Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, July 10, 1952, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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and the printing trade in particu­
John Daly, our ex-adman and
printer, left la-t week for Roseburg
where he will vork as a printer, so
we doubled up on our own duties
DI ANE U A L T E E S .................................H » * *■< FuHfeher
this week. Dick Yost, recently of
Uiunf k Ahrr« tod G n L. Whorltm, Owners
Tacoma, arrived Tuesday to serve
a- reporter and adman, so we went
through the same thing of com ­
paring notes and discussing the
»2 50
fourth estate, as well as making
6 Months
a few hurried trips atound town on
1 year outside Malheur Co. and
a get-acquainted tour.
Paruia. Ida. rural routes. $3 00
To top things off. we're missing
8tngto Copies
part of the broadcasts from Chica­
(Strictly In Advance)
go where the Battle of the Century
is being fought and have to stay
up 'way beyond normal bedtime to
Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon.
listen to some of the radio commen­
Entered at the postoflice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission
tators analyze the day's activities
at the OOP convention. Later in the
through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under
month, it will be the same thing
the act of March 3. 1870.
all over again when we want to hear
what the Democrats are doing and
which of the ' sure” candidates geu
around going on at the produce the nod from the delegates.
houses this week too. as the new
Along The
We're certain that the entire pop­
crop of spuds is being brought in ulation will be rewarded if they’ve
for grading and shipment to mar­ been going through any rush period
ket The J. C. Watson Co. was the in preparation for the roedo whicn
first to move potatoes on their way opens tonight. It will be our first
to market and several others fol­ opportunity to see the Nyssa show
lowed later in the week A new p ro­ and all indications are that it will
duce house is being built south o l surpass any others here and many
The person trying to tell us that First street near the railroad by others in surrounding towns.
things slow down around Nyssa dur­ Be us Bros, who expect to have the
Members of the Owyhee Riding
ing the summer months was talking building completed In time for part club and Nyssa Chamber who have
through his sombrero. However, it of this year's potato crop, so the been putting in long hours and ne­
could be that we're like the rest of construction crew there Is really in glecting their own businesses are
the American people — maybe a hurry.
deserving of unlimited credit There
we're Just hurrying up to get some­
Just to be different, we sorta h as been a lot of time invested in
thing done so we can hurry some hung around the office last Friday making plans and carrying them out
and Saturday and didn't even pop to say nothing of the physical labor
Last week we clipped a day out any firecrackers, but attempted to donated by numerous members of
of the calendar and got the Jour­ get caught up on some of the paper the Riding club to prepare the ro­
nal out on Wednesday so subscri­ work that had piled up on the desk deo grounds for the big show while
bers could get their paper before The two holidays weren't enough, their farm crop' wait for attention.
When you’re .sitting in the grand­
the Fourth. This week the rodeo is so we came back Sunday for a re v
occupying everyone’s time and in­ hours and soon decided that there's , stand any of the three nights. Just
remembers that a lot of people have
terest and tlie entire area seems to always another day.
be in a hurry to get everything
To keep the record straight and done a lot of work to make the
ready for the three-night event. emphasize that the above is not a rodeo po.^ible It should also be re-
We've been trying to run down sev­ tale of woe, well have to admit thaw imembered that tho.e responsible
eral of the rodeo officials to get a lot of our time Is non-productive. are not expecting personal praise or
last-minute accounts of the big For Instance, Nelson Bynon, whJ reward and have done the work vol­
event and most of them seem to be hails from coastal regions, took over untarily and willingly. Each one has
hurrying faster than we do — in as Linotype operator here, so we've derived a lot of satisfaction in do­
the opposite direction.
spent a lot of his and our time gab­ ing his part and had fun that goes
There's been a lot of rushing bing about print shops in general with any work of that kind. The
Nyssa Night Rodeo is a community
project and should have the com­
munity's full support by a record at­
Morning worship, 11 a m.
Young peoples service«, 7 p. m.
Evening worship. 8 p. m
Mrs Harry Gardner gave a demon­
Wednesday evening prayer service
stration on cosmetics. Out-of-town
guests were Mrs Mary James of 8 o'clock.
We invite everyone to these old
Caldwell and Mrs A. E. Lindsay
time landmark Baptist services.
of Wilder.
Friday and Saturday, July 11 and 12
b u r ia l i W c s
Monday Dinner Guests
Men's Chambray
Nylon Hose
51 Gauge 15 Daniari
77 £
Blue—Sizes 14V4 to 17
Bubble Cloth
Beautiful Print*
1 .1 9
Wedding Shower Given
Dark and Light Stripes
25% Wool
Men's White
Wool Blankets Handkerchiefs
Rayon Satin Binding
Value 5.95
Large Size
3 .9 9
Monday evening dinner guests at
the Frank Skeen home were Mr.
and Mrs. Them Baker and family
who left Tuesday for Moses Lake
where they will make their home.
