RAGE SEVEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S SA. OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1952 county court voted $ 1.000 for the im ­ provement of the I O N highway between Jordan Valley and McDev- nul. where >prmg rains wu.-hed out the nvid. Baldridge Implement D a y s G o n e B y in N y ssa C o m m u n it y From the Journal Files Uncial Nates . Five Years Ago. July 10. 1947 • cer training .school at Miami. Flot- Pink and B!ui S v, r acissors and a hair clipper Sunday A grandstand and bleachers hav- >da according to information re- ll?h. lf g 75 iunr«xim ate value Nv - M 1 1 * ing a seating capacity oi about 2,ood ce.ved by his parents Mr. and Mrs. g "sh ,.j ^ \ ' [' M f of honor at a pi: k ai d blue shower g.ven at the hi me of Mrs. Brig ? n o iv n 1,0 I 5 J ears V ° - Ju,v *• 1937 near the railroad track and arrested Olson. Thursday afternoon, witn as -h to-- Oinh^ the Owyhee Riding Work will begin tomorrow r t v - - a transient with tell-W le lime which Mrs. Glenn Pet« w i ^ h i r h ,fo h , d T i7 l tng °o reri odelmg the P»-'t Officj. had been spilled near the tracks, on and Mrs. Lester Burbank in charge m r ahf nr ni « , a " h?“ H° '>t Ua’' Ult' contract to u -ir his shoes and with a fresh hair cut. o f the games. Th e winning prizes ‘ n California to overcome aphis the partition out between the present — Mi.-s Dixie Vanscoy of Wilder. were Mrs. Don Lyil< and Mr A r­ ^ 1 US lVe! ' P?St °,m yielding about 28 , ar- load fresh peas J .< Dyei been transferred from the post as manager of the Ontario branch tion to marry.----- Mr. and Mrs Dwight Smith and Mrs. J B Smitn returned from i trin through Ore- goU to Crescent City. California, the Redwood forest and Crater Lake, They made the trip in Smith’s Ford * * * °* * * U S Natu,:lal * * on^the ^enüre^níoiuitarn ^rip'\vhere Si the » ^ J 4 v ’ J sa -sw * p *1 1 ta i X 7C U U t were accompanied bv Father Rem- 4 M Fa Ma a- Cur­ tin. ternoon were Mr and M: Andrew Sewright, Jr., and family of Neah Bay, Washington, Mr. and Mrs R o y Scvright and family, and other rcl- ■c.\e The Andre* S.-wrights are Saturday Fvt-mtic Dinner former Ontario resident and ni w Mr and M i- Turn L.te en ter­ ¡»•rate a cabin report at Neah Bay tained with dinner Saturday evening — - for Mr. and Mrs Harold Loe and Third Birthday Event family of M« Nary. Oregon. Mrs. Mr Harry McOinley entertained Pearl Frank oi Payette Miv. M il­ dred lx>e of Ontario. B«>b I.aughlin with a party June 28 honoring her of Portland and Mr and Mrs C lif- daughter Kathleen on the occasion r third birthday. The 15 little ( ton Nielsen of Nyssa. guests enjoyed playing with balloons •5*—"F and paper favors and Kathleen was Friendship Birthday Club presented many nice gifts. 4 Elects New President The Friendship Birthday Club wa- entertained Monday afternoon at the home o f Mrs Mamie Baker with Mrs. Ruth Irving and Mrs. Baker co-hostesses. Mrs. Baker was chosen president of the club succeeding Mrs. Ruth Anderson, retiring president and Mrs. L. O. Poulsen was reelected vice president and secretary for the ensuing year. The birthdays o f Mrs. Anderson, Mrs Norma Jameson and Mrs Baker were honored and each pre­ sented a lovely gift by the club Bunco was in play with prizes awarded to Mrs Anna West and Mrs. Fannie Child. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Arzilla Swanson and Mrs. Anderson. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Sacred Pageant Presented The Nyssa stake ne > 1, c< m- mittee. under the direction of Mr. and Mrs Loynn Blacker, of On­ tario, presented a sacred pageant last Sunday evening in the L.DS. tabernacle on Alberta Avenue at which approximately 1.000 persons attended. Musical numbers and readings were presented from Par­ ma, Ontario. Owyhee and Vale. Those taking leading parts in the pageant were Henry Zobell, EldreJ Browere. Mr. and Mr Richard L. Gregg. Special recognition was giv­ en to Mrs. Wayne Barrett of Owy­ hee L.D.S. ward for winning the "Book of Remembrance” Contest. President Milton Nelson of Ontario, presented her with a lovely gift. club members won honors including will present a three-act play The out) storage unit three trophies at the regatta held Million Dollar Butler" Friday night -»5 Years Aro—July 8 I9’>7 Saturday at Payette Lakes. Trophies portraying both men and women ” rh - land office at Vale was o ffi- were won by Ed Pruyn. Dale G arn- characters. The cast include.-. Mar- c ^ > S d J u n e 30 and Z o?f£e ^ h n PaIttersonc Also wlu- Jon" ° ~ ? » 4 »'byllis Schireman. H - .