is ready and sister from Chicago. Mr and stock. Close to town. Very sired FOR SALE -Bing Cherries, 1 mile 1940 Cherolet sedan, good tires, r.i- 80 acres in grain, alfalfa, sweet ting $9000 per year, you and your to build your driveway, parking area, Mrs. Jake Jakes and Joan, are to reasonable price of $8700. Easy Southwest Nyssa, Wesley J. Browne, I dio and heater. Call 328-W. terms. Phone 060-J2. 25-2tp corn and pasture, crops go immedi- wife can operate this business, $23,- school yard, feed lot, lounging or visit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Jones and ---------------------------------- -----------.---- -- FOR SALE—1 Condie double unit FALL POSSESSION HERE iate possession, 1-bedroom home, 000, $10.000 down. $150 per month lmplment shed Only pugmill asphal 1 ROW OK potato dig- . . milker, complete with pipes an i One of the best buys Will trade for a dairy ranch in this tic concrete mix In this area. Low Farrell and Mr and Mrs. Campbell .. Cliampion . ., . we have seen. $ 23 . 000 . $ 10.000 down easy terms, ger on lubber 3 miles north east of valves, vacuum tank and pump. Also 40 good acres with a four room 320 acre row crop and stock set- area. Also 3-bedroom modern home. cost, guaranteed work, free estimate. Baer and Channy spent the weex- Auto court, $4,000 income per year, j Budget plan. Rt. 2 Box 250A or end in Logan Valley. Panna. Walter Siebenberg. Phone 1 VA Case cultivator and 2-way plow modern home. $10,550. Terms Up, 4-bedroom modern home, full Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp were in 13-tf. $9.500. terms j Phone 668, Ontario. 91_L4- 25-2tp with hydraulic Jack. Call or write available. bast ment, $60,000. terms. Bend over the 4th. They visited Don McPherson, phone 035-J11, Rt WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM j 300 acres, 157 head Taylor Grazing FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS — Septic tanks Mrs. Kopp's mother, Mrs F. S. Mc- 5 room house in Payette, modern, 2 Nvssa 23-J. 26 good acres, 6-room modern 1 permit. 125 acres irrigated, 4-room 2 bedroom modern home, full and cesspools cleaned Phone Ray- Qarvey. They also saw the water $3500, easy terms. home, good set of outbuildings, j home, $53,000, terms. basemenL coal stoker furnace, ga- mond Hlld 24-M2. Parma, or 24. pageant in Bend. Buildings alone are almost worth 10 acres, one-bedroom modern rage, good location. Motel, 10 rentals, modern house, 2 4 HOMES FOR SALE Farina Hardware. 17-tf. the total price of $13.000 acres good land, near Highway 3o". Two bedroom modern home. Full ANNUAL LDS STAKE 25 ACRE SMALL FARM Move in. $16,000; $6 000 down; $1000 basement. Large garage and shoo, We bail hay or straw in the field ar CONVENTION Ideal set-up for small dairy farm. a year at 5%. A good buy for any- Close in. stack Wire tie. Go anywhere Gene Your Real Estate and Insurance Headquarters You can live well here. Good semi- (Crowded (¡Hit Last Week) one wishing a steady income. | Two bedroom partly modern home. 606 Main Street Phone 200 — Nile 394 Nyssa, Oregon Honey 27F21 or George Griffen modern home. $7500, terms ar Plans are being completed lor the 5 acres on highway 30, free irriga- J New. Unfurnished. Good Location, 27M2 Parma, Idaho. 23-15tp. ranged. tion, good fishing, $850. Terms. convention for the Nyssa and Weis . HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT j FOR SALE—Used A & B electric FOR RENT—Two furnished apart er stakes July 8 at the Nyssa stake Bee Harry Smith, Arata Building, 1 Two-bedroom modern house, full ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Outdoor living, garden, chickens, | apartment range, $39 50. Ideal Gas ments, phone Brownie's cafe. 3mtfc For your own protection, buy house, according to Mrs. Elwood Fruitland. 