• THE MYSSA GATE CTTT JOUKff AL. Owyhee Occurrences • t > \ NYSSA. ORFGON. THURSDAY. JU Í.Y 10. 1932 were neighbors in Utah before Pat- [ terson's moved here. Mr and Mrs. Wallace Gregg and sons were honored guests at a pot- 4trg Alva l n M i d r l l M r s . K e n n e th M c D o n a ld luck luncheon Sunday at the Owy- I hee Community church after Sun- P ilo n i- ik > J - K l Phone 09tì-R3 | day school. The Greggs were pre sented with a picture plaque from Mr. and Mrs I R. ubiti' vis Mr and Mr.v Byrd Walters were Nvssa and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wal the group. Mr and Mrs. Gregg have hons Friday at a picnic on the lawn ters. -old their place and are moving to ited Sunday a: the Leslie Topliff at their home for the Robert Jo r><’ home. Mr. and Mrs. S D. Bigelow spe> t Quincy. "•’d S h a r o n of Opportunity, from Friday until Monday of last Ann V. Lew:- of Salt Lake City Mrs. Louis Skinner ana grand Wash., Mr. and Mrs. George Schre.- week with their daughter Mr and daughter. Shirley Skinner came is visiting at the home of her sis bci. a jr. ana Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mr. Mrs. Carl Jungquist and sons at El- home from California Friday after ter. Mrs. Harry Gardner and familv " ’’'1 Rey Walters and Brenda topia. Wash. Saturday ar.d Sunday visiting there for the past 10 days. Harry Gardner left Thursday for all of Boise, Mrs. Nellie Newbill of the group went on a sight seeing Mrs. Betty White, Johnny Bambu.-h W ashington wi .... trip to Moses Lake and Grand Couie of Los Angeles and Mrs. John Dal- work. Liam. Mr and Mr- Garret: Stern and paz and daughter Donna Jo of Tor Mrs. W C. Campbell of Kent, rance. Calif., brought Mrs. Skinner Mrs. and Mrs. 1 -lie Robbins spent Washington spent the night Wed home and spent Friday night here, Sunday aftern n at the James nesday with her sister Mrs. George returning to California Saturday Stephen, J r home. Sehweiser. afternoon. Mrs. Dalpaz is Mr. Mr and Mr- i iyd Cleaver en Mr ar.d Mrs. Carl Child of Clin Dalpaz is Mrs. Claude Skinner's sis tertained at a pu luck dinner Sun ton, Utah, visited Friday afternoon ter and Mrs. White is the Louis day. Guests were Mr and and Mr with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patter Skinner's daughter. Lester Cleaver and familv and Me son and family. The two families Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Roger at tended the funeral of his brother Kygar familie- and brought their Leonard Roger in Cove Monday. children and Maxine Kygar home Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mills and sons after they had spent a few days and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morfitt had there. a picinc with Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and M: Charles Share a t McDonald Friday. tended the wedding of Bernice Mc Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millikan and Connell ar.d Gcorce Miller in On family of Boise and Mrs. Cleoru tario Thursday evening. Watkins of Caldwell were guests in Mr. and Mi - I m- Skinner were the S. D. Bigelow home Friday af hosts at dinner Saturday for Me ternoon. Mrs. Watkins js Mr. Bige and Mrs. Claude Skinner and chil lows sister and Mrs. Millikan is Mrs. dren, Mrs. Neal Ni kelson and child Watkins daughter. ren, Mrs. Betty White. Mrs Johnny Linda Jones of Boise is spending Dalpaz and Donna Jo and Johnny this week with her uncle and aunt, Bambush of Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Mr. and Mrs Alfred McConnell USE THIS HERO BUILDER Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer spent and Elaine of Ontario .-¡vent Satur Thursday until Saturday in Hines day and Sund i rith Mr. CARNATION LINMERE RENOWN H 1) at the Johnny Westfall home. Mrs. Charles Share Elaine stayed Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wholcke and with Mr. and Mi Share for a longer A Daught.r« average: 13,790 Ibs. M.lk 572 Ibi. Fit family have purchased the basement visit. house at Owyhee Corner from Berle 6 D am i average: 11.800 Ibs. Milk Elton Hallmark left Friday for hfs Phifer and are moving in. 476 Ibs. Fat home in Grandvu v. W ash. after Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and j visiting here with his grandparents, Increase of 1,990 Ibs. M ilk; 96 Ibi. Fat. sons from Boise spent the 4th of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Roger and in July weekend at the home of her Ontario with hi- uncle and aunt. This is just one of the m any well- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar. Dr. and Mrs. L M Roger. proved bulls of Holstein, Guernsey and Larry Culbertson spent a few da vs Mr. and Mr- Ed Case of Nyssa Jersey breeds available to Y O U through last week with his uncle, Merle Mc and Mrs. Cases .