- records were shipped to The Dulles ? ^ g i i f 2 ° ra W treJlm m y SaVagea‘ld 7 BoydeH. Louise Tensen, Margar- Monday> the 17 ¿universary of its Leo Fife. et Sarazin, Barbara Brown« j . e r. C. Mc- 10 Years Ago, July 9, 1942 Caro li(>bertson June Ma a Elioy is planning to build a new Tom Elredge. operator of the Nys • Wilson^ and Martha Browne — modern theatre in Vale on the site sa Bowling center has installed an ~ nU P ’IUU> was Mlled 40 Wei.scr Qf the old Rex Theatre that burned air conditioner system In his build- Tuesday night by Henry Zerney ■ > aown several years ago.—Dr. Nor­ ing. ----- Nyssa residents who will °P en ;l s;'fe Mr. Zerney had locked cott dentist of Goldendale Washing Farew ell Party Honors be inducted into the army under and couldn't open, ton is located in Nyssa and h is Baker Fam ily the draft board’s July 16 call are 20 Years Ago. July 7, 1932 The variou : LD .S church organi­ rented office rooms in the Wilson Paul Heldt, Hayt Vardel, John Knot- After July 6 it will require a three- Building over the store.-----The Nys­ zations joined together in giving tingham, Orton K. Winn, Earl W. cent stamp instead of a two-cent sa water tank has a new coat of Mr. and Mrs. Them Baker and their Jennings, Frank Phillips, Frank , stamp to send one first class lett silver bronze paint with "Nyssa’ family, a farewell party with pro­ Bridges, Leonard Cleaver and Eu- under tile new postal rate require- painted in black lettering.— -The gram and buffett luncheon, at the gene Lunger.-----W alter Putman of m e n t-— Harry Leuck. after a th ru last old land mark of the Mam Nyssa second ward M nday evening, Weiser has been appointed manager week's visit at the home of his Street shade trees was removed with Ezra Carr acting as master o f the Nyssa Produce Co.-----It w a s parents, Mr. and Mi Frank Leuck, from the corner of the Nyssa Cash o f ceremonies. The Bakers are mov­ decided this week to limit the M ai- will sail for Shanghai, China f. ing to Moses Lake, where they will Grocery last week. farm and make their home. heur County fair to 4-H and F F.A two years’ assignment.-----The fir-t 30 Years Ago, July 7, 1922 programs.-----Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of the estimated 200 car shipment Community singing of fun and ac­ M. B. Mathieson, practical miner Lewis and two children spent the of potatoes from Nyssa was moved and part owner of the Mathieson- tion songs, was conducted by Miss Fourth o f July holiday in Baker, to market today with shipment of Hope mine six miles from Malheur, Nani Child With Betty Fife at the -----Lloyd Wilson is attending th> the first car by Charles Garris, o reported that $214 in gold was re- piano. Program numbers consisted ILS. Air Corps administrative o ffi- who is digging five acres.— The cently taken from test holes sunk o f a reading by Caroler Kelser, and on a space 4 1 tvt by 6 feet and one Nell Bair, vocal numbers by a trio nugget worth $128 was taken from consisting o f the Misses Nannette this small space on the property. By-bee, Nani Child and Betty Fife, Misses Thelma Thompson, Edna also vocal solos by Rodger Brooks Dennis, and Juanita Bigelow were o f Arizona. A comic song in honor prize winners in the ticket selling of the couple was composed by T. contest for the Chautauqua.-— The Carol Bybee and sung by Keith D. county will open a new road from Bybee, with Mr Lamont Fife, as­ Little Valley to Harper and shorten sisting with visual aids, which in­ , the distance from Vale to Harper cluded live chickens. Each organi­ I five or six miles, according to a de- zation leader presented Mr. Baker I cision reached by the county court. who was a member of the 2 nd bish­ I ----- Mail Carrier Artie Robertson J opric, with several lovely gifts. The stiffen'd a tail-end collision with Relief Society, presented Mr. Ba­ Sid Skinner while delivering mail ker with gifts. out in the Owyhee country Satur- j day and had his car badly damaged. Picnic A t Starkey 35 Years Ago. July 6, 1917 A group o f 15, members of the Mrs. H. R. Sherwood left Wednes­ Nyssa Stake presidency, their fami­ day evening for an extended visit lies and guests spent the Fourth at with friends at Superior. Wisconsin, Starkey. Following a picnic dinner, and Michigan points.----- County En­ they enjoyed swimming, fishing and gineer B. F. Farmer with a number : outdoor sports. o f Boise men, spent last Sunday in- | specting the proposed route up Suc­ Swim m ing Party and Picnic cor Creek to Jordan Valley for Approximately 30 o f the Spanish which the County Court has been speaking young people of the local asked to appropriate $ 1,000 to com­ Catholic church attended a swim­ plete. Engineer Farmer declares that ming party, pot luck picnic and not only is this the most feasible weiner roast on the Fourth of July outlet from Jordan Valley but it at Sniveley’s Hot Springs. They will be the most scenic highway in the country.