25-2t basement, stoker heat, fully insulat- cow, pony for the kids—all this ] & Appliance state-inspected meat. Buy a quart- Flinders, president of the host stake 23-tf. --------- _ ------------------ ed, nice yard, in new district. Only can be yours on one of our acre- FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Fire- er half or whole beef, pork or mut- primary rOK SAI.ft $6500, terms. ages. Grocery bills go way down, GOOD used electric ranges, Fir?- stone dealer store. 21Ftfc ton.. See us at plant. I mile north Tw0 general board members of 2 bedroom house—excellent con- 4 room modern house, 100x135 lot, too! Here are a few of our many ¡stone Dealer Store. Nyssa. 25-tfc on highway, then 1/4 mile west on Salt Lake city wiU pre.side over the dition—wall to wall carpeting—very garage, shade. Private irrigation listings: l - - _ _____ . — : I F O R R E N T — 2-room furnished Columbia avenue. Nyssa, Oregon, meetings the first of which b-'- pood garage and storage room—all : system. $4000 terms, i FOR SALE Creto, the guaranteed catjjn Chadwick camp. 14dtfc 1 gins at 9 a.m. for leaders. At 10:45 30ntfc phone 395 W or 31-M. floor coverings go $9100. 3 rooms, full basement, pressure I waterproof paint, Creto waterproof Modern 2-bedroom home, a meeting for ward and stake lead 2 bedroom, modern, trees, lawn. ; water system. 3 large lots. Only $500 POLIO 10 acres $11,500 concrete, brick, cement, stucco, pias ers will be held and at 2 o ’clock 2 lots. $3700 $1000 down, $35 per down. ter, motar and terrazzo. Water ment, lights and water furnished. New—BETTER T H A N E V E R the general meeting for all officers Modern 3-room house, 4 rooms and bath, part basement. month. 10 acres $7500 proofs by application and perman- Phone 63-J. 17-tf. Policy covers CANCER, as well as land teachers is scUeduled. At 8 Very nice yard. Only $5500. 1 bedroom, modern, basement, many other dread diseases. Costs p.m. a special meeting for all par 3 rooms, 3.2 acres $1500 ently waterproofs walls and floors, i garage, trees and lawn. $4500. Only SPECIAL onlv $12 per year for whole family. ents of boys and girls of primary 5 rooms, modern, 2 acres $7000 inside or outside, wet or dry, new or $1500 down. Brand new two bedroom home, 3 room house, 5 acres $4500 old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa age will be held. 20stfc or 74-R. 80 acre stock farm, about 53 acres tiled bath, automatic oil heat, large 6 rooms, 4 acres $4800 Lumber Company. 18-tf. A luncheon will be served at noon Phone 218 and arts and crafts will be displayed 16 North 3rd. irrigated, good modern house $18,000 sun porch. Fully insulated. O 11 paved LISTINGS WANTED Will take a home in Nyssa as part street. Large rooms. Only $9000, We have lots of prospetes for good FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouen.seys, FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-inch In the building at that time. HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT terms. payment. farms and homes. List yours witn Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and floor sanders and 6-inch edger. springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone1 State inspected. One mile north, Building lots, both resident and us and prepare to move. 16-tf. $500 down. East side dwelling, nice ATTEND IDAHO SESSIONS 3U6. Ontario. Oregon, across from Stunz Lumber Co. 