-Ister. Mrs Denner a-tihcial insemination. Clure and family in Newell Heights. and children of Portland were Sun Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and day evening guests in the E. E. Malheur Dairy Breeders Mary Ellen and Fred Defter went Crocker home Association to Amity last week to the home of Phone Ontario 1099-W Brenda Walter- is staying in Boise Mr. Williams brother, Merle Wil with her parents for awhile. liams to a family reunion. On the Mrs. Louis Skinner and Shirley way up the group spent the night visited in the G. L. (Mac* McMillan at Hines at the John Westfall home. home while in Los Angeles. Mr. Mc Adell Hammon was a week-end Millan was on a business trip to Chi guest of Joan Crocker and her par cago so they did not see him but ents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker. report that Mrs. McMillan and Know vour Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda daughters were well. flew to Portland Saturday where MILK ! they spent two days with her sis CONTROL LAW ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Choat and family. Monday Mrs. Peutz and Wanda went on to Seattle where they met Mr. Peutz who had been fishing in Canada. The Peutz' stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Green in Redmond until Wednesday when they left for McCall and spent the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz at their cabin and on Sunday the whole group returned home. Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz plan to spend a few days here before re turning to McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn made a trip to Quincy last week. Lana Rice stayed with her grandmother, Mrs. Claude Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Linvillc and family spent the 4th at Silver City, Idaho where they picnicked. N yssa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar went to Crooked Creek Sunday where they visited with the Keith and Kenneai Buena Vista OREGON and Mr> Delbert Cleaver and fam ily. Mr and Mrs Woodrow Callahan and children of Drigerton, Utah, are visiting relatives here. Anna V Lewis of Salt Lake Citv. Mrs. Alta Graham of Parma and Mr- Harry Gardner and Larry weie dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mis. Robert Reffett. Mv and H n i ha MoCoWrtff were Sunday dinner guests at the M iricel Bishop home. Ray Callahan, who is in the Navy, i- home on a furlough to be with his mother. Mrs j<ve Callahan, who >- ill He has been stationed at Bay onne. N.J. Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner and Mr and Mrs. Gerald Horn have been fishing in Idaho the past sever al days. Mr and Mrs LaVern Cleaver and Alan spent Saturday at the John Bi'-ven home in Vale. Mr- Helen Mit -hell of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Tom Mitchell and child ren of Seattle and Mr and Mv- Fnrna Mitchell of Seattle visited Saturday and Sunday at the Lester Cleaver home. Mr«, oien Hoffman entertained several women at her home Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments were ser ved. Si mmy and Evelyn Cleaver re turned from Payette where they had spent the previous week at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. an i M r s Elmer Scott. Where Residents Spent the Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff. Reta. Mae and Wanda. A family picnic was held at the Alva Ooodell home. Guests were Mr. and Mr Henry E-trick and Vaughn of Meridian, and Mr. and Mrs D e l bert Cleaver. Gary, Brian and Don nie, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver en tertained at a family picnic at their h imp with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and family, Mr. and Mr Loyd Cleaver and family, Mr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekan- ger and Garry Ianniard. Ben Cleaver, and Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Clpaver Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner and family had a picnic near unity. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner and family were in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver and Mr. and LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs. Jarvis Milehell and Duine and Mr and Mrs. Norman ,Garner and children went picnick ing in the hills near Weiser the Fourth of July. V, alter l ee Reeves returned to his home at Burns Tuesday after spend ing one week visiting at the home of hi- parent-. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves. Mr and Mrs. Frank Parr and Mr. n.d Mrs. J W Rigney and Doris en joyed a picnic dinner Independence Diy at the Parr home. In the eve ning the group drove to Caldwell to see the fireworks display. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Whitaker their hou-eguest. Mr. and Mrs. J . L i Rands of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dick and family of Apple Val ley s|>ent Saturday at Payette Lakes. Mr and Mrs. Waller Roth anil daughters spent the Fourth of July weekend at Baker vaulting at the home of Mr Roth’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Philip Roth. The Walter Roth r ' r* c y r family -¡jgnt the prev: us weekend on a f .ur-day vacation at Wallow» LsV« Mrs. UDunna Mi l l e r plans to leave Friday ir. >minv for Bridge- ville Pennsylvania to join her hus band, Cpl. W E Miller who Is sta tioned there. Cpl. and Mr; Miller have been visiting her parents, Mr und Mr- Bill Schoen in Nys.