o THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY IO. 19S2 PAGE ÌCIGHT Apple Valley Activities The Week's Na Acres Hews Mr«. Sherman Wilson 1‘ liune P a n a * 21-MI l a r m r r f l t r > < lub There will be a community meet­ ing, Monday evening, at 8 o ’ c I o ck . along with the regular school board meeting that will be of special in­ terest to all parents and taxpayers ol the district. There will be discus­ sion as to paying the back tuition owed Parma district Most import­ ant will be the discussion of the advice given the local board that this Independent district should go back to the common district form in order to give it the power to in­ crease its mill levy to pay tuition owed. Virgil Famer of the count; board will be there to explain the plan. Sergeant and Mrs Robert Mc­ Grath of Vancouver, visited over the weekend in the home of his sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. Pay Col­ lins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed and son, Robert, spent the weekend of the Pu uUl at M c C a l l Kami IfcIU V M O , niece of Mrs. Reed, returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Tom Ferguson and Evelyn made a trip to Corvallis over the Fourth to visit Mr. and Mrs. La- Verne Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs Charles Pitman and Harvey attended an open house In the new home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Haworth near Star Sunday. A large picnic, with about 40 friends and relatives attending, was held on the lawn at the Martha Nor­ land home celebrating the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman left Sunday morning for a month’s va­ cation trip through Canada Mr. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schlmmel.s and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Walter Hickman home in Arena Valley. Mr and Mrs. Howard Jones are spending this week visiting In Wy­ oming. Mr and Mrs. Ted Dick and daugh­ ters were in McCall for the Fourth ol July weekend. Oene and Larry Schlmmel.s have been doing the chores for their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Toney Schimmels of Parma, who are away on a visit to Oakridge, Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Charles McFarlin and Mr. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schim- niels were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pierce of Parma Wednes­ r " • T M aud Mrs. Bill Harm and child­ day evening Saturday evening, the two couples were guests in the Sev- ren of Sea-ode. Oregon, were guests over the 4th of July at the Ed Mer- ert Fox home Mrs. Martha Norland and Palmer, oney home. Mr. and Mrs. W L. Hansen cf and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Norland and family of Mountain Home were Whittier. California, visited Wednes­ Sunday dinner guests of Mr and day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Roger Norland near Adrian. H W Orcutt. John and Jake Smit went on a Mr. and Mrs Howard Smith of Nu Acres and Mr and Mrs. Ed Stevens fishing trip for a few days over the of Nyssa were Fourth of July guests 4th, near Warren, Idaho. in the J H. Sommers home. Phyllis Evans attended the ser­ Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson. Gary. vices Sunday at the Brethren church Dalo and Jim went on a fishing camp at Old Meadows. trip to Bear Creek over the Fourth. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbulek and Marilu stayed with her grandmoth­ Donna entertained with a 4th of er, Mrs. Sara Miller, July picnic at their home They to McCall the evening of the Fourth had as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Conley Wilson went Ben Ramer and family of Boise, to move the household goods of Mr. Mr and Mrs George Grasmick of and Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell to Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. W H Gras­ Nampa where he has accepted em ­ mick and Mary Lou, and Rudy Ned- ployment with Jack's Ideal Food balek. Store. Mr and Mrs. George Smit at­ Friends here were sorry to hear tended a picnic at the home of Mr of the serious illness of Mrs. Roy and Mrs. John Timmerman near Pilcher of Nampa. She has been a Adrian the 4th. patient at a Nampa Hospital the Mrs Lela Lett and Si Let were past two weeks and has a king guests at a 4th of July picnic on the struggle ahead of her yet. Roy re­ lawn at the Ed Meroney home. ported Monday that she was better Mr M C. Seuell was hostess to but would have to be careful for a the W .8.C5 of the Fruitland Meth­ long time as the after affects of odist Church, at her home on Thurs­ rheumatic fever, from which she has day afternoon with Mrs. Cecil been suffering, can be disastrous. Evans, Mrs. Henry Orcutt and Mrs. Darrel Wilson went with Mr and Paul Thomson assiting. Mrs. Thaniel Botner on a fishing Lucille Hiatt of Myrtle Creek. trip above Crouch the Fourth. Oregon visited with Donnu Nedba- Mr and Mrs. Gene Honey went lek Friday afternoon and evening. to Portland last week where they Lucille came to Nyssa with her were called by the serious illness of family last week where they visited his sister. with friends over the 4th of July Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Estop and children, who have been In Stionite, holidays. Mr and Mrs. Russell Meroney and are visiting with Mrs. Estep's moth­ children spent the holidays visiting er. Mrs Emma Hunt. Mr. Estep has accepted employment in Boise und lunch in the park in Caldwell the will move his famly there. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Smith and Fourth and stayed for the fireworks family have been enjoying a visit in the evening. Invitations are out for a stork from Mrs. Smith's sister. Mrs. Lu­ ther Elliot and son, Ed ol Kansas. shower to be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh and Mrs. Jack Raney, Friday afternoon, Beulah visited Mr and Mrs. Clar­ in honor of Mrs. Howard Smith. Mrs. Charles Romans from Wall, ence Planting in Boise, Friday. They South Dakota, visited several days also enjoyed the fireworks. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey visited last week with her mother, Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Coffey in Emma Hunt. Mrs. Frank Kunkle of Berkeley. Ontario, Sunday evening. Mrs. Emma Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. California, and Mrs Margaret Mor­ Lloyd Estep and children and Mrs. ris of Parma visited at the J. N. dairies Romans enjoyed a picnic 1 Leigh home, Monday. hi m 1 c s§9 Eve ry electrical \ \\N appliance i year home means a HIGHER STAHDARD OF LIVIN6 ! You live better. You work less. Electricity is your personal servant in scores of different ways. From the kitchen to the laundry and all through the house, elec­ tricity does wonderful things for you and your family. It cooks your meals and washes your dishes. It launders your clothes and lights your way. Every appliance raises your standard of living— it adds to your comfort, enjoyment, and convenience too. You can enjoy electric living here in the Snake river valley to the fullest extent—-electric service is plentiful and it costs you less. Idaho Power Company rates are 42 per cent below the national average with friends and relatives in La Grande, Oregon. Among those from this community who drove to Caldwell the evening of the 4th to see the fireworks dis­ play, were, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mar­ tin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Samuels and family and Mr and Mrs Cecil Evans and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Randolph and Melvin and his friend, Patricia from Madras, Oregon, visited at the Prank Nedbalek home on Sunday | evening. The Do-More Sewing girls met with Carol and Barbara Montagu* Wednesday afternoon. They worked on their sewing projects and on the judging of canned foods. Mrs. Anderson of Ontario will give a demonstration on the freezing of foods, at the meeting of the Farm­ erettes Club Wednesday afternoon, July 16 at the Nu Acres Hall. The Do-Mores played soft ball with the Lucky Thirteen Club at the Fruitland school grounds Saturday evening. The Do-More club won the game. NIGHT RODEO Adrian News Mrs. Pauline M cG in nis The Adrian Five Ball soft ball team beat the Sunset Valley Farm­ erettes Thursday evening 27-6 Silver City was the vacation spot on the Fourth for Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris, Jim Norris, Mr and Mis Glen Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcrafts and families. Marsha Willis celebrated her fifth birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Detienne ; and son have gone to Burns for the rest of the summer vacation where he will work in the timber. Mr and Mrs. Orville Gilbert and daughters spent the Fourth at Dia­ mond Lake, Oregon where they vis­ ited her mother, Mrs. A1 Nicholson, a sister, Mrs. Fred Mull, a brother, Ray Landreau and families, also his brother, Max Gilbert. Mrs. Howard Hatch is visiting a couple of weeks in Eureka, Califor- ! nia. with a sister, Mrs. Bill Tucker and family, a brother, Russell Wy- mer and family. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Henderson are spending a few days in Emmett where he is consulting a doctor. He will undergo major surgery Tues­ day morning. Betty Hansen of Parma, spent her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hatch. Ronnie and Helen Martin re­ turned to their home Sunday after I a two-week visit with their grand- j parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J Eng- j lish of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. I. Martin of Parma. Mrs. Anna Sparks and Wayne. ! Mrs. George Riddle of La Grande. ! spent the weekend here with their families. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Martin and Mrs. Sarah Martin, spent the Fourth in Boise with her sister, Mrs. C. U. Plecker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton and son of Honiedale spent Sunday with her folks, the Bill Ashcrafts. In the evening they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drown and daughters of Nyssa. Mrs. Ashcraft and Mrs. Drown are sisters. Fourth of July dinner guests if Mr. aud Mrs. Elbert Hatch were: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and family, Merrill Tallman of Ridge- view. Mr and Mrs. Dwain Hatch and family of Star. Mr. and Mrs Don Hatch and family of Owyhee. Betty Hansen of Parma, Howard and Don Hatch. Mrs. Verna Costley and children of Ridgeview. Don Hatch won first In the main event jalopy races in Nyssa Wednes­ day evening Elbert Hatch lost out when his motor got too hot and burned out. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Sparks and son. Mr. and Mrs Bill Looney and sons spent the Fiurth In Emmett with their parents the A. C. Hen­ dersons. Mr and Mrs. Bobby Brown and family of Boise, Mr. and Mrs Bob Eastman and (laughter of Caldwell were Sunday visitors of their parents j the Glen Browns. Mr and Mrs Leonard Smith and daughters spent the holiday week- I end at Summerville, Oregon, visit­ ing a niece. Mis. Clayton Barnes and I family. Those who spent the three-day holiday in the mountains fishing were Gayle and Ronnie Martin, and Hill Webb on Crane Creek on the North Fork Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family, Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Cartwright to Strawberry 1-ikc Mr and Mrs. Bob Webster aiul family, Charles Newblll, M .-. Foster and sons and friends to Half­ way, Mr and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and son Jim Jr . to North Fork of the Malheur. All report fishing good. Thursday Friday Saturday JULY 10-11-12 HARLEY TUCKER'S STOCK Including Rrahma Bulls Clown Wes Curtis and Porky Karen Hansen, Acrobatic Contortionist WORLD FAMOUS COWBOYS THE WEST'S TOUGHEST BRONCS $I8 0 0 Cash Prizes REDWOOD EMPIRE CARNIVAL 10 Rides — 20 Concessions THREE BIG NIGHTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Karen llolmr* o f P ortland arrived Tuesday for a visit with Pat Bar­ clay. H0BERT NORMAN, Announcer L IS T E N ! BROTHER ADMISSION You Nrrd Drprndahlr Auto Krpoir Likr Our* ADULTS, 51.50 Children Under 12.75c 3000 SEATING CAPACITY Make your home electrical in every possible way— see your appliance dealer ID A H O V POWER 6th Annual Nyssa SPONSORED BY SHELL PRODUCTS end SERVICE NYSSA NIGHT RODEO ASSOCIATION BLUNCK SHELL SERVICE Nyssa Cham ber of Com m erce M ade Up of O w yhee Riding C lub and