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia HOMES fenced yard and trees, only $1,800. business. (Crowded Out Last Week) Ontario sale yard 2mtfc FOR R E N T -O ne bedroom modern 1 ave Custom slaughtering, cutting, 2 BEDROOMS. FULL BASEMENT Good basement house, on 50 by 160 ‘ INVESTORS Thursday evening Mrs. Paula Hardwood floors, fireplace, lovely FOR SALE—One acre, 3 4 miles out. j furnished apartment, 1 block from - wrapping, curing and rendering lot. east side location, $1500. We have 3 houses, all have fur cattle, sheep received any House, Nancy Jo, Ann and Doris kitchen with dining space, stoker 5-room brick house, outbuildings, town. Also two bedroom modern un- House on 75 by 160 foot lot, shade nace heat, garages, nice yards, 3 I day. Also we consign hogs, cattle Rigney attended the grand opening heat, corner lot facing east, paved fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash funished^apartment. and fruit trees, $2000. blocks from town on paved street. and sheep for farmers to Portland of the Idaho Jobs Daughters at street. Enjoy this lovely home for price $4000 Nyssa Insurance Agency, BERNARD EASTMAN A good nice laying 30 acres with Paying good return. All three for market. Free cooling and free de Nampa. only $11.000. FHA terms. PHONE 64 buildings and houses $8,500, only only $11,750. Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, Nyssa, livery within five miles of plant. Friday evening about 20 of the QUIET RESTFUL LIVING $3,500 down. FOR RENT Oregon. Phone 395-W; If no answer. 31-M. Nyssa Jobs Daughters and seven Comfortable 4-room cottage on 100-head cattle ranch, outside Two unfurnished apartments. Each FOR RENT—Three-rooin apartment, 3mtfc guardians went to Nampa for the quiet street. Lovely yard, all fen FOR SALE- Charcoal Tor broiling, large rooms, modern. range, 175 acres good farm ground, have 3 rooms, bath and utility rooms. evening of "fun test.” The Nyssa ced, good soil. Price of $4800 in fishing and hunting. Gives $3 flavor $51.000 NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Private garage. Good location. Only LOST Bethel participated in the evening cludes nice set of furniture. Ralph G. Lawrence. Agent 2 bed-room modern, near city $45 per rno. to $1 steak. Ideal Gas and Appliance. park, $4,600, terms. Phone 53 LOST—Small, brown, male, part of skits and other talent. The Beth Small 3 room house with bath and PICTURE OF THE YEAR 19-tf. 105 Main els having the most outstanding Your wife and children in their utility room. Close in. $30 per mo. Pekingese puppy Some where in own yard. This is a lovely two- FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall FOR RENT -Three rooms and bath, the south part of town. Reward if talent were Wendell, Boise and BERNARD EASTMAN bedroom home with automatic paper, complete selection. Firestone ground floor, partly furnished utili found. Two boys are very blue. Gary Hailey. Among those guardians who HOB THOMPSON AGENCY Insurance Real Estate went were Mr. and Mrs. P. L. House. 21Ftfc. ties furnished. Also basement apart heating $7350, very easy terms. Dealer store. Phone 97 Phone 64 and Jackie Dail, 412 N. 6 St. Phone Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding, Mr. A HOME FOR $1500 ment, furnished. Stunz duplex, on 162-W. and Mrs. C. A. Wernick, Mrs. Carl Comfortable 2 room home. Beats FOR SALE—Sewing machines. Pfaff Admin blvd. Ph. 152-R or 110. Grunke and the Honored Queen, paying rent. Easy terms, or will and Universal, new and used. Fire 21-tfc. Legal Advertising stone Dealer store. lntfc Doris Rigney. discount for cash. Saturday evening was the installa FOR RENT — Furnished cabins, VETERANS SPECIAL tion of the Idaho Grand Officers of phone 122-M or inquire at Shoe NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 2-bedroom modern home, nearly Fine Late Model Used Cars Passenger clinic. 12-tf. In the County Court of the State Job's Daughters. Mrs. C. A. Wer- new. $6300, $1800 down, easy of Oregon for the County of 1946 Plymouth, 4-door deluxe sedan, nick’s niece Carol Lee Humphreys monthly payments. Malheur R&H. good condition. was installed as the Honorary State 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME WANTED In the Matter of the Estate of Queen of Idaho and Mrs. Wernick Mr. Working-man, here is a spaci |1950 Buick 4-door, special, good WANTED — To hawl work, own ARMINA SERAPHINE CARNEGIE, and Mrs. House attended the install ous, comfortable home for your tires, clean, R&H. ation. 