Wilson Bros. Dept. Stores
Dry Goods. Shoes and Ready-to-Wear
Phone 32
Modern, 3-Piece
A wedding shower was given last
Thursday for Mrs. Betty Kurtz at
Newell Heights. Mrs Carl Hill. Mrs.
George Schlemer and Mrs Maurice
Judd were co-hostesses. The show­
er was held at the Judd home with
35 guests present. Refreshments
were served by the co-hostesses.
Shelley, Idaho, acrobatic-contortion­
ist. Normand is rated as one of the
top announcers in the business. Miss
Hansen will thrill the audience with
l»er wonderful acrobatic perform­
wald Forbes presided at the coffee
service and punch oowl. The wed­
ding cake was cut by Kittie Ferrante
and Sally Junker was in charge of
the guest book.
The bride chose as her going away
ensemble a suit of white gabardine
with navy blue accessories and a
rosebud corsage.
After many good wishes and amid
showers of rice and confetti the
couple left on an extended trip
through Yellowstone National Park
and California. They are at home
in Alberta and will .reside in Port­
land after July 15.'
The couple are both employed at
the telephone company.
versary of her son, Wayne. Addition­
al guests were Terry Hoff, Leslie El­
more. Wayne and Doyle Riggs, Du­
gan and Steven Lawrence. Kathy
and Ruth Anne McGinley. Mrs.
Lynn Lawrence, Mrs. Roy Hoff and
Mrs. Harry McGinley were also pres­
Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister
10 a. m., Sunday school. Classes
The little guests played games and
were presented balloon favors. The for all.
10 a. m., morning worship.
main feature of the refreshments
No night worship for several
was a birthday cake with four can­
.New Stock
Mr and Mr Fred Williams cele­ 7th Birthday Party
Sharon Tobler celebrated her sev­
brated their 21st anniversary Wed­
enth birthday with a theatre party
Saturday afternoon. After the 17
guests attended the matinee they
Former Nvssa Girl Weds
returned to the home of Sharon's
At a candlelight ceremony Friday parents, Mr and Mrs Hugh Tobler
evening June 20. Miss Twyla Louise to play games and enjoy appropri­
Crawford, daughter of Mrs. Ethel ate refreshments.
Crawford, formerly of Nyssa. b e ­
came the bride of Robert Broderick,
son of Mr aiid Mrs. C. J Broderick Wayne Overstake Is Four
Mrs. Dale Overstake entertained
of Portland, at the Grace Manor in
Portland. Dr. Harold Tuttle offici­ with a birthday party Thursday a f­
ternoon celebrating the fourth anni-
The bride, given in marriage by
her brother-in-law, Wayne D. Mor­
ris, wore a gown of white slipper
satin with a train, and a fingertip
veil of nylon net and carried a bou­
quet of stephanotis and rosebuds.
The bride's attendant. Miss Betty
M.iksinovteh, wore a soft orchid
formal and carried orchid flowers.
Leonard Bennet. brother-in-law of
Herbert E. Cox
the groom was best man Music by
a violin with harp accompaniment
included "I Love You Truly" and a
solo, "Becuase" preceded the cere­
Located At Western Store
At the reception following the
244-J Residence Ph. 286-R
ceremony the bride's twin sisters.
Mrs. Wayne D Morris and Mrs. Os-
section of
piston ring
1 Block Waal of Railroad Depot
Phene 14» W
Rev. C. T. Crenshaw, Rector
Evening service, 7:30 p. m.
Park Avenue and Third Street
Rev. Rembert Ahles, O. F. M.
Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m.
and daily at 8 a. m.
L. D. S. 2nd WARD
D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop
Sunday—Priesthood meeting, 9:15
a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m.
Sacrament meeting, 8 p. m.
Tuesday—Relief society, 2 p. m.
Wednesday—Primary, 4 p. m., M.
I. A., 8 p. m.
Adrian. Oregon
Church school, 10 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
off square
Subscribe Now
to Renew Your Subscription
For The
Gate City Journal
From A Member of the
Malheur Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
You will receive the newspaper covering the
activities of the Nyssa Community each week
and will be helping this hard-working organ­
ization raise funds for their hospital work.
This Auxiliary Subscription Campaign
Ends July 19, 1952
Only $ 2 .5 0 Per Year
In Malheur County, Oregon and Payette and
Canyon Counties, Idaho
• '/ V m i * « TVr*
Latest Designs
Rev. Glen Abla, Pastor
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a m.
N. Y. P. S. and junior meeting,
7 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting, 8 o’clock
Wednesday evening.