-----Cecil Caldwell went to Salt Lake City to offer his ser­ vices to the Navy.---- Th e new coun­ ty o f Payette was officially created Monday when appointed officials were sworn in.-----Alice and Esther Spier, Helen Hoxie and Alice Har­ per, in order to do their bit for the Red Cross, operated an ice cream E. E. Botner. Owner N ext To M el Beck Agency stand on Main Street and cleared $10 in an hour. Efficient Cooks— — Courteous Waitresses For Your Satisfaction We Have the Delicious PARAMOUNT PRODUCTS Family Dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs. J B. Quigley enter- taind with a fam ily dinner Sunday at their home. Guests were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford and two girls of Parma. Mrs. Quigley’s sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Dar­ rell Shaw of Wells, Nevada and their nephew, Don Quigley of the KC ID | radio staff at Caldwell. Picnic In The Park A N D ITS » E A U T Y IS M O M T H A N S K I N DEEP W h it e u d e w o ll ttret (if o v o ilo b ie ) o p h o n a i a t e e tro cost. Equipm ent. o c c « s» o n « s and trim »ubfncJ to c h a n g e without notice. Thi» breathtaking Ford beauty is one sf the very newest and loveliest of America's cars. And underneath its beauty is the most powerful engine in a low-priced car. the 110-h.p. high-compres­ sion Strato-Star V-8. Wouldn’t you like to get feeding results like E. L. Stevens did with his tur­ keys at Mendon, 111.? , . 1 3.95 conversion . . . low death lo$s (7 .9 % ). The buyer said, "They were the best quality and the finest finish I bought this year!” , Come in or phone. W e’d like to tell you about Pillsbury’s turkey feeding plan. rr OREGON Special Sale 20 Cars Under Entered The Lights ATllVT II. Children Under 12 FREE When Accompanied by a Parent Thrills - Spills ! Don't Miss It 5 Sponsored By OWYHEE RIDING CLUB RODEO — AND — POST-RODEO * 355.00 JOHN DEERE SIDE DELIVERY RAKE With Double Main Wheels and Rubber-Tired Caster Wheels Regularly Priced at $426.00 Special Sale * 350.00 First Come, First Served THE STOCK IS LIMITED ! Freni NYSSA FEED MILL 4 Phone 361-W NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS With Floor Regularly Priced at $395.00 Tk» NYSSA Trial Runs Begins At 8:00 P. M. NU-WAY GRAIN BINS I 'I ¡EST;: Buy 1st A N D X IN Q WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 GOOD UNTIL JULY 20TH ONLY 1000 BUSHEL YOU’ LL LOVE ITS R I M I Hernman Motor Company Hot Rod Races TW O OF T H E M TURKEY FEEDS withM MYCINS” /UuntfM- M u ta*! and SPECIALS Pillsburyfe Best fc ■ - a.,. JALOPY Enjoying a picnic dinner and re­ union in the Nyssa Park Sunday a f- Average Conversion on 3,245 turkeys s with. . . Mrs Phillip Wilson, the former Miss Loretta Russell was feted at a wedding shower Wednesday after­ Mrs. Hamilton Chadderdon and Mrs. Harry McGlnley were co-hosi- esses at a pink and biue shower hon­ oring Mrs. Fred Norman last M on­ day evening at the Chadderdon home. Canasta was in play with prizes won by Mrs. Monte Fraser and Mrs George Oxnam. The honor guest re- I ceived many dainty gifts. Refresh- ments were served by the hostesses j »J*-- ; Home beaut/ begin Wedding Shower Cradle Shower The Sw eet Shop Ns Mr. and Mrs. A J Sullivan were host and hostess at a dinner and reunion with their grandchildren spending the Fourth of July with them Present vere Mr. and Mrs. Bob Startin and daughter and Miss Verda McKee, all of LaCrosse, Washington, Bonny Bizbee of Spo­ kane. Mr. and Mrs Gene McKee and son of Boise and Clarence Keller and Bobby of Adrian. * — •F A family reunion and picnic din­ ner were held at the Art Servoss home on the Fourth of July. Guests were his sister and family. Mr. and Mrs Harry W. Russell, Barbara unci Judy, former Nyssa residents and now of Toledo, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lowe and family, Carey Hawley o f Pendleton and Mrs. Florence Servoss. The Russell family spent the Fourth o f July holidays visiting here with Mrs. Russell’s mother. M r . Florence Servoss and hei brother, Art Servoss and family. — :* IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. John Grottvrit anil daughters were in Boise Sund.ii j.i a p.cinc with Mr and Vlr Poger- man and fam ily of Nampa. 4th O f July Reunion Fam ily Reunion At Ttie A rt Servoss Home Y E S _ _ _ THE SWEET SHOP noon at the Wilbur Hoi mo h- qis. Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs Hol­ comb were co-ho»tes«e« to 28 gu.- « Bunco furui'hed diver >n for the afternoon with prizes awarded to v K ) Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was a . cd ; opening of her many useful gifts by her sifter, Mr< Floyd Hale Refresh­ ments were served by the hostt ses at the close of the ait°rnoon. HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. i Nywia P H O N E 142