24-4tp. deceased. family, nearly new and well lo 1949 Plymouth, 4-door special de truck. Phone 293-NJ. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that luxe, R&H, low mileage. cated, $8300, easy terms. GATE CITY LODGE 1942 Chevrolet. 4-door, R&H, ex WANTED—To care for children In the undersigned. Harold Henigson, GRASS FIRE TUESDAY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SARAZIN CLINIC my home by hour, day, week or administrator of the estate of Ar- ceptionally good condition. No. 214 I. O. O. F. FARMERS MARKET (Crowded Out Last Week) 17-tf. mina Seraphlne Carnegie, deceased, Dr. J. J. Sarazin Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 This is Just one of many businesses 1947 Plymouth, 4-door, special de evenings. Phone 140-R. A grass fire on a vacant lot south has filed his Final Account as said luxe, motor good, R&H. ... . , South First Street that could use this three acres of King avenue shortly before noon Dr. K. E. Kerby with a good 24x80 building. Could 1949 Dodge. 2-door, Wayfaier. motor WANTED Highest prices pakl for administrator in the County Court Tuesday was put out by Nyssa fire- Physicians and Surgeons h2.rsf il" c l >de Bm.th of Malheur County. Oregon, and easily be converted into a 4-unit overhauled, good tires, clean, heater. 1 3M, Ontario. Across from that said Court has appointed Tues flames threatened nearby houses. motel, with lots of room for ex 1949 Studebaker, Cliampion, regal o Sa’fts yart1' 23mt c day, August 5, 1952, at 10:00 o'clock The fire was reported to have been pansion. Perfect highway location. deluxe coupe overdrive, lots o f ex- ° W ntnr ANTED—Custom combining, self in the forenoon of said day for the started by burning trash. No dam DR. C. M. TYLER L. A. MAULDING, M. D. tras, good rubber, very clean. $8000, '2 down. age was reported. WILSON BUILDING 1946 Plymouth, special deluxe, 4- propelled machine, work guaranteed hearing of objections to said Final Physician and Surgeon AN INCOME FOR LIFE Phone 165-J, Nyssa Phone 37 trucks if needed. Call Art Hann, Account and the settlement thereof Apartment houses provide sure j door, clean, good condition. Office Hours From 9 to 5 NOW, THEREFORE, all persons settled, allowed and approved and Commercials 024R1, Nyssa. 26-5tp and steady incomes for thousands Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 Interested in the estate of Armlna said estate distributed and said ad of owners. We have several good j Chevrolet P*clc* JP' Daily Except Saturday and J bed with rack good tires and motor, WANTED—Ironing to do at my Seraphlne Carnegie, deceased, are ministrator discharged. J. R. CUNDALL Dated and first published July 3, Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 clean. 26-3tp notified and required to appear at home. Phone 261-W. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED Dentist the County Court Room in the Court 1952 Country g e n e r a l merchandise J 949 Willys 4 -ton pickup, good rub- Phone 56-J WANTED—Baby sitter to tend child House at Vale, Malheur County, Date of last publication, July 31 store. nets $40 per day. building. lo" “ “ “ «ft w‘ th ? < * ' „ Sarazin Clinic C. J. KOPP, M. D. at my home from 7:00 am. until Oregon, at said time, to then and 1952. Ride With Pride In A Car From stock, equipment all goes for j NYSSA OREGON 6 p.m. Call 3-R or come to 552 N. there show cause If any there be, HAROLD HENIGSON, Physician and Surgeon NYSSA MOTORS, INC. $22,500, 4 down Also will Include 1st. 26-lt why said Account should not be ¡ Armlna Seraphine Carnegl, deceased. FRY BUILDING modern two-bedroom home for DR. JOHN W. OLSEN FOR SALE OR TRADE Office Hours only $4000 more. MISCELLANEOUS Dental Clinic NOTICE 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 7th and Bower FOR SALE OR TRADE—Prefer Va.e That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. WANTA TRADE?? Daily Except Saturday and Phone 393-W property, 107 Enis Ave. one six-room, Tractors, we mean—See our display NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following warrants will be can Phone 218 1 three-room house, 2 two-room 16 North 3rd. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 ad In this Issue to discover how to celled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are cabins, cellar, price all $7000. Terms. JOHN DEERE 2-row, flatbed pota Mrs. Date Pamprien Vale, Oregon. get the most outa that old work presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before September horse. B&M Equipment Co., Nyssa. 30. 1952 to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario. 23-tf. EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. GENERAL FUND WARRANTS 25-tf KIRBY CLEANER 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Claimant Amount No. Date Issued FOR RENT cleans faster, more thoroughly, has Alice D. Bankofier Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy $ .10 5571 Nov. 2, 1944 FOR SALE—We have 9 good John PAULUS 80 5574 Nov. 2 1941 Nyssa. Oregon Deere hay loaders We will take $100 FOR RENT- Modern 3 room house, lifetime guarantee. For free proving Mrs Maude Greeley demonstration, write or call GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS JEWELRY STORE each for quick sale Oregon Frozen 507 N 4th Phone 044.J2. 23-tf. Richfield Oil Corp. $44 95 6295 Nov. 10. 1944 DON RICH Union Pacific Time Inspector Foods Co. Phone 359, Ontario, Ore. H. 6. Sackett, 23-4it. FOR RENT Modern 3 room, fur for appointment before 9 mornings, JEWELRY — DIAMONDS County Clerk. nished apartment, close In. 110 7 evenings. Office Payette 611 Nort.i DR. W. W. EASTEP WATCHES 26-tf 8th. Phone 640-R. 23-tf. First publication July 10, 1952; Last publication August 7, 1952. FOR SALE— A C. Combine, good North 4th. Phone 127-W. Veterinarian Main Street at Second motor, $650. Joe 8tephen. 23-4tp Advertising MEL BECK REAL ESTATE KEN POND “ iASK™ FARM LOANS PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Lodges Dentists KEN P O N D " - - - - Chiropractor Jewelry Stores Veterinarians r v i t » jr t u ij— Ciicvti iv jw i ta i/it t»vu ~ WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Veterinari Supplir* Smail and barre Animala Pet Hospital Optometrists O ffice H ours a A M. te « F. M. DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Phone Nyssa 202 407 Main St. WEEK-END SPECIAL FOR SALE—One 2-bedroom house, one 3-bedroom house, under F H A , Stunz addition. C. K Olson, phone 251-W 17-tf. Records — 5 for Glamorene End Table la w n Chair« Electric Fan« Dr. M a r v in M . P r e n t ic e Veterinari Surgren I a rg r a n d N m all A n im a i« 21« \V Park Ph. 2341 New Plymouth, Idaho ~ DR. VER NON W ARD Veterinaria»! large er Santi ta n n i» Bau 765 «ta n a *171 Phon« 21, Ontario, Oregon more sewing machine Excellent con dition with complete attachment. Phone 095-R4 Ohas Kanester, Rt. ?.. 24-tf. Hea edate U s i * FOR SALE Two-bedroom modern home, ex cellent condition, perfect heatUi« sy-tetn, good location. Tw be I r an. » tew. completely n. dern, g ; «1 lo<r*Mon. 0/J U f IT A term Three * re e i ellent land, ©n highway, new bu- i ne- building M itel with mu:ket, very good loca tion. N U S A m«U«AN< t A G S * r f Ralph 6 . Iswrcmct. Agent 105 M a in 8 t m t n e 83 ___ - ________ __ _______ $1.41 ____ ____ ___ $2.41 . - - $*.41 __________ _____ $4.41 . $441 W e Give S & H Green Stamps PETERSON FURNITURE COM PANY STORES "THE DEFEMDASL1 FURNITURE STO R M " OWtAMlO — VALB - NYSSA — PAYETTH