-a. PITTED PIE CHERRIES $ 4.50 Mrs. Ooodell were among those who attended the Vale rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver a t tended the auto races at Meridian Mr and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glenda spent the day at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day fished at the Malheur reser voir. IN 30 LB TINS Hartman's Lockers » 2 MILES FAST ON HIGHWAY BLANKET LM BtUTY fN SU M N CE DEAD ANIMALS You mean Free Pickup Fast Service Daily you read of damage suits arising from unavoidable accident*. But why worry? Our all-embracing for business and professional men pro tects you from almost every angle. Let us protect you. Ask for details. to tell me Parma Nyssa M ilk Control holds prices Blanket Liability Insurance Phone 98 Phone 100-R Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. P" Renstrom Insurance Agency Oregon are Miles that Make You Happy u The dairy industry is under more complete regimen- M tation in Oregon than in any other state. The main purpose of the Oregon Milk Control Law is to hold prices up. To do this it gives the Milk Administration authority to set prices at the farm, wholesale and retail levels. It is unlawful to sell milk below these set prices, but Milk Control sets no upper limit on prices. The effect of this regimentation on YOU is that well managed businesses that keep their costs down are not per mitted to pass their savings on to the customer. Such regula tions protect high-cost operators, and actually require low-cost operators to take a larger profit than is necessary. In other words, you have no chance to get as low a price as the best merchandisers can afford to give you. vow #* Shop Safew ay...for fine foods at everyday low prices Tho qu estion * and a n sw e r* b elow sh o w som e other w a y s in w h ich O re g o n M ilk Control affects YOU. Q . D a e t M ilk Control d U c o u ro g o tom potlM ve dltlrlfcuMon of mlffc? No one can enter the milk business if the Administrator says such new competition might disturb existing distributors. A. VIS. Q . Doe« M ilk Control o llo w y o u o lo w e r prlco w h en yo u eorry m ilk h o m o youreoM ? You pay the higher costs of door-to-door delivery w hether you use this service or not. A. NO. O . D o e s M ilk Control lim it tho rlchno«« of m ilk ? The richness (butterfat content) of milk sold in each price range is limited by the rulings of the Milk Administrator. A. YiS. O . D o e s tho O r e g o n M ilk Control l o w regu lolo Sonitory con d ition «? It has absolutely nothing to do with the sanitation, health inspec tion, cleanliness, or the purity of milk. A. NO. Q . D o e s M ilk Co n tro l lim it tho s u p p ly of O ro do A m ilk ? A Y IS T o sell Grade A milk for your use a farmer must first get permission from the Administrator. If he gets permission (and many do not), he is given a quota. If he produces more he must often sell the surplus at a lower price for cheese or other fact«»ry uses. Send fo r Ib is free booklet Y o u <nd your fim ily ere vitally concerned by »nythma ihet elect« the m ilk tupply o f your comm unity. Leern ho«v O re a o n M ilk C o n tro l effect« YtN T . A rue to >el«» et Store«. 1 1 J9 S.E. T h ird . Portland 14. Or«. SAFEWAY IW e jm «hr«v* §■* F** •"■'V ou ’ ll discover a lot that you like in X this neat, fleet and nimble traveler the first mile you drive it. I low easy it is to park in round-town driving, especially if you have Power Steering.! Such things as cushions broad and deep — six-passenger room unsurpassed by any car in A m erica — fabrics rich, soft, harmonious. I low relaxed you and the family will feel at the end of a long day’s vacation jaunt—with Dynaflow Drive to let you drive at ease on the open road, w ithout the tenseness of clutch-pushing in traffic —plus a Million Dollar Ride to protect the comfort of the family. As you take it through traffic—breast a hill or two—try it out on back roads— yc j M find that you handle Dynaflow Ilriv e* as if you had always used it— your ride is serenely level—and a great tide of power comes surging up as you need it. This, you w ill say, is very Super indeed. B u t no one-time sample can tell you the deep-down enduring th rill th at is your« when you own this great middle series liuick. T h at ride is something to talk about. M ore than a dozen selected engineering features control roll and wander on curves—snub dip and sway before they get past the fram e—carry you over all kinds of roads with lullahv smoothness. head that really wrings miles from a gallon of gas. I n other words, all the miles you travel in this B u ick are going to m ake you gladder and gladder that you bought it —for comfort, for fun, for thrill and for thrift. W hat are you waiting for? Come in and get your sample today. Equipment, accessories, trim and models are subject to change without notice. *Standard on RoaJmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. fNow avail able on Super as well as Roadmaster—optional at extra cost. And that Fireball 8 Engine man, what a docile thunderbolt you'll find it to be I H ere's a high-compression valve-in R O B E R T S -N Y S S A , Inc. O When battei au to m o b iles Sure it true for *52 . ore built B U IC K nr.li build ♦♦»»«« . N Y SSA . O REGON