THE C H U B C n o r
Fifth Street & Park Avenue
Rev. John L. Briehl, Pastor
Sunday church school, 10 a. m.
Divine worship service, 11 a. m.
Hostess At Social Afternoon
Elder Haskell Dane, Pastor
You are cordially invited to wor-
Mrs. R. L. Sherbert was hostess
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
I ship with us.
$3.00 Per Year
Call u* about it. Fine producta
like this plus faithful service
are the mainstay* of our local
\ *
!,. D. S. 1st WARD
Gordon Ray, Bishop
Primary Wednesday 10 a. m.
Sacrament Sunday 8 p. in.
21st Wedding Anniversary
If you d o y ou r o » ^ mainte
nanca on your car, you may lie
interested in making this little
gadget we heard about.
It make* the acraping o f pis­
ton ring groove* fast and easy.
Royce Chadwick left Tuesday for
Victorville, California, where his is
stationed with the Air Force.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham and
Mr. and Mr^ Warren Richardson
spent the weekend in Unity fishing
and camping.
Mrs. Clyde Snider left Friday for
a visit with relatives in Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. John Broad, Mr. and
Mrs. William Hipp and Mr and
Mrs. Nick Rudelick returned Tues­
day evening from a four-day fish­
ing trip to Spencer, Idaho.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Warren were
fishing and camping near Unity
from Thursday until Sunday eve­
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Williams en­
tertained with dinner Tuesday eve­
ning at their home for Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Brower and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Jensen.
July 4th guests at the B. F. Rook-
stool home were Mr. and Mrs. An-
cel Rooks tool and Rohn of Comp­
ton, California; Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Butler of Greeley, Colorado; Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Whitman and
ohildren of Baker, Oregon; Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Olson and .children
of Crouch, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Rookstool and family of
Adrian; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W hip­
ple and family and Pfc. Keith Rook-
stool of Mountain Home Air Base.
Shown here are three of the prin­
cipals of the Nyssa Rodeo sched­
uled for July 10, II and 12. Left to
right are Hobart Normand, El I’aso,
Texas, announcer: Harley Tucker,
rodeo producer, and Karen Hansen,
By Bill Schireman
Donald S. Campbell, Minister
9:45 a. m . church school.
11 a. m., morning wors-hlp.
7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship.
Speed Overhaul Jobs With
Homemade Piston Cleaner
usually priced in the $300 class
at the amazingly
low price of
Henry E. Moore, Pastor
Omitted from the list of flower
Morning Worship 11 00 A. M.
gardens visited by the Nyssa Civic
Sermon subject—'What is Hope
Club on their annual garden tour
Who Has It?
were those in the Nyssa area at the
homes of Mesdames M L Judd.
George Schweizer and G erm Stan.
+ —*
Henry E. Moore. Pastor
Outing At Starkey
Morning worship. 11 a. m.
One group of Nyssaites took ad­
vantage of the Fourth of July holi­
assem bly o f g o d
day for a swimming party and pic­
Frank C. Coley, Pastor
nic at Starkey Hot Springs. In the
South 2nd and Reece Ave.
group were Mr and Mrs. Philip
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Woodard and daughter. Mr and
Childrens service in basement au­
Mrs Ernest Bunn, Gary and Morell. ditorium at 11 a m.
Mr and Mrs. Kent Bunn. Janeal
Morning worship 11 a. m.
and Dean Fife. Mr. and Mrs. Taft
Evening evangelistic service 8 p m.
Pett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Tuesday evening prayer and praise
Bunn and daughter and Mr and 8 p. m.
Mrs. Frell Blair and son. They drove
Friday evening Christ Ambassa­
on up to McCall and Payette Lakes dor 8 p. m.
and had a picnic supper at Ever­
Young people service 8 p. m.
green Park enroute home.
Everyone welcome to all services.
Sectional Davenport
social afternoon las* W oiinev
Gardens Omitted
t woooen
otii a« I a 0 s 4 l * l
fcv tAe A (n rn iM i l\ tro i*u m In stitu te.
O f course, you won't have to
w orry about this job if you use
Heavy Duty R P M M otor Oil.
First motor oil developed thru
atom ic research. Heavy Duty
• RPM," cw pofad » ith o m
After July 19, 1952
Subscription Rates Will Be Advanced
to $3.00 Per Year
In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and
Canyon Countiea, Idaho
venlion.il oils,* doubles the life
af average automobile engines
m ajor overhauled**- to
lubrication . . . cuts in half (i*.
rale U vital rug trie p t n x
$3.90 Per Year
e* strife.
W m E. SCHiR EM Aft
Phon« 61W
Ny**«, Oregon
AFTER T H A T DATE— Single Copies Will Be Advanced to 7c